Tell Me Your Inner Thoughts

No One's POV

With slow steps, you walked down the streets quietly. At this point, you were glad you hadn't found a way of how to get out of that place.

"Thank you...", a broken voice interrupted you from your thoughts. 

You turned your head facing this shattered boy and gave him a weak smile in return. "There's no need to thank me", you replied quietly almost like a whisper. 

You were relieved that he had decided to come with you. That was the only thing left you could do for him.


Furthermore, though you both didn't talk much, you enjoyed the walk. You simply loved him being around you whatever he was doing at that very moment. It made you feel warm inside and you weren't as afraid of him as you used to be back then. It probably was strange to feel like this after all what happened, but you just couldn't help it. In a weird way, you felt safe with him next to you. 

But thinking of that, you felt sorry for him since everyone else feared him, even hated him causing him to dislike himself even more. Nobody knew what it really was about. You were the only person that knew that much about him and it somehow made you feel special. There had to be something more coming from him when you had such a great affection on him. 

Now it was your turn to show him what loving and being loved really meant. It was your assignment and only yours and just for him, you wanted to master it. 


By the time you arrived at your home, you looked over to him one last time asking if he was ready to enter. That would mean entering a new world, the real world, again, meeting people and taking part of society. A point you also had to practice with him.

Jimin just nodded in return.

With that, you grabbed the door knob and turned it to open the door. 

You'd decided not to call your mother after you'd entered since you knew that Jimin would need as much time as possible to get used to this anew.

On the other side, your mother would eventually show up by herself. 

Therefore, you walked up into your kitchen and poured Jimin something to drink. 

He must be really thirsty, you thought while imagining him sitting in this tunnel where you had found him. But you couldn't remember his stuff lying next to him. Did he bring it with him? 

You took the full glass of fresh and cold water and went back to him immediately checking on his empty hands. 

"Where's your stuff?", you then asked him attentively, "Don't tell me we've forgotten it"

But Jimin just shook his head looking away from you.

"Did you...wait-" At this moment, something terrible crept up into your mind you didn't even want to think of. "But you didn't get robbed or beaten up or something, did you?" Worry crept up your mind as you imagined the worst.

But luckily, he told you otherwise soon enough. Nothing of this happened to him, he simply left it near a grocery store when he wanted to buy something and forgot it there. Though you couldn't think of a reason why he'd leave his stuff outside the store, you didn't want to bother him no more.

"I'll go and search it", you announced after a mute sigh of relief. 

Jimin slowly looked up at you with sad eyes but that didn't change anything. 

"Don't worry, I'll just go and check if I'll find it and if not, we'll buy you something new. It's not a big deal", you smiled at him. "You can come with me if you want to but I think it's better if you stay here and rest"

He nodded slowly as an aswer what showed you that he would rather stay. Which was the sign for you to take off. But at this case, you had to tell your mother. You couldn't leave her with Jimin without her even knowing that he was back.

So you paced upstairs searching for her to tell her that you'd found him but you now had to leave again. 

"What? Really?" You mother was amazed, of course, and walked past you straight to the stairs. 

"Mom, please don't overwhelm him", you called after her but she probably couldn't hear it anymore. So you followed her downstairs finding her already welcoming him.

Hopefully they'd get along while you were gone. After all she used to hate him back then.

You then gave the two of them a heartwarming smile as a goodbye before you went off. 


Your legs moved sloppy while you made your way through the city. 

Though you actually didn't want to leave them alone that long, you also didn't want to rush. You loved your environment way too much to simply ignore it. You always looked around consuming the things around you. 

For you, that was the most beautiful time of the year.


Therefore, you didn't want to stop walking as you reached the supermarket. You wanted to continue walking around like this. It was way too beautiful to just think of something else at that moment.

But you had to, since you promised Jimin you would be back soon.

Accordingly, you headed to the parking lof of the grocery store Jimin told you beforehand. 

Luckily, he'd told you were he left his stuff so it normally shoudln't take that long to find.

But it still seemed like you already had been too late. 

Has someone else taken it? That couldn't be. Though, it probably had lain there for a few days now. 

Looking around, you decided to check on some other places in hope Jimin only forgot the actual place as you got interrupted by a young male voice.

"Excuse me?"

You immediately turned around to face the stranger who happened to be no stranger at all.

"Your name was _______, right?" The boy smiled at you.

"And yours...Jungkook?", you answered hesitantly not sure whether your mind was fooling you or not.

"Exactly", he answered smiling brightly...







A/N: I'm back again~ With a short update but the next chapter is already in progress! I'm currently recovering from my wisdom teeth operation lol But it's getting better and better~ That's why I also got the time (and now due to the fading pain the will as well) to write again~ so I managed it today and I'm proud yay~ In addition, thanks a lot for your kind words guys! They were so sweet I really felt like crying~ Thanks a lot <3 And Portugal was really nice *-* Would love to go back someday hehehee Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter though it's short and a little crappy hehee^^' If you did anyways, please subscribe, leave a coment and upvote if you want to! <3 Love y'all and bye <33

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{TMYIT] updated yaay ^-^


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huixhuix #1
asiangirl2015 #2
Chapter 53: I hope you will find time to update as fast as possible^^ i was rereading all chapters again, you did a really great work with this story!
_maknaetrash #3
Chapter 53: Finally ㅠㅠ A happy moment for them
Chapter 53: I am hooked u got me squeallling here
skawpurr #5
Chapter 53: THIS IS SOOO GOOD❤️❤️❤️
Hyeri98 #6
Chapter 52: Update soon author-nim this fanfic is one of the best Jimin fic and imo the story line is really interesting. I also hope that you will write more interesting fics :-)
Chapter 52: OH MY GOODNESS. Mother of all things pink, it happened~! IT happened~!!!! :o *squeals* Aw. It was- they finally confessed~ Awwwww... Now I just want happy 'we love eachother' cuddles and for Namjoon to calm the flip flop down. Joonie pleeeeasseeeee stop being a jeeeerk~! Ugh I want a 'happy ending' for all parties involved... *sniff* But that doesn't happen often so I must prepare my heart for potential ending sadness. D: Anywhosal, no more comment spaaaam~! Hehehehehehe~ I'm all fuzzy now~ :D I send love and hugs, author-nim~!
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ Cute little snippet of domestic life~! *swoons* Aw. I just- aw. Aw. This totally makes up for all the manipulation my feels have gone through. I'm looking at you, author-nim! Ah, it was so sweet. I feel like I developed a cavity.... :o Anywhosal, sending hugs and love~!
Chapter 49: Okaaaaaay~ Heeeeyo~! I've been gone for like- forever- but still I'm back and I'm alive and I'm ready to wreck my feels again! I was just gonna catch up and then comment again on the most recent chapter but I just HAD to comment. Like I couldn't not... ^-^ Anywhosal- I unfortunately relate to the panic attack bit; a bit too much for my liking... >_< But hey, that's life. I was soooo happy when ChimChim came to the rescue~! Got some healthy cuddles in as well. Ugh. This story makes me all confused and 100000% conflicted. I'm fine. Totally fiiiiiiiine... :-l Prepare for the comment spam as I get caught up~ sorry not sorry!
SeungheeKim56 #10
Chapter 52: this is soooooooooo gooooooddddddddddd. im crying. someone put onions near me urghhh I REALLYYYY LOVE THISSSSS AUTHOR-NIM!!! I LOVE YOU!!! <3