Chapter 4

The Way He Stares


“You speak Korean, man?” Heechul asked.

“Dae.” Alyssa said. Heechul looked at Ginger to see what her answer was.

“Dae.” She said. He looked quite relieved that he didn’t have to continuing using English.

Alyssa had taken Korean during college, and she would teach Ginger everything she learned in class. Ginger got books and enrolled in a community class as well to learn Korean better. It was easier that way than having Alyssa try and teach it to her, which sometimes did not work so well when Skype was being a poop.

“Come to the stage door in half an hour. You’re going to meet some people.” He informed them. And with that he disappeared underneath the stage.

“Are we going to?” Ginger asked as the girls turned away from the stage to leave Madison Square Garden.

“We’d be crazy if we didn’t!” Alyssa replied. “I mean, why would he call us over like that? I don’t think he would do that for just any fan.”

“But he doesn’t even know who we are! Why would he want to meet with two fans he has never seen before? It just seems super sketchy.”

“Quit being such a worry-wart. Everything will be okay. If it ends up that it’s not going well, then I will get us out of there.”

“Well, you are an assassin. Or whatever Kelly named you.” Ginger laughed. Alyssa was pretty badass at times. She knew that if things were looking bad Ginger could count on Alyssa to get them both out safely.

“Well someone has to protect my wife. Preferably her husband, so I had to learn.”

Both of them laughed at the ridiculousness of their conversation. It had been a while since they had a quality weird conversation. It was long overdue. They walked outside into the chaos of post-concert rush. It was pretty cold that night, but that was to be expected since it was nearly midnight at the end of October. Winter was just around the corner. They walked across the street to the Starbucks and ordered two coffees. Once the hot coffees were in hand the girls started to warm up.

“Any idea where the stage door is?” Alyssa asked.

“I think I saw it this morning when we were looking for the main entrance.” Ginger said after she took a sip of her coffee that was full of cream and sugar. Truth be told, she hated coffee, but she had too much hot chocolate that morning and couldn’t ever bear the thought of having another one.

They set off in the direction they came from earlier that day. They walked around most of the building with little success in finding the stage door. It wasn’t until they were almost to where the first started out that they saw the stage door.

“Are you serious?” Alyssa asked.

“I guess I saw it when I went to the bathroom this morning.” There were bathrooms close to the stage entrance door. “Sorry,” Ginger laughed.

“Only you would do that.”

“Do what?” Ginger had gone off into her own little world and didn’t really follow the conversation Alyssa started.

“Make us walk around the whole damn building only to have the final destination be like two hundred feet away from where we started.”

“Well when you say it like that it makes me sound really stupid, and that’s not good. I can’t blame it on my blonde hair anymore.”

“You should have thought about that one before you dyed your hair. Look, we’re almost late now.” Alyssa said as she looked at the time on her phone.

The girls walked closer to the door. Soon enough Heechul, Eunhyuk, Siwon, and Donghae came out of the door. Both of the girls were nervous. They both hoped that their Korean wouldn’t be too awful. Neither of their biases were in this small group, but hey, this was better than nothing. Alyssa and Ginger could hardly believe that they were going to be spending time with some members of Super Junior.

“Pinch me?” Ginger asked as she leaned over to Alyssa.

“Dude, this isn’t a dream. This is real life.”

“Are you sure? This feels like a dream, like when we went to see A Very Potter Sequel.”

“It’s not a dream because we actually did see A Very Potter Sequel, and we have the pictures to prove it.”

Neither of them could take their eyes off of the men that were walking their way. They were glorious. Sweaty, but glorious. Heechul greeted the girls as if they were close friends. It was an interesting way to do so when they met half an hour ago in a super weird and slightly awkward fashion. He started with introducing everyone.

“This is Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Siwon.” Heechul went down the line of Super Junior members. Not like Alyssa or Ginger needed to be told who each of them were. They didn’t say anything though. They knew the importance of not seeming like every other fan they encountered. “This is Alyssa, and this is Ginger.”

“Your name is really Ginger?” Donghae asked.

“Well, I guess even in Korea they make fun of gingers,” Ginger laughed. “And yes, my name is actually Ginger.”

“Your Hangul is very good.” Siwon complimented.

“Thank you, but Alyssa’s is better.” All eyes turned toward Alyssa.

“Aish. Not with everyone looking at me.” She said becoming slightly flustered with all of the attention she was receiving right then.

“It’s better than Hankyung’s.” Eunhyuk commented. Everyone started laughing. Hankyung was notorious for being selective with his Korean speaking abilities. Only when he really wanted he spoke perfectly. “Want to get something to eat? Manager told us about a good place that’s open late.”

“Is it Korean?” Alyssa asked.

“Dae.” Heechul said with a tone that implied she was crazy for thinking it would be anything other than Korean food.

The group made their way a few blocks south of the arena. Ginger was talking with Siwon and Donghae about soccer and other various sports. Alyssa was between Heechul and Eunhyuk. Alyssa was informing Eunhyuk what had happened after the concert was over and her and Ginger were talking with Heechul. Eunhyuk smacked Heechul’s arm when he learned that he had squirted Alyssa in the face with a water gun. Heechul made an advance toward poor Eunhyuk who ran to Donghae.

The atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly even though they had all just met that night. It was easy for Ginger to get this close to people she had just met, but Alyssa was a different story. She put up a tough exterior so that people wouldn’t get in. She was oddly open, which surprised Ginger immensely. She wasn’t going to say anything because for once in Alyssa looked extremely happy with other people. Those moments were few and far between, and it was nice to see that side of her best friend.

They arrived at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant five minutes later. Being the ever so charming gentleman, Siwon opened the door for the girls, and then let it close on Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Heechul.

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I have no idea where I'm going with this story... It's been so long since I wrote for it. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Maybe they will help.


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LOL I'm finally reading the comments on the story, because I thought it was about time I did...
I lab heem...but I don't sees it at alls anymores D:

<3Your Husband<3
Whew~! Finally, they made up! Love your update!
Ooh...Alyssa and Ginger's fight was an ouch...I hope they'll get back on track... Nice update!
WOW.. that was nasty!~ <br />
Hopefully Alyssa and Ginger get back together :3<br />
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Gah, I miss him a lot!~ T^T Petal~ <3
Ouch, Ginger and Alyssa had a fight... :O
ooh... I actually don't mind a love triangle between Alyssa, Minnie and our very own Lady Heehee, please xD :)
awwww, you and alyssa actually had a fall-out??? <br />
Unnie, are you okay? :'|<br />
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anyways... I TOTALLY ROFL at Ginger throwing the and gah... Heechul! <3 I miss him so muchhhhhh! T^T <br />
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FIGHTING Unnie! and make sure you get some sleep too! :) xoxoxo
Awweh, Sungmin is such a cutie. :3<br />
Whoah! Update!
update please! I've been waiting. Dying even to know wats next.