The meeting

I love you, Nerd.

This chapter is kinda short. Wanna leave ya'll excited to read on. ^_~



“Cherrie, I like you. I’ve always had. Please, go to the prom with me.” He said shyly, holding three white roses.

She smirked and laugh arrogantly. “Are you serious? Look at yourself, you’re not even my type.” Everyone around her laughed so hard and made him feel so small.

“Find someone else, you’re not good enough for her, nerd!” one of her friend said and the others roared with laughter again. After all the courage he gathered and there he is, being made fun of. And of all the people, SHE’s the one who said these things to hurt him. And he’s had enough. He stormed out the door with tears swelling up his eyes and promised himself that would be the last time he’ll be weak.

Cherrie opened her eyes slowly; she fell asleep while working on the operation plan. She rub her eyes and saw Siwon still typing in front of the computer. “I dozed off, sorry.” She said in a low voice. He glanced to her side and smiled, “No worries, grab some coffee. I’ll just finish this then we’ll call it a day.” She nodded and got up to get coffee.


“Shoot! I’m late!” Cherrie jumped off the bed and dashed to the bathroom. After a few minutes, she was running towards the bus stop. ‘Just in time,’ she thought as the bus arrives. She got into the vehicle and took a seat. The bus is getting filled when she was just a few blocks away from Seoul Grand, then it halted. It seems to have some engine problem. She glances at her watch and decided to run her way to the hotel. She got off the bus and looked around. “Four blocks away,” she whispered to herself. Cherrie took off her high heels and begun to run.

She passed some shops, “2 more blocks.” She thought as she paced faster. Suddenly, a man step off a car in front of her. She couldn’t stop and bumped into the man, both losing their balance and fell on the ground.

“Damn it! Will you watch where you’re going?!” the man said in an irritated tone and stood up, not even helping her.

She stood up and bowed, “I-I’m sorry, I was in a hurry.” She said, lifting her head to see the man he ran into. And her heart suddenly felt like it’s going to explode. “K-Kevin?”

Cherrie’s POV

It’s him. I’m sure it is him. The man in front of me is definitely Kevin Woo. He may look different without the glasses and he’s no longer skinny, but I’m 100% sure that it is him. How could I forget those almond-shaped eyes?

He frowned and squinted his eyes, “Do I know you?” he asked, realizing that I know him.

“It’s me, Cherrie, from high school? We’re neighbors before too.” I answered with a smile, hoping he could remember me. His frown disappeared, but still has that confused look on his face. “Oh,” He replied.

Then an awkward silence, I was the one who broke it. “You look—different. How have you been? The last thing I heard from you was you went to the States to study.”

And for a moment, he just stared at me, setting those eyes on mine. But they were cold stares. It made me uncomfortable that made me look away, then he spoke. “I’m—okay.” He said, I cleared my throat to say something again when he added, “I gotta go.” He said and rode the car, not giving me the time to say anything.

I sighed as his car rode off the street. He looks more handsome now, but there’s something about him that changed, I just couldn’t put a finger on it. Maybe because I’m used to see him with glasses? Then I remembered the time, why I bumped into him in the first place. I glanced at my watch, “Oh, shoot!” I started running again. Then I heard my phone ring, “I’m running late. Cover for me.” I said and hung up to Siwon who was in the other line.

I’ll try not to think of Kevin Woo for a bit ‘cause right now I have to be at the hotel to meet the new president.

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How about I post a chapter today? It's been so long since I did. I'M SORRY. T.T


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keyseopie #1
TT___TT Kevin needs to get to her!!! AUTHOR~
Chapter 25: Eyy.... Author-nim, u make me weep.
erialc #3
Chapter 25: Now Kevin is avoiding her? :( Please Kevin, go to Yeonsuuuu
Chapter 24: I can feel the emotions of the characters. It makes me feel mixed emotions. ahaha I'm looking forward for the nxt chapters. kevin... do something! hahahaha. <3
HeXm1_Park #5
Chapter 24: I almost started crying at the end of the chapter :( that's so sad!
starlightdust #6
Chapter 24: HAAAA I WAS RIGHT!! XD ok im sorry authornim
erialc #7
Chapter 24: New reader :D hehe :D can't believe I read all 24 chapters in like, 30 minutes, :P You made em squeal so much! Please update soon :D I hate to see Them apart :(
starlightdust #8
HeXm1_Park #9
Chapter 23: Wow this story is amazing I just started reading this a few days ago and loved the first chapter instantly(:

Please udate when you have time!(: