The Keeper of Secrets

Luck Is Not Chance

I turned my phone off after talking to Zico Hyung. I didn’t want to hear his voice or anyone’s voice for that matter. I packed up my things as quickly as possible and hurried from the GOT7 house to my own. There’s a fear that maybe one of the GOT7 members will figure out that Zico Hyung and I have been talking even if it's not like a bad thing…in this case. 

My phone remained off for most of Saturday too, though when I did turn it back on for a second, I regretted it almost instantly. I got spammed by texts from Taeil about P.O bothering him, saying Zico Hyung has been nagging him about my lack of response to his calls. Wooyoung Hyung huffing that Im Jaebum has been harassing him, Min Noona, and Jo Kwon Hyung for answers as to why I left the GOT7 house with little to no explanation.

There were a handful of missed calls from Youngjae and one from Jackson…but I can’t bring myself to answer anyone. I mean what in the world could I even say? Admitting I agreed to help Zico Hyung is like agreeing to face a cave of very hungry ANGRY lions! And I’m not ready for that kinda sacrifice.  

“Mark!” My mom calls from upstairs and I groan as I roll out of my bed to shout from my door.


“You have a visitor! A very pretty girl!” My mom squeals and I hurry downstairs wondering if maybe Youngji came to visit me since I haven’t answered anyone’s messages. But as I get to the bottom step I’m puzzled at the young woman standing at my door.

She’s young, like Bambam Yugyeom young. She had fair skin and long dark hair that curled a little at its ends. She was smiling as I approached the door and had she not said my name with a little wave I would have thought she had the wrong house.

“Who’re you?” I peek out to see if she’s with anyone and the sight of Kyung’s car nearby makes the pit of my stomach leave my body, hell even this world. “Oh…god…you’re not…”

“Jamie,” she smiles. “Oppa said to wait for him here. He’s just talking to Kyung Oppa in the car.”

I nearly gasp, covering my face roughly to hide my shock. “Jamie…god damnit. Jamie why the hell are you here?”

“Well Jiho Oppa said you both agreed—” 

“Like hell we did…Hyung!! Get over here already!” I rush down my front steps and bang on the passenger’s window. When the window rolls down I nearly punch Kyung in the face as his smug grin irks me for no other reason than it is on his face.

“Morning, Mark,” he greets with a little wave of his fingertips and I nearly gag. 

“Don’t give me that , Kyung. Where’s Zi-Jiho Hyung?” For a moment I weigh the pros and cons of shoving my way into Kyung’s family car through the window, but Zico Hyung beat me to it. Opening up one of the doors in the back and hurrying to my side.

“Calm down, Mark. No need to kill anyone,” he panics and pulls me over to the side.

“Hyung, what were you thinking! I told you bringing Jimin here would be bad news!”

Jamie comes over with her hands on her hips. Zico Hyung and I stop talking, giving each other eyes of true panic. I mean it wasn’t my fault the poor girl took an 11 hour flight from Cali to Korea! But I could see the flames of something vigorous burning behind her eyes. It’s the look Im Jaebum had the first time we met—the look of a strong personality sizing up what they believe to be a weaker one. But it’s not mine she’s after.

“Oppa! Why did you tell me I can see the GOT7 Oppas?! Did you lie to me?”

“Jimin…it's not that I lied! I guess I misunderstood Mark…”

I give him a look. “How can you misunderstand that everything is NOT okay!”

“Why would it not be okay?” Jamie huffs and a look from Zico Hyung confirmed another nightmare. Clearly JYP was not the only one keeping secrets. And I ing hate that I have to open a whole vault of secrets for things I don’t even want to take to the grave. 

“One moment,” I flash a smile to Jamie before dragging Zico Hyung to the side. “If you bring Jamie to the GOT7 house and JYP is there…it’s going to open up a conversation no one and I repeat NO ONE in that family is willing to have. They will literally lose any and all respect they have left for that man…”

“I didn’t think about that…,” Zico Hyung trails off.

“And Hyung…if they are forced to lose even more respect for their father because of you…again…I don’t think they’ll be able to handle it. And then you’ll never get another chance to say sorry or be civil with them.”

Zico Hyung sighs. “I know…but how am I going to tell Jamie that she can’t—”

“Tell me what?” She pops her head near us.

I scream loud enough to convince myself that I woke Taeil up from his afternoon nap. Thankfully he never looks out the window or comes downstairs. Kyung, on the other hand, pokes his head out to see what’s going on, only going back in after I flip him off. Then, like Zico Hyung, I cave. I know GOT7 will be more than happy to see her…and what right do I have to keep them apart?

“If this is going to happen…Zico Hyung you are going to have to tell Jimin everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. If she is in the dark about even a speck of information I am giving GOT7 your personal address the second they finish murdering me. Got it?” I narrow my eyes at Zico Hyung and he falters.

“Did something happen?” Jamie is more than confused and I nudge Zico Hyung forward. “Oppa?”

“Um…you see Jamie some things happened after you left…things you’d hate me for…” Zico Hyung began and I took that chance to head back inside my house, making sure to shut the door tightly behind me. I brush my mom’s questions away before I shut myself in my room and scramble to turn my phone back on. 

There are more texts and missed calls but they are the least of my problems. I flip through my contacts and once I find who I’m looking for I press the phone to my face, waiting for the angel on the other end.

“Hyung?” comes the voice and I deflate into my pillow.

“Youngjae…I have a surprise for you all…but I’m going to need your help.” I begin and he chuckles.

“Don’t ask any questions?” 

“You know me so well, Youngjae,” I smile.


Youngjae meets us at the door of the GOT7 house, making sure no one notices him slipping out. And it was at that moment that I learned that the two didn’t actually know each other that well. Jamie had been closer to Im Jaebum, Zico Hyung, Bambam and Yugyeom. Especially since they made a point to spoil her the most or made an effort to actually talk to her.

“So what’s the plan?” Youngjae leans against the door.

“We murder my brother,” Jamie is all red in the face, her eyes a little puffy from crying. “Then we dance on his grave and if possible, let’s ruin his afterlife!”

Youngjae gives me a look that I avoid. 

“Or, we can make this a festive event! JYP isn’t home, so you’ll get to talk to GOT7 more comfortably and not feel pressured by the secrets we are now forced to take to the grave.” I volunteer and Jamie huffs.

“Murder sounds more fun.”

Youngjae gives me another look that I shrug away. He then opens the door and ushers us inside. It looks like everyone is in their own rooms at the moment since the lights in the living room and kitchen are switched off. It’s barely noon so I wonder if most of them are asleep. I pull Jamie over to the couch as Youngjae goes hollering around the house slamming pots and pans against each other in his little march. 

Junior is the first to rush out of bed and from the looks of it he was in the middle of a spa session, face pack plaster on his face. Im Jaebum is next but he comes out with a stick as if he thought robbers had come in and signaled to everyone in the world they were there. Bambam is barely awake, leaning on the doorframe as Yugyeom emerges just as out of it. Jackson, on the other hand, never surfaced, probably still sleeping soundly in bed. 

I turn on the lights and everyone is happy to see I’m still alive.

“Um, excuse me? Is everyone going to just ignore me?” Jamie gets to her feet and it's like a splash of cold water to GOT7 who truly hadn’t noticed the young girl relaxing on their couch in the dark. 

“Mark…please don’t tell me you’re trying to introduce us to your obviously very young girlfriend…” Junior looks at me and I roll my eyes.

“Like hell I am, that’s Jimin. You know, Park Jimin!”

Im Jaebum rushes over first and one little grin from the younger girl confirms it for him. “Stupid little girl!” he grabs her into a tight hug, spinning her around. 

“JB Oppa!!” She hugs him back, refusing to let him go. “I’m so happy you remember me!”

The rest of GOT7 flocks over to Jimin, giving her hugs and asking her a million and one questions. She answers most of the questions before coming over to my side to drag me in on the conversation as well. I didn’t really want to get involved since it meant I would have to somehow come up with a reason Jimin and I met up and arrived here at the same time. Or not, Jimin is eager to jump in with a wild story about her arriving in Korea, meeting my mom and talking about me somehow and then learning that I knew GOT7 from her. Which I wouldn’t believe because it sounds like something out of a manga. But the looks going around GOT7 made it very clear that…they believed her…

Then again they’re so starstruck, they’d probably believe anything that came out of .

“I’m serious! I’m a black belt in Taekwondo! I made sure I could protect myself just like you wanted Oppa!” Jimin bubbles, sitting closer than I would like to Yugyeom. Placing one of her hands on his thigh whenever she laughs. 

“I bet you could take JB Hyung in a fight!” Jackson nudges Im Jaebum, who rolls his eyes. “Come on, let’s see a match.”

“Yah, we should be celebrating not fighting!” Junior gets up and heads to the kitchen. “We need food and cake and I don’t know beer or something!”

Husband. Youngjae said that Im Jaebum wanted Yugyeom to marry Jimin. I can’t seem to drag my eyes away from them. Yugyeom is laughing and joking around with everyone, unfazed by the physical contact even though he hasn’t seen her in god knows how long! He shouldn’t even be able to talk to her let alone be all– Okay. I need to calm the down…

“You okay, Mark Hyung?” Bambam slips over to my side and it's the only thing that forces my eyes away from Yugyeom and Jimin. 

“Yeah,” I state flatly as Bambam snakes his arms around mine.

“Really now? Because from where I’m sitting it looks like you’re burning a hole into Yugyeom’s face.”

“ off–”

“Yugyeom? What about him?” Jimin leans forward with a smile across her lips. She’s still glued to the maknae’s side and he curiously leans forward as well. 

“Mark’s just jealous cause you’re so close to his boy–Ouch!” Bambam starts then holds the back of his head. “Damn, Mark. Are you trying to kill me?”

“Yes!” I snap at him.

Jimin laughs at our little interaction before getting to her feet, fishing out her phone and showing us a picture. It’s one of Jimin and a taller girl smiling happily at the camera, their faces pressed together tightly. The taller girl has her arms wrapped around Jimin in a loose but intimate hug…oh . She has a girlfriend!

“I know JB Oppa wanted me to get with Yugyeom when we were kids but I already have a girlfriend back in Cali, so no need to feel some type of way.”

My face flushes pink as Im Jaebum eyes me with an annoyingly smug grin that I wish I could wipe off with the bottom of my foot. But thankfully Junior and Youngjae emerge from the kitchen with plates of things to distract me with. Bambam rushes over to Jimin side, pushing Yugyeom to sit by me while Jackson begins to tell an animated story about when they were all kids, doing his best to exclude Zico Hyung from the memory. 

“Sorry,” Yugyeom whispers and the reddening in my cheeks continue.

“It’s fine…you didn't do anything wrong…” I sigh as I munch on a cookie. I mean I’m the one who still makes out with Jackson from time to time even though I pledge my undying loyalty and love to the cute maknae by my side. 

“It’s kinda cute when you’re jealous,” Yugyeom whispers right into my ear and a part of me wants to drag him into another room and do ungodly things to him. But of course, I wouldn’t…because of the party. And you know, other stuff.

“You’re cute,” I smile, grabbing his hand into mine. 

A pair of rough hands press down on my shoulders from behind the couch and I nearly scream as I face Im Jaebum. I release Yugyeom’s hand as Im Jaebum clearly wants me to get up and follow him away from the group. I do, reluctantly, because why the hell would I want to follow Im Jaebum into a secluded enclosed space when I can be cuddling it up with Yugyem on the couch. 

“What do you want, Jaebum?” I lean against the railing of the balcony as he comes over and again, places his hands on my shoulder.

“Did you think about my offer?” he begins with a chuckle.

I push his arms away. “What offer?”

“Remember when you asked me about dating one of my members?” he begins. “I told you, it was fine, as long as the person was willing to be shared.”

“And I said only a crazy person would agree to like that!” I gag.

Im Jaebum motions to me and now I truly feel the vomit rising up my throat and oh, into my mouth. Gross. The evil leader of GOT7 bursts with laughter, leaning against the glass door of the balcony. 

“Don’t act like it's unpresented,” Im Jabeum continues with laughter. “Jackson told all of us how you two make out and .”  

The blood drains from my face. “That dude has a loud mouth.”

“So?” Im Jabeum ventures and I roll my eyes. “What’s so bad? People do it.”

“Don’t you already have Youngjae and Junior? You don’t even like me like that,” I huff and he leans forward, kissing me on the lips. “Are you ing insane?”

“I expected you to swing at me,” Im Jaebum ruffles my hair like I’m some child. “But regardless, think about it. I’m sure Yugyeom would be down too.”

“I’m not down at all!” I shout, but Im Jaebum is already exiting the balcony and shutting the glass door behind him. 

I sigh and like bad luck that follows me everywhere, my phone rings. I bring it toward my face already knowing that it was Zico Hyung calling to find out how things are going. I take a breath before pressing the phone to my face.

“Hyung…this is not the best time.” 

“Is everything okay with Jamie?? Did she say something?” Zico Hyung panics and I cut him off. 

“No, it’s all…holy it is not okay! Zico Hyung, JYP just pulled up at the house!” I whisper-shout into the phone as I peer over the balcony in horror. 

“What do we do?” Zico Hyung gasps.

“Like hell I know! But it’s not like I can tell GOT7 to hide Jimin and pretend she's not here! They’ll want to know why and we can’t tell them!” 

“I mean it’s not like JYP Hyung doesn’t know she’s there! I’m sure my parents contacted him…oh god this is gonna be hell.” 

“I need to go!” I hang up and rush inside to be met with the same cheerful scene I left. Jimin and the others are going on and on about old stories and I can see a few cans of beer definitely went around the room. Im Jaebum is nestled between Junior and Jackson, while Youngjae, Bambam and Jimin have settled on the floor around a strawberry shortcake. Yugyeom on the other hand approaches me, holding out a bottle of water. 

“You okay, Hyung?”

“Yeah…uh, you knew about Jackson?” I find myself asking even though it was not the time nor the place for it. 

Yugyeom nods his head. “Yeah?” 

“And…you were okay with it?” 

“I mean, yeah I guess? For the most part,” he answers then laughs. “What happened on the balcony? You look as white as a ghost.”

“Im Jaebu—Jaebum kissed me and said you all should share me…” I trail and I hear the door to the JYP house open and ! I forgot that the main problem is not my relationship with GOT7 but the bomb that is about to go off. “Um, ignore that. Look, something is about to happen and I want you to know that I’m really sorry in advance…” 

And then it wasn’t JYP. An older man greets the members and heads toward the back of the house. He’s only back there for a moment before he resurfaces with a briefcase and waves goodbye to the boys. Nothing else happens and I sag to the ground, holding onto Yugyeom’s sweater as I sigh with relief. 

“What’s going on, Hyung?”

“Nothing. Life is fine…but who the hell was the old guy? I thought JYP was home.”

“Oh, JYP hyung always sends people here to get documents he needs. We don’t really know their names, but we generally know what they look like.” 

“Mark Hyung! Yugyeom! Hurry up and sit down!” Youngjae motions for us to come over. “We’re going to play a game I read about in one of my magazines.”

I laugh as I drag Yugyeom over to the floor and take a seat. “Let me guess, Seventeen Magazine?”

“The one and only,” Youngjae grins. 

“Even I don’t read that,” teases Jimin and Im Jabeum puts an arm around her shoulder.

“Just play the game, Stupid Little Girl.”


The walk back home is strange mainly because Yugyeom and I aren’t alone. Jimin skips beside me, hand in hand with Bambam, joking around about some nonsense only kids their age would laugh about. I told them I could walk home alone and that I could drop Jimin off at her brother’s place but the two insisted on coming along. 

I panic text Zico Hyung a million times to make sure he’s nowhere near my house since that’s what we planned for after Jimin’s meeting with GOT7, but as we get closer to my house I can clearly see he decided to ing ignore me! He’s chatting with Taeil about something he's about to not find funny ever again. Oh. And now I’m not the only one to notice him.

Jimin stalls and Bambam looks over to see Zico Hyung casually on my front steps like we're pals. Yugyeom pales as we get closer and by the way his face scrunches. I'm not sure if he’s just like blind and can’t see or is about to puke out all the skittles and cake he had earlier. There’s only a second where I hold my breath and maybe even shut my eyes, too scared to witness whatever the hell is about to happen…but surprisingly…nothing happens.

We all make it to the front of my house at different paces, but we all get there. Zico Hyung has the same look of horror I do and I give him a look that states that he is dead to me forever. Taeil greets us happily, but even his positive attitude can’t withstand the oppressive air that pushed its way into our little group. So, of course like the smart guy he is, Taeil rushes home without even a goodbye. 

“The hell are you doing here, Traitor?” Bambam growls and Jimin and I glance at one another. 

“Um…he’s my brother…” Jimin reluctantly admits and she clearly didn’t get the SOS signal in our glance earlier.

“Excuse me?” Bambam explodes and unlike with Jimin, Yugyeom stays quiet and stone-faced just like when we first met and although this is a very serious situation it kind of made me happy. 

“Sorry, Mark and I kept it a secret because we knew it would be a problem…” She trails and now all eyes are on me.

“I told Zi-Jiho hyung it was a bad idea no matter how much you all loved and missed her since Jiho hyung got adopted with her…” I scramble to find the right words, but nothing keeps Bambam from punching Zico hyung square in the face. He then turns his eyes on Jimin and I and there’s almost a shared ‘let's just get punched in the face and get it over with’ look on both of our faces, but Bambam simply grabs Yugyeom by the hand.

“It was nice seeing you Jimin…and Mark…maybe this should be the last time any of us see you.”

And then they’re gone and I’m left with nothing. Literal emptiness as Jimin grabs my arm to pull me from running after them.

“I’m so sorry, Mark oppa,” she cries, but a part of me blames her and everything she stands for to those boys.

I pull my arm away from her and stomp up to Zico Hyung, who was holding his hand over his eyes. “You better lose my number. I’m done with all this. I never wanted to be a part of any of this drama that you caused, Jiho.”


“Leave!” I scream and the siblings are unsure of what to do. “You really only know how to destroy things…monster!”

I stomp inside my house, slam the door and hurry to my room before my mom can ask me any questions. Though I can hear her at the door. I hate crying, but there was no way I could stop the horrid, deep sobs that escaped into my pillow. I knew trying to help Zico Hyung was like playing with fire. I knew that yet I let him trick me into doing his bidding.And now I’ll never get to talk to GOT7 or be their friend and gross I should like some preschooler. I never even wanted to be part of their group and yet now it almost feels unbearable to think I won’t get to see them again without them trying to kill me.

My phone dings and I rip myself away from my pillow to peek at the message. I’m not sure what I’m expecting, but it’s from Yugyeom. The five words across the screen puzzle me and I wonder if when I stomped up to my room I hit my head or something. Yugyeom obviously never said anything as Bambam pulled him away, didn’t even look at me or anyone for that matter yet…

I keep reading the five words over and over again like the repetition would somehow morph them into a sentence I could understand. 

“Will you be my boyfriend?” I whisper as I read them once more aloud. 

The most obvious answer comes out the easiest and I throw my phone across the room not wanting to see what he might write back. 



No edits. Just kinda wrote this because I want to try and finish this fic since I was almost done with it anyway. 


Okay byeeeeee.

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With the newest chapter posted, I will start to edit the old chapters now~


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Chapter 28: Thank you so much for the update!!
Waiting patiently for an update ❤️
Chapter 20: This is such a good story I come back to it all the time. Can we please get an update?
Chapter 1: I love this story so much. I love the story line and how well it is written. I know that a lot of people don't like being asked to update and I get that we all get busy. But if you have time could you please update this story.
mmoodz #6
PLEATHE update... I miss this story....
XxsakuraxX96352 #7
Chapter 27: Update soon please, i miss waking up to see that you updated this story :(
jaemin09 #8
when will you update?
mistymountains 193 streak #9
Nice story!
I love this...I always re read this...update as soon as you can.???