
For Rent?

It's almost lunch break at school and Jiyong has been swamped in work because his mid term exams are near. Theses are exams to determine how you will do at the end of the year. Jiyong knows that he will do well. It's just putting in that time to make sure that he does acheive his goals. The whole boyfriend and lover scenerio has been taking up a lot of his time. Sometimes he wishes that he could stop time. 

Jiyong puts on his backpack full of books and makes his way to the lunch room. He says hi to some new friends and then makes his way to the lines. He gets his usual free lunch with his scholarship and takes a seat alone spreading books every where. Jiyong opens pages of four different subjects. The man is a mulitasker as he attempts to fuel his brain with even more knowledge. 

People know that he is a nerd and people are not even making fun of him any more thanks to Seunghyun. The man has really opened a lot of doors for him to be socially accepted in his high school. Jiyong doesn't feel that he will keep up with most of his classmates but he will have memories of people acknowleding him which was the plan from the start. Using Seunghyun to acheive a goal. That goal is met but still Jiyong is still wrapped up with the Choi's. 

Dongwook is like the perfect boyfriend and Seunghyun is the person that you can't say no to. He really knows how to get his way. Not that Jiyong was not willing to hang out with Seunghyun because it does take two to tango. 

"What are you reading?" 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "Four topics at the same time." 

"Are you even human...?" says Seunghyun setting his lunch on the table. Jiyong looks up. "What are you doing?" 

The older laughs. "Eating. Its a new trend." 

"Smart ...why are you sitting with me?" 

"Because I want to?" 

"No no no...don't because everyone follows you. I don't need a crowd today...I need to study." 

Seunghyun laughs. "Midterms are in two weeks and you already know every thing. Why are you freaking out? Have I taught you nothing?" 

"I need to get into a good school. They look at everything. I'm not rich like you were I can get into any school I want to with ease." 

"You will get into any school. Your grades show it." 

"Maybe but your application will get accepted faster than mine." 

Seunghyun laughs again. "Where do you get these thoughts?" 

"My friends told me...." 

"Oh yeah yeah. The old ladies in your building that watch nothing but kdramas all day. You take advice from them. Hahaha." says Seunghyun eating his side dishes. "You have nothing to worry about. I can help you get in." 

Jiyong then looks the man in the eyes. "Please don't do that. I want to do this on my own. I want to see my own work pay off." Seunghyun smiles and admires the man for his strong will. "If only I had that kind of drive.." 

"You have nothing to worry about. You have a company to run one day." 

Seunghyun huffs. "That I'm not looking forward to...." 

"What? That is a amazing opportunity. How could you not take the position..." 

"I just don't care for the business..." 

"Leave that to your brother. I'm sure that there's something you like...maybe you could be a buyer for the art work...I saw that you like to draw and appreiciate art." 

Seunghyun then huffs. "Our lunch date is really killing my brain right now." 

"Lunch date? You call this a date." 

"Yeah. I'm sitting next to you and you are eating I'm eating...what else would this be." says the older laughing a bit. "Ok call bull but I feel like it's a date. You are asking such pressing questions." 

"I'm just trying to get that brain going. Find something to do. I know you can do it." 

"Thanks teacher." 

"Eh. Come on. I'm being nice." says Jiyong with a pout as he continues to read. 

"You are cute when you pout." says the older with a soft tone. Jiyong looks up and smiles a bit. "I have to hang with your brother a bit after school today. I'm going to break up with him." 

"Don't" says Seunghyun with a smile. "I won't be able to see you as much." It's true because if Dongwook breaks up with Jiyong then it would make things awkward around the house if Seunghyun suddenly dates Jiyong....but we both know that can't happen anyways. 

Jiyong closes all of his books and then looks at Seunghyun. "You need to tell me what's going on. This whole I can't tell you bit is really racking my brain..." 

Seunghyun then sighs. "Seriously...I can't tell you..." It's really something that Seunghyun hates to hide from Jiyong but it's the only way to make this work right now. 

"Why must we complicate things. I can keep a secret." 

"I'm sure you are practically lying to my brother just to see me." 

"Wow thanks for letting me feel even more guilty. I just don't get it. Your brother seems really nice to me. I just don't see what the big deal is." 

Seunghyun laughs. "Did you just hear what you just said. I guess going out with your brother's boyfriend behind his back is completely normal and if you break up it would be totally ok for us to go out." says Seunghyun in a sarcastic tone. Jiyong then sighs. "I know I know...but you are the one that is complicating this...." 

"No you are the one that complicated things. You said you would go out with my brother over coffee and you barely broke up with Seungri." 

"That was my desicion. Dongwook was the perfect person in that situation. He really wanted to get to know me he is charming and caring and never makes me upset." The more Jiyong talks the more he is realizing what he is doing. "Seunghyun ah." says The coffee eyes looking into the deeper ones. "We can't do this. I really mean it this time. I can't go around potentionally hurting someone else that I care for." 

"You care for him?" says Seunghyun a little jealous. "You don't know what you are...." The older stops talking. He just stands from his chair. "Have a good lunch." That is the end of that conversation the rest of the day Jiyong didn't even see Seunghyun most of the time the man just appears out of no where but he is no where to be found this time. 

Jiyong recieves a call on his phone just as he is walking out of the school. He soon sees that Dongwook is across the street waiting for him in a luxury car. Jiyong goes and meets the man halfway with a slight blush as people stare at the couple. "Hey" says Jiyong shyly. Dongwook smiles. "How was school? I got done early with things and decided to pick you up." Jiyong smiles a bit. "Thanks" 

The older takes Jiyong's smaller hand and leads them over to the car. They both get in and Dongwook starts the drive towards Jiyong's home. "So how was school?" 

Jiyong smiles. "It was good. I got a lot of studying done." 

Dongwook laughs. "My brother should study more too." 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "Well. I'm sure he will figure things out. Seems to have a lot on his mind." 

"Oh so he has been talking to you a bit huh?" 

Jiyong smiles. "Ne sometimes he will randomly sit at my table. He is easy to talk to." 

"Well no easier to talk to more than me right?" Dongwook then pulls into a parking garage. It's dimly lit and Jiyong then looks around. "Where are we?" 

Dongwook smiles and takes off his seat belt. "In a parking garage." He reaches over and unbuckles Jiyong's seat belt. He then starts to rub Jiyong's shoulder a bit. "I really want to kiss you." 

Here we go again. It's not that Dongwook is a bad's just that he would rather kiss Seunghyun. Dongwook leans in and the younger captures the lips. He might as well kiss him back if he is going to make this work right? Jiyong kisses the man and the kiss is a little more pasionate than normal. Actually the man is going things right kissing and in the right places. Jiyong's neck gets attacked by the bigger lips and Jiyong can't help but quietly moan. Dongwook smiles and starts to reach down an palm Jiyong's obviously growing heat. Jiyong then shyly pulls back. 

"What's wrong?"

Jiyong blushes. "I....I have never gone this far with another person..." 

Dongwook smiles and leans into Jiyong's neck to kiss it gently. "It feels good right?" Jiyong moans in response as the older's hand reaches back over to Jiyong's heat again. "Do you want me to make you feel better?" 

"mmmm" says Jiyong lost in the kissing. Jiyong likes this feeling it's almost as if he is with Seungri again but they have never gone this far. Jiyong's eyes roll back as he feels his zipper going down and a large had on . He starts to moan at the pace of his memeber getting at a fast pace. Jiyong  speaks between moans. "" says the younger not sure what to do with with his hands. Dongwook takes a through then thin shirt and starts to pinch it slightly making Jiyong maon again and again. "You like it..." 

"mmmm" says Jiyong. 

"Then come for me...." says the older watching Jiyong's face as he harder and harder. It's not too long a towel is placed on top of the member and Jiyong releases his seed all in it. The feeling was unreal as he felt for the second time the explosion of pleasure in his body. Jiyong just came but he still is as he kisses Dongwook passionately. He can't help it. 

They release the kiss and Dongwook smiles a bit. "So was that your first time?" 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "Yea..." 

"It was amazing watching you. I have always wanted to see you relax a bit more." The older steals a kiss. "Shall we take you home?" Jiyong nods and the car starts to go out of the parking lot. Jiyong is a little tired now but he is satisfied. 

"Do you like anyone else?" 

The question came out of no where. "What?" says Jiyong looking over at the older. "Why are you asking that?" 

"Because I just feel that you like someone else. You are never completely open with me." 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "I'm going out with only you." and seeing his brother on the side. 

"Let's continue to have these" 

Jiyong smiles and gets out of the car. He goes up the stair to his apartment and barely says his to his mother. The man is now confused Dongwook is not so bad in Jiyong's eyes and he doesn't know what to do. Seunghyun in a way right now is like a devil. He wants Jiyong...but he doesn't tell him why. 


Seunghyun is eating some random food from the kitchen as he hears his brother come into the kitchen. The man casually comes to the fridge and takes out a bottle of water. "So how was school. I hear you have lunches with Jiyong." 

"Yeah and..."

"Well you had lunch and I gave him his dessert." says the older with a grin. 

Seunghyun's fist ball up. "What are you trying to do to him." 

"Make sure that he stays away from you." 

"You don't even like him." 

"I do like him." says the older with a grin on his face. He pulls out his phone. "Yeseo ah. What are you doing...." says the older with a purr. 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "I can't believe that you are doing this to him. He doesn't deserve you." 

"I'm on the phone right now...Yeseo ah...I will call you later." The older then comes over to Seunghyun with a slight smile. "You need to stay focused brother. Jiyong is mine." 

"Jiyong is not property. He is...he is someone I care about. Leave him out of our mess." 

"Can't do that. I need to do what's best for the company and you both know that in order to get our full shares and our rightfully earned seat is that we both have to work. I'm not throwing away my hard work for your bull. Get married and forget Jiyong. We need this merger to survive. We both know this." 

"All you care about is your money...." 

"Life is about money." 

"Money is not everything..." 

"Money is not everything???....look at Jiyong. The man has to struggle to get what he wants. He has to rely on us to get him a decent hair cut. He has no power. What does Jiyong bring....nothing. Hyuna is the one that will bring this company and this family security. Will you think of others instead of yourself." 

"Do you even hear what you are saying. It's alll a bunch of bull. Yes Hyuna's family and power will bring this company many opportunities but it shouldn't be through marriage. Find another way." Seunghyun walks out of the room. 

2am and Seunghyun can't sleep he doesn't like knowing that Jiyong's feelings are nothing to Dongwook. He just can't take this anymore. The man gets out of the bed and leaves the condo. He goes to his car and drives. 


Jiyong wakes up in his living room with a book under his head. He can't help from studying all night. What woke him up was consistent knocking. He knows who it is. He doesn't even open the door. "Just go home you drunkard." 

Seunghyun sighs on the other side of the door. "I'm sober and it took you long enough to wake up." 

"I'm not opening the door. I'm serious." 

"I need to talk to you." 

Jiyong sighs. "Go home...." 

Seunghyun then says. "Fine...I will make you open the door. JIYONG WHY DOES MY ITCH SO MUCH. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ME THERE AND YOU SAID IT WAS OK. AAAAAAH MY AASS." 

Jiyong flings the door open and shoves the man inside. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" 

Seunghyun laughs. "Ne." 

"What do you want. Just tell me and leave...please." says Jiyong just wanting him out. 

Seunghyun then walks over to the sofa. "Take a seat." 

"I'm not here to talk Seunghyun. I told you I'm commited to Wookie now." 

"Wookie....don't make me sick....come sit next to your Hyunnie then." 

Jiyong huffs and goes over to the man taking a seat on the other side of the sofa. "What is it?" 

"I'm gonig to tell you the reason why you are breaking up with Dongwook tomorrow." 

"What? I'm not doing that to him. We got so much closer today." 

"A ...come on...." says the older with a laugh. "Okay sorry....but really...he's not what he seems....he doesn't really like you. It's all an act to keep me away from you..." 

Jiyong then gets upset. "What? Why are you telling me this? Are you jealous again?" 

"Jiyong you want to know and I told you. Dongwook is using you so that I don't go out with you. My "Girlfriend" is just a business deal that they hope turns into marriage. That means a really good life for me and my brother and growing the business. I don't like her and she doesn't like me...I have gone out with other girls, but my brother makes sure that it doesn't go any further. The first time I really loved brother got in the way and seduced her and threw her away like trash. He's going to do the same to you. He will do anything to block you from me...when I heard he touched you today..I couldn't take don't deserve don't deserve us...please break up with him tomorrow. Forget about me...and move on...." The older holds out an envelope. "Take this need it more than I do." 

Jiyong takes the envelople and it's the money that he gave to Seunghyun when he wanted to rent the man to get popular. "So this is all fake you your brother...I was just some toy...." says Jiyong a little hurt grabbing at his clothes. "I can't believe he...I can't belive this...." says Jiyong in a low voice. He looks up at the older. "Why didn't you just let me break up with him earlier. I kissed him...he touched me...he even wiped up my come..." says Jiyong bluntly. He wanted to know and it feels like a brick has been thrown at his face. "Why...." 

Seunghyun then sighs. "It was selfish of him and me. I just wanted you around but I didn't think...I didn't think that he would go this far...." 

"Of course he would...I'm in the way of your future." 

"I don't care about that ....I care about you...." 

"I care about you too...that's why you will marry that girl and forget about me." says Jiyong in a  soft voice. "Thank you for the happy times...but it's time for you to go." 

Seunghyun then stands and feels that it's the right thing to do. Just to forget Jiyong. Forget him...but he can't...his reaction is so dark the man can't leave right now. "I can't with you like this...." says the older going back to the sofa. 

"You need to leave...please..." says the younger with a break to his voice. "Please...." says the younger turning away.

"I can't do that...." says the older taking the younger in an embrace. "I changed my mind I can't let you go...I will just figure things out." 

"I can't do that...I'm not going to be the poor boy in some drama..." 

Graduation is coming up soon Jiyong is worried about college. "I need to get into school your brother could probably ruin me." 

"That won't  happen because I'm also a Choi." 

"He has been controlling you all of your life. What makes you think that you have the upper are to get married...." 

"I know I know...we will figure that out. Just trust me ok." 

"Trust you? trust you?? You say that all the time and look what has happened. I had my rubbed by someone who doesn't really care about me..." 

Seunghyun looks into the coffee eyes. "I care about you." He leans in and kisses Jiyong's lips softly. His kisses don't compare. Dongwooks kisses are nice and they satisfy the need but Seunghyun intensifies everything with his heart.

Jiyong can really feel the man's feelings in this kiss and it's just a simple touch of the lips. The way that he is carefully holding the man making sure not to over step his bounds. They are not in some parking garage...they are in a place of comfort. Almost like when they first kissed. Jiyong feels loved.

Jiyong deepens the kiss and experiements by flicking his tongue a bit. Seunghyun responds in kind and holds the younger closer giving a couple of deep kissses ending with a peck. Jiyong can't help but smile a bit. "I feel the difference...I know what it feels like now..." 

Seunghyun rubs the smaller back "Oh yea?" 

"You really do care..." says the younger looking into Seunghyun's eyes. 

The older then smiles. "You need to be touched the right barely know how to kiss...." 

"I kiss just fine." 

"You need some work." says the older with a grin. 

Jiyong then looks into the older's eyes innocently. "But I thought that I was just fine...." 

"You are..." says the older stealing a kiss. "Just need some more practice. Plus you need to remember how it feels to be loved." 

"I do know. You showed me once." 

"Close your eyes." 

Jiyong laughs. "What are you going to do...." 

"Just do it." The older then Jiyong's cheek softly and gently touches the soft hair and bring his hand down to the smaller chin. He leans in and kisses Jiyong softly on the lips again moving them slowly. Jiyong catches on to the flow of things and gently presses himself closer to the man. Jiyong can't help but moan a bit as the older kisses him slowly. Jiyong can't help it but he then slowly starts to move his legs a bit this feelsl too good. Seunghyun laughs a bit in the kiss. "You feel good." Jiyong blushes. "So cute." The older kisses the younger again. "Want hyung to help you out?" 

Jiyong nods a bit. "Do I my pants.." 

"When you are with me you never need to know how to do anything. Just kiss me" says the older leaning in to kiss the younger again. He then starts to move his hands lower and lower caressing the flat stomach. He then trails his hands higher and touches the chest. Jiyong's breath hitches when the older touches the errected s with the palm of his hands. "Heh....Seunghhyun..." says Jiyong with a moan. The older then brings his hand to the rim of Jiyong's pants and then. "OOOOOOOHHH !" says Jiyong with is body slightly trembling....he just came and Seunghyun didn't even really touch him. Jiyong melts a bit into the sofa. "I'm...I.....sorry..." 

Seunghyun laughs a bit. "It's okay."

Jiyong then sighs. "Sorry it just felt so good." 

"mmhm...." says the older  still with his hand on the smaller stomach. "How did it feel." 

"Just really relaxing and....nnnnnn" says Jiyong as a hand finally reaches and grabs his heat for the second time today. The pace is fast and Jiyong goes crazy mintues later." Seunghyun really knows what he is doing. "I thought that you didn't go with men...." 

"Doesn't mean I didn't experiment. I prefer women...but you are an exception." says the older with a purr. "Let's clean you up" says the older going to the kitchen. "Where do you keep your towels?" 

Jiyong is still recovering from his second in less than five minutes. No wonder women were all over him. Seunghyun comes back over and cleans up the younger a bit. "Good thing that you are home." says the older with a chuckle as he cleans Jiyong up a bit. "Are you ok? You are so quiet." 

"You just have me in a coma...." says Jiyong resting against the sofa. "I can't even are...amazing...." 

Seunghyun grins. "'s because you make me you trust me now...give this a try..." 

Jiyong then remembers reality. This whole makeout session distracted him. "...I don't know how this will work. I will break up with him...but...what about" 

"We will get through this together. I'm getting my own place too...same hotel but a different suite that I'm having converted. We could live there after we graduate and then figure things out." 

"Move in....isn't that a little fast?" says Jiyong with a laugh. 

The older laughs. "I'm not asking that yet....I just don't want to waste time with you...from the first time I kissed you...I knew what I wanted...this is what I" say the older. He looks into Jiyong's eyes and takes the smaller to his chest and Jiyong can feel the heart beating really fast. "I love you" 

Jiyong looks up at the man. "I will do this if you study and pass. I can't be with you if you don't care about your studies...." 

"Ne teacher" 





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VIP_Fran #1
Chapter 19: I really miss this fic :( I really wish for an update soon!
Wysmom #2
Chapter 19: Please please please please please update soon.
jinblo #3
Chapter 19: Pleeease keep updating this! I for one will always be a GTOP fan <3
Chapter 19: Please update this story... please, please, pleaseeeeeee.
Rolan1878 #5
Chapter 19: please update. am waiting for this to finish please.never worry there are lots of gtop fans out there still :)
xxxchocoalmond #6
Chapter 19: Ahhh what a great great story author-nim! I really love it how top is being a protective boyfriend over jiyong ? please update soon❤❤
vododoll #7
Chapter 19: I missed you so much authornim, finally an update:))))) i loooove GTOP here sooo much please updateeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wysmom #8
Chapter 19: I am really happy you have come back to your stories. I love them all. Thank you for the update author-nim.
SJKheartSHK #9
Chapter 19: Yaaaayyy!!! Thank you authornim, GTOP forever
Chapter 18: //whispers// you're my heart heart heart heart heartbreaker---okno. OMOMOMOMO POOR JIYONGIE ;AAA; and Seunghyun why r u so kind yet so mean please he helped Jiyong but he made Jiyong feels more complicated bcos their cough forbidden cough relationship. AND DONGWOOK HELLO CAN YOU PLEASE GET OUT FROM DIS ? Nope, sorry x))) BBBUT HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO with lotsa lotsa O careless heartless mindless n you named it to Jiyong???? Although for the first time I love Dongwook bcos he is so sweet and adorable and kinda loving Jiyong w all of his soul but now bye. Love this fiction, hope you'll continue this later! Keep on a good work and cheers! xx