Chapter 9

The Way He Stares


“But I don’t want to go out to eat. I’d rather have you guys cook us something.” Whined Ginger. Heechul was trying to get out of cooking and buy McDonald’s for dinner. Ginger was the queen of getting her way. If she set her mind on getting something, about 99.9% of the time she got it. This time she was dead set on having the boys cook dinner for her and Alyssa.

Siwon and Donghae had successfully abandoned the living room so that they wouldn’t be dragged into the argument between Heechul and Ginger. Both knew that they would give in to whatever Ginger wanted. Ginger may not have known it, but that was her secret talent. She could get just about any guy wrapped around her little finger in no time.

Alyssa and Ginger had gone back to their hotel earlier to shower and change into new clothes. Alyssa opted for her normal skinny jeans, Converse All Stars, and layered shirts. Today she went with light pink layers. Ginger could only guess that the pink was especially for Sungmin. Ginger had seen that outfit on her best friend before, but Alyssa had made a special point of worrying if she brought it with her on their vacation. Ginger on the other hand went with one of her many dresses. With working at a doctor’s office and Home Depot, she hardly ever got to wear dresses. Her black dress fit snuggly over her bosom and hung loosely to her mid thigh and tied in the back.

“I refuse to cook dinner. This is ridiculous! We leave in two days. What is the point of cooking food here when we can go out and buy it?” Heechul complained.

“If you guys make food for us then we can experience real Korean food, and not Americanized stuff.” Ginger pouted. She folded her arms in front of her. Her eyes became large and her bottom lip stuck out.

“That doesn’t work on me missy.” Heechul said, laughing at Ginger’s attempt at aegyo.

Ginger unfolded her arms and stamped her foot. She shot Heechul evil glares. Ginger almost resembled the evil maknae that was seated on the couch watching the argument. She really was acting like a five year old, but that was Ginger for you. Sometimes she did that.

“I’ll make you guys some Korean food.” Sungmin offered. He was tired of listening to those two fight over something that would never be resolved since both were stubborn. That, and the fact that he was starting to get really hungry.

“What would you like for dinner?” He asked Ginger.

“You should ask Alyssa.” She responded. With her answer given, Ginger walked toward the hallway Siwon and Donghae occupied. Donghae was waiting for Eunhyuk to get back from his schedule. Shindong, Leeteuk, Yesung, and Ryeowook all had schedules until late that night, so they would not be joining in for dinner. Instead they would have dinner with their manager later.

“Noona!” Sungmin called. Alyssa had disappeared somewhere. “Noona!” he called again when she did not answer. He wandered to the kitchen. There he found Alyssa perched on the counter with a Diet Coke opened in her hand. “Noona, why didn’t you answer?”

“I wanted you to come find me.” Alyssa said coyly. That was far from what Alyssa usually was, but she was going to try and flirt, even if that meant getting a rough script from Ginger on things to say. Even which she had a hard time coming up with. It just kinda comes naturally was her excuse of not knowing what to say or do.

“What would you like for dinner, princess?” Sungmin asked.

“For starters, no pet names. Those can be saved for Ginger. As for dinner, erm…” she contemplated what she wanted. She had an urge to say Beijing Fried Rice, but only Hankyung could make that in her eyes, and he was not here. “Soondae Gook?” She asked.

“Sounds like a plan.” At that moment there was a loud crash that came from the other room.

Alyssa and Sungmin left the kitchen to see what the commotion was all about. Ginger was being held up by Siwon, both had tears running down their faces as they laughed. Unconsciously Ginger snorted which made her laugh even harder. Donghae was lying on the floor clutching his stomach while he laughed. Eunhyuk was sprawled on the floor on his stomach wearing a confounded expression.

“What happened?” Alyssa asked. Alyssa was starting to laugh at the sight in front of her.

“They were pushing against the door so Eunhyuk couldn’t get in, then all of the sudden they backed away and Eunhyuk came crashing into the room.” Kyuhyun said nonchalantly while he looked at his nails.

Alyssa started to really laugh then at the image forming in her mind. Before she knew it she was laughing exactly like Leeteuk. Ginger slid out of Siwon’s grip and onto the floor. She was having trouble breathing from all of the laughing she was enduring. This resulted in Ginger and Alyssa laughing the hardest while everyone laughed at Alyssa’s laugh.

“Is Teukie home?” Heechul asked as he sauntered out of his room.

“No…that’s A…Alyssa’s…laugh.” Donghae managed to spit out between laughs.

“Saranghae.” Heechul said, staring at Alyssa with his mouth slightly open.

“Seriously, why does everyone keep staring at me!?” Alyssa asked trying to suppress her obnoxious laughter. 

“Because they love you.” Ginger replied looking up at her best friend.

“Did you guys start drinking without my knowledge?” Alyssa asked. Everyone seemed a little drunk to her.

“Uh…no. I think we’re saving that for after dinner.” Ginger smiled evilly.

Alyssa snuck a glance to her side at Kyuhyun. His eyes had turned darker. Oh for s sake, Ginger! Now you have Kyuhyun after you too? This is not acceptable. You are not evil, and he is. This will never work. Stay with the good boy; don’t fall for the bad boy. You tried that a few summers ago, remember? John? Don’t do it! Alyssa silently pleaded to her best friend. Luckily Ginger didn’t notice a thing because she was focused on Siwon helping her to her feet. Good, Ginger. Just keep your eyes on Siwon. Kyuhyun just rubs me the wrong way, like Wet Sock.

Once everyone regained their sanity and tromped out of the foyer it was time to fix dinner. Sungmin wondered into the kitchen to prepare the food. Heechul shut himself back in his room. Kyuhyun resumed his gaming. Donghae and Eunhyuk started playing rock, paper, scissors. Siwon and Ginger sat on the couch and flipped on the TV. Then there was Alyssa, awkwardly standing there with nothing to do. She made do with going back into the kitchen to see if Sungmin needed any help.

“Minnie, do you need any help?” Alyssa asked as she entered the kitchen.

“No, thank you. I have everything under control, yobo.” He said as he prepared the rice.

Dinner wasn’t overly thrilling. Heechul and Alyssa argued, but that much wasn’t anything new. Everyone just talked about their day and what their schedules would be for tomorrow. Donghae and Eunhyuk were forced into doing the massive amount of dishes.

After the dishes were done everyone was sitting on the kitchen floor. Kyuhyun was forced into spending quality time with everyone in the hotel room, instead of constantly sitting at his laptop gaming.

“Let’s play a game!” Announced Heechul.

“What game?” Kyuhyun asked, annoyed that he couldn’t game.

“Rock, paper, scissors!” Eunhyuk mentioned.

“No. We always play that.” Siwon complained. Ginger was starting to rub off on him. Luckily no one noticed that because they all agreed with Siwon. That was the game they always played.

“Why don’t you come up with a brilliant game since you are the one that wants to play a game?” Alyssa told Heechul. She was giving him cheek, but he took it.  

“But I don’t know any fun games.” He pouted.

“Why don’t we make this a drinking game?” Kyuhyun suggested.

“I have a game in mind. It’s not really a drinking game, but we could always make it into one.” Ginger spoke up.

“What game?” Everyone asked at once. It was slightly scary at how in sync they were.

“Do you have a deck of cards?”

“I do in my backpack.” Donghae sprang up and went to his room to get the cards. He came back a moment later and handed them to Ginger.

“I know a couple of you have played it before. It’s where you have to pass a card down a line of people only using your mouth. If you drop it, then you have to take a drink.” Ginger explained.

Everyone agreed that this would be the game they played. The order of one team went: Donghae, Siwon, Ginger, and Kyuhyun. The other team’s order was: Heechul, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, and Alyssa. This could only lead chaos. Each of them, other than Donghae and Eunhyuk, started off with a couple shots of tequila.

It was about half an hour into the game and everyone, except Eunhae, was either drunk or very close to it. People kept purposely dropping the card from their mouths so they could take a drink.

Somehow Ginger had gotten a card from Siwon and was now attempting to pass it to Kyuhyun. Both were laughing, but the card remained because they were holding it there with their lips. Kyuhyun just let the card fall and started to kiss Ginger. Next was the other team’s turn.

Alyssa was a little nervous. She had never really kissed a guy before. Anxiety was creeping up on her at an alarming pace. She grabbed a beer and downed it in no time flat. She wanted to loosen up a bit so she wasn’t as nervous about this round. The card successfully went from Heechul to Eunhyuk and now Sungmin had it.

“Drop the card and just kiss her already!” Ginger yelled at him. “We all know you want to do it!”

“Do it! Do it! Do it!” The other team chanted as Sungmin and Alyssa’s faces got closer to one another.



AN: Thank you guys so much for subscribing! It means a lot to me. I have three more chapter already typed up. I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to write much. Also, I had a falling out with this particular friend, Alyssa. So I'm going to ask for your opinions. Do you want me to continue to focus more on Alyssa/Sungmin or not? If not who do you want me to focus more on? I can do whatever. Just let me know what you're thinking.  Saranghae!

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I have no idea where I'm going with this story... It's been so long since I wrote for it. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Maybe they will help.


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LOL I'm finally reading the comments on the story, because I thought it was about time I did...
I lab heem...but I don't sees it at alls anymores D:

<3Your Husband<3
Whew~! Finally, they made up! Love your update!
Ooh...Alyssa and Ginger's fight was an ouch...I hope they'll get back on track... Nice update!
WOW.. that was nasty!~ <br />
Hopefully Alyssa and Ginger get back together :3<br />
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Gah, I miss him a lot!~ T^T Petal~ <3
Ouch, Ginger and Alyssa had a fight... :O
ooh... I actually don't mind a love triangle between Alyssa, Minnie and our very own Lady Heehee, please xD :)
awwww, you and alyssa actually had a fall-out??? <br />
Unnie, are you okay? :'|<br />
<br />
anyways... I TOTALLY ROFL at Ginger throwing the and gah... Heechul! <3 I miss him so muchhhhhh! T^T <br />
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FIGHTING Unnie! and make sure you get some sleep too! :) xoxoxo
Awweh, Sungmin is such a cutie. :3<br />
Whoah! Update!
update please! I've been waiting. Dying even to know wats next.