Chapter 3

The Way He Stares


With hoodies on and purses in hand Alyssa and Ginger set off for Madison Square Garden. They only spoke about directions, and that seemed to be forced conversation. Neither girl was fully awake yet. Because of that they were not comprehending how amazing this day would be. Both of them were in desperate need of caffeine or else they would be more prone to crabbiness as the day wore on. One would think that there would be a coffee shop, preferably Starbucks, open before six in the morning. However, all of the coffee shops Alyssa and Ginger passed were closed.

They reached Madison Square Garden after about a half hour lazily trudging the streets of New York from their hotel. They at last reached the entrance that would lead them straight to their hearts’ desires. A fair few people were already lined up, so Ginger and Alyssa sat down behind them.

“Morning.” The girl next to Ginger said. It was a friendly but tired attempt at conversation. She looked about the same age as Ginger and Alyssa.

“Morning. How long have you been here?” Ginger replied.

“Since five. I’m Mara, by the way, and this is my best friend, Krista.” She indicated to the girl sleeping with her head in Mara’s lap.

“I’m Ginger, and this is my best friend, Alyssa. Hey, I’m gonna run across the street to Starbucks for us two, do you guys want anything?”

“No thanks.”

The day passed by at a tortoise pace. Ginger, Alyssa, Mara, and Krista took turns sleeping, making sure two people stayed awake to keep each other company. Around noon everyone was awake and talking. There were more people in line. Somewhere between seventy five and one hundred people were behind them. At the front of the line, where Ginger and Alyssa were fortunate to be, there was a dance competition starting. A few people that knew the songs well would sing along with an iPod. Alyssa was one of them. Ginger entered in as one of the dancers. It was time to test if her hip-hop lessons would pay off. Rules were that the dancer had to replicate the dance to whatever song the singers chose.

First song was Ring Ding Dong. That was the first song Ginger could dance to, easy peasy. Next was Sorry, Sorry, a few people were eliminated that round. The third song was Gee. Ginger smiled to herself, she was happy she watched a bunch of youtube videos of B2ST, SHINee, and Super Junior dancing to that song. At the beginning of the competition there were about twenty people competing, and after the third song there were seven left. Next on the impromptu set list was Lucifer. Ginger was now one of three people left to battle it out for the title. The last song was Don’t Don. Ginger caught Alyssa’s eye and looked at her worriedly. Alyssa didn’t know this, but Ginger was practicing this dance, and was quite bad at it.

The song started and one person was already out. Now just Ginger and an Asian teenage boy were left. Things did not look promising. There were about halfway through the song and the boy did a wrong move, therefore was eliminated. Ginger was the last one standing. Quite a few people hugger her in congratulation. Best part about it was that Krista got the whole thing recorded with Ginger’s flip video camera. After the dance competition the time seemed to fly by. It was time to go into the venue.

Ginger and Alyssa parted ways with Mara and Krista and reached GA2. They got to the spot that they had planned to be in from the beginning; at the end of the runway and right at the corner of the other large stage area. Ginger handed Alyssa some money for some stuff at the merch area. Alyssa came back fifteen minutes later with glow sticks and the pink SM Town Live t-shirts.

“Alyssa, I can’t believe we get to see them live. Hell, we might even touch them!” Both relapsed into fangirling over these k-pop idols.

“What songs will they sing?” Alyssa thought out loud. They proceeded to stare in awe at their surroundings. It was almost as if it was a dream. Could it really be true that they were at Madison Square Garden, moments away from seeing this concert?

The crowd started doing different chants. Alyssa and Ginger looked at each other. They didn’t know the chants the fans did at these concerts. They felt like complete idiots. They tried their best to listen to what everyone was saying, but it was a useless endeavor. They decided to just stay clueless and silent. Alyssa then noticed that on the main stage Girl’s Generation was entering. The crowd noticed too and all of the sudden there was a deafening roar of screams. Alyssa ended up touching hands with Jessica as she walked by. They finished their set, and up next was SHINee.

Ginger screamed along with everyone else when SHINee appeared. They started singing Ready Or Not, and Key singing, and looking right at the camera. Not to mention the great shots. While they sang Life Jonghyun held onto Ginger’s hand and sang and looked into her eyes. She blushed furiously, and was dying. Alyssa caught it all on her phone, and was determined to put it up on youtube the moment they got to their hotel room. Ginger could hardly catch her breath. Jonghyun singing to her actually happened, and the girls around her continued to shoot death glares.

Alyssa and Ginger loved seeing the Jongkey moments during the concert because it was almost like watching themselves interact, only in male form. When Ring Ding Dong started Alyssa and Ginger started doing the chorus dance. Taemin saw and pointed and smiled. That wasn’t the first time that the girls “awed” at maknae Taemin.

SHINee’s set went by quickly. Both were sad to see them go off stage, but at the same time they were thrilled. Now it was time for Super Junior to come out and perform. This is what Alyssa and Ginger had been waiting for since they bought their tickets. Both of them screamed their heads off with the rest of the crowd in anticipation of the Suju members. It was then that the beginning notes of Superman started playing. Alyssa and Ginger looked at each other, smiled, and started screaming. From the stage in front of them Eunhyuk rose up. His eyes locked onto Alyssa’s and he gave her a huge smile. Alyssa grabbed Ginger’s hand and squeezed it with a death grip. He looked amazing in his all white outfit; white skinny jeans, white v-neck, and a white blazer. Then there were his bright green high top shoes.

Ginger reached out her hand to the other member walking by and for a split second it was touched by Donghae. Alyssa proceeded to do the same thing, and Heechul slapped her palm. She pulled back her hand and it was bright red.

“Aish! Pabo!” She said to Ginger about Heechul. “That seriously hurt!”

“You really should have seen his face though.”

“What?! What did he do?”

“Well he smirked, stuck his tongue out to the side, and winked. Being like the typical he is.” Alyssa’s jaw dropped to the floor and her eyes opened as wide as they could go. “You should really look at your face too. I’m almost certain that there is a bird making a nest in there.”

“Shut up.” Alyssa said as she pushed Ginger away.

“Saranghae.” Was her only response. Ginger felt as if there was someone starting at them. She looked up at the stage and saw that Eunhyuk and Heechul were both somewhat watching what was going on. More specifically Ginger noticed they were both focused on Alyssa. “We have an audience,” as she tilted her head towards Eunhyuk and Heechul. As Alyssa turned around the two members went into formation for their choreography.

“You are such a liar.”

“I swear to you I wasn’t lying! Eunhyuk and Heechul were both watching.”

“Liar!” At that moment the song ended and they didn’t feel like continuing their discussion. Who knows how it would have turned out if they kept going at it.

Ginger would occasionally catch Eunhyuk staring at Alyssa, but she never said anything. She didn’t want a repeat of earlier. The rest of the concert was amazingly fun. Alyssa and Ginger tried to sing the songs, they moved to the rhythm of the songs, and they got to fangirl over their biases. The end of the concert came way too quickly for everyone’s liking. The girls wanted to catch a cab back to their hotel, but it was going to be a madhouse of people and vehicles if they left with all of the other fans. So they stayed behind and let people go before them.

Not many people were left and Alyssa and Ginger heard “Annyeonghaseyo,” from the stage. They turned around to see who was talking. Ginger saw Heechul’s head just above the stage. Ginger pointed it out to Alyssa. They approached the stage slowly.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” they both said.

“What is your names?” he asked. Alyssa was on the verge of “awing” at Heechul’s Engrish, but she didn’t want to come across as a complete to him.

“Ginger,” Alyssa said pointing to Ginger, “and Alyssa.” She continued as she pointed at herself this time.

“Nice to meet you.” He said while looking around hoping no fans were noticing him.

“What are you doing?” Alyssa asked, her tone rather harsh.

“Uh…I come…to you.” Both Alyssa and Ginger had quizzical expressions on their faces. “Dae.” Heechul pulled out a mini squirt gun and fired it at Alyssa.

“Eh! Pabo!” Alyssa said irritated. The stream of water from the water gun had hit her right in the face. She was not amused. Then Heechul broke out into Gee at his favorite part where they say “pabo.” As he said “pabo” his voice went up a bit and he did his signature finger gun and wink.

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I have no idea where I'm going with this story... It's been so long since I wrote for it. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Maybe they will help.


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LOL I'm finally reading the comments on the story, because I thought it was about time I did...
I lab heem...but I don't sees it at alls anymores D:

<3Your Husband<3
Whew~! Finally, they made up! Love your update!
Ooh...Alyssa and Ginger's fight was an ouch...I hope they'll get back on track... Nice update!
WOW.. that was nasty!~ <br />
Hopefully Alyssa and Ginger get back together :3<br />
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Gah, I miss him a lot!~ T^T Petal~ <3
Ouch, Ginger and Alyssa had a fight... :O
ooh... I actually don't mind a love triangle between Alyssa, Minnie and our very own Lady Heehee, please xD :)
awwww, you and alyssa actually had a fall-out??? <br />
Unnie, are you okay? :'|<br />
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anyways... I TOTALLY ROFL at Ginger throwing the and gah... Heechul! <3 I miss him so muchhhhhh! T^T <br />
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FIGHTING Unnie! and make sure you get some sleep too! :) xoxoxo
Awweh, Sungmin is such a cutie. :3<br />
Whoah! Update!
update please! I've been waiting. Dying even to know wats next.