Side Story : Me and You

Height Complex

This is what happen a couple years later! Enjoy!


"You're so beautiful!" Miki said.

"Thanks!" you said.

You wear a white wedding dress. Yep, today is your wedding. You are really happy. Donghae propose you last week and today is your wedding. "If this is a dream, please don't wake me up" you thought.

"I can't believe my daughter is getting married!" your father said.

Your father eyes become teary. You giggle and you hug him.

"My little girl is getting married" he said.

"Be happy, (your name)" he continued.

"I will, dad" you said.

You remember those times when you introduce Donghae to your family. It wasn't pleasant at all, your father didn't approve your relationship because your dad is over protective but because you two are really stubborn, he finally gives up. You are really happy.

"If that guy makes you cry, I will make his death looks like an accident" he said.

You giggle and smile.

"Well, I think I will cry today because I'm really happy now" you said.

Your father smiles at you and hugs you again.

"It's time..." Miki said.

You nod, you stand in front of the door. The door opens and you enter the room with your father. There are many people there. They are looking at you, some of them cry and some of them smile at you. You see Donghae there, stading and looking at you with a smile. You go towards him. Your father left you and you stare at Donghae.

"I didn't know that a gorilla can be this beautiful" he said.

"And I didn't know that a dwarf could be this handsome" you said.

"I am taller than you now" he said.

You giggle.

"The same as always. You haven't changed at all" you said.

"You too" he said.

"You giggle again, he grabs your hand tightly. You smile.

"Let's begin" the priest said.

"Do you take (Your name) as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest said.

"I do" Donghae said.

"And Do you take Donghae as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest asks.

"I do" you said.

"All right, you may kiss the bride" the priest said while smiling.

You close your eyes and Donghae move closer to you. You remember those times, the times when you fight with him, those past are really precious to you. "I'm glad that I met Donghae, and I'm glad that he is the one that I fall in love with" you thought.

"I love you" you whisper.

"Me too" he whispers.


--Side Story : Me and You--


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yozent #1
i love this story ..even if donghae isnt my bias lol
pandawriter #2
this was so nice!
I miss this. =)<br />
(reading it again for the 3rd time)
zatieywookie #4
sweet !! i cried :D thanks a lot ^^ i love it !
So sweet!!!!! Love it totally!!!
Height Complex, I love how unique you are ^^ Aja aja!
aniyha #7
nnnnooooooooo its over poor teukie whyi love the story its cute
bliss- #8
this is osm! <3333 i love hae's part.. sorry teukie. :C
this story is so cute =)
:) geez so cute!!!!!!!!!<br />