The Third Tuesday

Luck Is Not Chance


It was easy to tell as I groaned and tried to sit up, that I was again, not in my room. The abandoned classroom that was GOT7’s hideout engulfs my vision as I open my eyes. I slump back down in the bed, the fluffy pillows that greeted me yesterday caress my aching back. I sigh, my good hand coming up and resting on the side of my head. That is when I notice that I’m not alone in the classroom.

Since I’m still half asleep I didn’t see the back that was leaning against the mattress. His dark hair is covered by a black snapback. His uniform is surprisingly neat, and I have to continue to stare at his back in order to figure out who I was staring at. I groan when I try to sit up again and the person turns to look at me, book rested in his lap. It’s Junior.

A rush of pain, mild fear, and anger overcome me as he looks at me concerned. “I didn’t know you were awake Hyung.” He reaches forward, trying to help me up, I quickly swat his hand away and he looks hurt. I finally get to a sitting position. Junior turns toward me, book falling out of his lap and onto the floor, he doesn’t seem to care at all.

“What the am I doing here Park Jinyoung.”

“Just to be clear Hyung. I-I didn't take you from your room!” He puts his hands up as if to guard against anything I might do to him. “It was on JB Hyung's orders that Bambam and Youngjae went and got you. Your mother didn't seem to mind either.”

That is it, fighting Im Jaebum is becoming the 1st thing I do when I heal and learn how to kick . That really acts like he can do whatever the hell he wants with me! If I want to stay home then I should be able to stay in my damn house! What right does he have to drag me outside? I'm injured for crying out loud.

“I can’t believe this.” I grumble under my breathe and Junior continues to talk.

“Also, JB Hyung put me in charge of looking after you today.” That had to be the last straw. I clench my fist and Junior must of sensed how pissed off I was. He gets up so that he can sit on the bed. “Are you okay?”

I keep a glare set on my face. “I don’t want to talk about it. Leave me alone.”

I’m just so damn frustrated! I just want to get out of here. I try to get to my knees to get up, but pangs of pain keep me in place. Junior looks concerned and comes forward to help me. I give him a look that makes him back up just a bit. I guess that’s an accomplishment since Im Jaebum and Junior are known to be quite fearless.

Junior sighs and looks at me with a face that looked defeated. “I know that you don’t believe that I actually care about you, but I do. I want to be there for you Hyung…because I love you. You can tell me how you feel.”

“I don’t care, leave me alone.” I hiss toward him and the dejected look that flashes across his face makes me feel like a monster. I look away from him and bite my lip. That was pretty ed up, I just pushed his feelings aside as if they were nothing. Junior doesn’t turn his back to me, in fact, he’s still facing me. However, I was too scared to see what kind of expression he was wearing on his face.

“You must be in a lot of pain right now Hyung.” Junior’s voice sounds as small as a mouse. It’s weak and without looking at him, I could tell he was faking a smile. “Do you want me to help you up?”

I shake my head. “I’m fine.” My voice loses all animosity as I make eye contact with him. His expression is pained with the words I threw at him earlier. “H-how about a massage instead?”
Junior looks baffled at my words and I clear my throat awkwardly. His eyes crinkle into his endearing eye smile that makes his face glow and soften under the sunlight that was filling the room.

“Anything for you Hyung.”

He helps me move forward so that he could sit behind me. It makes me shiver at the memory of that dream I had once, the one where Im Jaebum was in front of me and Junior was behind me. I don’t really feel too safe with Junior behind me, but I it up in order to make up for my earlier -ish comment. Junior rests his hands on my shoulders and I can feel how his hands tremble ever so slightly against my school uniform. He kneads my shoulders gently, there is a dull pain that builds up on my left shoulder, but I choose to ignore it.

“Are you really mad Mark Hyung?” His voice is a few octaves above a whisper, it makes me wonder if he thought someone would be listening to us talk. I sigh and he continues to gently massage my shoulder. It still kind of hurts. I don’t know if I should say anything since Junior was Im Jaebum’s right hand man, however, I open my mouth anyway.

“Why wouldn't I be? I feel like a damn puppet. I should be able to make decisions on my own.” There isn’t any annoyance in my voice, just a small amount of impatience. Impatience for everything GOT7 has been plotting for me.

“We aren’t doing all of this to make you angry. We really care about your safety. What if those bad guys go to your house and not only hurt you, but your mother?”

“What's stopping them from hurting my mom when I'm not at home? It's not like they know when I am there or not.”

Junior’s hands tense up a little bit and I turn my head to look at him. He smiles sheepishly. That gives me a bad feeling. “I mean…Youngjae makes sure your mother is safe if that counts for anything.”

“Yah, are you guys stalking my mom?” I look at him with disgusted eyes. His eyes trail from my own to the floor, hand coming up to scratch the back of his head. “God damn it, you guys are too much!” I try to get to my feet, but can’t seem to gather any strength. Junior reaches his hand out and I swat his hand away. He looks at me with concerned eyes. I try to get up one last time, but his hand pulls me down. He holds tightly onto my arm and I stare at him.

Okay, I admit I am overreacting, but wouldn't you? I feel as if I have no control of what happens to me and to the people around me. I wasn't so thrilled to be kidnapped, but I felt like knowing Min Noona and Piyo got dragged down with me. What if something happens to my mom? Why do I have to depend on other people to protect MY mom! Not theirs!

Junior squeezes my shoulders gently, like he had been doing earlier, and it takes me from my thoughts. I feel so useless. It's frustrating. I turn my back to him again. He begins to massage my shoulders with a little more pressure. I take a deep breath also if trying to push all the bad thoughts down within myself and exhale it after a few seconds. It doesn’t really help at all, the frustrating annoyance that won’t leave me surges up faster than I would of liked.

“Relax Hyung.” Junior must of leaned forward because I can feel his breath on the nape of my neck. I visibly shiver as the hairs all over my body stand up. He makes no comment on it and I don’t tell him to move away. “We are really only trying to help. We feel horrible that something like this had to happen to you. I don't know if you would believe me or not, but JB Hyung nearly killed the dude who broke your arm. Actually...we all almost killed those guys!” Junior’s voice is laced with a smile I can’t see, and his hands slide down my arms, ghosting over my cast, until they wrap around my waist securely. He slightly squeezes my waist and it was the first time that I felt fine being this close to him. His heart is playing a slow nice beat against my back that I hate to admit is starting to make me feel calm.

I guess I can see why they call Junior the mother of the group. The feeling right now is very different than it usually is between us. Right now I actually feel like a child being comforted by their mother. Junior is humming lightly in my ear and the grip he has on my waist is so light that if it wasn’t for the slight weight on my back, I wouldn’t have known he was even there.

I ponder about whether or not I should count this as a strike against him, but I choose to take it as a comforting gesture from a friend, and not as him trying to feel me up which is being covered up as an act of kindness. I find myself nodding my head.

“I know. I just don't want to sit here like some damsel in distress while you guys protect me.”

“Your too good looking to be one of those ugly princesses,” Junior chuckles into the back of my neck and I find myself laughing as well. “No one is thinking any less of you. I know this is bad to say, but I think some of us are happy you got injured. Now we can spend more time with you.”

“Jeez, not cool.” I find myself laughing again, for some reason I can’t muster up any anger no matter how hard I tried. Junior takes his arms from around my waist and that is when I realized I was actually leaning against. I shift my body so that I can look at what he was doing. He pulls out his cell phone and makes a face of surprise. He puts his phone away and gets up, hand extended out toward me.

“We have a few minutes before your class starts,” I take a hold of his hand with my good hand, he pulls me to my feet. I wince inwardly, muscles stiff and sore and I feel the world spin as I stand up. “Do you feel okay Hyung?”

“I think I can survive.” I lie, a weak smile over my face. I’m not to sure if I even answered to the correct Junior, since I can see a few of them staring at me with the motherly eyes I have only seen directed toward the maknas.

He lets go of my hand, and I stumble backward a few cenitmeters and I pray he didn’t notice. Which he didn’t because he is busy taking his snapback off, throwing it on the bed, and reaching for my book bag that was near the old piano. I gulp. I think I might faint. Then again these s always kidnap me before I get a chance to eat in the morning. He swings my book bag over his shoulder and he looks at me again. “You sure?”

“I feel a little lightheaded.” I admit, and he grabs ahold of my hand. He squeezes it and pulls me forward. I know I should protest, but for some reason I don’t say a word and let Junior pull me out of the hideout and toward my classroom.

“I’ll give you something to eat once we get to class okay?” He says in a soothing manner, almost as if he were talking to a young child. “Hold on until then.”

“Okay.” I state simply and I hear someone laugh nearby. The earlier dizziness I felt dissipates as I feel my heart drop into my stomach. My face flushes red as Min Noona, who seemed to be coming from a class, waves toward us, a terribly mischievous smirk across her face. I gulp as she gets closer, walking in the opposite direction.

“Oh,” She makes a noise of surprise when she notices that we are holding hands. “Mother approves Mark~” She teases and I snatch my hand away from Junior who looks as if I threw cold water at him.

“B-but Hyung we were doing just fine up until now!” He whines, and it was as if I flipped the switch that turned Junior back into Park Jinyoung. He grabs at my arm and I hiss toward him, walking passed them both as fast I possibly can. I can hear him whining again and Min Noona laughing her off.

. Why do I feel like my heart is racing? I try to take a deep breath, but I can’t steady my breathing at all. This can’t be happening, not with Park Jinyoung.



“So I have to use this formula? Huh? Wait so it was this one?” Junior is leaning over the desk that GOT7 seemed to claim as their own a while ago. Youngji, who sat in front of me and somehow became fearless in the presence of the GOT7 members, is turned in her chair trying to teach Junior our advanced math.

I was told that Im Jaebum was pissed off at me for not accepting the help of GOT7, well more like for not accepting the walkie talkie he offered me. I honestly don’t care if he’s mad at me, but Junior says that he’s even grumbler than usual and taking it out on everyone. So I guess I need to talk to him later, set that straight – I mean, apologize for being to rash. Even though I don’t think I gotta say sorry for my own opinion, but I don’t want him taking his anger out on the others if it’s all my fault. Jeez, what a high maintenance kind of guy he is.

I munch on sweet bread that Junior gave me when class started. He actually gave me a whole bunch of sandwiches to eat, but I felt a little self conscious to eat a lot with it being so quiet in the classroom. To my surprise, Junior hasn’t done anything crazy. He’s been very normal, it’s almost scary. I look around the room and I can tell that everyone is still tense, granted it’s not as bad as it was yesterday, but you can still slice the tension in the room with a knife.

“This isn’t that hard. I think I can get you an A, Hyung.” Junior smiles with his eyes again, he leans forward just a bit and on reflex I move the bread toward his mouth. It makes his face brighten up even more, if that was even possible. He takes a quick bite and starts to write down whatever he and Youngji talked about earlier. Youngji glances at the two of us. She looks around to make sure that no one else is listening. They all are of course, ready to spread rumors and or flee if the situation called for either.

“'s true then,” She puts her hand to her face. “Mark you’re a member of GOT7, right?”

I open my mouth, but Junior is the one to answer for me. He smiles even though I can tell he isn't too happy at all. He points the sharp end of his mechanical pencil toward her face. She doesn’t flinch at the action and I mentally applaud her for it. She stares at Junior, a whole lot of emotions passing through her eyes. Junior doesn’t seem to care that it was a girl he was pointing a sharp object at, his eyes narrow and his voice comes out as cold as ice. Everyone in the room stops what they are doing, a few people probably even forget to breathe.

“You seem like a very nice girl and you even helped me out, but say something like that again, and I will not think twice about stabbing you in your pretty little face, okay?”

Youngji's face pales and I nearly choke on the bread in my mouth. Junior turns to me, dropping the mechanical pencil without a second thought, and looks as if he thought I would die. He rubs my back gently and I cough repeatedly, it’s almost scary how he can switch from threatening someone to caring that I might die. Youngji looks as pale as a ghost and the students around us are staring to whisper nonsense as usual. I mean it isn't as bad as what Im Jaebum did to her yesterday, but it is still up there. I sigh after I get my life together.

“Ignore him.” I send Junior a look that makes his eyes widen a little, mouth dropping open in protest.

“Wait, does this put a mark against me? It shouldn't count!”

I sigh even deeper and Youngji looks at us both confused. “Seriously just ignore him. You shut up or else it will count against you.” I hiss toward Junior who sheepishly looks back to my work.

“Um, that might have come out wrong. I don't think there is anything wrong with GOT7,” Youngji says timidly, hands playing with her hair. “People tend to make crazy rumors about them, but I know they are nice people. I can tell that they take care of you all the time Mark.” She smiles lightly and Junior is more visibly shocked than I am. I guess not all of my classmates are s.

“You know we aren’t bad people?” Junior can’t hide the surprise in his voice.

“Yeah,” She finally stops playing with her hair, a boost of confidence overcomes her when she knew Junior was interested. “You guys don’t beat people up randomly like the rumors say. You guys also don’t really cause problems for any of the students. Honestly, the way you guys treat Mark is almost as if he were a precious treasure. To me, GOT7 is more of a tightly knit family than a menacing gang like everyone thinks.”

I can’t help but laugh. I never thought a girl who almost had her arm torn off by Im Jaebum, and even had her life threatened by Junior would be saying something this nice about them. Youngji really is something else. She looks at us both embarrassed.

“You're cool in my book pretty faced girl.” Junior laughs and leans over the desk to pat her roughly on the back. She doesn't wince at all and only joins him in a huge wide mouthed laugh. Wow, I didn't think someone could open their mouth that wide. It's one of those laughs that reminds me of Jackson's hyena laugh, except she doesn't make a sound at all. The room’s tension starts to die down and everyone seems a little more comfortable in the room. I guess they are more surprised than us that a problem with one of GOT7 ended peacefully.

“Youngji.” She bows toward Junior and he bows back. I almost gasp in shock. I have never seen him act kindly to anyone except the other members.

“Call me Junior.”

Class takes it's sweet time to end and all I want to do is leave. I feel exhausted hearing Junior try to gain Youngji's support in his attempt to win my heart. It's better than his usual ual harassment, but it doesn't mean it’s any less annoying or uncomfortable. I kind of miss that motherly feeling he was giving off earlier. I walk down the hall as fast as I can, but I already know that Junior is on my tail. I can't help but feel relieved as I see Taeil walking down the hall toward me. He waves with a smile that sort of wavers when he sees the GOT7 member by my side.

“Off to tutoring Mark?” Taeil pushes up his glasses with his finger and cautiously steps toward us. Junior yawns and sticks close to my side. I couldn't tell if he wanted to fight Taeil or just ignore his very existence.

“Yeah, you heading to class?”

“Of course, I have an exam I forgot to study for,” He laughs and Junior moves forward startling us both. Taeil barely stumbles out a response. “H-hi.”

“You should support me. I’m going to make sure Mark doesn't get hurt and win his heart in the process.” Junior states simply, as if he were running for president. Without a second thought, Taeil nods his head in agreement.

“As long as Mark stays out of trouble I'm all for it. I support you.”

Stays out of trouble? Why does he make it sound like I’m some delinquent? Junior pulls Taeil close, arm around his shoulder and a big fat smile across his face. “You're a nice guy Taeil. Let's be best friends from now on.”

“Sure why not.” Taeil’s eyes disappear as he laughs, the nervousness that plagued him earlier is no where to be found. I bring my good hand to the bridge of my nose.

“Why do I only know idiots?”


Instead of going to the library for our usual tutoring session, Junior insisted that we go to GOT7's hideout because it was safer. I learned that there really is no point in trying to persuade any of these guys otherwise, so I follow behind him as he led me to the hideout. When we entered the set up wass different then I remember it. They had two long tables connected in the middle of the room and the bed was pushed further back. The floor and table were littered with snacks and books, most of which were manhwas. A telescope was casually by the window that faced the courtyard and random clothes and bags were thrown about.

I thought me and Junior would be alone in the usually abandoned classroom, but I was surprised to be met with the other members when we entered. As soon as we got inside, Junior went straight to Bambam and Yugyeom, all I could hear was him yelling about some failing grades and couldn’t hide the laugh that escaped my lips. He really is the mom isn’t he, he’s even scolding over grades! This is really funny. I take a seat across from Youngjae and Jackson, and unfortunately besides Im Jaebum, but either way my mission is to apologize to him at some point today.
Youngjae and Jackson are too absorbed in a DS game battle to truly acknowledge my presence other then with a few weak groans in my direction. Im Jaebum is listening to music, arms crossed and eyes closed. Okay, well it’s now or never Mark. I reach forward and lightly tap his arm. He opens his eyes and sighs deeply when he sees that it was me. He takes his headphones out of his ear and just stares at my face. Now or never Mark.

I clear my throat.

“About me getting pissed off at you and not accepting your help, I'm sorry. I was wrong, I overrated.” I look everywhere but his face. This is extremely embarrassing. I extend my hand out in his direction. “Since you guys want to look after me, I’ll just accept the offer. I've always wanted lackeys anyway.”

I could hear a snort come out of his mouth and I look toward him, face flushing red. He's smirking and digging in his pocket. He places the walkie talkie in my hand and I inspect it as if I have never seen it before. I don't think I can ever live this down. I just apologized to Im-ing-Jaebum. It's the end of the world.

“I'm happy to see you decided to use your brain Nerd.” He yawns and puts his head on the table, eyes still locked on mine. I roll my eyes.

“Shut up,” I stick my tongue out at him annoyed. “Also, shouldn't you be in class? Why are you here?”

“I finished all my work early so I left.”

“It's sad that I can say I know you really did.” I chuckle at the thought of Im Jaebum working hard on his classwork, handing it in with a glare, and walking out like some bad boy in the movies. How cliché.

“Well it proves you know me well.” He's staring at me with an intense look that makes me feel uncomfortable. However, these are our usual staring contests so I continue to look back at him with as little of emotion as I could.

Youngjae’s laugh makes him look away first and I mentally mark my 2nd win against him. Youngjae and Jackson are laughing at us. It makes both of our faces flush red in a weird sort of embarrassment.

“Did you see that Jae?” Jackson feigns surprise. “They can actually talk to each other!”

“I can not believe my eyes at all! Are there any tsunamis? Hurricanes? Zombies?” Youngjae says dramatically, hand over his eyes, looking around the room. Im Jaebum snorts at the youngers stupidity. He gets up with a huff.

“I’m going to go smoke.” He walks away toward the open window.

“Look at that, you guys made him mad.” I shake my head toward them. They laugh in unison, eyeing each other in the process.

“He’s not made Dimsum.” Jackson puts his DS down and leans forward, head on his hand. “ You don’t see how happy he is?”

If that’s being happy, then I’m scared to see what angry looks like. Youngjae pulls me from my thoughts. “I’m happy you accepted our help Hyung.”

“Well, it wasn’t like you guys were giving me a choice anyway.” I lean back in my chair and wince at the pressure I was putting onto my shoulder.

“It’ll be fun!” Jackson ignores me and turns to Youngjae. “That means he’ll get to see him.”

“Him?” If Jackson is excited about it, it must not be good.

“Oh,” Youngjae says in surprise. “That’s right, Hyung doesn’t know.”

“Well if you both keep beating around the damn bush how am I suppose to find out?” I grumble toward them and they smile widely. Youngjae digs in his pocket and pulls out a slip of paper. He opens it and shows me a picture of a guy holding a clear container. I can’t see wants in it except a black smudge.

“Don’t tell me you guys have another brother I didn’t know about? I mean yeah it would explain why the hell you guys go by GOT7, but I also really don’t want to deal with anymore of you guys.”

Jackson laughs loudly. “My Dimsum is always funny, no. It’s the pet. Youngjae’s friend needs him to pet sit for him.”

I stare at the picture closely. “I don’t see anything though?”

“It’s because Max is too small,” Youngjae takes back the picture. “Max is my friend’s pet tarantula.”

I could feel all the blood in my body run cold. Youngjae and Jackson stop smiling at me, faces fading into concern.

“Hyung?” Youngjae reaches out toward me and for some reason I get up quickly, as if I thought the picture in Youngjae’s hand held a real spider.

“Dimsum?” I stare at the picture in Youngjae’s hand and could feel myself shake. . I really hate ing spiders!

“Don’t come closer.” I command them both and they look at each other with wonder struck eyes. Youngjae extends his hand out, the one with the picture, and I instantly step back. It was then that the two guys in front of me, finally realized my deepest darkest secret. Jackson is first to laugh louder than usual, even falling out of his seat in the process. 

What an . I’m definitely going to have to dock his best friend status below Taeil now. Youngjae is looking at me with amazement. He opens his mouth and I really kinda wish he didn’t.

“Hyung…are you scared of spiders?”

I don’t say a word and Jackson is still rolling on the floor. Bambam who was nearby, still getting scolded by Junior, moves toward us. Even Im Jaebum who was preoccupied with smoking stares at the Hong Kong native with many questions going on in his head. Junior follows Bambam with a huff and a hard kick to the .

“Ouch,” Bambam groans rubbing his . “I didn’t walk away because I wanted to ignore you, it’s because Jackson is acting weird.”

Junior looks to the floor and Jackson is now red in the face from laughing for too god damn long and too god damn hard. Someone remind me to spike his drink with a laxative or something later.

“What’s going on?” Im Jaebum is the first to question and Youngjae meets eyes with me. I give him a look that begs him not to speak a word. However, with a slight smile, Youngjae seems to have missed that message.

“Apparently Mark Hyung is scared of spiders.” I want to crawl into a hole and die. I want to shake my head in protest, but Youngjae has already moved the picture toward me and I nearly yelp and slam into Junior who was nearby. Everyone, including Jackson, stop what they are doing. It gets quiet in the room and that is when I know it’s just going to get worse.

Everyone in the room is laughing hard. Well, that is what I thought until I realized Yugyeom was just sitting in the corner of the classroom, eyes on his phone, no expression on his face at all. So…he doesn’t care about me at all, he could of looked up at least. I sigh. This is making me even more annoyed.

“Aiish,” I grumble out. “Would guys shut up, so what if I’m scared of spiders! You all aren’t fearless!”

No one is paying me any mind, still laughing away. Jackson, is the first to try to comfort me. He gets up from the floor and pulls me into a side hug, trying not to put too much pressure on my bad arm. “I know Dimsum, sorry it was just the first time I saw you scared for your life! And it wasn’t even a real spider!”

“Shut up.” I growl toward him and he chuckles.

“I think it’s cute that that you have a weakness Hyung.” Bambam adds, a small across his face. I don’t wanna hear that from you, you damn kindergartener.

“I agree. Usually you don’t really like to show weakness at all.” Junior nods his head. Im Jaebum also agrees with a grunt.

“Least we know he’s human.” You are the last person I wanna hear that from! I sigh again.

“It’s so funny!” Youngjae laughs some more. “Don’t you think so Gyeom?”

All eyes fly to the maknae of GOT7, who was still flipping through his phone, emotionless. Junior steps forward with a expression of bewilderment. “Gyeom? You usually would kill to make fun of someone, why are you so quiet over there?”

That’s when I feel my heart drop for the second time today. It’s because I’m here. Yugyeom isn’t going to talk at all.

“Come over here,” Im Jaebum commands and Yugyeom doesn’t have to be told twice. He walks over with a few long strides. He stands near Bambam as if waiting for another command. “You okay?”

Yugyeom doesn’t say a word and Bambam looks over at him. “Yeah, he’s fine.”

Everyone in the room gets quiet, I wonder if they figured out why he’s being so quiet? Jackson makes a sound of annoyance. “You’re still doing this Yugyeom? Seriously? Just because Mark is here, you won’t talk?”

Damn…it really is my fault. Bambam looks at Yugyeom one more time, and whatever he sees, I know I can’t. Junior sighs deeply and Im Jaebum leans against the windowsill.

“He just needs more time.” Bambam admits.

“But he can’t keep doing this,” Jackson messes with the front of his hair, pushing it back. “He’s getting older and you won’t always be there for him. It makes communication hard.”

“Drop it,” Im Jaebum steps forward, as if he were going to fight Jackson. His voice is threaded with impatience. Jackson looks visibly shaken, eyes finding the floor in a matter of seconds. “I don’t care how you feel about Yugyeom not talking. Let him take his time. Either way we have Bambam here to help us. There is no point in getting mad at him for something he can’t control.”

It was the first time I heard Im Jaebum speak like a true leader. It was also the first time I thought there was going to be a fight amongst the members because of me. Jackson looks ashamed and Junior moves so that he can put his arm around Yugyeom’s waist. Everyone has their eyes on Junior, including Yugyeom. I don’t know if it’s because Im Jaebum and Junior are that infamous IJ – wait, JP…whatever Project, but the others really listen to them well.

“JB Hyung is right. We all already know how Yugyeom is. Don’t make him feel bad, we all know he really wants to talk to Mark Hyung.” Junior squeezes Yugyeom who’s poker face doesn’t falter. Bambam is all smiles now, the tension in the room leaves. I sigh a sigh of relief.

“Alright now that that is settled, Jackson, Youngjae, Bambam,” Im Jaebum points to the door. “Go to class, the bell is going to ring.”

All three of their faces sink to the floor. Bambam is the first to protest. He rushes toward me, his lanky arms encircling my body. I want to pull away, but that requires strength in both my arms which I don’t have. “But I never get to see Hyung.”

“You also never pass math, now go.” Im Jaebum shoos the second maknae. He squeezes me slightly and drags his feet as he leaves.

“We should talk later Hyung.” He announces as he leaves and I don’t know if I want to do that. Then again, what if he’s like Junior and can actually be civilized if he wants to. I grunt in reply.
Youngjae and Jackson both cross their arms. Jackson is the one to speak out about the unfairness of the leaders words. “Don’t you also have somewhere to be, Mr. Im Jaebum.”

“Who said I wasn’t leaving as well, Mr. Wang Kong.” Im Jaebum sassies back and it shuts Jackson right up. He gets to his feet and happily pulls Im Jaebum close. Im Jaebum’s lips pull back into a smile, eyes disappearing into slits on his face. It was the first time I saw him look so happy, it was almost like the earlier tension never even existed between them both. I guess this is how GOT7 works.

“I’ll walk you.” Jackson laughs and Im Jaebum nods. He looks over his shoulder toward Youngjae who was staring at them, feeling left out. Im Jaebum extends his hand out to him. Youngjae’s sleepy eyes open a bit and he gets to his feet with a pep in his step.

“We’ll be going then.” Im Jaebum announces and I laugh at how much he looks different surrounded by his brothers. They leave still being rowdy as ever and Junior, who still was holding Yugyeom by the waist, lets go and moves toward the door. It startles me, so I step forward as if to stop him.

“Where are you going? It’s your tutoring time?” I realize how stupid that excuse to keep Junior here is. We never actually do school work during these meetings. I gulp when Junior chuckles. I don’t want to be alone with Yugyeom right now…it will only remind me how dreadfully quiet it is between us.

“I think you guys need time together.” He waves as he leaves the room. The door closes with a soft thud and the bell signals throughout the whole building. I bite the insides of my cheeks. I don’t really know how to feel right now.

The silence in the room is heavier than the tension that only recently disappeared. I sigh and turn around. Yugyeom is staring at me, still standing where Junior had left him. I motion toward the table.

“Wanna, uh, sit down?” I take a sit with a low groan. I really got to be careful. I feel like I’m breaking my shoulder every time I sit down. Yugyeom gives me a small nod and follows me to the table. He sits down in the chair right beside me. He leans back, eyes still glued on me. I gulp.

I feel extremely nervous. It’s gross. Dude, get your ing life together. He’s just some kid…who happens to make your heart race at a very unnatural, sort of concerning pace.

“A-are you mad at me Yugyeom for what I did the other day?”

Yugyeom’s eyes scream panic and he reaches across the table for a notebook and pen. He flips through it until he finds a blank page. I watch him as he writes.

Not at all Hyung! I told you I can take stuff like that. I was actually happy to help you.

My heart flutters a bit and I take a deep breath. “So why won’t you talk to me…Jackson has a point you know.”

Yugyeom’s face doesn’t tell me much, but for some reason I could tell that what I said bothered him. He starts to write again.

I know Hyung. I want to talk. I really do…but it’s just not coming out. I’m sorry if I’m upsetting you.

Without me wanting to, my good hand goes out and grabs his. He looks at me. “Take your time. I’ll wait until you can talk to me.” Though I knew that I was already reaching my max level of patience.

He smiles toward me. It was so blinding I almost forgot to breathe. Holy ! I got Yugyeom to smile at me. I bet I’m gawking, but Yugyeom doesn’t seem bothered at all.

“You’re so damn cute.” I find my mouth saying unconsciously. My eyes widen when his smile fades. He’s looking at me with a questionable look. I dig into my pocket quickly. “I meant, Princess. You should see the pictures I took of her last night.”

Yugyeom looks visibly convinced and I open my phone gallery, showing pictures I did in fact take of Princess last night. , I almost had a heart attack. But nice save there. He takes my phone and flips through the pictures. I guess he’s happy. I cover my face and I hear the door to the classroom open. Junior comes in humming a song.

“I’m back. You guys seem to be pretty buddy buddy.” He comments happily. For some reason I get to my feet and rush passed him. He calls after me as I walk down the hall. “Mark Hyung, where are you going?”

“B-bathroom.” I answer back and I can hear him laugh.

“Hyung, the bathrooms are the other way!”

I stop walking, already near the stairs. I turn around, face probably red as hell. I take long strides until I’m passed Junior and going to the other side of the hall.

“Don’t get lost~” He teases playfully. Aish, this guy. I take a deep breath to even my breathing. I think being around these guys is bad for my heart.

“Strike one!”




Life and more life and more like got in the way. I also rewrote this whole chapter like three times cuz I didn’t like how it was coming out.
But enough about me….so yeah…Junior is moving up now~
Thank you for all the lovely comments seriously!!! Like they give me so much life. I love hearing what everyone has to say about my story <3
Subscribe for if you want to~ and omg when the hell did I make it to 900 subs???? You guys are too amazing T_T (haha I am an emotional mess right now~)
Upvote if you love the story <3 thank you to those who have!
I will go now…and hopefully not for long….again xD


*** Credits to Strawberry1299 for the whole spider idea! Thank you~ **



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With the newest chapter posted, I will start to edit the old chapters now~


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Chapter 28: Thank you for the update! This story definitely still brings me as much joy as when I read it the first time. If you ever have time I would absolutely love an update. Hope life is treating you well! Thanks for your hard work!
Chapter 28: Thank you so much for the update!!
Waiting patiently for an update ❤️
Chapter 20: This is such a good story I come back to it all the time. Can we please get an update?
Chapter 1: I love this story so much. I love the story line and how well it is written. I know that a lot of people don't like being asked to update and I get that we all get busy. But if you have time could you please update this story.
mmoodz #7
PLEATHE update... I miss this story....
XxsakuraxX96352 #8
Chapter 27: Update soon please, i miss waking up to see that you updated this story :(
jaemin09 #9
when will you update?
mistymountains 193 streak #10
Nice story!