Number 5

Actual Boyfriends

In which I went to see my friend's church choir Christmas concert and got inspired.

these arent even real descriptions anymore 

I will end you, Park Jimin, just you wait.


Jungkook sighed to himself as he followed the older boy and his friends, trailing after them like a lost puppy. He was dragged along to the Christmas Lights celebrations by Jimin after he found out Jungkook would be attending a nearby church’s choir performance.


“We have someone in the choir we’re going to see,” Jimin told him. “You should just come along with us!”


Jungkook stupidly agreed and now he found himself in one of the most awkward situations of his entire life. Jimin’s friends were nice, no doubt about it, but Jungkook didn’t know them. He had nothing to start a conversation with and being the youngest was always a hindrance for him.


“Jungkook-ah, we’re heading to the church now,” a boy called Hoseok announced, smiling at the quiet boy beside him. He was friendliest of the group and Jungkook definitely felt he liked him best.


Namjoon and Yoongi seemed like good people too, but Jungkook had never felt more intimidated on a first meeting than he did with those two. Both of them were in a very intense discussion about a song they were producing and Jungkook didn’t dare input any opinion for fear of seeming like an ignorant kid.


“You okay?” Hoseok asked kindly and Jungkook nodded.


“I’m fine,” he replied. He wasn’t lying - he was fine, just feeling a little lonely. “I don’t really know how to talk to new people.”


Hoseok made a sympathetic ‘ahh’ and rubbed Jungkook’s arm comfortingly. He flashed the younger a wide smile which had Jungkook smiling back in seconds. “Don’t worry about it, they’re all really fun and cool! You’ll be more comfortable around them soon enough.”


“Wait until you meet Seokjin!” Jimin in, slinging his arm over Jungkook’s shoulders. “He will make you feel like you’ve known him forever. He’s lovely!”


The steps up to the church was lit up by a walkway of candles, the orange hues illuminating the dark night. The large wooden doors of the entrance were daunting, but they didn’t seem to phase Jimin, who just pushed one open, leading the other four boys inside without any qualms.


Inside the church was quiet, only a few whispers from the other people sitting in the pews filling the silence. The hall was more crowded than Jungkook expected and he felt a surge of pride run through him.


At the front stood the choir, the girls to the left, boys to the right. A few other students with instruments sat on chairs in front.


Jungkook spotted the lilac hair easily, falling out from underneath the large santa hat propped on top of Taehyung’s head. Jungkook rolled his eyes at the boy’s theatrics but sat up straighter, focusing his eyes on Taehyung.


“See that one there?” Hoseok whispered, jabbing Jungkook’s arm with his finger. Jungkook moved his eyes over to where Hoseok was pointing and nodded once. “That’s Seokjin!”


“He’s pretty,” Jungkook giggled quietly, taking in the appearance of Seokjin. Even from where he was he could see the plump lips and carefully styled hair. Seokjin really was quite beautiful, he couldn’t lie.


Hoseok snickered. “Oh, he is. He acts like a pretty boy too - we like to call him princess sometimes. Although, he acts like a mother a lot as well.”


“He sounds nice,” Jungkook mused, bringing his attention back to the boy in the obnoxious hat. He was the reason Jungkook subjected himself to a night of being left out after all.


The choir started singing soon after, the sweet voices of the females harmonising perfectly with the deeper male voices. Jungkook knew how long they had spent practicing and he was glad that all of it was worth it. Taehyung always looked so in his element whenever he was singing, his already bright eyes practically sparkling and Jungkook’s heart ached.


The night air was cold when they exited the church, and Jungkook had to wrap his red scarf tighter around his neck. Each breath came out as wispy puffs and he watched them flutter away into nothing.


“Seokjin!” Yoongi called as he saw the oldest leave the church. They had been waiting outside for around ten minutes, waiting for the choir to pack away. “This is Jungkook.”

“Oh, hello!” Seokjin greeted him warmly. Jungkook bowed quickly and Seokjin smiled at him. “Do you go to our school?”


Jungkook nodded before voicing his reply. “I’m a sophomore.”


“That explains why I haven’t seen you before!” he exclaimed. “Why don’t you come sit with us tomorrow? That way I can get to know you better.”


Jungkook took a moment to consider. “I would love to, but would I be able to bring someone else? You probably already know them-”


Before he could finish his sentence, he was nearly bowled over by a very excited overgrown kid who was yelling loudly in his ear.

“I’m so glad you came!” Taehyung cried, hugging Jungkook tightly, kissing every inch of his boyfriend’s face that he could.


“Why wouldn’t I come? You nerd,” Jungkook laughed, wrapping his arms around Taehyung’s waist.


“Yeah, but I’m a cute nerd!” Taehyung threw back, finally breaking away from Jungkook but keeping their hands linked together between them.


“Jungkook! You didn’t tell us you were dating Taehyung!” Hoseok scolded and Jungkook blinked.


“It didn’t really come up,” he shrugged his shoulders and Taehyung just grinned, pressing himself closer to Jungkook.


“I presume he was who you want to invite along?” Seokjin asked and Jungkook nodded eagerly.


“Is that okay?”

“Don’t be silly. Of course.”

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i thought i'd mention, i have a tumblr if anyone wants to follow it!! ^^


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peggyw #1
Chapter 21: Ty for that final story!
peggyw #2
Chapter 20: So sweet!!!
peggyw #3
Chapter 19: Adorable; .you really are good at coming up with completely plausible scenarios!
peggyw #4
Chapter 18: Precious moments
peggyw #5
Chapter 17: TT
peggyw #6
Chapter 16: Something about those demons
peggyw #7
Chapter 15: Yes!
peggyw #8
Chapter 14: This is so cute, ty!
peggyw #9
Chapter 12: Ah, the feels
peggyw #10
Chapter 11: Definitely seems like him!