A Flustered Friday

Luck Is Not Chance

“It has been brought to my attention that you are in fact the tutor of that gang of thugs, GOT7.” Kyung clears his throat, eyeing a piece of paper in front of him. He’s sitting at the student council President’s desk, P.O and Jaehyo at either side of him. I could tell by the way he reluctantly put the paper down to look at me, that he wasn’t too happy he would have to admit he was wrong. “It seems that we had gotten into a bit of a misunderstanding when we had first met.”

“You mean you just assuming I was in GOT7?” I shoot back at him and Taeil and Youngji, who were by my sides, snicker toward each other. Everyone in the room ignores them. Kyung gets up from the President’s desk with a smile I knew was faker than his height on his fan page.

“Let’s put that behind us Mark. I was wrong, I admit that, but it wasn’t like you made it easy to believe that you weren’t apart of them.” He moves in front of the desk in order to sit on it. He’s still smiling and it’s starting to irk me, just a bit. However, with my arm still messed up, a few of my ribs still stinging when I move too fast, I keep myself from popping him in the face.

“Please don’t tell me this is why you drag me here, Kyung.” I look around the room for any sign of a trap, but the room is quiet and orderly, the complete opposite of the GOT7 hideout. “I have better things to do than stare at your face.”

Kyung tilts his head to the side, an obvious annoyed look gracing his face for a few seconds before he turns back to me with a smile. He reaches behind him for the piece of paper he was holding only moments ago. “It seems that mouth of yours is never going to change, huh?”

“Not as long as annoyingly fake people like you exist.” I hiss toward him, eyes narrowing just a bit. Just because the teachers told him I was a normal student, now he wants to act all nice? that. He should of believed me the first time I said it! I even got bullied by this , so he could drop dead for all I care.

“Anyway,” he ignores my words and scans the piece of paper “it seems all of the GOT7 members had not only had their grades increase, their attendance in classes also increased. It’s also noted that Bambam has stopped ual harassing the other students, JB has gotten into less fights, Jinyoung has started trying in all of his classes, and even Yugyeom has started to engage in class more even though he doesn’t speak. So, it’s a great accomplishment, especially in the eyes of the teachers who couldn’t handle them before.”

Outwardly I look smug, trying to show that I already knew how amazing I was at taming such wild animals. Inwardly, I’m more than confused by the change within those wild animals. I never tutored them, well except Youngjae and that was only a handful of times, other than that, I never EVER sat down to actually teach them anything!

“So on the behalf of the teachers and staff, we, the student council would love to thank you for your hard work. Also, with the suggestion from P.O, I would like to extend an invitation into the student council to you.”

“No way!” Taeil is baffled, eyes disappearing into slits on his youthful face, and Youngji laughs, mouth wide open.

“OMG! I didn’t expect that at all!”

I groan, why did I bring these two with me again?

“As if I want to be apart of whatever the hell happens in this place. Thanks, but no thanks.” I make a face of disgust and glance over to Piyo and Jaehyo, who look visibly taken aback. “Also, I don’t see why you needed bodyguards in order to tell me all this. Seems like you still don’t believe that I’m not apart of GOT7, and I bet you only want me to join your little gang of thugs so that you can spy on them, right?”

Kyung’s face starts to turn red with anger and Jaehyo moves over to him, hand resting on his shoulder. Piyo looks uneasily at me and to be honest, I really don’t care. I just want to leave. “I will not say much on the matter, but P.O suggested you join because he thinks that you resemble our President, not because he thought to use you. If you don’t want to join, fine, I definitely will not force you to, at all. Also, speaking of bodyguards, your little dogs over there seem about ready to go.” He shoos use with the back of his hand. Taeil and Youngji step forward, both of their fist clenched and ready to do the things I wish I could do.

I stop them with my good hand going up just a bit into the air. They make glances at each other, then to me. “It’s not worth it guys, let’s just go.”

No one says a thing to us as we turn our backs and let the heavy door of the student council room slam shut behind us. However, a few seconds later it’s open again, and I turn around to yell at Kyung, only to see Piyo approaching us with a wide smile. “Piyo?”

“It’s been a while Mark Hyung! I’m happy to see you’re still the same as ever.” He looks over my smaller frame. “The injuries still bad?”

I shrug. Even though I really hated Block B, I couldn’t quite hate the maknae, seeing as he’s the only reason I’m still living and breathing at the moment. “Eh, I think it looks worse than it actually is. How have you been?”

“Great! Lately I’ve been learning to fight from Taeil Hyung.”

Youngji and I slowly turn our heads to the Taeil, who only nods his head in confirmation, hands digging into his pockets for a lollipop.

“He knows how to fight?” Youngji is more than surprised and Taeil sticks his tongue out at her.

“He used to be a top fighter in his old school!” Piyo says excitedly as if Taeil were a celebrity you would see on TV. Taeil holds his head up high, letting the younger fill his head with pride.

“When the accident happened, I felt really useless so I wanted to learn how to fight off bad guys.”

I nod my head. He sounds just like me. I still can’t wait to fully heal. “With your size Piyo, I think you’d be unstoppable.” I chuckle and he brims with happiness.

“Oh, I forgot. It’s almost time for our training time, right?” Taeil looks at his phone. “We usually practice before classes start, sorry guys. I’ll see you later.”

“Good bye Mark Hyung and…?” Piyo looks at Youngji.

“Youngji.” She smiles and he smiles and waves to us as he leaves.

“Bye Youngji Noona.”

We watch them as they walk down the hall in an overly animated conversation and I really couldn’t help but laugh at the obvious size difference between the two. It really looked like Piyo was the Hyung, and not the candy loving guy beside him.

“It’s going to be a while until classes start, what should we do?” I question as we walk down the hall, Youngji thinks for a few seconds then smiles.

“How about you come to the fencing club? I think with you’re good looks, everyone will work their hardest today~”

I laugh. “Sure, why not?”


Youngji and I turn our heads to see Youngjae rushing down the hall. “You left so early this morning, you forgot to take your clothes back with you.”

“Clothes?” Youngji smirks and nudges me, I wince a little in pain.

“It’s not what you think.” I rub my side with my good hand. “I’ll pick them up later, okay?”

Youngjae nods and continues his way down the hall, a sleepy look on his face. Youngji loops her arm around my good one, a horribly mischievous look staring back at me. I sigh. How do I end up with friends that are so similar, and in the worst kind of way!

“So, just casually leaving clothes at Youngjae’s house, huh?”

“It’s the GOT7 house.” I hiss toward her and it only makes her tease me more.

“I guess your into that sort of thing~” She laughs. “I don’t judge, but seven on one is a little too much for your thin body.”

“Aish…kill me now.” I groan out loud and it only makes Youngji laugh so hard she snorts.




Classes fly by with no disturbances from the GOT7 members, and I was honestly shocked that none of them even poked their heads in for a while. Then again, maybe they really were doing their best in their classes now? When my classes finish in time for tutoring, I head toward the library, only to be met with a overly crowded room full of studying teenagers and no GOT7 maknaes in sight. So I find myself heading to their hideout instead.

I don’t hear any voices and when I open the door I’m surprised to only see two startled faces looking back at me.

“Dimsum, you scared the crap out of me!” Jackson huffs, putting down a manga that looked to be in Chinese, on the table in front of him.

“Where’s the maknaes?” I question and look around to see no one else hiding in the room. Im Jaebum yawns, taking the earphones out of his ears.

“Everyone else is in class. Bambam and Yugyeom are on some school trip right now, they should be coming back a little later.” He informs and shoves one earphone back into his ear.

“If everyone has classes, why are you two delinquents not there as well?” I take a seat across from them both and Im Jaebum gives me a look.

“I had a free studying period.” He says in the tone of voice you shouldn’t use toward anyone older than you, but then again, this guy never cared anyway.

“I had gym, but I wasn’t feeling well so I skipped.” Jackson picks his Chinese manga up and pretends his stomach hurts. “So why not take this time to read, huh?”

“Oh, speaking of classes.” I nods my head as I remember some crucial information. “So you guys are passing classes now? And even your attendance has gone up.” I grin.

Im Jaebum eyes me with curious eyes. “What are you talking about Nerd?”

“I should be the one calling you that.” I retort. “I heard from Kyung that you all have had your grades increase so much they even wanted me to join the student council like I was some thug tamer or something.”

“How stupid, you get a few 100s and teachers don’t know how to act.” Im Jaebum huffs and puts his attention to his phone. “They should praise you over getting this idiot’s grades to over 50.” He motions with his thumb to Jackson, who looks at him with a look of disbelief.

“Hey, my grades were always over 50! It was you, Bambam, and Umma who had grades below 50!”

“Yeah, but it was because we were bored and not trying.” He laughs at him. “Now you, you were trying.”

Jackson pouts and looks at me, totally defeated. I was surprised to hear that Im Jaebum could even pull in a number grade above 30. 100s? I can’t believe it. I guess this year is the year of endless possibilities.

“So, that asked you to join? What’d ya say?” Im Jaebum questions, eyes still locked on his phone. Jackson puts down his book in order to listen intently.

“You didn’t say yes, right Dimsum?”

“As if, why the hell would I want to join them? I already can’t stand Kyung. If I had to see him everyday, I might just kill myself.” I lean back in my seat and the two across from me exchange a few glances.

“Isn’t it because you love us too much?” Jackson informs me and I roll my eyes.

“Denial is always the first step toward acceptance.” Im Jaebum adds and I find myself laughing at their stupidity.

“You guys are really full of yourself? You really think I’m jumping for joy over our everyday encounters?”

“Fangirling all the time.” Im Jaebum corrects me and I deadpan.

“Shut up.”

“Oh! Now that I think about it, hasn’t Umma been way too happy lately?” Jackson ignores my words and I groan inwardly. Jeez, these guys never actually listen to me.

“It’s almost annoying. I keep telling him to shut up, but all I know is that today’s some important day.” Im Jaebum makes a face, finger going into his ear as if Junior were there at that moment, talking his ear off.

“I wonder what he’s so hype about? I didn’t hear anything – “ I freeze and try not to make it obvious that I do in fact know why the mother of the group was extremely happy about today. It’s Friday. I honestly forgot that I own him a date now…seeing as he was able to control himself this week. .

I only suggested it because I really wanted him off my back for a while, but I didn’t actually think he would pull through! Damn, and I definitely can’t go back on my word. I guess I have no choice, maybe nothing bad will happen? Who am I kidding? That guy might actually jump me today!

“You okay Dimsum?” Jackson waves his hand in front of my face and I shake away my thoughts. Im Jaebum seems to have lost interest in our conversation and bobs his head to the music in his ears.

“I’m fine, sorry just remembered I have some homework I should work on.” I lie and just as Jackson is about to make a comment, the door to the GOT7 hideout opens and closes as Youngjae drags himself in. He yawns deeply and with a few stumbles toward the bed in the back of the room, he plops down and is out cold.

Im Jaebum gets up with no words and swiftly makes his way toward the bed, pulling the younger’s shoes off, and dragging him into the bed properly. “Taking care of your brother so well I see~” I tease and Im Jaebum’s face seems to flush a slight pink, however it’s gone a second later and he lays down beside the younger, still listening to music. He stares up into the ceiling and I wonder if he worries about Youngjae just as I worry about him.

Jackson motions with his hand for me to move closer. I do as he asks. “Out of everyone, JB Hyung treats Youngjae the best. He spoils him too much and denies it until the end. I think it’s because he’s scared that one day, Youngjae might not wake up. That’s why he lays next to him sometimes. We all think he worries too much, the doctors gave Youngjae really good pills for his narcolepsy.”

I continue to stare at Im Jaebum and Youngjae, and I smile. Even though Youngjae feels that he isn’t very special to Im Jaebum, well other than being his brother, I think he’s more special than he realizes. “I think it’s cute, those two.” I finally look away and Jackson looks a little surprised.

. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. Now that I think about it, they are all brothers by law even if they don’t share the same blood. I probably shouldn’t be rooting for Youngjae’s one sided love then.

“I care about Youngjae too! I used to carry him around all the time when we were kids because it wasn’t good for him to run around! Aren’t I cute as well?” Jackson whines, and I laugh because

I can’t believe I actually got a little nervous. This idiot is really too much.

“I thought you were wild and y?”

“Oh crap, uh…I’ll just be what you want me to be~”

“I’m so done with you Jackson.”




“Wait, what?” Min Noona laughs as if whatever I had just said was a joke that she didn’t quite understand. I feel horribly embarrassed to repeat myself, however with the equally confused looks I was getting from the others, it was obvious that I did in fact need to repeat myself.

“You know, places to take someone…alone….” I avert my eyes away from everyone.

“Is Mark asking us about a place for a date?” Wooyoung Hyung looks at everyone for confirmation, as if he heard wrong the second time.

“I think the world is going to end.” Jo Kwon Hyung hugs himself tight. “I’m too young to die!”

“I wonder who the lucky girl is~” Taeil grins, twisting a lollipop between his lips.

“Don’t you mean boy?” Youngji corrects and Taeil knocks himself on the head as if it were an obvious mistakes.

“I hate you all, why do I even ask you for advice at all?” I complain and Wooyoung Hyung, who is sitting besides me, puts a strong arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer, making me hiss at him in pain.

“We’re joking Mark, we’re joking!” He grins ear to ear and Min Noona across from me takes her phone out with glee.

“I know just the site that can help us with this date!”

“Don’t pick anything girly.” Jo Kwon Hyung chimes in and his sister ignores his unwanted opinion.

“So when’s the date?” Taeil points his lollipop at me with a non-teasing smile, and it makes dealing with this awkward situation a little bit easier.

“Today.” I state simply and Youngji gasps.

“You’re planning a date on the same day? This person isn’t going to be happy at all!”

“I doubt they would care.” I grumble under my breath. From what Im Jaebum and Jackson said, it’s obvious that Junior would be happy with anything we do today.

“Who wants to make a bet that it’s one of the GOT7 members.” Wooyoung Hyung still has his arm around me and I shoot him a distasteful look that he ignores. Jo Kwon raises his hand as if he were in class.

“It’s definitely Jackson. Those two are close, so it’s no wonder they fell in love.”

“No way, haven’t you guys heard? Junior is after his heart lately, I think he won it.” Taeil explains.

“Yeah, Junior has been acting very nice to Mark lately.” Youngji agrees and I have no clue where she got this information from because we recently became “friends,” and Junior was only nice to me in front of her once.

“Oh! I found the perfect last minute dating site!” Min Noona shoves her phone out for all of us, especially me, to see. “Aquariums are cute and simple and a fun time for everyone.”

“What’s the address Unni?” Youngji moves over so that she can look at Min Noona’s phone. “I’ll write it down for Mark.”

Just as I’m about to open my mouth a few squeals and an equal amount of screams of bloody murder could be heard throughout the lunch room. We all whip our heads toward the entrance, already knowing who must be there. However, it’s not all of GOT7, it’s just the maknaes. Bambam walks in as if the floor were his personal runway, a black bag swinging in his hands, and Yugyeom walks in like he wanted to kill everyone in the room. That look of indifference really doesn’t show his adorable personality at all.

“We just got back from our trip! We brought some snacks.” Bambam seats himself between Youngji and Min Noona, who both smile at his outer cuteness. He places the black bag down in the middle of the table.

Yugyeom takes the empty spot on the other side of me, and as he sits down quietly, out shoulders touch just a bit, making me recall the events of last night and this morning. It was really strange. I don’t really know why Yugyeom had pulled me over to his bed, I was perfectly fine in Jackson’s room. But, I can’t lie. I was more than happy to go to sleep and wake up by his side. Though, I could of done without the monstrous amount of teasing we both got once the others realized where I had slept that night.

Luckily I was able to convince them all, that because I was drugged up, I had no clue where I zombie walked to last night. Since Yugyeom was already asleep, there was no way he would have told me to leave, and I was happy that Bambam, who slept in the same room, believed me. So it was only a matter of time before the others got bored of teasing us and let it go. We didn’t get to really be around each other after we woke up, since my mother called me to tell me that the school called and needed me to visit the student council room. I glance his way and he reaches out for a bag of chips, not paying me any mind. Maybe doing something like that is no big deal? I mean with the guys he lives with, and the one he rooms with, it probably wasn’t. Then again, with us both being guys, it really isn’t that big of deal I guess.

“What cha writing Noona?” Bambam uses an aegyo filled voice that even makes me want to pinch his cheeks as he leans over to look at the notebook on the table. Youngji stops writing and shows him the address. It makes me tense up. , I didn’t tell anyone about the date with Junior…and I still kind of don’t want to. “Where is this to?”

“Mark is going on a date later, so he asked us to find a good place.” She exclaims happily and Min Noona agrees.

“It’s to a really cute aquarium.”

“A date?” Bambam eyes me with detective like eyes, as if he wanted to read my mind. I gulp and glance at Yugyeom again, who has stopped eating chips. He seems to be frozen for a few seconds, but starts to eat again.

“Yeah, I figured you guys would know since you know more about Mark than we do recently.” Wooyoung Hyung admits, taking his arm from around my shoulder. “I guess it wasn’t these two.” He jokes.

“Mark’s a book of mysteries.” Jo Kwon Hyung adds before shoving a handful of crackers into his mouth.

“It’s true, I think that if he already knew where to go, none of us would have known about this date at all!” Taeil contributes to the come-at-my-right-to-privacy conversation.

“I can hear you guys.” I growl and the three look away toward the rest of the students, pretending to care what they were all up to.

“I think I know who this date is with~” Bambam teases and I look at him with wide eyes. There is no way he could actually know, right? “I think you two are a cute couple. I approve.”

I give Bambam a look and just as he opens his mouth, Yugyeom gets up from the seat besides me so fast, it scares the crap out of me. He leaves with no words, not even a glance back in our direction. Bambam gets to his feet as well. Everyone around us, mainly us, are all confused.

“What happened?” Youngji questions, looking at all of us for answers. No one has any.

“Bathroom maybe?” Wooyoung Hyung shrugs.

The look of surprise on Bambam’s face doesn’t leave and he moves over to where I’m sitting and pulls me to my feet. “Come with me for a few seconds Hyung.”

I don’t really have an option as he pulls me out of the lunch room and toward an empty corner of the hallway. His grip isn’t tight, but I could tell that he isn’t happy at all.

“The person you’re going on a date with, who is it?” His voice is serious and if you had not known he was possible of aegyo, you would have never thought he could. I sigh.

“Does it really matter?” I don’t have time for his nosey behavior.

“Yes, it does!” The look in Bambam’s eyes is something I’ve never seen before, like I’d slapped him in the face or something. “So who is it?”

“Bambam, just drop it. I already said it doesn’t matter.” I try to walk away and the grip on my arm gets tighter. I wince. “That hurts you ing brat! Let go.”

“You’re a real piece of work, you know that? Leading people on and then pulling a stunt like this.” He growls and I think it’s the first time a GOT7 member has made me feel an intense amount of fear.

He won’t let go of my arm even though I struggle in his grip, but moving too much is causing me more pain then I need, so I stop. I also can’t take my eyes away from his. They look as cold as ice, like he had never cared about me a day in his life. This is definitely not the Bambam I’m used to.

“What are you talking about?” I manage to squeak out and I hate myself for being scared of a middle-schooler, even though I was fully aware that he liked to fight as much as Im Jaebum and apparently Youngjae.

“It doesn’t matter, right?” He let’s go of my arm and walks away, a stronger glare than anything I’ve seen on Im Jaebum, plastered on his face. I gulp.

Just what in the world did I do to release that beast? I really don’t know.




Without any other incident, I was able to finish school, send Junior the address for our date, and meet him there. The aquarium is much larger than I expect, but it only meant more time for Junior to be entertained and not trying to sneak me into some dark corner.

“Hyung, did you see that fish? It was huge! Do they even have these kinds of fish in Korea?” He’s so amazed his face is pressed up against the glass like a kid. I laugh and move closer so that I can look at the fish as well. The tank is littered with brightly colored fish of all sizes and shapes. I have never seen so many different kind in one place before. Soon my face is pressed on the glass as well, anyone walking by would definitely laugh at us, high school students, acting like pre-schoolers.

“Woah! Won’t the bigger ones just eat the smaller ones?” I question as a huge shark swims by peacefully amongst the rest. “There is no way a day can go by without some blood.”

“I have no clue, if I was that shark, I would clear this whole tank.” He beams and pretends to snatch up fish nearby.

“And that is why you aren’t a shark.” I laugh pointing up to the Great White. “He has self control.”

“I have so much self control!” He huffs and stands up straight, moving away from the tank and to another one. “That’s why we are on this date in the first place.”

“Dude, you kept trying to get into my pants! That’s why I even suggested this idea!” I follow behind him and completely forget that this area is a family place. A few parents cover their children’s ears and give us dirty looks. Oops.

“When will you stop bringing up the past Hyung? Okay, sure. I did try to jump you a few times, but look, I’m perfectly tame right now, right?”

“Tame? As if lions can be fully tamed! I know you’re just waiting for an opportunity, aren’t you?”

Junior puts his hand to his chest, pretending to be offended. “You have no faith in me at all.”

“Want to run down your track record again?” I send him a playful look and he nods his head, defeated.

“Point taken.” He walks over to a few kiddie pools full of water and small sea creatures. A few children poke at unsuspecting starfish and little goldfish that dart away as fast as they can.

“I heard from Kyung today that you started doing better in class.” I reach my finger out to poke at a small starfish clinging to the side of the kidde pool. It feels strange so I rub my finger over it softly.

“That can’t keep his mouth shut.” He whispers, but since we’re close, I can hear him quite well. I look at him, taking my finger away from the starfish. He clears his throat and smiles. “I mean, yeah, I guess. It’s not that big of a deal. I wasn’t doing that bad before.”

“Bull, your grades were lower than Jackson, and that’s saying something.” I bring my attention now to a few goldfish. “I don’t know why you guys didn’t try hard in school, you could be in the top 5 if you wanted.”

“No one cared before.” He admits, voice becoming a soft whisper again and I look at him with a look of surprise. “You know, I lost my mother at a young age, and my father was always going place to place for work. I think as a child, I saw him about a handful of times. I really felt lonely, you know?”

Even though I know that Junior is simply saying it for reassurance, I knew full well what he meant. “I know how you felt. As a kid, it was only me and my mother. My father had left before I was born, so she had to work hard to support us both. I rarely saw my mother as well.” Usually I tended to stray away from annoyingly personal moments like this, but it was also rare for me to find someone who understood what I went through as a child.

“Then you really must of understood how it felt.” He smiles weakly, leaning over just a bit in order to peer at the goldfish swimming around. “I didn’t have anyone at the time and then suddenly one day, on the rare days my father came home, we found JB Hyung. I don’t think a person understands how lonely they are until they really are confronted with the real thing.”

“I grew up in a nice home, I got everything I wanted, I had food everyday, I had my own room, I had everything, yet I always whined about feeling alone. And yet, JB Hyung had nothing, never had anything…dealt with the worse kind of things a child could deal with, and yet, he never said he was lonely. That night, when my father adopted JB Hyung, I cried for him. I never cried for anyone, but I cried for him. I didn’t feel lonely after that, especially not after my father started to host foster children, and not even after GOT7 was formed. However, my father is still constantly busy, so he doesn’t know how bad our grades got, or how low our attendance dropped, or how bad JB Hyung’s anger grew, or how many times Bambam opened his legs a day. He never asked, and it seemed like he didn’t care either.”

“But one day we got you as a tutor and you clashed with us so much that you seemed to fit perfectly into the puzzle we all thought was finished. You may not have known it, but you really showed us how much you cared about us, so we all started to care more as well.” Junior takes a deep breath and exhales as if the weight of the world was finally off of his shoulders. “Phew, I’ve always wanted to say that to someone, so I’m happy that it was you Hyung.”

I can’t help the smile that graces my lips and I get to my feet to use my good hand to ruffle his silky locks. He pouts, looking up to me with eyes full of a past I probably will never fully know and understand. Sure we all have a story, but even though I was bullied and I was alone, after a while, it didn’t bother me as much. And when I finally got to high school, I made good friends and even now, I’m enjoying everyday.

“I really have to thank you guys.” I settle my eyes on a fish tank far in the distance, feeling my face grow a little hot. “If I made you guys start caring again, you guys made me start caring again as well. I think, before you guys appeared into my life, everyday was boring as hell and I hated it. Now, I never know what’s going to happen, and I think that’s fine.”

Junior laughs and I feel his hand grab mine. He pulls himself to his feet and drags me toward another interactive section. “I knew you loved us.” He teases and points toward an area in which you can stick your heads into a bubble like shape and be closer to the fish without actually being within the tank.

“I never said all of that.” I hiss and he smiles, eyes going into his usual eye smile. “Aish, wipe that gross smile off your face Park Jinyoung!”

“Maybe you’re Tsundere Hyung?”

I roll my eyes and stick my head into one of the bubbles to get a closer look. The fish are swimming around the bubble I’m in and Junior follows behind me, completely amazed at the new world around him.

A hard tug makes me pull my head away and look to see who’s disturbing my peace. I nearly scream when a hand finds it’s way over my mouth. I take a deep breath when I know I’m not getting kidnapped again, and when I know it’s just Yugyeom. He puts a finger to his lips and gently takes my hand and pulls me away from Junior, who seems to not notice my obvious disappearing act.

Even though I’ve been on a date with Junior all this time, I think it’s the first time my heart as started beating this fast. After a few left turns and a right one we make it into a more secluded area and it really makes me reconsider who might jump me in a dark corner.

After he lets my hand go I notice the upset look on his face. Now that I think about it, during lunch, both him and Bambam seemed to be upset, though Bambam sure let it be known. “If this is about the date…with Junior, it’s not what it looks like.”

His face slips back to his usual indifference and I can’t tell if it’s a good or bad change. “You know how Junior kept trying to jump me? Well, I made a deal with him. If he wouldn’t do anything like that for the whole week, I would go on a date with him today. So, as you can see, we are on our date. It’s not like I want to be here.”

Yugyeom reaches into his pocket and starts to scribble hurriedly on his little notepad, he shoves it out in my direction and I notice that his handwriting seems to have drop in quality at his furious pace.

You looked like you were enjoying yourself Hyung, and not like you hated it at all!

“It’s not like that at all. Yeah I was having fun, but because I don’t see Junior in that way. I’m just hanging out with him. He’s the only one who really thinks of this as a date.” I argue and Yugyeom’s expression slips back to looking just as mad as Bambam did earlier, except he isn’t saying anything, which kind of makes him scarier.

“I’m sorry I didn’t explain this to you and Bambam at lunch, but to be honest, no one else except us knows that Junior is the one I’m with right now.” I sigh and find it weird that I was even having to explain myself to him right now. “I should probably head back now. I really owe Junior this date.”

I don’t even get to turn around before Yugyeom reaches forward and grabs a hold of my hand. Unlike Bambam, even though I can feel how angry he is, Yugyeom doesn’t try to use his strength to show it. I sigh deeply.

What the is going on? Why is Yugyeom acting so out of character today? Is he angry because I’m on a date with Junior? Or angry that Junior is on a date with me? I can’t tell and it’s annoying the living hell out of me because a part of my brain is really hoping it’s the first one.

I don’t know if he knows how much he’s messing with my feelings right now. Don’t get my hopes up you damn adorable brat! "I have to go Yugyeom."

He shakes his head rapidly like an upset child and tugs me forward. I only move a few steps closer and he stares at me with a soft expression.

"Yugyeom. Junior is probably looking for me right now. You should head back, it's getting late." I say softly and take my hand from his.

I really wish I had BamBam's ability to understand the things Yugyeom does. I don’t think he’s jealous of me being with Junior. Now I am positive that he’s jealous of Junior being with me. However, I can't tell if he's like this because he actually likes me as me, or likes me as a Hyung. I wave at him a little and he steps forward, but I've already turned my back to walk away.

"I don't like it."

I freeze and find myself turning around slowly to see Yugyeom's face contorted into annoyance. Wait. Did Yugyeom just....?

“There you are Mark Hyung! Uh, hey Gyeom? Why are you here?” Junior appears and neither Yugyeom or I take our eyes away from one another. All we can do is stare at each other with similar looks of surprise and confusion. He…he really just…! “Well, either way, Hyung there is this giant squid you need to see! It’s almost as big as a whale!”

I can feel Junior loop his arm around my good one and tug me toward the opposite direction of the GOT7 maknae. I can’t take my eyes off of him as we get further and further away. He looks hurt, and about ready to cry, and I can’t seem to break the trance I’ve come under. Junior is talking my ear off, but I don’t understand a word he’s saying and everything around me is starting to blend together and seem unimportant.

Why, why didn’t I stay with him? Why do I feel like the whole world has stopped around me and the only thing that matters is him? His voice, his expressive face, those warm hands that always feel gentle to the touch. I gulp.

I don’t think I’ve realized it before, but….

“I think I’m in love.” I whisper to myself, finally finding my way out of the oppressive fog that wouldn’t leave my head. Junior’s too busy staring at the giant squid to hear me and I’m more than grateful for its existence. “With Yugyeom.” I admit, and the world seems clearer than ever.

“What’d you say Hyung?”




UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! Finally the long awaited date between Jinyoung and Mark! As you can all see my lovely readers, Yugyeom had won the little gift poll thingy~ I had thought Jinyoung or even JB would win, but baby Yugyeom pulled through have the most votes!

Anyway, I really had fun writing this chapter for some reason xD and also….FINALLY YUGYEOM SPEAK! I think this is the longest time in which I had a character not speak any actual words to the main character. ^^ I almost made him speak a few chapters earlier, but found this time most fitting~


Again, this chapter is a gift for my 1,000+ subs!! (on that note, Subscribe!)

Comments are love! Like seriously!!

Upvotes are love as well~ <3


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With the newest chapter posted, I will start to edit the old chapters now~


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Chapter 28: Thank you so much for the update!!
Waiting patiently for an update ❤️
Chapter 20: This is such a good story I come back to it all the time. Can we please get an update?
Chapter 1: I love this story so much. I love the story line and how well it is written. I know that a lot of people don't like being asked to update and I get that we all get busy. But if you have time could you please update this story.
mmoodz #6
PLEATHE update... I miss this story....
XxsakuraxX96352 #7
Chapter 27: Update soon please, i miss waking up to see that you updated this story :(
jaemin09 #8
when will you update?
mistymountains 193 streak #9
Nice story!
I love this...I always re read this...update as soon as you can.???