Chapter 1

The Way He Stares


“Alyssa, I have to pee!” a tall, brown haired girl said. She wiggled side to side. Crossed her legs, uncrossed them, only to cross them again while she sat on the futon.

“Then go pee, Ginger!” said a short, black haired girl. She was looking at the purple she just put into her hair the night before.

“But it’s five minutes before ten. I know it doesn’t take me five minutes to pee, but I’m paranoid right now. “

Alyssa and Ginger were waiting diligently with both of their laptops open to Ticketmaster to get two concert tickets for New York. Both girls had found a love of Super Junior the previous summer, and now they were determined to see them in New York in the upcoming month. Ginger had been getting excited a few days before the tickets went on sale. Alyssa, however, being calm and collected, was not going to get excited about the concert until one of them bought the tickets. Alyssa tried to explain to Ginger why she shouldn’t get excited before they got the tickets. And as always, Ginger did not listen. She just did what she wanted.

It was probably a good thing that there two were best friends and living together in an apartment. There wouldn’t be anyone that could deal with their randomness and slight obsession with K-pop. In some ways both Ginger and Alyssa were complete opposites and it was a wonder that they were best friends, but at the same time, they were like the same person. The only difference being their bias lists. One day during the summer they decided to split up SHINee, Big Bang, and Super Junior between them. Ginger ended up with Jonghyun, Minho, Daesung, Taeyang, Seungri, Kyuhyun, Siwon, Donghae, Eeteuk, Kibum, and Shindong. Alyssa ended up with Taemin, Onew, Key, T.O.P, G-Dragon, Sungmin, Kangin, Eunhyuk, Hankyung, Yesung, Ryeowook, and Heechul.

Their friendship was similar to that of Key and Jonghyun; Alyssa being like Jonghyun and Ginger being like Key. Some would say that these girls were crazy. That may be so, but they would not have it any other way. They loved their lives and their loves in Korean boy bands. It probably didn’t help much that they lived in East Lansing, Michigan and there were good, cheap, authentic Korean restaurants that only fueled their love of anything Korean.

“Sometimes I think you should have just stayed a blonde and not dyed your hair.” Alyssa commented. “Seriously, GO PEE!”

“Okay, okay. Here I thought I was supposed to be Key and nag my Jonghyun, not the other way around.” Ginger got up and walked toward the bathroom. Alyssa only rolled her eyes. A couple minutes later Ginger came back and asked, “How much time to that take off?”

“Only two minutes. Three more minutes before tickets go on sale!” Alyssa started to smiled widely about how close to ten it was. Ginger didn’t say anything, but she knew Alyssa was just as excited about getting tickets to this concert as she was. “Whoever gets into the system first buys the tickets?”

“Right. The other one buys the plane tickets. And obviously we’ll split the cost of the hotel,” Ginger said. She quickly added, “IF we get tickets. Oh my God. One more minute, Alyssa! Get ready to refresh the page.”

Alyssa and Ginger sat in silence for a minute and then as soon as their laptops switched to 10:00 they refreshed the page. Easy enough to get tickets one would think. However, one should think again. Alyssa and Ginger had planned on getting GA tickets that would only be standing room, but right by the stage. They get into the system and they find out that they can get tickets to the pre-show which involves the sound checks for the SM Town Live groups, but the seats are in the 100 section. Which one do they choose? Should they stick with their original plan, or get the tickets that will get them in earlier, but farther away?

There were a few minutes that both of them tried to get the pre-show tickets with the GA selection. You couldn’t do that. Both girls were starting to get worried. Ginger was almost on the verge of freaking out. They knew the Paris show a few months ago had sold out in fifteen minutes. Alyssa had it to the point where she could check out, but she only had one ticket in GA1. Ginger was right behind her with two tickets in GA2. They went with Ginger’s order. As Ginger was doing that, Alyssa went back through and had it that they could get two pre-show/100 section tickets.

“Should we get these ones, or just stick with our original plan of GA tickets?” Alyssa questioned.

“I don’t know. We only have a minute to decide before I time out for these tickets,” Ginger’s voice was on edge. Yep, she was definitely at the freaking out point.

“With these ones we get to go in earlier, but we have to sit farther away. With yours we get to be really close, but we may have to push our way up to the stage.” She said trying to weigh the pros and cons out.

“I would say let’s just stick with our original plan and get the GA tickets. We have been planning for this since the beginning.”

“Alright. Click the submit button. Quick.”

With one click Ginger bought the tickets, $455.80 gone from her checking account in two seconds. Ginger looked at her laptop screen in a dumbfound stupor. Had she really just bought tickets for possibly the best night of her life thus far? The answer would be a resounding yes. Ginger took her hands off of her laptop and found that she was shaking. Temporary shock, for sure. She looked across the room and Alyssa with hanging wide open, not the most lady-like face, but she couldn’t have cared less at that point.

“Alyssa.” Ginger said calmly.


“We’re going to SM Town Live in New York. WE GOT THE ING TICKETS!” She and Alyssa stood up and hugged. They never hugged, so this was a pretty big moment for them. Alyssa was just smiling from ear to ear while sort of jumping in one place. Ginger was pretty much doing the same thing, only there were some “eeeeeeeek’s” coming from her. “Oh my. I’m shaking. Alyssa, look. I’m shaking!” Ginger put her hands in front of her so Alyssa could see. “I’ve never shaken this much in my life before.”

“We’re going to see Super Junior, in concert!”

“We may be so close we could see the sweat on their faces. We may be even closer that we could touch them.”

“We are totally bringing cameras and taking fancams of this concert. We will be in an even better spot than some of the fancams out there on youtube.”

This was a dream come true for them. From the moment it was confirmed that SM Town Live was coming to Madison Square Garden in New York it was imperative that tickets were obtained. Now it was reality, and not some wishful thinking. In a matter of ten to fourteen days Alyssa and Ginger would be holding the concert tickets in their hands. Alyssa and Ginger were still in a state of shock. They still couldn’t believe that GA2 tickets were theirs. As a celebration Alyssa ordered some Korean food for them, and Ginger hooked up her iPod to her iHome system and started blasting Superman by Super Junior.

Alyssa started singing along since she was more familiar with the lyrics. Ginger liked the song, but she hadn’t listened to it as much before so she just started dancing whatever dance she wanted to. Ring Ding Dong came on next. Ginger caught Alyssa’s eye and they knew what the other one was thinking. As soon as the chorus started both of them broke out into the dance. They really weren’t that bad at it for not actually being dancers and just watching youtube videos of SHINee doing the dance.

Their food came fifteen minutes later. This somewhat sobered the two women up. They were still rather hyper and giddy, but they had simmered down. Ginger grabbed the napkins and the chopsticks as Alyssa laid out their take-out boxes on the floor. There was no table to eat at. They had adopted eating their food at a small table that required them to sit on the floor. Typically meal times at their apartment would be full of conversation and laughter at each other’s stupidity. Today was different. Ginger and Alyssa were both quiet and off in their own little world. This was a first, but neither one cared. They were too happy to care about anything else at that moment.

Ginger was the first one to break the silence. “Well, my last paycheck went to buying my ticket for the concert. Now the next one will be for the plane ticket and hotel. The one after that will be for food and whatever I buy from the merch table at the concert. I need at least a hundred dollars in cash for the concert. I highly doubt that they take debit cards. I know restaurants will.”

Alyssa laughed, “I guess no more take-out until after the concert. We’ll just have to live in ramen for over a month.”

“Yuck. You can live on ramen. I’ll live off of easy mac or rice. You know I hate ramen.”

“Oh that’s right. I always forget.”

“How can you forget about your wife’s dislikes?! Some husband you are.” Ginger started to pout, but that lasted all of five seconds before they started laughing.

They aren’t married, but they like to say they are because of their Jongkey similarity. Ginger (Key) is the nagging wife and Alyssa (Jonghyun) is the crazy husband that the wife never listens to.

“Your Jonghyun is proud of you,” Alyssa said beaming at you while trying to get come kimchi

“Why thank you,” Ginger replied.

Alyssa and Ginger were really glad that they could share that moment together. This was like turning 180 degrees and getting a different view on life. Everything was much brighter in the future for both of them now. Nothing could bring them down from their high from the tickets. Words could not express the feelings that Alyssa and Ginger were feeling. The closest thing would probably be screaming their heads off, like so many people do at concerts. The only thing that could be better than right then was if they got to meet Super Junior while they were in New York. 

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I have no idea where I'm going with this story... It's been so long since I wrote for it. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Maybe they will help.


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LOL I'm finally reading the comments on the story, because I thought it was about time I did...
I lab heem...but I don't sees it at alls anymores D:

<3Your Husband<3
Whew~! Finally, they made up! Love your update!
Ooh...Alyssa and Ginger's fight was an ouch...I hope they'll get back on track... Nice update!
WOW.. that was nasty!~ <br />
Hopefully Alyssa and Ginger get back together :3<br />
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Gah, I miss him a lot!~ T^T Petal~ <3
Ouch, Ginger and Alyssa had a fight... :O
ooh... I actually don't mind a love triangle between Alyssa, Minnie and our very own Lady Heehee, please xD :)
awwww, you and alyssa actually had a fall-out??? <br />
Unnie, are you okay? :'|<br />
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anyways... I TOTALLY ROFL at Ginger throwing the and gah... Heechul! <3 I miss him so muchhhhhh! T^T <br />
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FIGHTING Unnie! and make sure you get some sleep too! :) xoxoxo
Awweh, Sungmin is such a cutie. :3<br />
Whoah! Update!
update please! I've been waiting. Dying even to know wats next.