Chapter 5

The Way He Stares


Heechul was the one closest behind the girls, so the door smacked him in the face. It’s not like the door hit him all that hard, but it did surprise him. With being one if the eldest in Super Junior Heechul frequently attacked the other members. He was also known to lose his temper at the smallest of things. This was no exception. A second after the door hit Heechul’s forehead his hand clutched his head. He stumbled back dramatically into Donghae. Donghae was not expecting this and his balance was thrown off and he stumbled back into Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk was very unfortunate to have no one behind him at the time. With the momentum forced onto Eunhyuk by Donghae he simply fell onto the cold cement.

“You bastard!” Heechul began as he looked at the door. Alyssa, Ginger, and Siwon were visible inside doubled over and clutching their sides. Heechul grabbed the door handle and flung the door open. “That was not funny. You are going to pay for that.”

At Heechul’s threat Siwon stopped laughing, and his eyes got wide. He knew that when Heechul made a threat he usually followed through with it. What would Heechul do in front of girls though? Probably tell an embarrassing story, but was that better or worse than a physical punishment? Siwon couldn’t decide which he would rather have.

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Calm down. Calm down.” Alyssa said in English. She put both of her hands up to Heechul to keep him from advancing toward Siwon. She wasn’t trying to imitate him as he was on Full House, but it just so happened that way. Since Alyssa and Ginger had recently re-watched the show they grinned in a knowing manner.

“His intentions were good,” Ginger said, also in English. She instinctually stepped in front of Siwon. Ginger was like his personal bodyguard at this moment. If Heechul got past Alyssa, however, there was no way Ginger could do anything. She would just move out of the way.

“Noona, protect me!” Siwon pleaded as he attempted to hide behind Ginger.

“Arraso oppa.” She replied with a laugh.

Siwon’s actions lightened the tension that Heechul had been creating. Now he was the one doubled over laughing. This six of them sat down at a round table in the farthest corner they could find. They were trying to blend in since they were in Korea Town. Who knew if anyone would recognize the Super Junior Members.

“Where did you learn Korean?” Eunhyuk asked.

“I took Korean courses while in college.” Alyssa said with confidence.

“Alyssa taught me some of what she learned in class. Most of my instruction came from Korean For Dummies and watching videos on youtube.” Ginger said shyly. Most of the videos she watched were of Super Junior, but she didn’t want to admit that to them.

“You both speak it very well.” Eunhyuk commented. “I wish I could speak English half as well as you speak Korean.” Ginger was opening to say “aww” at how unbelievably adorable Eunhyuk was being, but Alyssa swiftly caught on and kicked her under the table. Thankfully the waitress came up to take their orders. All of them ended up ordering jajangmyeon.

“Where do you work?” Donghae asked, curious to see what these two pretty girls across from him did for a living.

“I work at a hospital, under a neurosurgeon.” Alyssa replied putting her water down.

Ginger picked up her ginseng tea to warm up her hands. “I work at a private doctor’s office and at a hardware store.” At the mention of her second job the boys looked at her in disbelief.

“You work two jobs?” Donghae spit out.

“Yeah. Living on our own is expensive, and I like to have a cushion to fall back on, financially, if I ever need to.” Ginger said quietly. Her shyness was very apparent. She wasn’t particularly comfortable with all of the attention she was receiving from these celebrities.

Alyssa felt something touch her hair. She quickly turned to her left to find Heechul holding a piece of her hair. She abruptly snatched her hair away and moved her chair closer to Ginger’s. Unlike those surrounding her, she hated skinship. She was never good at it, and even thinking about it too much put her through an anxiety attack.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Alyssa demanded. 

“I was just looking at your hair.” Heechul replied nonchalantly.

“Well next time don’t even think about it.” She snapped back.

“But, you are gorgeous…” he whined in English.

“Yo man, yeah, you’re so gorgeous.” Alyssa mocked in English. Her impression of Heechul was spot on. She used this technique to cheer up Ginger when she was having a bad day. So, she was really good at sounding and somewhat acting like Heechul.

“Can you sing and rap?” Siwon asked. “You’d be a better addition to Super Junior than Heechul hyung.”

Heechul was so dumbfounded that he didn’t even register Siwon’s comment. A girl had just mimicked him, down to a tee. He hadn’t met his match in a female before. Alyssa was his match now, and she could possibly be even better than the amazing Heechul. “Saranghae.”

“Wae? You’ve gone mad. Are you sure the door didn’t cause major brain damage?” Alyssa asked.

Their food arrived and they settled into a comfortable silence and ate. This was probably the oddest group of people to get along. Alyssa was forward and collected, and Ginger was shy and wore her heart on her sleeve. Eunhyuk was the erted goofball. Siwon was, as always, the suave gentleman. Heechul was his eccentric self. Lastly, Donghae sat there full of aegyo and wittiness. How any of them got along was a miracle, but close friendships were in the preliminary stages.

Alyssa and Heechul butted heads about virtually everything, but that is what stimulated their conversations. Ginger was captivated by Siwon’s princely charm. Dinner passed with ease. There was a lot of laughter during dessert while they ate patbingsoo. A lot of the laughter was at the Super Junior member’s expenses. When they were all done with dinner and back out on the streets of New York they split off into groups of three. The same as before; in one group there was Alyssa, Eunhyuk, and Heechul, and in the other group there was Donghae, Ginger, and Siwon.

“How long are you in New York for?” Alyssa inquired.

“A few days,” Eunhyuk responded.

“Our mini vacation during the world tour.” Donghae added.

All of the sudden the boys started talking in Japanese. Ginger knew a few words, but she didn’t catch any of them as they talked. Alyssa and Ginger stood off by themselves wondering what was being said. For all they knew the boys could be saying that they were ugly es that they wanted to ditch and never see again. The girls were hoping that that was not the case, but they didn’t want to get their hopes up.

It felt as if they were talking forever. Alyssa and Ginger were starting to become worried. The situation did not look good from their point of view.

“Let’s just go.” Ginger whispered.

“Are you sure?” Alyssa asked.

“Yeah, by staying here it’s just getting my hopes up, and I don’t think that they want us to be around. I mean, they’re speaking in Japanese and not even looking our way. Obviously they don’t want us to know what they’re saying about us.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

The girls silently turned around to walk to opposite way from the Super Junior members. Neither of them said anything as they walked. They were disappointed in themselves for believing they were making a connection with these guys. They were thinking that they were stupid and hopeless. They were living in a fantasy that they wanted. It was time to come back down to reality on their own terms and not get as hurt.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” Siwon yelled.

“”We’re leaving.” Ginger said as she turned around to see him running toward Alyssa and her. Ginger stopped walking, but Alyssa didn’t even glance back. She was on a mission to get back to the hotel.

“But why?” he asked as he held Ginger’s hand, trying to pull her back to their group.

“Because you don’t want us there.” Ginger yanked her hand away and turned around to catch up to Alyssa. “Lyssa, wait up!”

“Oh, I don’t think so.” Siwon muttered. He took a few strides to reach Ginger again. Once he got to her he promptly picked her up and turned around and walked back to the other guys.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ginger shrieked. She hated being picked up. She didn’t trust people. She thought that she would be dropped. And being flung over Siwon’s shoulder was not helping her fear any. “Put me down. Right now!”

“Not going to happen, princess.”

Why is he calling me princess?Ginger thought. Temporarily she forgot about her current situation. Then Siwon readjusted her on his shoulder. She let out a terrified scream. It probably woke up the whole block. No one was going to be up at two in the morning on a Monday. Ginger looked up and saw Alyssa’s tiny figure in the distance, she could tell that Alyssa had turned around at her scream.

“ALYSSA! COME HELP ME. PLEASE!” Ginger screamed down to her best friend. If her scream before hadn’t woken someone up, this scream certainly did. Alyssa started to run after Ginger.

How does she get herself into these situations? I swear, I can’t take my wife anywhere.Alyssa thought to herself as she started making her way toward Ginger and the others.

“Put me down! Seriously. I hate heights.” Ginger informed the guys. Siwon had made it back to them, but was not going to put Ginger down until Alyssa got there as well. “I’m going to start crying.”

“She’s just faking it.” Heechul said.

Next thing Heechul heard was a sniff coming from Siwon and Ginger’s direction. All of the guys, except Siwon, raced around to see Ginger’s face. Sure enough, she was crying.

“Siwon-shi, put her down. She really is crying.” Donghae said.

Siwon gently put Ginger down onto the ground. At that moment Alyssa came up. She noticed Ginger was crying and then put up her guard.

“What the hell?” Alyssa said. She pushed Siwon out of the way to get to her best friend. “Didn’t she ask you to put her down earlier? Why don’t men ever listen?” She turned to comfort Ginger. “Are you okay?” Alyssa asked Ginger.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Just a little shaky. I hate being picked up, and it was ten times worse with him walking.”

“Can we make it up to you?” Donghae asked. He had actually lost rock, paper, scissors, and that is why he was the first one to talk.

“I don’t know if you can fix this.” Alyssa stated coldly as she glared at Donghae. It was as if she was daring him to take another step closer.

“We have a surprise for you.” He said meekly. “That’s what we were discussing in Japanese. We didn’t want you guys to find out about it, and we couldn’t speak in Korean since you guys can understand it. Please, just come with us, we’ll make it up.”

“We’re not goin…” Alyssa started.

“Alyssa,” Ginger interrupted, “Let’s just go with them. I don’t want to walk around New York at two in the morning by ourselves.”

“Fine.” Alyssa said reluctantly. She turned to Donghae. “I guess we are going with you.”

“You won’t be disappointed.” He smiled. He walked over to Ginger to help her up, completely ignoring Alyssa’s death glares. “Don’t cry. Let Fishy make you smile.” At the mention of his absurd nickname Ginger cracked a smile. “You’re beautiful.” He stated as he wiped a lingering tear off of her face.

“Gamsahabnida.” Ginger said, blushing slightly.

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I have no idea where I'm going with this story... It's been so long since I wrote for it. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Maybe they will help.


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LOL I'm finally reading the comments on the story, because I thought it was about time I did...
I lab heem...but I don't sees it at alls anymores D:

<3Your Husband<3
Whew~! Finally, they made up! Love your update!
Ooh...Alyssa and Ginger's fight was an ouch...I hope they'll get back on track... Nice update!
WOW.. that was nasty!~ <br />
Hopefully Alyssa and Ginger get back together :3<br />
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Gah, I miss him a lot!~ T^T Petal~ <3
Ouch, Ginger and Alyssa had a fight... :O
ooh... I actually don't mind a love triangle between Alyssa, Minnie and our very own Lady Heehee, please xD :)
awwww, you and alyssa actually had a fall-out??? <br />
Unnie, are you okay? :'|<br />
<br />
anyways... I TOTALLY ROFL at Ginger throwing the and gah... Heechul! <3 I miss him so muchhhhhh! T^T <br />
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FIGHTING Unnie! and make sure you get some sleep too! :) xoxoxo
Awweh, Sungmin is such a cutie. :3<br />
Whoah! Update!
update please! I've been waiting. Dying even to know wats next.