From You, To Me

Height Complex

"When will the train come?" you said to the worker in the train station.

"I need to go to Busan" you continued.

"I'm sorry, the last train already go there" she said.

"Then, can I come tomorrow?!" you said.

"No, the train station will be closed until next week" she said.

"What?! Next week?! Why?" you ask.

"Well, we need to repairs some trains" she said.

"Dang it!" you mumbled.

"Okay! Thanks!" you said.

You exit the train station and then you run but you don't know where to go. "What should I do..." you thought. You shake your head and try to think positive. "I will see him next week then!" you thought. You go home.

"I'm home" you said.

"Ah~ Welcome home~" your mother said.

"We will have curry today. It's your favorite~" she said.

"Ah, thanks mom" you said.

You walk towards your room. You grab the door knob but then...

"(Your name)~ I forget to give you something" she said.

"Eh?" you said and then you turn your head.

Your mother opens the shelf and then grab something. It it a small package. She gives it to you and then you take it.

"I want to give it to you the other day but you are too busy taking care of that guy" she said.

"That guy... Does she mean Leeteuk?" you thought.

"I just found out that my daughter is well liked by the boys~" she said.

"What?" you said.

"The person who told me to give that to you is a boy and on top of that he is cute~" your mother said.

You don't know what to say to your mother and you quietly enter your room. You put the package on you bed and then open it. In there, there is a CD in there. You don't know who is the sender so you check the package once more. You found some writing on the box, it said : "From: Donghae. To : (Your name)" You are speechless, you grab the CD and play it on your portable CD player.

You wear your headset and you press the play button.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

"It's Donghae's voice!" you thought. You don't know what to say but you keep listen to it.

"Ehm... I am moving to Busan, if you don't know. But I really want to meet you. You didn't go to school for like a week or so. So the only thing that I could do is this. Please hear me" he said.

"I love you. I will always do. I know that you're his girlfriend but please just let me love you" he said.

Tears start to fall. You cry but you keep your self calm and continue to listen.

"I will be back and I will take you away from him. Please wait for me until then" he said.

You cry. You couldn't stop.

"Donghae... I love you too" you mumble

"I will wait for you, I promise" you mumble.


--Chapter 24 : From You, To Me--


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yozent #1
i love this story ..even if donghae isnt my bias lol
pandawriter #2
this was so nice!
I miss this. =)<br />
(reading it again for the 3rd time)
zatieywookie #4
sweet !! i cried :D thanks a lot ^^ i love it !
So sweet!!!!! Love it totally!!!
Height Complex, I love how unique you are ^^ Aja aja!
aniyha #7
nnnnooooooooo its over poor teukie whyi love the story its cute
bliss- #8
this is osm! <3333 i love hae's part.. sorry teukie. :C
this story is so cute =)
:) geez so cute!!!!!!!!!<br />