
For Rent?

Jiyong walks into his room with a huff of air. The man missed all the buses to his side of town so he had to walk. His neighborhood is old and nothing but old people. No one is going to rob's just that because he is so nice people will try to get him to run errands or this old lady wants this but her knees are not "as young" as they use to be. Jiyong loves his neighbors but tonight he needs to just go home. 

The man sits his teddy bear on his desk and the stuffed animal's black eyes reflect off the dim lighting. Jiyong throws off his back pack and puts it on his tiny bed. " much to catch up..." Jiyong may be going through a lot right now but his studies are not suffering at all. Jiyong could care less how many hours he has to stay up to finish work. He likes it and he sees his future bright because most people don't like to work as hard as him...well based off of what he has seen in his school environment. 

Jiyong hasn't been out much because his family didn't have the money. His dad who was a loser left him and his mom at a young age so Jiyong knows what it's like to work hard to get the best. Though what he owns may not be the best, just the reward of saying that is mine puts a smile on his face and what is his are his grades. 

Jiyong takes a book and opens it with a sigh. He flips a couple of pages and pulls out his notebook. Jiyong is studying well...but that damn bear on his desk...he feels it's  staring right at him. "Aish..." says Jiyong looking back at his book. "Not going to let a damn bear distract me..." Jiyong continues to read and take notes as he fidgets a bit on his bed. 

"What are you looking at...Aish..." says Jiyong again as he gets out of the bed and turns the bear around. The thing has the darkest eyes and they look just like Seunghyun's. It's not creepy; it's just too much of a reminder of that man. How Seunghyun is not going to give up on Jiyong. Jiyong takes the bear and turns it around again. "You think that you can distract me..." says Jiyong turning the bear around again. He is not going to let a stuffed animal get in his way. 

Jiyong sits on the bed again and looks at the toy. "You think that I can do this...." says Jiyong to the bear. "Like can I really get through are suppose to be a bear of hope right?" says Jiyong looking at the bear to then laugh at himself. "I need to study..." says Jiyong in a murmur.  

A knock on a door and a twist of a knobs comes in Mrs. Kwon. She looks around the room making Jiyong look at the the woman. "What's wrong?" 

"I thought that you had someone over..." 

" one" says Jiyong still taking notes from his book. 

Mrs. Kwon shakes her head. "You were talking to yourself?" 

Jiyong looks up. "No...I wasn''m fine..." 

The woman sighs. "Okay...I will leave it alone." 

The woman leaves the room and Jiyong looks at the bear again. The damn thing is already making him feel and look like a nut. "Look at what you did hyung" says Jiyong with a laugh. He puts his book down and lays in bed. He has had enough for today. 


Jiyong wakes up early and heads out the door. There is no local library in his neighborhood but there are plenty of places to just sit quietly. Jiyong always find himself in the old park close to his building. It never had kids in it because everyone is grown and if there are kids they are too busy watching TV. Jiyong takes the short walk over to his favorite bench and takes a seat under the tall tree. The bench is old with dark old wood and concrete is cracked.

It's Saturday so Jiyong is just wanting this day to himself. No fancy clothes no Seungri no Seunghyun...none of them. Just his quiet that he had before he was known as a person and not a shadow. Jiyong pulls out his book and takes a sip of his water bottle with a smile. He starts to read his book but he can't read...distracted again...

That damn Seungri is still on his mind. Jiyong is still a little nervous at approaching Seungri about his actions. He can't believe that he kissed the man so crazily yesterday and he was close to having with him many times. Jiyong is embarrassed and almost self conscience because Seunghyun has pretty much seen everything and knows everything. He is not even sure how he is even trusting the man because he can make Jiyong even worse of a nerd by just one word.

Jiyong is not sure if this whole life is for him. Yes, Seunghyun is willing to work with him...but Jiyong has already enough going on. College entrance exams and school work are enough....not the role of trying to be acknowledged. The man has been through years of people not even knowing that he was in the same class. it worth it.

Two hours later Jiyong comes back from the park to get some lunch from home. Jiyong sighs. "It's the weekend...can I just study today..."

Seunghyun chuckles a bit. "It's the weekend and you are ing studying again....I bet you have that whole ing book memorized."

"What the is wrong with that?"

Seunghyun then starts laughing like crazy. " really memorized that book...what a loser..."

Jiyong rolls his eyes and starts to puff his cheeks. "If you are done bothering me...I will take my leave..."

"Wait wait..." says the older coming closer. "We need to run a few errands..."

Jiyong looks up at the man. "Errands?"

"Ne..I said that I was going to help you right?"

"You know you should put this effort into your studies to get  into a good college..." says Jiyong in a teacher like tone. Seunghyun then gets wide eyed. "Oh my god. I had no idea that I had to study to get into college. You are by far the most brilliant person on this earth. Please tell me what else I should do with my time Jiyong Shi." says the older in a tone. 

Jiyong the glares at the man. "I'm just giving advice." 

"You don't have room for advice right now. Just come with me and stop being difficult. You want to continue to work with me right?" 

Jiyong sighs. "Ne....but can we do this another day." 

"You already flip the out when I take you out on a school night. Just come out today." 

"Fine fine fine..." says Jiyong going to the car to open the door. 

Seunghyun then smiles going to the car. "Well you are not too hard to convince." 

/////////////////////////Lee Wook/////////////////

Jiyong comes into this marble tiled place. Everything is white and there are nothing but beautiful people around. Jiyong just follows Seunghyun to the front desk. 

A woman bows. "You have arrived Mr. Choi and your guest." 


The woman smiles. "Please follow me sir."  

Seunghyun follows the woman and Jiyong stops in his tracks. Seunghyun looks back at the puzzled Jiyong. "What is it?" 

"What is this place?" 

"This place will help you Jiyong. Just follow along." 

"I'm not getting plastic surgery you jerk..." 

Seunghyun laughs and comes closer. "What do you think this place is?" 

"There are so many people with perfect are trying to get me to get work done with you. Well, I will tell you now. I refuse." Jiyong crosses his arms and then takes a look a round some more...then. He starts to read the signs. This places is a SPA. The younger clearly embarrassed looks back at the older. "So this place is a SPA huh..." 

The older nods to the slightly crazy man in front of him. "Now if you are done ing. Follow me." 

Jiyong with his pride now out the window follows the man as told. They are lead to a room with two robes draped over benches. The woman bows and closes the door. Seunghyun then looks at Jiyong. Change into that. Jiyong looks around the room. "There are no. YAH YAH YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" says Jiyong covering his eyes. 

Seunghyun sighs. "Seriously Jiyong. I just have my shirt off. We are men. What I have you have....just ing change and keep your mouth shut." 

"I can't...." 

"For s sake Jiyong." 

The younger then snaps. "You are the one that dragged me here..." 

"Well then you can leave." says the older clearly annoyed. Jiyong sighs. He is being a real and totally ignorant. This man is paying for this and Jiyong has never been to a SPA before...why not  try it. 

The younger then turns around. "Don't look." 

Seunghyun then laughs a bit as the younger pulls his shirt over his head. "Don't worry. I'm not interested in your small body." 

Jiyong blushes a bit and takes off the rest of his clothes down to his boxers. He puts on the robe and ties if tightly. "I'm done." 

"Oh thanks for letting me know." says the older in a sarcastic tone. "Shall we?" says the older by the door. He is a little embarrassed because the walls here are not super thick. He is sure the whole SPA is aware of Jiyong now. He did give the place warning of possible ignorance but he didn't think that Jiyong would scream the place out. 

Jiyong follows the older out of the room. "We split up from here Jiyong, so don't freak out and let the workers do their job. You might not understand what is going on but it's to help you relax. Just enjoy this." The older then walks down the long hallway out of sight. Jiyong looks over and sees a woman smiley with perfect white skin and teeth. "You ready Jiyong shi?" The younger nods. 

They are lead into a room where there is a man standing on the side. "Hello and welcome. I'm here to give you a massage." 

"Massage..." says Jiyong getting shy already. 

"Oh don't worry. We are all certified and here to help you to relax. We also have training in draping so you will never feel exposed." The man then comes closer to the table. "Will you please disrobe and come on the table?" 

Jiyong looks at the man and his smiling face. "Ne..." The younger comes closer and for some reason he trust him as he takes off his robe to lay on the table. The massage therapist then puts a sheet over Jiyong draping him correctly. "Seunghyun told us that you have never been to a spa." Jiyong nods into the table. "Ne....never..." 

"Why not?" 

"Because I'm poor..." says Jiyong with a flat tone. 

The massage therapist smiles while he puts lotion in his hands. "Well he is a good friend." 

Jiyong laughs. "Define friend." 

//////////////////2hours later///////////////

Jiyong has been rubbed down, scrubbed, hair bleached blonde, and waxed in areas he didn't know existed. He has never been this clean in his life. Jiyong is now sitting in a hot tub full of roses making the water sightly pink. "Relaxed are we?" Jiyong opens his eyes and sees the man who brought him here. "I heard you had quite the experience." says the older coming closer to the tub. Jiyong blushes a bit making the older chuckle. "You are still shy around me huh?" 

Jiyong doesn't respond but just continues to sit. Seunghyun then takes a hand and slicks his wet hair back. "This looks nice. Mind if I get in?" Before Jiyong could say anything the man is disrobed and my GOD....disrobed as in. "The man! You are !!" Yells Jiyong covering his eyes again. He was just able to relax and not this man is being crazy again. 

Seunghyun laughs as he gets in the water. "Don't worry. I don't bite." says the older with a purr. "Why are you so afraid of me anyways? Not like I'm going to hit on you." 

"Oh just bare it all to the world." says Jiyong with a scoff looking at the man with rose petals luckily floating around Seunghyun's ness. The older then looks at Jiyong. "Do you like me?" 

Jiyong almost falls over to the question. "What?" 

The older then ask again. "You must like me because you get way too shy around me." 

"I don't like you you mother er. I'm just not use to being around men." 

"Oooooooh yeah because you are a ." says the older with a grin. 

Jiyong then blushes. "You really get a kick out of saying that don't you." 

The older flicks a couple of roses around. "Ne." says the smiling man. "But be honest you must have a least a crush on me." says the man with the perfect body.


"Not even a fantasy. Cooooome on. Everyone does." says the older with a smirk.

Jiyong then laughs. "I'm sorry but everyone is not trying to sleep with you." 

"Oh really..." says the older in amusement. "You are a first." 

"What? Really?" says Jiyong with a laugh. "Well you don't have to worry about me hitting on you." 

"Like I would let you" says the older now getting out of the water. "Well did you at least relax a bit?" 

"Yeah some parts." 

"Did you get hard?" 


"Just kidding....but you needed this. Like you really looked stressed before all of this. Good thing you know me huh?" 

Jiyong laughs. "Oh yeah...what would I do with out you..." The younger then gets out of the tub putting his robe on. Seunghyun then looks at Jiyong with a smile. "Thanks for coming with me." The older opens the door and Jiyong follows. The man and his damn sincerity. That sentence nearly knocked Jiyong across the room. That tone...that damn smile. 

They both go back to the room where they started and they are placed back with their clothes. Jiyong in a way wished that he dressed a bit better because the clothes he is wearing are not exactly stylish. More like the regular hand me down. Jiyong buttons up his shirt still facing the wall and turns around to a fully dressed Seunghyun. " watched me get dressed?" 

The older chuckles. "Don't worry I didn't...just why do you feel so insecure about your body?" 


"You are so shy...but it's not like you are fat...there is nothing to be ashamed about with a body like yours." 

Jiyong blushes to the statement and follows the man out of the room. They both start to walk down the hallway but stop when Seunghyun sees someone from school  "Oppa!" A small girls wraps her arms around the man and Seunghyun welcomes the hug. "Hello beautiful. How are you today." 

The girl starts to talk and Seunghyun makes little conversation with he man. Jiyong quickly finds out that her name is Hyuna who is a nice girl, but stick to a certain crowd of rich. The woman then looks Jiyong down. "And who is this?" 

Seunghyun starts to speak but Jiyong cuts him off. "I hope that you do well on the test Seunghyun Shi..." Jiyong then starts to dart down he hallway. He doesn't know why he lied but for some reason he did. He makes it to the front desk and goes to the woman who checked them in. "How much is it?" says Jiyong in a quick like tone....he is embarrassed and acting like a nut again. 

The woman smiles. "Seunghyun is taking care of it." 


"He said that you might do this. Please wait for him in one of the chairs over there and continue to relax." 

Jiyong turns from the smiling woman and takes a seat in a chair. He feels like he is in some different world. Everything is so ing perfect. Like beyond nice. Jiyong now knows why he is a nut...he is just out of place. Jiyong watches how Seunghyun looks around the room to then find Jiyong in a chair in a corner. "There you are...come on..." 

Jiyong does as told and follows the man out to the car. They both get in and buckle up. The car ride is quiet for a bit until they reach a stop light. "Why do you feel you don't deserve to relax?" 

Jiyong is caught off guard with the question. "I don't understand. I relaxed a lot there..." 

"But you still acted like you were....not worthy or something. We are people...some may have more money than others but you deserve to walk around society with your head held high." 

"Easy for you to say. If I was just to walk in there...with no connections or anything....would they have helped me?" 



"Yes they would you little . It's a business." 

"What is all of this. I accepted the was nice. You gave me my clothes my hair. You said that you were not going to give up on me. I appreciate it, but you don't need to take me to a SPA to throw around your money at me. This is...this is just too much." 

"Throw ...I'm trying to show you how you should be treated. You want people to acknowledge you right? A SPA is a great start. The build a bear was just the start of your confidence boost....I guess this is all fail because you seem to not care what I have done for you. And...why? Why did you run from my friend? You think that I was ashamed of you or something. I may be a snob but I'm human first...I try to do something nice and all I get is your damned mouth all the time ing." 

"I'm sorry." 

"No Jiyong. I'm sorry....I'm sorry for believing in you." The older then puts the car in gears and starts to drive. The way home was quiet and it really gave Jiyong time to think. 

The car stops in front of Jiyong's place. Jiyong unbuckles his seat belt and starts to get out of the car but doesn't open the door yet. He looks at Seunghyun. "It's not that don't care. The clothes, the hair, the confidence boost...I appreciate it all...I'm just not use to this...please don't give up on me." Jiyong lowers his head and starts to turn but the older stops him. He takes a hand under the younger ones chin and lifts it up. "You should always keep your head up. Never look down." 

Jiyong stares at the man who has his hand under his chin again. He looks into the dark eyes and it reminds him of that time in the apartment when they were face to face with their hearts beating in sync. Seunghyun smiles a bit and removes his fingers from the soft skin. "Good day Jiyong."

Jiyong stares back at the man. "I won't dissapoint you. See you later."

"I know you won't. I forgive you." 

"But I didn't say sorry." 

"You meant to say it." says the dark eyes with a chuckle. "Later"

Jiyong gets out of the car and the car speeds off down the streets that are now dimly lit by the sun. Jiyong practically spend the day with he man and learned so much. Seunghyun is not so bad of a man. 

Jiyong goes to his room minutes later and looks at the teddy bear. "I had fun today hyung. I just need to find a man who treats me this nice. I will not let Seungri treat me like a toy anymore." says Jiyong to the stuffed bear. The man laughs a bit. "I'm crazy huh bear hyung?"

The bear just continues to sit on the desk while Jiyong continues to change into his night clothes. Jiyong slips his shirt over his head and looks at himself in the mirror and blushes to the comment from earlier today. He then takes a arm and flexes it in the mirror. It's nothing compared to Seunghyun's god like body. Jiyong had  a nice tone but Seunghyun packs on more muscle to have a bigger body. No wonder the women find him y with not only his body but his personality keeps your drawn. 

Jiyong slips a shirt over his head and flops in bed. Today was eventful enough. 

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VIP_Fran #1
Chapter 19: I really miss this fic :( I really wish for an update soon!
Wysmom #2
Chapter 19: Please please please please please update soon.
jinblo #3
Chapter 19: Pleeease keep updating this! I for one will always be a GTOP fan <3
Chapter 19: Please update this story... please, please, pleaseeeeeee.
Rolan1878 #5
Chapter 19: please update. am waiting for this to finish please.never worry there are lots of gtop fans out there still :)
xxxchocoalmond #6
Chapter 19: Ahhh what a great great story author-nim! I really love it how top is being a protective boyfriend over jiyong ? please update soon❤❤
vododoll #7
Chapter 19: I missed you so much authornim, finally an update:))))) i loooove GTOP here sooo much please updateeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wysmom #8
Chapter 19: I am really happy you have come back to your stories. I love them all. Thank you for the update author-nim.
SJKheartSHK #9
Chapter 19: Yaaaayyy!!! Thank you authornim, GTOP forever
Chapter 18: //whispers// you're my heart heart heart heart heartbreaker---okno. OMOMOMOMO POOR JIYONGIE ;AAA; and Seunghyun why r u so kind yet so mean please he helped Jiyong but he made Jiyong feels more complicated bcos their cough forbidden cough relationship. AND DONGWOOK HELLO CAN YOU PLEASE GET OUT FROM DIS ? Nope, sorry x))) BBBUT HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO with lotsa lotsa O careless heartless mindless n you named it to Jiyong???? Although for the first time I love Dongwook bcos he is so sweet and adorable and kinda loving Jiyong w all of his soul but now bye. Love this fiction, hope you'll continue this later! Keep on a good work and cheers! xx