

I met him first time when both of us was attending to Taemin's session of cutting stars and other doings. There was also two other patients - Kibum, or Key, that nurse as Kangin calls him, told that they were from upper floor, so I get that they was.. bit different than us. Us, mentals and nutheads.

First I didn't pay much attention to him, I was deeply focused to stare a blank paper in front of me, while repeating somekind of mantra of "why am I doing this, why am I doing this..?".
- "Eunhyuk, please we have only fifteen minutes left, would you stop arranging those pencils?" That boy on the left side of me, didn't do thing for stopping his obsessed arranging - when some one take a pencil, he started arranging them into new line, with different rule, when some one put a pencil back, he started again with new rule.
- "If you can't focus today, nurse Key will surely bring you back to your room, right Kibum?" Key just nodded and tapped Eunhyuk's shoulder and only with that, they left the therapy room. Key briefly noticed me, and softly said, that he will coma and take me soon after our session with Taemin.

Second time, we were alone sitting on the "living room" kind of open area with TV and radio, there was also some plastic plant for creatong "homey" feeling or something like that. He was just ended arranging magazines and he take a seat next to me. He showed toothied smile to me, and started to twirl his hair around his fringers.
- "They don't understand, they think that it's problem to me, when I'm making things into order - it relaxes, me, it gives me a sense of control. They say, they say that there is something wrong with me? Can you believe it, they say that I've problems, I said to them, that everything is fine." I just dumply nod, I don't know what I should be saying to him - now he looks like he is ready to cry because of frustration.
- "You don't believe me, they said I've problmes, and you don't believe me, you're like them, blaming me without reasons." First tears flowed from his dark and anxious eyes. He his dry lips, and pointed me with his index finger, while muttering how no one didn't believe him. He started arrangin cards.

I could see how his shoulders were trembling and he anxiously bites his finger nails, his eyes were everywhere; glancing walls, zeroing into nothingness, and back to the window, to nurses' office, back to mine brown ones and onto the floor and coffee table.
- "Thet said, I should speak. Not arrange, speak, not arrange and take a meds, they say that it makes thing easier. I'm not crazy, I'm tired. Afraid. Anxious, stressed. And they sai-"
- "I.. Lets play um.. "
- "Poch. Poch is good game. Let me show." His hands were shaking when he was sharing cards, and he was biting his bottom lip.
- "I'm the oldest, they said that I'm the role model. You know, being the best, show to your siblings and teach them and they said that I.. Your turn." I wasn't sure, should I tell something about myself too?
- "But I could not do it, I'm in law school right now, get best scores and everything, I can speak eight languages and I'm fluen reader in Latin. I can't do it. Your turn." Well, I lost.
- "So.. I could not do it, and now I'm here, hahah funny, role model in mental warth, my parent's doesn't want to meet me, you know, I wanted to be a dancer. I'm such failure. You know, failure, big fat failu-"
- "Eunhyuk, don't stress other patients with your things, come here if you want talk about things." Jonghyun's voice sounded like he had been telling this countless of times already to different patients. Eunhyuk's eyes were wild again, and he glances me, and back to Jonghyun.
- "I don't have nothing to say. I've.." His eyes stopped to coloring pencils, and he stand up and started his arranging again. I think, that I might have win this round.

- "He has rough because of his parents, you know, wanting something so badly from some one, who wasn't made to do these things? So well, I think that they said he is depressed, and OCD, maybe suicidial, dunno about that. But Newbie, you were playing Poch? What about new round, Shindong, you coming?"

You don't know how much I'm waiting Siwon's chapter.. But that chapter was hard, somekind of writer's block with that.
But you remember already, that subbies, comments and votes motivates me to write more! ♥

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Chapter 17: Omg it’s been such a long time! I’m glad there’s was an update ahhhh. This chapter was sad ;;; but I’m glad they’re back together!
Chapter 16: The theme here touches a raw nerve especially of the recent sad event with KJH. Anyway, it would be nice if this will have a conclusion.
rainloverdreamz #3
Chapter 16: This fic is different and well written. I want to know the ending. Update author nim!!!
Chapter 16: This writing style got me hooked :D
Chapter 14: Omfg this update

I love it
Usachan12345 #6
Chapter 13: Yay!!! Kyuwook!!! Awh, they are sooooo cute already! I also love the Taekey! Good work!!!
ateena1618 #7
Chapter 10: So cute!! Leetuek ^-^
wintertmm #8
Chapter 10: Lol now they r ganging up against them. Go !
wintertmm #9
Chapter 9: lol they are all mixing well with each other, like one nice gang. still no mention of kyu wook though
wintertmm #10
Chapter 8: *heechul sorry no idea it changed to that