B o o b Indicator!

Zero and Hero


Jinwoo sighed as he watch his every step while walking to his dorm, Mino quietly following behind. He didn’t choose this university to be popular in the most unusual way. He wanted to be in YG University because he knows Mino will be here. He thought if they will be in the same school they might actually become real friends, than having the zero-and-hero relationship. He actually wanted to have a genuine friendship with him for so long and show how grateful he is, but never got an opportunity. Every time they’ll meet before, it’s always Jinwoo in trouble and Mino helping him. He just now realized, whether they’re at the same school or not, it will never be easy.


Jinwoo thought the earth’s axis tilted for a few seconds when Mino suddenly yanked his bag causing him to lean back on his broad chest.

“Watch where you’re going. You almost hit the lightpost.” He heard Mino said before pushing him slightly back on his feet.


“T-thank you.” He muttered and for the gazillion time, Jinwoo tried yet again, to engage Mino in an actual conversation. “We’re almost there. By the way, where is your dorm Mino-ssi?” Jinwoo continued walking.


“I don’t live inside the campus,” Mino answered flatly.


“Oh. Uhm.. I also learned more about you today. You’re really popular with the students. T-they even question why I am associated w-with you. I mean… uhm… because of your status. No, because of my status.” Jinwoo cautiously glanced back at Mino after stopping in front of his dorm.


“Just tell them you’re just a lost-kid whom I have to help. Like donating in a charity, that sort of help.”


“Oh. Okay.” Jinwoo mumbled. Well, that stings a bit. Here he was pushing himself to build a friendship with him while he sees him like a charity institution.


“I’ll go inside now then.” Jinwoo walked in without giving Mino a second look. Mino is really something that he wouldn’t understand even after a thousand life times.


Unknown to Jinwoo, Mino lingered around outside for a while. When Jinwoo finally entered his room and his lights, “Second floor, furthest right.” Mino smiled before walking away.





“Like donating to a charity.”


Jinwoo’s contemplating to shift his course to become a scientist as it may need rocket science for him to understand Mino. It’s not that he’s complaining having Mino around but he just wants to know what’s going on in Mino’s mind. He’s a-nobody, it was already established long time ago, but he doesn’t understand why Mino wastes his time with him. Why does he need to know where Jinwoo is staying? It doesn’t seem like he wants to be friends as well.


Maybe he just really sees me as a recipient of his good deeds so he can later be qualified to enter heaven. He thought to himself.


“Jinwoo-yah!” Seungyoon called from a distance and ran towards Jinwoo.


“Hi, Seungyoon,” Jinwoo greeted back. They are at the path-to-nowhere behind a school building again.


“How many versions of grey hoodies do you have, Jinwoo? Everytime I see you, you’re wearing this ugly hoodie.” Seungyoon teased.


“Woah! Look who’s talking. How many versions of ugly fedora hats do you have then?” Jinwoo snorted.


“Yah!” Seungyoon grabbed his fedora and dramatically place it on his chest whispering. “Shhh, don’t worry baby. He didn’t mean it. You look good on me.”


Jinwoo shook his head, finally smiling. “Why am I with a lunatic?”


Just when they are about to turn to the building they are heading to, Jinwoo witnessed first-hand how serious was Seungyoon’s YG Uni Survival 101 should be taken.


“I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry so I need to pass by here,” a geeky girl explained while continuously bowing.


“Okay, we’ll forgive you. But in return you have to carry our bags for us to our class.” a model like girl replied while looking at her well-polished nails.

“But then, I’ll be late.”

“That’s not our problem. It’s either you attend your class on time with a bald head after we pulled out all your hair OR you help us carry our bags. Uhm.. please.” The other half of the two witches threatened.

The geeky girl has no other choice but to comply. “Be careful, those bags are more expensive than your parents’ annual income combined.”


Jinwoo wanted to step in to at least help the girl carry the bags but Seungyoon stopped him. “You should get used to this kind of scenes Jinwoo.”


“Shouldn’t we do something about it?” Jinwoo sulked.


“Just let them be. Those are the Park sisters, daughters of The Park Malls owner. You know how big their chain of malls are right? That’s how big their influence here as well. They even own all the franchised fashion boutiques in the campus.”


Jinwoo looked at the retreating back of the three ladies, “Seungyoon, you should give a survival briefing for all the grey zone kids in the school,” he said, which was ignored by the other.


“Let’s go quick. The son of a Senator is in our next class. Seungyoon’s mouth never stopped moving throughout the 5 minute walk to their class, bombarding Jinwoo with another rounds of his Survival 101.


“His name is Kim Hanbin but he likes to be called B.I. short for Indicator.” Seungyoon laughs.


“What’s with his nickname?” Jinwoo couldn’t help but to join in, laughing at the odd alias.


“Well, he seems to be a really friendly guy. He doesn’t really care from what background you are from, as long as you have s, you’ll get his attention.”


“Good, so we won’t be getting his attention.”


“He isn’t a snob though. Unlike, uhmm.. your friend-


“I told you, I can’t really call Mino my friend.”


“Anyway, unlike Song Mino who only mingles around with people in his prominence, except you obviously, B.I. is really sociable.”


Jinwoo wanted to split his skull open from the torture of Seungyoon’s nonstop talking about this and that rich kids.


Why do I have to listen to this?


“There he is the guy who just entered. That’s B.I.” Seungyoon nudged Jinwoo as they were about to take their sit at the very last row.


Jinwoo directed his gaze at the guy flashing a wide smile at all the girls greeting him with a sweet “Good morning, Hanbinnie.” He truly acts like a politician’s son, waving and greeting people like how politicians do during campaign period.


Jinwoo muffle a laugh as he watches all the girls in the class trying so hard to keep B.I.’s attention on them. Spreading legs on their seats, leaning forward on the table to exaggerate their cleavages. Jinwoo can only shake his head at such behaviour, thanking the heavens for not making him a girl. When he looked back at the suspect for the slain young girls, he was surprise to meet his eyes staring directly at him, grinning widely before waving.


Jinwoo and Seungyoon looked at each other with confusion. Jinwoo pointed at himself as if asking if it was really him that B.I. just waved to. Seungyoon nodded stupidly as confirmation. By the time they glance back, the guy is already in front of Jinwoo, leaning dangerously close to his face.


“Hi, you’re Jinwoo right?”




Tadah! Chapter 3! huehuehuehue! Thank you so much for your encouraging comments. I'm having fun reading them all! ^^ The BOF vibe is not intentional okay? I feel kinda disappointed at myself because of that. hahahaha! Anyway, kaijintaichou, pls enlighten me more on how does this fic have an ouran highschool vibe, maybe I can exploit explore that plot too hehehe! I hope no one will get upset with the park sister's short y cameo, sorry for that if anyone doesn't like it, mianhe >< Also, I initially planned to use Hoonie for B.I.'s character but then I want to keep the original members of winner as buddies so I decided on BI since he's been showing up in quite a few of minwoo fics as well. I hope you guys don't mind ><

Question (also a spoiler): Mino will be link to a female character, can you suggest anyone for that? I use CL in my last fic, maybe Lee Hi? I won't say if she's a good or bad character though but one with a good public image. Dara and Bomu are out, because Park sisters were already mention here. I really cannot decide who to use for a female character >< help me please! Thank you!

Here's Jinwoo's Student ID! LOL! (sorry I just made it in Word so it looks like , hehehe)

Thank you so much for your love and support! /bow/

love lots,


powerd by minwoo minions

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Chapter 16: Update please... 〒_〒 I'm waiting for thiss〒_〒
supaluv76 #2
Chapter 16: Up date please... It is really good..
myjinu #3
Chapter 5: I hope authornim read all of comment here to update the story..its sososo good
bellewinner #4
Chapter 16: This is rrally good but please update :(
Jinuoppa #5
Chapter 16: Update pliss
Jinuoppa #6
Chapter 16: Up dated thiss story plissss authornim, where are you??
Jinuoppa #7
Update plissssss
Jinuoppa #8
Chapter 16: Its 2019 already,, plissss updating this story authornim,,,i realy realy realy like this songkim story
nana0415 #9
Chapter 16: Hye authornim^^ i hope you'll keep updating this story till the end cause i'm really like your story :)
taedrew #10
Chapter 16: Why no updates im crying blood 3 years already im gonna cry