
Goodbye High School (Changed and restarting again)

He stood at the entrance for a second before walking up to our table. He had his famous poker face on and his eyes were carrying a piercing gaze.

I was mentally panicking when I saw Sehun walking up to our table. Please save me, someone. 

"Sehun ah..."

He looked from Jungkook to me and when I was least expecting, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the library. 

Normally I would get angry when he does this, but this time, I know I'm in the wrong. I shouldn't have came to meet Jungkook. 

We ended up walking to our  classroom.

Sehun sighed and punched the wall a little before saying,

"Why?! Why can't you just listen to me and avoid him?! Didn't I told you to do so?!"

I was scared. Very scared. This is the first time Sehun blew his top at me. I didn't know what to say, or what to do. I wanted to run out of the classroom but I know Sehun would be even angrier if I do so. 

"I... I just wanted to know why does he want to see me there... That's all!" I stuttered while saying.

"Thing's isn't that simple, don't lie to me. I know both of you were confessing to each other!"

Wait... what? How did he know? Was he listening to our conversation? 

I was annoyed. Very annoyed. I know I'm partly wrong because I didn't avoid Jungkook but he was in the wrong too for eavesdropping!

"Did you eavedropped on us?" 

He looked away for a second before answering yes.

"That's rude! Sehun ah, what happened to you? It seemed like you are a different person ever since Jungkook transferred over!"

I couldn't control my temper anymore. But I guess I made things worse now, Sehun looked even angrier.

"What happened to me? You should be asking yourself that! You spend most of your time with him, you ignore my messages and calls!"

"I already apologised for that! Why are you always bringing this up?!" 

"Because I hate it when you are with him! You changed Minah, if you didn't know it."

"I didn't change."

I said with tears in my eyes. This was the first time Sehun and I quarrel with each other. And I'm scared, yet angry at the same time.

Sehun walked back and forth with his hands on his face. He always does this when he is sad, angry or frustrated. Now maybe it's all three in one.

"Can't you understand?" He spoke.

"I'm jealous, alright!" 

Jealous?... Sehun's jealous of Jungkook? But why!!

"Why? Jungkook and I are just friends!" I lied, because to me, Jungkook's already more than just a friend.

There was at least 2 minutes of silence after I spoke. Then finally, Sehun said something which shocked me.

"I know the both of you like each other."

I froze. How did he know??!!

"I always look at you when you are talking to him. And for your information, you are always smiling like an idiot, laughing like a crazy woman, blushing like mad when you are with him." "You don't do this when you are with me."

"It's because I'm too familar with you... me smiling, laughing or blushing... don't think too much about it..."

"That's the problem. Too familarize. I always thought you would like me and give me a chance... but sadly, it didn't happened. I guess if we know each other some time later, I think you'll like me, as much as I like you."

As much as I like you?... What... Sehun likes me???

Bravely, I asked, "as much as I like you...?"

"Yes. Choi Minah. I liked you ever since year 1."

I received two confessions today from two charming guys. Any girls would have faint if they were in my position. 

"But but.. you are my good-.."

"I know." 

He cut my sentcne.

"Good friend, right? Yeah to you, we are good friends to me, you are my long term crush."

Before I could even 'digest' what he said, he continued his sentence.

"To tell you the truth, when I first saw you in year 1, you caught my attention already. I tried many ways to get near you, but it seemed like its no use. Thanks for that basketball match that made us friends."

"You were asking why did the ball hit you right? It's because I did it on purpose." "Just to get your attention."

Sehun finally told me the reason. 

I'm at a loss of words. What should I do?

Sehun walked up and stood in front of me. 

"But I guess after all this years, after everything we have gone through together, you didn't like me romantically."

With that, he walked out of the classroom and disappeared into the hallway.

I stood in my spot, didn't know how to accept everything Sehun told me. 

So.. Sehun liked me ever since year 1? But why didn't he confess earlier? There was many questions going through in my head.

I walked over to my seat and sat down. And started thinking about what Sehun said. 

I wanted to cry, seriously. I felt like I let Sehun down. But why am I feeling this way?! I don't think I gave him any hints that I liked him at all!

My phone rang suddenly, disrupting my thoughts. 

I took my phone out of my pocket and the screen shows 'Jungkook'.

I contemplated whether to answer or not, but I did eventually.

"Hello? Minah? Where are you?"

"Oh I... i'm in the classroom."

"You didn't take your bag when Sehun pulled you out. I'll go over to pass you your bag now."

I wanted to say no, because I want to be alone for now but even before I can reply him, he hung up the phone.

Within minutes, Jungkoom arrived with my bag in his hands.


"You are welcome... did Sehun say anything? You look sad."

I touched my face while replying him, "No he didn't say anything. I need to go home now."

Jungkook called out to me but I didn't bother turning my head back. I really wanted to be alone now.











Hello! Chapter 12 up! Hope you liked it! :)




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jiyoung17 #1
Chapter 17: Oooomg!...sehun!!! He's giving her sass!hahaa...update soon fighting !
jiyoung17 #2
Chapter 16: Omg this is so cute!!! I can't omg! Ahhhhh!..fighting! Keep updating pls!:)
sehunaahh #3
Chapter 11: Aww jealous Sehun is so cute kekeke