Tell Me Your Inner Thoughts

'My brother just came home...He looks like...I can't describe it...He just...He said it was Jimin... He beated him up... My brother hadn't done anything to him before..'

Your eyes widened and you felt like your heart just stopped beating.

He didn't...

You felt your blood boil with anger although you actually knew why he did that. It was still your fault.

You texted Hana to tell her that you're coming over. She just replied 'okay', so you got up immediately and rushed out of your house. You heard your mum shouting something but you couldn't really understand a little thing so you just ignored it and went to Hana as soon as possible.

She opened the door for you, as you reached her house. She must've seen you through the window before.

"What exactly happened?" You asked curious.

"I don't really know, I texted you as soon as he came home. I didn't ask what exactly happened yet" Hana explained briefly before pulling you upstairs to look after her little brother, Minseok. He was five years younger than you. 12, to be honest.

"Minseokie~" Hana knocked at the door of her little brother's room.

"Yes?" His voice cracked a little. Hana opened the door slowly and looked at his brother worried. Minseok looked up at her noticing you standing behind Hana.

"Minseok-ah~ Can you tell me what he did to you?" You said calming and knelt in front of him. He just looked at the ground.

You stared at his face worried. He was looking terrible, his right eye was swollen and his lips were bleeding.

What the hell was wrong with him?! I'll kill him if I find out why and how he beated Minseok up!

You caressed his cheek comfortingly. "Tell me~ He won't touch you ever again if you tell me, you know"

Minseok nodded slightly and looked up at you again. You flinched. Seeing Minseok like this just broke your heart into millions of pieces.

"I-I was on my way back home and there was Jimin..And he..he bumped into me..." You just looked at him not knowing what to think. "I then apologized although he bumped into me, but he just shouted at me and...started to punch me without any reasons..." A tear fell out of his eye. You quickly wiped his tear away and pulled him into your embrance trying not to start crying too.

"I'm sorry" You quietly said. You could see Hana's confused face as you said so. "It was all my fault. He probably was like that because I made him really angry today..I didn't want something like this to happen. I'm really sorry Minseok! I swear that'll never happen again!"

Minseok cried in your arms while Hana rushed to your side to comfort the both of you. "It's not your fault. You know he's always like this! Who knows what had happened to him after you walked away? Maybe someone else made him that angry after you left.." Hana smiled a little.

You let go off Minseok and looked into his eyes smiling slightly. "Don't be afraid anymore! Everything will be fine soon, I promise. I'll do anything I can" Minseok smiled weak and thanked you. "And now rest a little until you feel better okay?" He nodded. You stood up smiling and walked out of his room together with Hana. He waved at you smiling. You just waved back and smiled peacefully.

As soon as Hana closed the door of his room, the look on your face changed rapidly. "I'll kill him tomorrow and I mean it! I'll definitely kill him!" You scoffed.

"But it's his birthday tomorrow" Hana said quietly. "I don't really care actually. He beated Minseok up! Your little brother! You shouldn't care about his birthday too" You laughed realizing that you both just changed personalities. Yeah, that's what happens if Jimin is pissing you off.

"Whatever you're planning to do, I'll help you no matter what" Hana smiled at you. You hugged her and you both walked downstairs again.

"I should go now, I'm really tired of this"

"Yeah, we still can text if you want to" Hana looked at you hopefully and you gave her a quick nod.

After you told her goodbye, you walked home again thinking of how to speak to Jimin tomorrow. You definitely wanted him to know your opinion and you wouldn't be nice to him.

As you entered your house, your mum was already waiting for you. "Where did you go? You didn't answer me and just rushed away."

You immediately hugged your mother and apologized for not telling her. You were glad that she wasn't mad at you and you decided to watch tv with her before going to sleep.



A/N: HEY! I'M BACK! I'm sorry, it took me a week again Q_Q But you know, school is like hell..and they decided to let us write more exams the next week! YAAAAAAAAAAY! ...NOT! I was really happy before to know that I have more time then but OKAY! THEN DON'T LET ME HAVE TIME TO UPDATE! THANK YOU! XD Anyway~ I'll still update tomorrow again although I don't really have the time for it...but guess why~? :D CAUSE IT'S JIMINS ING BIRTHDAY!!!! YAAAAAAAAAY! (this time I mean it lol) So there'll be sort of a birthday special tomorrow :3 Well, I already gave a 'hint' in this chapter so yeah xD And don't forget to comment and subscribe :3 I LOVE YOU :*

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{TMYIT] updated yaay ^-^


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huixhuix #1
asiangirl2015 #2
Chapter 53: I hope you will find time to update as fast as possible^^ i was rereading all chapters again, you did a really great work with this story!
_maknaetrash #3
Chapter 53: Finally ㅠㅠ A happy moment for them
Chapter 53: I am hooked u got me squeallling here
skawpurr #5
Chapter 53: THIS IS SOOO GOOD❤️❤️❤️
Hyeri98 #6
Chapter 52: Update soon author-nim this fanfic is one of the best Jimin fic and imo the story line is really interesting. I also hope that you will write more interesting fics :-)
Chapter 52: OH MY GOODNESS. Mother of all things pink, it happened~! IT happened~!!!! :o *squeals* Aw. It was- they finally confessed~ Awwwww... Now I just want happy 'we love eachother' cuddles and for Namjoon to calm the flip flop down. Joonie pleeeeasseeeee stop being a jeeeerk~! Ugh I want a 'happy ending' for all parties involved... *sniff* But that doesn't happen often so I must prepare my heart for potential ending sadness. D: Anywhosal, no more comment spaaaam~! Hehehehehehe~ I'm all fuzzy now~ :D I send love and hugs, author-nim~!
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ Cute little snippet of domestic life~! *swoons* Aw. I just- aw. Aw. This totally makes up for all the manipulation my feels have gone through. I'm looking at you, author-nim! Ah, it was so sweet. I feel like I developed a cavity.... :o Anywhosal, sending hugs and love~!
Chapter 49: Okaaaaaay~ Heeeeyo~! I've been gone for like- forever- but still I'm back and I'm alive and I'm ready to wreck my feels again! I was just gonna catch up and then comment again on the most recent chapter but I just HAD to comment. Like I couldn't not... ^-^ Anywhosal- I unfortunately relate to the panic attack bit; a bit too much for my liking... >_< But hey, that's life. I was soooo happy when ChimChim came to the rescue~! Got some healthy cuddles in as well. Ugh. This story makes me all confused and 100000% conflicted. I'm fine. Totally fiiiiiiiine... :-l Prepare for the comment spam as I get caught up~ sorry not sorry!
SeungheeKim56 #10
Chapter 52: this is soooooooooo gooooooddddddddddd. im crying. someone put onions near me urghhh I REALLYYYY LOVE THISSSSS AUTHOR-NIM!!! I LOVE YOU!!! <3