Your girlfriend?

I love you, Nerd.

Hey, guys! ^^ I have 2 good news and bad news. 

Good news, I'll be graduating soon! Yay! I'm starting my practicum training on Monday at a 5-star hotl. Isn't that cool? I'm soooo excited and nervous at the same time! <3 The bad news is that, I might not be able to update often. Maybe during weekends. Coz I'll definitely be busier now. So, yeah. But another good news! I'm updating today! (A double update, maybe? We'll see. keke.) 

Anyway, back to the storyyyy.



After breakfast, they’ve decided to go back to their rooms and meet up after 15 minutes to change. Having no extra clothes, Cherrie just waited for Kevin at the lobby.

She was reading a news paper when Kevin arrived, she looked up, Kevin was wearing a white under shirt, blue cardigan and khaki pants. Whatever he wears, he looks amazing. Cherrie thought. This guy is just perfect—wait, Cherrie, snap out of it!

“Let’s go?” Kevin said, interrupting her self-debate. She nodded, “Ah, neh.” He smiled and they went out the lobby.

Kevin was walking ahead of her, so she just followed. I wonder where we’re going. She thought as she tries to catch up with him. He stopped in front of a boutique and glanced at her, “We’re going to buy you some clothes.” He said and entered the shop and she quickly followed him inside.

“Welcome to Kiss Me boutique!” the lady greeted them with a friendly smile.

Kevin nodded, “Can you please get my girlfriend a lovely dress.” He said to the sales clerk. ‘Girlfriend? What the--‘ Cherrie thought. The woman beamed at Cherrie and dragged her to the dressing room. The sales clerk tossed her different types of floral dresses, then she picked a colorful dress

that the woman gave her last. She came out off the dressing room and faced Kevin, the moment he saw her, is eyes suddenly had this weird spark in them.


“You look—“ he cleared his throat, “Uh, great.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. She chuckled at Kevin’s stuttering and blushed slightly.

He paid for the items, as promised.

“Thank you, come again and enjoy your day at Jeju Island.” The lady waved them goodbye as they went out the shop.

“Uhm, thanks, Kevin. I really like this dress.” Cherrie said shyly.

Kevin smiled at her, “Oh, no worries. It’s not for free, though. It’ll come off you pay check.” He said seriously at her. Cherrie stares at him in disbelief, almost hanging.

Then he laughed hard, “I was joking! Haha.” He laughed harder, “You should have seen the look on you face, Cherrie!” he held his stomach as he kept on laughing. Cherrie pouted and smacks him on the head, “Yah! It’s not funny!”

Kevin stopped and was a bit surprised by Cherrie’s reaction, she quickly regrets hitting him. She bowed, “I’m sorry, sir. Don’t worry. I’ll pay for the clothes.” She said formally at him.

He just smiled at her, “No, you don’t have to pay for it, Cherrie. It’s okay. And, I’m not your boss today, so let’s drop the honorifics, shall we?” he said.

She blinked twice at him, “Uhm, o-okay.”

“Good,” he answered then took her hand. “Let’s enjoy this day, okay?” he smiled again. If he wasn’t holding on to her, she might have fainted. How could he be so—perfect? I wish  he smiles more often. She thought again as she felt like time stops when he smiles at her. She absent-mindedly nodded and they strted to walk hand in hand.

"You're not my boss today, is that why you said I'm your girlfriend?" she asked all of a sudden.


I know, I know. I'm such a cliff-hanger. >:) Hehe.

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How about I post a chapter today? It's been so long since I did. I'M SORRY. T.T


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keyseopie #1
TT___TT Kevin needs to get to her!!! AUTHOR~
Chapter 25: Eyy.... Author-nim, u make me weep.
erialc #3
Chapter 25: Now Kevin is avoiding her? :( Please Kevin, go to Yeonsuuuu
Chapter 24: I can feel the emotions of the characters. It makes me feel mixed emotions. ahaha I'm looking forward for the nxt chapters. kevin... do something! hahahaha. <3
HeXm1_Park #5
Chapter 24: I almost started crying at the end of the chapter :( that's so sad!
starlightdust #6
Chapter 24: HAAAA I WAS RIGHT!! XD ok im sorry authornim
erialc #7
Chapter 24: New reader :D hehe :D can't believe I read all 24 chapters in like, 30 minutes, :P You made em squeal so much! Please update soon :D I hate to see Them apart :(
starlightdust #8
HeXm1_Park #9
Chapter 23: Wow this story is amazing I just started reading this a few days ago and loved the first chapter instantly(:

Please udate when you have time!(: