Side Story : Falling In Love With The Same Person Twice

Height Complex

This is Miki's point of view! Her own story two years after they graduate~!


"So cold...." she said.

It's winter and snows are falling from the sky. There are many couples there, it's 4 days before christmas. Miki walks again, trying to ignore her surrounding. "Everything change so fast... Maybe the only one who haven't move forward is me" she thought. "This feeling, I never told it to anyone. I couldn't believe myself either. This feeling is just a burden" Miki thought. "I never see him after he graduate either... I wonder how he's doing... Leeteuk..." Miki thought. That feeling that she has for Leeteuk is definitely love. She couldn't bring it up in the past because she knew that Leeteuk loves (your name) so she keeps quiet about it. Suddenly, Miki hit the man in front of her.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Miki said.

"Me too! Eh..." someone said.

That voice, she knows it. Miki stares at the man, it's Leeteuk. He hasn't change that much.

"You're (your name)'s friend, right?" he said.

Miki nod, Miki is really disappointed. Not happy, because he doesn't remember her name. "I shouldn't care too much about it. Those feelings, I already forgot about them anyway" Miki thought.

"Yeah, I'm Miki, if you don't remember" Miki said.

"Ow yeah, I forgot about it" he said calmly.

Those words, Miki wants to cry but she remember that she already promised to herself not to care about that. Suddenly, Miki realizes that Leeteuk smells like alcohol. Miki is curious so she decides to asks him.

"Do you drink?" she said.

"Yeah, I drink alcohol a lot these days" Leeteuk said.

It seems that Leeteuk likes to drink now. Really different from the Leeteuk that she knows.

"Why?" Miki asks.

"No reason really..." he said.

It seems that Leeteuk doesn't like to talk about it that much. So Miki decides to change the topic. Miki changes e-mail address with him. Miki sent e-mails to him, even though he only sent her a short reply. But she is happy, Miki doesn't know why but she is happy.

--3 days later--

"Hmm? What's this? An e-mail?" Miki thought.

She opens the e-mail. "Ah... It's from Leeteuk. He wants to meet at the pond near xxx park on 10 AM tomorrow. That's rare" she thought. Miki doesn't know the reason but still she will come tomorrow. That feeling that she had back then starts growing bigger and bigger. Miki chooses the clothes that she will wear tomorrow. She went to sleep and hope tomorrow will be a good day.

"I think I'm early?" she mumbles.

10 minutes later, Leeteuk comes.

"I'm sorry, I'm late!" he said.

"No! I'm just too early" Miki said.

"Well, where are we going?" Miki asks.

"Just follow me" he said.

He grabs Miki's hands and her heart starts beating loudly. She follows Leeteuk.

"We are here" Leeteuk said.

Leeteuk points at the lake, Miki stares at the lake and realize how beautiful the lake is, there are swans there. "Beautiful" she thought.

"You want to see swans right? In your e-mail you said it. So I thought maybe you want to see these" he said.

"Miki is so happy, she couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that Leeteuk remembers her e-mail!

"Thank you" she said.

They stares at the lake quietly. Suddenly, Leeteuk said something...

"You know, I never told anyone about this. But, I think I couldn't forget about (your name) and I think that's why I start drinking too" he said.

There was a silence. Miki doesn't know what to say.

"You know... Someone's trash is someone's treasure... If you don't move forward then you will be left behind. So you should forget about your past and find new love" she said.

Miki couldn't believe what she just said. "If you don't move forward then you will be left behind... I think I should say that to myself too" she thought. She couldn't forget about Leeteuk all these times. The love that she has is a burden.

"But... It's okay to remember that I fell in love with her right? I know I should move forward but it's not bad that I haven't forget that I loved her" he said.

There was a silence again. "It's not bad to remember those feelings?" she thought. Miki wants to cry, she is happy because those feelings that she already forgot, came back to her. To love, to care.

"You know, Leeteuk. I loved you before and I think I fell in love with you again" she said with a smile.

"Wha... WHAT?!" he said.

She giggles and then she stares at Leeteuk.

"I will make you fall in love with me~!" she said.

Leeteuk smiles at Miki.

"Okay then. I will wait" he said.

Miki is happy and smiles at him like a kid.

"Leeteuk, let's go see the christmas tree tomorrow!" she said.

"All right" he said.

"I love you Leeteuk" she thought.


--Side Story : Falling In Love With The Same Person Twice--


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yozent #1
i love this story ..even if donghae isnt my bias lol
pandawriter #2
this was so nice!
I miss this. =)<br />
(reading it again for the 3rd time)
zatieywookie #4
sweet !! i cried :D thanks a lot ^^ i love it !
So sweet!!!!! Love it totally!!!
Height Complex, I love how unique you are ^^ Aja aja!
aniyha #7
nnnnooooooooo its over poor teukie whyi love the story its cute
bliss- #8
this is osm! <3333 i love hae's part.. sorry teukie. :C
this story is so cute =)
:) geez so cute!!!!!!!!!<br />