Chapter 9

It Is What It Is

Chapter 9

I made a promise to myself; I would make sure that I would never cry unless absolutely necessary, which meant never in my brain.

Chen and I sat on the bed after what seemed like hours of just hugging and looking at each other, in complete silence. It was never awkward though. It was comfortable. We sat on the bed for some time in muteness until, I decided to say something to get a conversation sparking between us before the others all came.

“How much have I missed these past few months?”

“A Lot actually. We have new music but there’s also some really bad news.” Chen replied with a saddened look on his face. Sad doesn’t suite him, I don’t like it, Shut up brain.

“Wait, what’s the really bad news?” I asked.

“Kris is suing SM and he’s probably going to leave EXO.” The way he talked; the way his eyes looked dull and dead; the way he just looked empty when he told me the news. I couldn’t handle it.

“Kris… Is leaving? No he can’t do that. Why would he do that? What happened?” So many questions rang in my head, but I knew that they wouldn’t be able to be answered properly.

“Kris is leaving because he doesn’t like the way SM have been treating us as humans. We all agree with him but none of us knew he would take it this far. He filed the law suit after SM told us to leave you here and take you off of life support after only a week. SM wanted us to go straight back to work even though they told us that we had the rest of this year off. I hate this. I just wish none of this bull ever happened. If I just insisted on going with- “I cut him off yet again.

“No Kim Jongdae, don’t you dare blame any of this on yourself. I know that you look out for everyone else but yourself sometimes, but this, none of this bull is your fault. It was my choice to go and talk to my brother and it was Kris’ choice to file a law suit against SM. You have nothing to do with this” I looked him straight in the eyes holding his face gently whilst wiping away a stray tear that ran down his cheeks. He whispered something under his breath but I couldn’t quite hear it so I ignored it. We sat and talked about anything and everything and he even sang a bit of their song ‘Overdose’ for me. His voice is still as amazing as ever.

We were interrupted when I heard the screams and cheers obviously coming from the rest of the boys. I’m so excited to see those goofballs. I missed them.

“NINA!” All of them screamed when they entered the room, Chen had gone to go and get me some edible food and not just this horrible hospital food.

Then this y nurse came in and told them that only one to two people allowed in the ward at once, which may I say is utter bull. So she made them all go outside and asked me which one I would like to see first. To be honest this could be a good way to catch up with the guys individually first and then when the y nurse leaves we can all mess about and have fun like we did on that one day I was with them.

“erm… can I get Lay in first?” I asked the nurse with too much makeup on just wiping it off would make her lose so much weight. She walked out and in came Lay with his happy smile on his face and the cute little dimple showing.

“Hey Nina! How was your sleep?” He asked with a wink.

“Wow Lay nice one,” I laughed at his attempt at being cool. Unexpectedly, it doesn’t suit him at all, note the sarcasm.

“Did you know how Chen stayed here for ages some nights he wouldn’t even go home so the doctors and nurses had to give him blankets when he fell asleep on the chairs outside your room?” He informed. Did Chen really care that much about me? Nah, he probably felt the it was his fault that I’m here so he felt guilty. Why am I always like this? So stupid.

“No, why would he do that? Silly boy.” I giggled.

“Because he cares about you. A lot.”

“ahahaha, no one cares about me that much Lay.”

“We all care about you a lot it’s why we’re still here, it’s why we didn’t leave Nina. Just think about that and remember, which is one thing I can’t do very well, that we will always care for you.” And with that he left with no more words closing the door behind him and in came another one of the boys.


I’m so sorry that this chapter is such a short one. I know it’s so bad.

Today has been a busy day. I had to help my mum clear our whole house because she’s having a party right now in fact with her friends whilst I’m sitting here next door in my grandma’s house dying because the Wi-Fi is so slow.

This is probably the shortest chapter I’ve ever written and ever want to write. But these days I’ve been getting really tired and I already have so many projects for school to be doing. I’m going to try and update every week and if I don’t I will update the next day I promise!

In other news


That troll makes me so happy, makes me want to cry and also makes me want to punch him for being so amazing all the time at the same time.

On twitter so many trends have been trending for his birthday and it’s been really nice.

By the looks of it I’m probably going to have to update the story tomorrow because the internet is so slow I think I might die before anything loads.

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Any suggestions on what could happen in the story just message me or comment!

Stay true :)



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yuiyui_ #1
update soon please~
Celestejustine #2
Chapter 3: Please update soon!!!!!!!:);):):):),),),)