Tell Me Your Inner Thoughts

You were lost in his gaze until you felt warm lips pressed against yours.

Oh my gosh...He's kissing me! Again! What do I do now? Shall I pull back? Wait..no! Shall I kiss him back? Oh my god stop thinking just do anything!

But it was already too late. You took too long so that he slowly pulled back and stared into your shining eyes. There was a hint of a smile, a happy expresssion on his face and that was enough for you to know he felt better.

"Jimin~" You didn't know what to say. You only wanted to call out his angelic name.

"You should go home now, it's late"

Although his smile wasn't big at all, you still could feel it and it made you feel warm inside.

"You should come with me"

"But your mum didn't-"

"I don't care about what my mum has said. I won't let you sleep here in the cold. I'll make her change her mind, don't worry" You gave him a weak smile hoping that your plan will succeed.


So you both turned around and made your way back to your home.

"Shall I help you with carrying your stuff?" You asked with a soft voice.

"Why? I can carry it by myself, I'm not that weak you know"

And there it went. A wide smile forming on his face. Something what didn't happen often but was one of the most precious moments for you. You were sure that it would always remain in your heart. Nothing was better for you than his real smile.


After a few more minutes, you reached your home and your mother was already standing outside of the front door covering her worried face with her hands. "You're back! I hope you both are alright? Did something happen to you?"

"Yes we're alright and no, nothing has happened" At least nothing bad. You gave your mother a wide smile before looking back at Jimin. Oh yeah...He's still here.


"It's okay, he can stay"

You didn't even need to end your question, because she knew exactly what you wanted to ask.

"I know how much you want him to stay"

As soon as she spoke that out loud, your cheeks started to get red and your eyes widened. "Mum~" But you still couldn't avoid looking at Jimin again.

He just stared at you with his perfect little smile.

It was embarrassing for you, but you knew that Jimin needed it. He needed love.

"But only if he sleeps on the couch!" You mother laughed teasingly causing you to roll your eyes.

After you went into the house, you told Jimin to get ready for bed while you would make his 'bed'. "I'll just make everything ready. You didn't forget where the bathroom was located, right?" With a cute laughter you looked up at him while placing a bed sheet on the couch.

Jimin shook his head hesitantly, grabbed his stuff and headed into the bathroom.

You couldn't help but smile like an idiot at the fact that he'd sleep at your place. That was an important step for you to help him. From now on, everything could just get even better.

After a short amount of time, you both were ready to go to sleep, since you also went to the bathroom as soon as he came out again.

But you weren't that tired, so you thought of an idea what you could do together.


He immediately looked at you with a questioning expression on his face.

"Tell me somehting about yourself" You gave him a heart-warming smile but he just stared at you as if he just has seen a pink unicorn running around and puking rainbows.


"You should tell me something about yourself~ I wanna know more about your personality and your hobbies~"

"But...my personality is ed up..." He anwered quietly.

"It's not. And if it would be, I wouldn't care~ I still wanna hear it"

"Uhm..okay" He paused a little to think "But....you already know a lot about me..."

You let out a cute laugh before answering.

"But I wanna know everything about you. From your birth up to now"

Your smile grew wider noticing him looking at the ground shyly. "And...I can help you better if I know everything about you~" You kept trying to convince him although you knew it was hard for him to talk about his past. But it was important for the both of you.

"I...I'm tired, let's talk about that tomorrow.."

"Yah~ But then you have to promise me that you'll tell me~"

"I promise" Jimin gave you a slight smile causing your heart to warm up your whole body.


Since you also got a little more tired, you told him good night and went upstairs to your own bedroom.

With shining eyes, you fell on your bed and immediately vanished into dreamland.






Hey guys~ sorry I'm late >.< and it's boring and crappy >.< But I don't really have time during school days because I have to study all the time >.< And since I still want to write something for you, I have to hurry when I write and then the chapters get crappy >.< I'm really sorry >.< I hope the next one will be more exciting~ I already have some ideas I think are pretty cool lol Please let me know if you liked this chap though~ I'd be pretty happy~~~ Plus, subscribe and upvote if you like ♥ Love y'all and see you in the next chapter which hopefully will be more exciting~

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{TMYIT] updated yaay ^-^


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huixhuix #1
asiangirl2015 #2
Chapter 53: I hope you will find time to update as fast as possible^^ i was rereading all chapters again, you did a really great work with this story!
_maknaetrash #3
Chapter 53: Finally ㅠㅠ A happy moment for them
Chapter 53: I am hooked u got me squeallling here
skawpurr #5
Chapter 53: THIS IS SOOO GOOD❤️❤️❤️
Hyeri98 #6
Chapter 52: Update soon author-nim this fanfic is one of the best Jimin fic and imo the story line is really interesting. I also hope that you will write more interesting fics :-)
Chapter 52: OH MY GOODNESS. Mother of all things pink, it happened~! IT happened~!!!! :o *squeals* Aw. It was- they finally confessed~ Awwwww... Now I just want happy 'we love eachother' cuddles and for Namjoon to calm the flip flop down. Joonie pleeeeasseeeee stop being a jeeeerk~! Ugh I want a 'happy ending' for all parties involved... *sniff* But that doesn't happen often so I must prepare my heart for potential ending sadness. D: Anywhosal, no more comment spaaaam~! Hehehehehehe~ I'm all fuzzy now~ :D I send love and hugs, author-nim~!
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ Cute little snippet of domestic life~! *swoons* Aw. I just- aw. Aw. This totally makes up for all the manipulation my feels have gone through. I'm looking at you, author-nim! Ah, it was so sweet. I feel like I developed a cavity.... :o Anywhosal, sending hugs and love~!
Chapter 49: Okaaaaaay~ Heeeeyo~! I've been gone for like- forever- but still I'm back and I'm alive and I'm ready to wreck my feels again! I was just gonna catch up and then comment again on the most recent chapter but I just HAD to comment. Like I couldn't not... ^-^ Anywhosal- I unfortunately relate to the panic attack bit; a bit too much for my liking... >_< But hey, that's life. I was soooo happy when ChimChim came to the rescue~! Got some healthy cuddles in as well. Ugh. This story makes me all confused and 100000% conflicted. I'm fine. Totally fiiiiiiiine... :-l Prepare for the comment spam as I get caught up~ sorry not sorry!
SeungheeKim56 #10
Chapter 52: this is soooooooooo gooooooddddddddddd. im crying. someone put onions near me urghhh I REALLYYYY LOVE THISSSSS AUTHOR-NIM!!! I LOVE YOU!!! <3