
The Way He Stares


Ginger stepped out of the bathroom with a slim fitting red dress that came to just above her knees. The dress had black crinoline underneath that peaked out at the bottom. A black belt was securely fastened on Ginger’s waist. Good thing she had packed some black dressy flats. She didn’t want to be taller than the guys she was going out with tonight. That would just be awkward. She plopped herself down on the couch next to Heechul while she waited for Alyssa to get ready.

“Do you like Alyssa?” Ginger asked abruptly. There was no beating around the bush with Heechul. She was just going to get to the point.

“Why would you ask something like that?” He coolly replied. His cat-like eyes now looking into Ginger’s.

“Because she likes Sungmin, but I also know that she is a Petal, therefore liking you as well.”

“Doesn’t mean I like her.”

“You keep saying that you love her. There must be something that is catching your eye.”

“You’re good.”

“I’m observant.”

“Ginger, do you know where my phone is?” Alyssa screamed from the bathroom. Ginger just rolled her eyes as she stood up from the couch. She turned away from Heechul to start looking for Alyssa’s phone.

Before Ginger could take a step away Heechul grabbed her wrist. “What if I did like her? What then?”

“Then you better make a move and quick. Alyssa is falling for Sungmin even more. Better get her before it’s too late.” And with that Ginger walked away to dig through Alyssa’s bag. Upon finding her phone she went to the bathroom and knocked on the door. Heechul noticed the door open and then Ginger disappeared.

“What are you doing, hyung?” Donghae asked, leaning against the wall. He had witnessed everything, but was unable to hear what was being said.


“Sure didn’t look like nothing. Looks like you were put into your place. And since when does Cinderella get put into her place?” He smirked. He knew that he had cornered Heechul.

“Aish. It was about Alyssa.”

“What about her?”

“Ginger mentioned that not only does she like Sungmin, but she likes me too.”

“And…” Donghae prodded.

“And she thinks that I like Alyssa.”

“Kind of obvious that you do. The only people you would voice your love for are Hankyung, Hongki, and Sohee.”

Ginger skipped into the room with new curls in her hair bouncing along. Ginger looked to her side, only to find that Alyssa was not with her. “Alyssa, get over here.” She demanded.

“No. I look ridiculous. I am not going out like this.” Alyssa said, her voice muffled as if she was hiding behind something.

“Oh you look fine. Quit being a pabo and come out here. We’re all waiting for you.”

Alyssa hesitantly stepped foot into the sitting room. She looked and only found that Ginger, Donghae, and Heechul were in the room. She was slightly irked that Ginger had exaggerated who was in the room with her. But her best friend wasn’t even paying attention. She was at the mirror on the wall putting on her cinnamon Bath and Body Works lipgloss. Alyssa then resumed looking at her feet. She was not comfortable wearing this dress.

“You look good.”

Alyssa looked up. She was amazed that Heechul had said something to her. Super Junior’s diva had complimented her. First Sungmin this morning, and now Heechul. She felt faint. American guys never gave her a second glance. These Korean guys on the other hand were constantly giving her attention. While she was trying to get ready in the few minutes after Ginger left the bathroom she received five texts from Sungmin. That didn’t include the eight he sent while she didn’t have her phone.

“Um…thanks.” Alyssa replied. A blush was forming on her cheeks. Alyssa never blushed. This was serious. Did she really have to choose between being a Vitamin or a Petal?

“Holy . You’re hot.” Ginger said, finally turning around. Her lips now shimmery and red. Alyssa was wearing a black, empire dress that had sequences down the skirt portion. She paired it with a pair of dark blue stilettos. Her hair was poker straight, as per usual. Ginger glanced past Alyssa to look at Heechul. That boy was definitely infatuated with Alyssa.

“Oh hai!” Ginger exclaimed as she saw Siwon in the hallway. “Where are we going to eat tonight?” Before Siwon could answer Ginger moved down the hall to Sungmin who had just emerged from his room. She put her arm through his and said something quietly to Sungmin that made him nod in response.

Siwon led the way to the door with Donghae following close behind. Ginger was still linked with Sungmin as they walked and discussed secret things. All that were left were Alyssa and Heechul. Alyssa was slightly irritated that Ginger was walking with Sungmin when she knew that Sungmin was her bias. She stood there for a while shooting daggers at Ginger’s back from her eyes.

“Come on, no need to kill her. Let’s go.” Heechul said with little emotion. He just wanted to eat, and Alyssa was taking forever in moving towards the door. Heechul’s words hardly registered in Alyssa’s brain before she was grabbed by the hand and dragged out of the hotel room. She and Heechul were in an elevator by themselves seeing as everyone else left for the car before them.

“So, why are you mentally killing Ginger?” Heechul asked, breaking the relatively awkward silence.

“She knows that Sungmin is my bias and yet she is linked arm-in-arm with him, acting like she likes him. I thought that he was the one person that she would not like as well. She never showed interest in him before. The most she ever said about him was that he was cute. That’s not much coming from Ginger. But now this. She’s kind of pissing me off.” Alyssa rambled on. When she starts to vent, there really is no stopping her until she’s done.

“I see.” Heechul responded. He really had no idea how to respond to Alyssa’s rant. He was mentally beating himself up for even asking what was wrong with Alyssa.

“’I see’? That is all you have to say about this situation? I basically just told you who I’m in love with and how this is a huge problem with my best friend. Kim Heechul, you are no help what-so-ever.” Alyssa said. And with that she stormed out of the elevator that just reached the lobby.

She really did look scary stomping across the lobby in her heels. Death was plastered on her face. There were a few people that scurried out of her way once they saw the expression that seemed to be permanently stuck on Alyssa’s face.

“Whoa. That is one scary Alyssa.” Siwon said. Moving slightly behind Ginger, just as he did when Heechul was about to attack him.

“Siwon, what are you talking about?” Ginger asked as she looked up. She then saw what he was talking about. What did Heechul do or say to her? Ginger thought to herself. “Hey. Lyssa, what’s wrong? What did Heechul say or do?”

“Heechul is useless when it comes time for him to help others with their problems.” Alyssa haughtily said.

“What kind of problems were you talking about with him?” Ginger asked. It was weird that Alyssa would talk to a guy about her problems, let alone one she just recently met, and one that she really liked.

“Nothing that concerns you.”

“Why are you being like this?”

“Because you’re being a .”

“What the hell? I didn’t even do anything to you. So why are you being like this?”

“I finally like someone after Billy, why can’t you like someone else?”

“Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?”

“Sungmin is my bias. He’s not yours too.”

“I know that. He’s not my bias. You know who my bias is. Regardless, it’s not your place to tell me who my bias can or cannot be.”

“You’re all over him tonight. I think I have the right since you know how much I like him and what I’ve gone through.”

“Are you ing kidding me right now? Sungmin and I were TALKING in the room and on the way down. Talking to someone does not constitute me liking him like you like him. I think you need to calm down and clear your head.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Then you don’t tell me what to do either.”

“You’re just a . You always have been, and no one likes you.”

“Well if that is how you really feel then.”

Ginger her heel and walked out of the hotel and onto the streets of New York. She had to push her way a little through a small crowd that had gather during their little screaming match in the lobby. Siwon, Donghae, Sungmin, and Heechul just stood there with their mouths hanging open. They really didn’t understand a word that was being said in Alyssa and Ginger’s fight, but they knew that it wasn’t good. It was bad enough to make Ginger leave. Her exposed chest was noticeable blotchy. Something that only happened when Ginger was really mad or nervous, and she was not nervous then. Tears were threatening to spill out from her eyes when she walked out of the hotel, but the members never saw if her tears actually fell.

All focus was now on Alyssa, who was glaring at the door that Ginger went through. . You deserve that. You know Sungmin is my bias. Get your own and stop being a . She thought to herself.

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I have no idea where I'm going with this story... It's been so long since I wrote for it. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Maybe they will help.


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LOL I'm finally reading the comments on the story, because I thought it was about time I did...
I lab heem...but I don't sees it at alls anymores D:

<3Your Husband<3
Whew~! Finally, they made up! Love your update!
Ooh...Alyssa and Ginger's fight was an ouch...I hope they'll get back on track... Nice update!
WOW.. that was nasty!~ <br />
Hopefully Alyssa and Ginger get back together :3<br />
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Gah, I miss him a lot!~ T^T Petal~ <3
Ouch, Ginger and Alyssa had a fight... :O
ooh... I actually don't mind a love triangle between Alyssa, Minnie and our very own Lady Heehee, please xD :)
awwww, you and alyssa actually had a fall-out??? <br />
Unnie, are you okay? :'|<br />
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anyways... I TOTALLY ROFL at Ginger throwing the and gah... Heechul! <3 I miss him so muchhhhhh! T^T <br />
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FIGHTING Unnie! and make sure you get some sleep too! :) xoxoxo
Awweh, Sungmin is such a cutie. :3<br />
Whoah! Update!
update please! I've been waiting. Dying even to know wats next.