
Height Complex

"Thank you" you said.

"No prob" he replied.

"So... Bye. I will see you at school tomorrow" he said.

"Okay, bye" you said.

He walks away and leave you alone. You don't move from there. "This is for the best. I won't regret it. I like Leeteuk so I won't regret this" you thought. Suddenly, you see a man behind the electricity pole. He wears a coat, a hat, and a black glasses. "Suspicious" you thought. Leeteuk doesn't notice him. Suddenly, the man grab something from his pocket. "Is that a... KNIFE?!!" you thought. You see the man running towards Leeteuk.

"Leeteuk oppa! Watch out!!!" you yell at him.

"Eh?" he said.

He see the man running towards him with a knife on his hand. Leeteuk try to grab the knife but his movements are too slow. The man stabs Leeteuk at his abdomen and his hand. Blood starts coming out. You are speechless. You lose your balance and fell down. The man run away, leaving you and Leeteuk behind. The man doesn't know that you were there so of course he would run away.

"Why..." you mumble.

"Leeteuk oppa!!!" you scream.

You cry. Your mother hear your scream and go outside, only to find Leeteuk and you. Your mother calls the ambulance. 10 minutes later, the ambulance come and bring Leeteuk with them. You enter the ambulance too. You are holding Leeteuk's hand while looking down.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." you mumble.

--At the hospital--

You sit on the chair. You wonder if he is going to be okay or not. Yo take a look at the clock. It's 9 PM. "Everything just went by so fast" you thought. Your mother sit next to you and try to cheer you up. But it's useless. Suddenly, a doctor came out from the surgery room. You run towards him and you ask him.

"Is he alright?" you ask.

"Why did chicken crosses the road?" he said.

You don't know what to say. "Did he just make a joke?!" you thought.

"Ah! It's been my dream to tell that joke to a person in the hospital! I know! I'm the funniest person in the world!" he said and then he laughed.

"Ah... I know, he did that to cheer me up" you thought. But, still it's useless. You can't cheer up.

"Doctor! I'm serious! How is he?" you said loudly.

"Geez, don't be mad. He is fine. He just need 1 month for a full recovery! But..." he said.

"But his right hand, the bone is broken pretty bad. We already fixed it but he can't do muuch with that hand. Does he plays any instruments or some kind of sports?" he asks you.

You close your eyes and try to remember.

"Basketball..." you said.

"Basketball and piano" you said quietly.

"Well, he must give all of that up. From now on, his right hand could only be used for writing, eating and holding light objects" he said.

You are speechless. "No basketball? No piano?" you thought. Your eyes become blank, soulless eyes. You don't know what to say. "This is my fault..." you thought. You run away from there.

"(Your name)!" your mother said.

You cover your ears, you don't want to listen. You stop running when you arrive at the hospital's back yard. You sit on the bench and cover your ears and close your eyes. "It's all my fault!" you thought. "Oppa! Oppa! I'm so sorry!!" you thought. You cry and you feel guilty.


--Chapter 18 : Guilt--


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yozent #1
i love this story ..even if donghae isnt my bias lol
pandawriter #2
this was so nice!
I miss this. =)<br />
(reading it again for the 3rd time)
zatieywookie #4
sweet !! i cried :D thanks a lot ^^ i love it !
So sweet!!!!! Love it totally!!!
Height Complex, I love how unique you are ^^ Aja aja!
aniyha #7
nnnnooooooooo its over poor teukie whyi love the story its cute
bliss- #8
this is osm! <3333 i love hae's part.. sorry teukie. :C
this story is so cute =)
:) geez so cute!!!!!!!!!<br />