Chapter 10

It Is What It Is

Chapter 10

I had seen: Sehun, who just hugged me and did so much aegyo it wanted to pinch his cheeks so much; D.O, who had just baked me a cake which we ate together just laughing about all the stupid things the rest of the boys would do; Chanyeol and Baekhyun broke the rules and came in together , I didn’t mind because they made me laugh and smile which was really nice considering I didn’t really do it too much before I met them; Luhan and Xiumin also came in together, they got me steamed buns and gave me my makeup bag and bought me some new clothes which I obviously loved but how can they waste money on me? I’m a nobody; Kai, who came in and danced to three of EXO’s songs which made me really happy because I was able to dance with him it was really fun; Tao came in and showed me his wushu skills he taught me a little bit too which made me laugh because I’m so bad at it; finally Suho who just sat with me and talked about whatever came to his mind.

The weird thing was, was that they all said the same thing about Chen. They all told me that he stayed most nights here waiting for me to wake up and he barely got any sleep. Hearing this made me feel so bad because it was my fault that Chen might become seriously ill, and it hurt. I would then proceed to ask them why he would do such a thing for a depressed messed up girl, to which they all answered the same, they told me ‘because he cares about you a lot, we care about you a lot’ Some would joke and then say ‘ maybe not in the way Chen does but we still care’. Hearing these words come out of their mouths was surprising because nothing like this had ever really been said to me.

The next one to come in was Kris. This conversation was an interesting one:

K – Kris N – Nina

K: Nina, I’m so glad you’re okay!

N: Thank you Kris. I hope you’re doing well too!

K: Yeah I am.  He said this whilst rubbing the back of his neck with an unsure look on his face

N: What’s wrong?

K: I’m sure the at least one of the guys have told you about me.

N: They all have. They’ve all told me about it and how heart breaking it is, some shed tears, others were just angry. However, I want to hear it from you.

K: I’m leaving EXO. He said it so simply. His head hung so low and you could practically see darkness surrounding him.

N: Why? Tell me what has made you hurt so bad that it has made you want to leave your family, Kris? Tell me? At this point I had gotten over my sadness and had just been taken over with anger. I could only see red.

K: Because I can’t do this anymore! I don’t want to make myself slowly die by working for SM, it breaks my heart even more seeing the others slowly dying because of how hard they work. I can’t just work my off and never get any vacation. Our so called “vacation” the last time you saw us before your accident that day our manager called us and wanted us back here in Korea to start another comeback. It’s like they think we’re robots! I’m tired of it. When we found out about your accident we called our manager and asked if we could stay a little longer. They let us stay in England for about two more days until our managers and masses of security guards showed up at the hospital. They told us that if we didn’t go back they would take you off of life support and let you die. You didn’t see the pain in the boys’ eyes. Especially Chen, his lack of sleep waiting for you to wake up as he slept at the hospital next to your bed, then being told that you could die if he didn’t go back to work. It was heart breaking. I had been thinking about filing this law suit for a long time and this seemed like the best way to do it. Only after I told our managers that I quit and will be filing a law suit against them did they let us at least take you with us back to Korea.

I was speechless. There was nothing I could say. So I hugged him. Until I realised what he said.

N: Hold up. What do you mean take me back to Korea with you? I’m in Korea? Right now?

K: Yeah and you’re going to be living with us… well the boys any way. Not me anymore I’ll be moving back to China.

N: Kris.

K: yes Nina?

N: Don’t forget us. Don’t forget the boys. Don’t forget the dance routines. Don’t forget the games you played. Don’t forget the small things you noticed about the boys. Don’t forget the way they look now. Never forget. Visit us?

K: Of course.

That was the last I saw of Kris for a while. He never came back, but hopefully he never forgot.



Last but certainly not least, Chen entered with a frown on his face but still the corners of his lips were still curved upwards.  Shoulders slumped, head hung down, clothes were still on point though.

“Kris is gone,” he barely even whispered.

“I know,” I replied as I just hugged him and his soft brown hair. “He’ll always remember though and so will you.” He unhooked his arms from around me and smiled. He smiled even though his heart was hurting from the loss of their member. He smiled event though his eyes were saying something else. That's another reason why I love him so much. He can smile and handle the pain. I feel so weak.

“What’s this I hear from every single one of the boys?” I asked cheekily.

“And what did you hear from them?” He smiled looking straight back into my eyes with a small smirk playing on the side of his lips.

“That you, Kim Jongdae, did not eat, sleep or work properly whilst I was sleeping.” I said whilst looking at him with my best disappointed look I could muster up, too which he just laughed at.

“Well, how was I supposed to do any of those things when you could’ve left me at any time?” My heart skipped a beat when he said those words. Not like when I watched videos online or when looking at pictures of him. It was a bigger flip. It was like my insides were dancing and decided to do a flip.

Kim ing Jongdae, what are you doing to me?



Ahhhh I’m a day late! I’m sorry!

I asked myself the other day ‘why on earth would you read what I write?’

I don’t particularly like the way I write things but apparently some of you guys do.

I hope I’m doing well enough!

I’m going to start planning what’s going to happen properly soon. Like, writing a whole plot for this story because I’m really starting to get into it. This is actually the furthest I’ve gotten into writing a story so be proud of me XD

Thank you to anyone who’s subscribed! Again, I have no idea why you did it but thank you!

If you want to read more please subscribe and comment!



Stay true :)


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yuiyui_ #1
update soon please~
Celestejustine #2
Chapter 3: Please update soon!!!!!!!:);):):):),),),)