
For Rent?

Jiyong wakes up to his blaring alarm clock. "Jiyong turn that off!!!" Yells his mother in the neighboring room. The walls are so thin in their tiny apartment you can hear even the neighbors snoring. Jiyong sits up on his floor with a sigh and turns off the clock for him and his mother's sanity. It's just 4am and it's just enough time for him to get ready for the first bus. 

Things are always the same in the morning. Wake up. Fold up his bed and wash his wash and brush his teeth. His mother worked most of the night at the hotel so he doesn't expect breakfast. He goes into the fridge and takes a piece of bread only to take a bite before yelling that he is leaving. His mother who claimed the sofa as her bed again murmurs something before Jiyong leaves out the door at 4:30. 

Jiyong does so much for a school that does really care about him. He is the top of his class you would think that people would ask for help to get higher grades...but its the opposite. Four years...four years of nothing. 

Three buses later Jiyong is let off at his normal stop and the sun is just now rising. He doesn't even feel totally awake but once again he can't stand the embarrassment of him being the only one that takes a bus to school. 

Jiyong walks through the school gates into the rich garden that is sponsored by parents and alumnus. This school is dripping in money to the high end finishes of dark woods and large windows. You would think that this place was a museum at how well kept everything is. With Jiyong's backpack on his shoulder he walks through the school doors. The so called rent money...he figures it's all lost because the whole idea was just stupid. Why would someone so powerful take money to be used...let alone the amount was probably was insulting. Jiyong's pride is pretty much gone and he can be now ruined by such a stupid act. 

Three doors down Jiyong goes to his first class. It's the math class and he does his usual of putting down chairs and getting his books out. The same thing...the same thing everyday. "What if things were different..." says Jiyong to himself putting down the last chair. It's not even two minutes later and students start to pile in with the first dings of the bell. 

He stands and bows to the teacher also with t he rest of the class and the same thing happens again. The teacher finds a way to make Jiyong the prized turkey making sure to show off his prize. Jiyong hates it when he is treated like cattle. Yes he is smart...but he hates it when people boast about it. It's almost just as annoying as talking about money....

Class thankfully ends and everyone departs. Jiyong is the last to leave as he slowly walks towards his last class. The hallways are not crowded but they are full enough to where you have to talk a little louder to your friends. Jiyong parts though the the crowd and makes it to the less busy hallway. It may take a little more time to get to class...but he could care less.

"So this is where you hide." says a voice behind him. 

Jiyong knows that voice. He can't believe it so he continues to walk. The feet behind him move faster. "I'm talking to you sponsored..." says the voice again sounding a little annoyed. Jiyong turns around to of course a very stylish Seunghyun in his uniform. Jiyong looks the man in the eyes. "What do you need?" 

The man then laughs a bit. "I thought it was you who needed something from me." 

Jiyong is not use to talking to people....let alone this man. He is damn distracting. "I don't need it anymore...." 

"What? Now you changed your mind...see I don't have time for even think I considered to do this..." says the man frustrated but to have Jiyong say back. " really considered it...?" 

"Ne, you punk." says Seunghyun again. 

"How did you know I was here..." 

"My ing class is right here you little think that I followed you ert..." 

Jiyong then shakes his head. "No...I didn't think that...don't are you going to help me or not?" 

"Why should I..." says the man with a smirk. Jiyong folds his arms in frustration. This man really likes to play with people. Especially people who don't have what he has...makes Jiyong want to know more already. "Because I want to be acknowledged...." 

"I'm sure your teachers do." says Seunghyun with a laugh. 

"I want friends real friend...I just wish to be normal." 

Seunghyun then looks side to side. "Well let's get one thing first. If you think that you are hanging out with me...forget it. I will let you take advice...and that's it....and if I choose...I will do it for the full term we discussed." 


"My time is valuable sponsored. I don't have time to walk the hallways with you are an embarrassment." 

"I won't be loud...I can follow quietly and observe..." 

"People will think that you are my help before thinking that you are hanging out with me. Just look at you..." Seunghyun leans against the wall. "The first thing that I will tell you is...change your look..." 

Jiyong looks at his clothes..."This is all that I can afford...I have nothing else....can't my personality bring me friends." 

"You have watched too many kdramas. This is real is about image...people like for example. I'm handsome and I dress well." The man grins in his glory and Jiyong rolls his eyes to the cocky bastard. "Yah yah...I saw that eye roll if you want I can take this money and call this bull a day." 

"No no no...please...sorry....I just...." says Jiyong trying to find his words as the bell rings making the younger freak out. "Oh God! I'm late!" He takes off down the hallway making the older man just laugh at the shorter. "Loser." says Seunghyun as he walks into his class. Seunghyun is the more creative type so he is in Art 2....for the fifth time. The man goes over to the nearest desk and places his book down...that's for another class...but hey he at least brought one book. 

"Yooooo came to class today." says Daesung pulling out his project. Not all rich kids are slackers. "Ne...I need to start going to class again." 

"Oh your father get on you..." 

"No...thankfully he doesn't know yet....if  I go to class...maybe I will at least make all Cs..." 

Daesung laughs a bit making the older frown. "Sorry's just that it's hard to believe you." 

Seunghyun can't help but laugh. "Ne ne...I can't argue that one....but I have to at least show that I'm putting in effort before I get into college." 

"Oh your dad got you into Seoul University huh. He sure is going to have to pay a lot to get your diploma." Most kids, their parents pay their kid's way. Money can make you a straight A student and can even get you a degree. Too bad you can't buy smarts. 

"Choi Seunghyun." says the teacher. Seunghyun looks at the woman with a smirk. "What can I do the pleasure of?" 

The older woman get a little flustered and says. "Bastard" under her breath. "I need you to bring in your project...." 

"Oh but I need another creative mind needs more time." 

"Creative my...aish you little punk....just bring it in." 

"Oh I can bring lots of things in...if you want we can bring something in together." says the older with a purr making the younger students snicker to the teacher now getting beat red. "Choi Seunghyun!? Just just...just get OUT OF HERE!" She definitely done with sending the man to the principal's because simply it's no use. 

"See you later Daesung ah" 


It's the end of study session and it's normal for a Korean school because school starts early and ends super late in the day. Jiyong yawns with while holding his belly that suddenly starts to growl. He then stand to go over to the nearest vending machine. Seunghyun who is in the same room watches how the small man quietly wiggles his way out of the classroom into the hallway of lit machines. 

Jiyong pulls out his money bag only to spill half of his coins on the ground. "Aish..." says the tired man. People pass but they don't bother to help. "Looks like you really want that money..." laughs Youngbae as he passes with is girlfriend. He kicks a couple of coins and Jiyong watches how more money is getting wasted underneath designer shoes. "Why do you just stay on the ground and say nothing?" 

"Because...I need to get these coins...I could care less about what they say." 

"' bothers you...if it didn't you wouldn't have asked for my help...." says  Seunghyun quietly. 

"Well doesn't seem like you want to help me." 

"Like I have a threatened me and then handed me this envelope asking to rent me...what am I to think in this situation." 

Jiyong then stands zipping up his coin bag. "If you rather not do this...I will just figure it out on my own..." 

"Ha...and do what how?" says Seunghyun looking the man over. "You say that this...what you are wearing is all you own right?" Jiyong nods. "Ne..." Seunghyun looks the man over and then circles him a few times. The whole time it's driving Jiyong crazy because he doesn't know what the man is wanting to do...He almost seems like trick...


"Eh?" says Jiyong the taller man. "What do you mean?" 

"You want to fit in right? Follow me..." Seunghyun starts to walk but then stop. "20ft behind me" 

"Ne..." says Jiyong quietly and does as told he follows the man through the large school but then stops when he sees that they are now about to exit the building. "Yah yah...." says Jiyong in a panic. "School is not over yet..."

Seunghyun turns around and shrugs his shoulders. "And...why does that matter." 

Jiyong then looks at the man like he is crazy. "We can't leave." 

"Says who?" 

"Says the principal...we could get in big trouble for skipping..." 

"Not if we are not caught." says the older marching towards Jiyong grabbing the man by the wrist to now being dragged out of the doors. Jiyong screams out of protest making the older let go of  the man. "How bad do you want this...cause you still look like a scared ing pansy to me. Are you even a man.." 

"Yah..." says Jiyong clearly offended. "I do want this...I'm not use to skipping...because I have never done this before okay..." 

"Never?" says the older clearly surprised. "Never left the school grounds?"

"Ne...never....even if  I'm sick...I still go to class..." 

"Don't tell me you are a too...." says the older jokingly making the younger blush. "For s sake...really for 18 year your didn't... you are a loser...loser with a capital L" 

Jiyong puts his head down. "Forget it...just forget it..." He turns around and starts to walk back in the building. "You go back in there our agreement is off." 

" what you want..." Jiyong continues into the building adjusting his backpack. It's almost 7 and there are only two hours left of study sessions. Jiyong just want to go home now. He is embarrassed...and probably wouldn't mind leaving if his conscience didn't bother him so much. 


It's hot tonight as Jiyong walks the night streets of Seoul. The last bus for Gangnam left due to Jiyong wanting to finish some last minute homework so he has to walk to his other bus stop which is a couple of miles away. It's not too bad of a walk and Jiyong doesn't mind it at all as he takes in the rare fresh air and night life. He sees plenty of couples dinning and single people of course roaming the streets. It's fun people watching...but it would be more fun to have people to enjoy the moment with you. 

"Hey...hey....sponsored..." yells a person from the street. Jiyong looks to his side to see a black car driving slowly on the drop off lane. The car stops when Jiyong stops and yellow lights flash from the vehicle. "What is he doing here..." says Jiyong under his breath. The tall man then comes in front of the smaller man. Seunghyun doesn't know why either...he doesn't know why he is doing this...but his damn brain can't stop making him feel guilty. That blank stare that Jiyong gave him earlier is haunting him...he can't.

"There you are you bastard..." says Seunghyun looking the man over. Jiyong can't help but stare. "What do you want...I thought that you were done with me...." 

"I was..." 


" and your damn poorness made me want to sponsor you like a African child." 

" really want to help me?" says Jiyong with a little gleam to his eyes. He can't help it because he feels that Seunghyun seriously  approached him. 

" can rent me...for only two months. At the end of the two months we are over..." 

"Ne." says Jiyong with a little smile. 

"Yah yah...I'm not going to be your lover if that's what you thought....but I will try to be a good landlord." 


" are the rent from me so I'm your landlord. I call the shots. So now..." The older circles the younger. He picks at his clothes making the younger slap the hands to then look down not sure of what the man is thinking. "First...we need to fix your image..." 

"I don't have money to do that..." 

"I can fix that. You do my homework and I will pay for what is needed..." 

"You pay?....I can't let you do that...." 

"You think that I'm going to spend a lot on you...." The man laughs to himself. "We will go to Hongdae since stores are open late at night." 

"Where's that?" 

Seunghyun laughs. "Are you the could you not know about Hongdae?" 

"I'm poor remember...I can't afford to go places...I study so I can make money in the future." 

"Oh well said" Says the older clapping his hands. "Now back to reality sponsored. Let's go..." 

"My name is Jiyong..." 

"What?" Says the older looking back at the man. "Oh ne ne...I knew that...habit." 

"Bastard..." says Jiyong under his breath. "Wait...I can't go...." 


"It''s late..." 

Seunghyun rolls his eyes. "I call the shots follow..." 

Jiyong's mom is not even home for hours...he then decides to follow the man over to his car. "I can get in this?" says Jiyong a little scared. 

The older clicks the unlock button. "Just get in Jiyong..." 

The younger does as told and puts on his seat belt not touching a thing. The older looks at the stiff man. "Aish act are making me uncomfortable." 


"Stop saying awkward...." says the man starting the car. 


Hongdae is a great place to find 24 hour cafe's and also clothes stores with fashion forward stuff for cheap. Seunghyun did a little research before coming here because right now Jiyong is just awkward. He can tell the man doesn't talk to others often. 

The place is super crowded and Jiyong is not use to all the people. Seunghyun finds it kind of entertaining how Jiyong says Sorry to every person that he runs into. To then seeing the man almost lost in the crowd to then finding his way again. Jiyong maybe a little awkward but he is at least entertaining. Jiyong fishes his way through the crowd to then be pulled into a loud shop. 

Jiyong is caught off guard because he was so focused on getting out of the crowd. "Where are we..." says Jiyong looking around. 

"It's a store...follow..." says the older now looking through racks of clothes to then chuckle to himself. He finds it amusing how stores make replicas of designer brands. The older then starts to pull things off the rack. "Here" he flings a couple clothes at the younger to quickly grab. Jiyong has never been into a clothing store...well some by the subways but still this is the first time seeing clothes that are not hand me downs from his mother's friends. 

The older man then piles more clothes top of the younger's arms to then turn around seeing that Jiyong's face is barely visible. "Well I think that's a start. I think a rocker kpop vibe will work with your skinny legs." The older then points. "Go try those on." 

"All of it...?" 

"Ne ne...all of go" says the man pushing Jiyong past the curtain to then fling it closed. The music is blaring and Jiyong looks at himself in the dimly lit room with clothes piled on top of his burning arms. He drops the clothes in a near by chair and takes a look at himself in the mirror. He looks a mess with his faded uniform and old shoes. His hair is sloppily cut by his mother that tries to do her best. "Yah...are you done yet!" yells Seunghyun behind the curtain. 

"Not yet!" Yells Jiyong back taking off his uniform. Korea is slowly getting more modern because starting next week uniforms are optional. Jiyong kinda dreaded this but doesn't any more since he has some clothes in front of him. He looks at the jeans and has never seen something so small in his life.." I this small."  says the man at the woman's size. It hurts his pride a bit but still puts the jeans on. They are tight as hell as his is now formed into the jeans. The t-shirt has some figure on it...looks like something he read in his history books and it makes the younger laugh a bit. He never has wore something that fit this well and he could care less if the jeans are not men's. "I have an tight" says the younger looking at himself to then pull back the curtain with his head down...." These jeans are a little tight..." 

Seunghyun looks the man over. "Good" 

Jiyong looks up at the man and then puts his head down again going into the room again. He tries on his next outfit and the jeans are dark and tight again, but this time there are tears running down the legs. He puts on a plain t-shirt and then slips on a button down buttoning it up to the top tucking it in his pants. 

"I like this one..." says Jiyong coming out...

"Wrong wrong..." says the older coming closer. " that for gods sake and untuck you live under a rock...." says the man again. Jiyong does as told and the older turns the younger towards the mirror. "Look at this...and study well. This is trendy...." Jiyong looks at himself in the mirror and it's nothing that he has seen before....he looks down again. "Fine look later...I assume the other things fit....bring them all..." 

Jiyong does as told and follows the man to the register. The cashier takes the clothes and gets distracted by the good looking man. Jiyong stand to the side not even paying attention to anything else until he hears the price. "It will be 857.000 won." (about $876 USD)


"What" says the man turning back as his card is getting swiped. Jiyong clearly sees that money is no matter to the older as a bag is brought into his hands. "Come" says the older crushing the shopping bag into Jiyong's arms to soon follow out the loud store back into nothing but loud crowds. At least the shopping bag is a buffer to the people that he is still running into. The last stop Jiyong is in front of a salon. Seunghyun walks in and  three people bow to him. "Please do something with him...." 

Jiyong looks at the three people. "What am I doing here..?" 

"You think clothes will just change you...we need to fix that mop." 

"Mop...." says Jiyong grabbing at his hair. 

"Here...let me hold your bag..." The older takes the bag of clothes and Jiyong is escorted to the back. There is a woman ready to wash his hair and Jiyong is happy he washed his hair last night. "Please sit here..." 

"Ne..." says Jiyong with a soft voice as he places his head in the sink. "I have never had my hair washed by someone else besides my mother." The wash girl laughs a bit. "Really?" 

Jiyongs eyes slightly roll back as the woman massages his hair. "This feels nice." 

"Oh I'm glad your are comfortable...stay strong Jiyong..." 


"Oh I won't talk about it either..." says the woman taking Jiyong over to a chair to get his hair dried. A stylist by the name of Hyuna comes over with a bunch of bowls. "What are you going to do.." 

The stylist turns Jiyong in the chair not facing the mirror. "Going to make you hot." Jiyong then mumbles. "That's not possible." 

The woman laughs a bit and starts to put lots of dye in his hair. With his chair turned he has no idea what is going on. He can't believe that he willingly said yes to do all of this and it seems like forever as he is thrown under different devices and sometimes having his head burn...but the stylist seem to think that his hair is ok...

Hyuna looks at Jiyong. " look so good..." says the woman happy with her results. Jiyong looks down to not being use to the attention. "Stay strong will get through your fight...." 

"Eh..." Jiyong shrugs his shoulders but then screams when he sees his hair making Seunghyun fall out of his chair. The older cusses under his breath..."He must have noticed the color now..." He stands to then walk over to the man. Jiyong is close to the mirror staring at his now blonde hair. It's under cut where the sides are short and the top of his hair his long. Jiyong then turns to the taller man and points to his hair. "I have college interviews! I didn't know you were up to this..." 

"What did you think that I was going to do..." 

"Oh my god....I look....I look...." says Jiyong sitting in his chair about to have a melt down. "Mom...she is going to freak out..." 

"Don't worry...she will get over it...and you will too...and your words shoulder be thank you because these people put a lot of work into your ugliness..." 

Jiyong then gets wide eyed and bows to the hair team..."I'm sorry...I love it...I just...not use to such changes...." The hair team smiles and they don't mind the shock. Seunghyun then hands Jiyong his bag. "Come" 

Jiyong does as told..."We are not going anywhere else right..." says Jiyong still being self conscience of his hair. The cut does look really does...he just didn't think that he could pull it off.

Seunghyun then gets to his car. "Okay that's it's for today..." Jiyong looks at the man blankly. "What? You thought that I was giving you a ride...Hah..." says the man getting into his car to roll down the window. Jiyong stares at the man with blonde hair and a bag full of clothes. "Don't put those clothes it he washer...your cheap detergent will ruin them...oh and here..." He holds out another bag to Jiyong. "Use these to keep your will have to get touch ups after every 3 weeks." 

Jiyong then bows. "Thank you" 

" awkward...don't do that....see you tomorrow..spon...I mean Jiyong..." 


"Hm?" say the man annoyed. 

"Why did they keep saying stay strong Jiyong..." 

"Oh because you are a homeless victim that I'm giving a makeover..." 

"What?!" says Jiyong in shock. "I have a home!" 

"Hongdae is not a place I should be seen in...I need some type of alibi."  The older laughs and closes his window to drive off. Jiyong has no idea where he is at and it take him almost an hour to figure out which way is home. Jiyong is tired and pissed...but this is what he wanted...



****Thanks for reading! What did  you like about this chapter. If you are not familiar of my writing. I'm a huge gtop fanfic writer. I love gtop so much and it's easy to write about them. Please look at my other will see by the numbers or subbies...I tend to gain interest. If you like this story. Please leave your feedback! UPVOTE AND SUBCRIBE!! LATER!! 

Elise Choi


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VIP_Fran #1
Chapter 19: I really miss this fic :( I really wish for an update soon!
Wysmom #2
Chapter 19: Please please please please please update soon.
jinblo #3
Chapter 19: Pleeease keep updating this! I for one will always be a GTOP fan <3
Chapter 19: Please update this story... please, please, pleaseeeeeee.
Rolan1878 #5
Chapter 19: please update. am waiting for this to finish please.never worry there are lots of gtop fans out there still :)
xxxchocoalmond #6
Chapter 19: Ahhh what a great great story author-nim! I really love it how top is being a protective boyfriend over jiyong ? please update soon❤❤
vododoll #7
Chapter 19: I missed you so much authornim, finally an update:))))) i loooove GTOP here sooo much please updateeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wysmom #8
Chapter 19: I am really happy you have come back to your stories. I love them all. Thank you for the update author-nim.
SJKheartSHK #9
Chapter 19: Yaaaayyy!!! Thank you authornim, GTOP forever
Chapter 18: //whispers// you're my heart heart heart heart heartbreaker---okno. OMOMOMOMO POOR JIYONGIE ;AAA; and Seunghyun why r u so kind yet so mean please he helped Jiyong but he made Jiyong feels more complicated bcos their cough forbidden cough relationship. AND DONGWOOK HELLO CAN YOU PLEASE GET OUT FROM DIS ? Nope, sorry x))) BBBUT HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO with lotsa lotsa O careless heartless mindless n you named it to Jiyong???? Although for the first time I love Dongwook bcos he is so sweet and adorable and kinda loving Jiyong w all of his soul but now bye. Love this fiction, hope you'll continue this later! Keep on a good work and cheers! xx