Self Persuasion

I love you, Nerd.


“Goodbye, Kevin..”

“So you think you can just run off like that, huh, Cherrie Heo?”

A voice startled her, causing her to stop walking and suddenly, all she could hear is the sound of her heart beating so crazily like it’s going to burst off her chest any moment now. “This can’t be happening…”

“How could you leave without letting me explain? So you think running off somewhere would solve everything? I thought you were smart, Cherrie.” The familiar voice spoke again. The voice seems to mock her, but there’s something in his voice.. It feels as if it was hurt, betrayed.

Cherrie tried to speak but it felt like there was a large lump was stuck in . How could she run away from this now? Her mind keeps screaming at her to just continue walking but her feet won’t move. “What’s wrong with me? Defend yourself, Cherrie!”

Suddenly, she felt him hug her from behind and all her will to leave was gone. How could he have this effect on her?

“You’re so weak,”  her mind scolded.

“If you leave, I’d still find you. No matter where you try to hide, I’ll always find my way to you. *Kajima..” He said, holding her tighter in his arms. “Please?”

Cherrie’s eyes were now filled with tears. She doesn’t know how he found out, but he managed to stop her from leaving. As stupid as it can be, no matter how many times Kevin will hurt her, just one word from him and she’s desperately running back to him again.

“And you’d actually believe him? Cherrie Heo, you definitely are stupid.” A woman’s voice mocked. Cherrie looked up and saw Annie, wearing a sly smile on her face. And to her surprise, Kevin was no longer holding her, he was standing beside Annie, an arrogant smirk crossed his face.

“W-what’s going on?” she thought, confused.

“You never learn, do you, Cherrie? I’m never going to forgive you.. Never.” He said coldly.



“Miss, are you alright?” a man sitting beside Cherrie lightly tapped her shoulder, making her open her  eyes and awaking her. Cherrie was sweating and eyes were filled with tears.

 Has she been crying in her sleep all this time? She wiped her damped eyes and slightly bowed at the man. “I—I’m sorry,”

She stared blankly at the airplane window, she could have appreciated the beautiful view of the sea and blue skies but she was too pre-occupied by her dream—if she could even consider that a dream. Well, it was until Annie came.

Deep sigh.

It was so loud that the man beside her took another suspicious glance at her. Cherrie forced a smile and turn to the window again. “Will I be able to forget him? It was just an hour since I the plane left Seoul and I’m already being haunted by my desperate thoughts of him.” Cherrie thought. Now, she’s starting to doubt all this run-away-have-a-new-life is going to work.

“..But being haunted by my memories of him is better than seeing him happy while I suffer, right?” She thought. Trying to convince herself that she’ll eventually forget everything and the nightmares will fade away. “Even if this won’t work or not, you’re never coming back to Seoul, Cherrie.” She mentally ordered to herself. “You can do this. I know you can.. You should.”

“Please fasten your seatbelts as the plane is starting to descend.” The pilot said through the speakers, breaking her conversation with herself.

Cherrie, once this plane landed, you’re never going to think of Kevin Woo ever again. It sounds impossible, but you have to. It’s for your own good.” 



Short chapter! ;) Lol. I intended it to be a short one because I want to. >:) Haha. Nah, No worries, I'll be updating again some time next week. So you guys look forward to it! :P 

Btw, did anyone fell for my trap on the first part of the chapter? lol. Who thought Kevin went after her? :))) we'll see in the coming chapters 'cause he might will.. Or not. ;D


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How about I post a chapter today? It's been so long since I did. I'M SORRY. T.T


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keyseopie #1
TT___TT Kevin needs to get to her!!! AUTHOR~
Chapter 25: Eyy.... Author-nim, u make me weep.
erialc #3
Chapter 25: Now Kevin is avoiding her? :( Please Kevin, go to Yeonsuuuu
Chapter 24: I can feel the emotions of the characters. It makes me feel mixed emotions. ahaha I'm looking forward for the nxt chapters. kevin... do something! hahahaha. <3
HeXm1_Park #5
Chapter 24: I almost started crying at the end of the chapter :( that's so sad!
starlightdust #6
Chapter 24: HAAAA I WAS RIGHT!! XD ok im sorry authornim
erialc #7
Chapter 24: New reader :D hehe :D can't believe I read all 24 chapters in like, 30 minutes, :P You made em squeal so much! Please update soon :D I hate to see Them apart :(
starlightdust #8
HeXm1_Park #9
Chapter 23: Wow this story is amazing I just started reading this a few days ago and loved the first chapter instantly(:

Please udate when you have time!(: