
Goodbye High School (Changed and restarting again)

'SEHUN!! QUICKLY SHOOT THE BALL INTO THE BASKET AND SCORE A POINT FOR YOUR TEAM!!' I shouted at the top of my lungs while watching my best friend, Sehun in a basketball competition. This was our school, Grand Seoul High School's annual basketball competition and each year without fail, Sehun and his group of friends, Exo would definitely join the competition. And it's also because of this competition, I got to know Sehun and Exo. 

*flashback to year 1 of the basketball competition.*

'I heard today is our school's annual basketball competition!! And guess what girls, Exo will be playing too!' I heard the girls sitting at the table next to me in our school's cafe said. 'Oh my goodness! Exo?! We need to hurry down now to get good spots! Let's go now!' I heard another girl at that table saying. Just then, in a split second the girls that were sitting at that table next to me vanished like thin air. 

'Exo? The 12 guys that all the girls liked and guys envied? Wow, it's only the first year of their high school and they are already well-known in this school? Wow.' I thought to myself. 'I think i should go and take a look too.' I said to myself while getting up and carrying my black leather bagpack, heading towards the basketball court. 

When I reached there, the front rows are all occupied by girls which I'm guessing it's Exo's fangirls. 'Haish all this girls needs to get a grip on themselves.' I said to myself while searching for an available seat. Lucky for me, there is still a small empty space at the front row so I quickly walked over there and sat myself down. 

'Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Grand Seoul's High School annual basketball competition! Please quickly settle down as the match would be starting in a min's time!' Our school principal, Mr Kim said through the microphone. Soon enough, the match started and everybody at the court was hyped up. 

5 minutes into the game, I noticed that Exo had already scored 3 points and the other team had 0. 'Wow, this Exo group is good at basketball.' I said to myself. Just as I finished my sentence, I saw a ball flying towards my direction and before my reflexes could even tell me to react, the ball hit my forehead and I stumbled back a little. Haish, my day isn't that lucky as I thought it would be eventually. Right then, I saw all 1 of the Exo boys running towards my direction with shocked expressions on his face.

'Oh so sorry! We didn't mean it. Are you alright Minah?' one of the guys said to me. 'Yeah I'm fine. How did you know my name?' I replied him. 'From your nametag on your uniform. Oh yes and my name's Sehun. I need to go back to the game but can you meet me at our school's open field after this match?' Sehun said and before I could reply him, he is already running back to the court continuing the game. 'Haish my forehead hurts so much I'm not going to contine sitting here' I said to myself while making my way out of the audience seat. 

Having my forehead bruised and no where to go in this school, I decided to find where is the 'open field' and explore that area first. This school is so huge to the point that I had to keep looking out for sign board directions. After a good 20minutes of searching, I finally found the 'open field' and to my surprise, it's so beautiful. The open field is somewhere for students or teachers to go when they need to relax or just to chill when work's getting tough. The place is 100% indoors, but is named 'open field' for the purpose of it. I walked around open field while waiting for that Sehun guy to come.

An hour later, that Sehun guy appeared with another 11 boys with him. Sehun's hands were holding onto a first aid box and a bottle of drink. 

'Hey Minah. Here, take this bottle of drink first, I bought it for you as an apology gift for accidently throwing the ball towards you. And come over here and sit, I will help you attend to the bruise.' Sehun said. As much as I wanted to reject as offer to help me attend to my bruise, this stupid bruise was hurting so badly that I just sat down as what he said. This moment shall be the most awkward moment in my entire life. While Sehun was treating to my bruise, the other 11 guys in Exo kept staring at us and mumbly something within each other. And as much as I wanted to stand up and walk away, I couldn't. 

Finally after god knows how long this awkward-ness persisted, Sehun was finally done with treating my bruise. I quickly thanked him and bowed to Exo and quickly ran out of open field.

'Owwww, Sehun is finally a HUGE step nearer to approaching Minah huh.' Kai said while smirking. 'Ya Sehun, did you purposely threw the ball towards her so you can approach her?' D.O asked. 'What do you think bro? Of course I did it on purpose. This might not be the best way to get her attention but at least, she knows 'OH SEHUN' exists.' I replied while smirking at my other brothers. 'Woow, our Sehun has grown up.' Kris said. 

*end of flashback*

Very quickly, it's already the last year that Exo can join in this basketball competiton, since it's the last year of our high school. And thinking back on our first encounter at this court, me and Exo became friends and because I do not have friends in the school during our first year of school, they even told me to hang out with them in school and outside. And of course, Sehun told me he threw the ball on purpose to get my attention, but when I asked him for the reason why, he refuses to reveal, even until now.

The match was finally over and I walked over to Exo, with a bottle of 'orange juice' for Sehun.

'Exo!! You all were so cool!!' I said. 'Thanks Minah! We know right!' Chanyeol replied me while smirking. 'Oh yes, where's Sehun?' I asked. 'Looking for me?' Sehun said while appearing suddenly behind me. 

'I bought this orange juice for you Sehun. It's your favourite drink right? Here, take it.' I said while passing the bottle of 'orange juice' to him. Sehun did not say anything but gulp down the 'orange juice' as he was too thirsty. I quickly smiled evily when Sehun had his first mouth of 'orange juice'.

*spits* 'YA CHOI MINAH! WHAT'S THIS? IT'S NOT ORANGE JUICE!' Sehun screamed. 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's a success!' I said while laughing at Sehun. 'It's your worst enemy, lemon juice!! I bought it and used orange juice's bottle to store it so you couldn't see the colour's difference.' I said evily. 

'Haish you owed me something for pulling a prank on me then.' Sehun said. 'What do you want?' I replied. 

'I want you to be my girlfriend. Sounds good right?'













Hello! Kaizninja here! I'm re-starting my ff, so please support it nevertheless alright? 

I know that I write my ff like I'm writing a composition, so I re-evaluate the way I write and yeah, I tried my best! Please read the ff beautifully and lovely comments are appreciated! Thanks!









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jiyoung17 #1
Chapter 17: Oooomg!...sehun!!! He's giving her sass!hahaa...update soon fighting !
jiyoung17 #2
Chapter 16: Omg this is so cute!!! I can't omg! Ahhhhh!..fighting! Keep updating pls!:)
sehunaahh #3
Chapter 11: Aww jealous Sehun is so cute kekeke