Kwon Jiyong: When He's Scared

My Million Dollar Wife
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“Where’s the shrimp in tamarind broth, Minah?” Dara asked when she can’t find the container where she placed the food in the refrigerator. She was planning to include the leftover shrimp to the fried rice that she will serve for breakfast.


“Sir Jiyong ate it all last night. Even the pork belly.”


“I see,” she said, amused and irritated at the same time. Obviously, Jiyong was just avoiding to eat with her. “Let’s see.”


“Yes, ma’am?”


“Nothing. Bring out the ham and bacon. And the frozen peas.” She wore an apron and started to prepare lots of garlic.


If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach as they say, she will prepare a shortcut. Beef Salpicao, fried rice with peas, bacon and ham bits with lots of garlic, sunny side up egg and freshly brewed coffee.


Jiyong was already taking a bath when she came down so for sure, he will be good to go by the time he leaves the room. And if he really is avoiding her, he will head straight to the door. That is, if he can resist the delicious smell of the food that she cooked.


“Breakfast is ready!” she called when she heard his footsteps.


“I’m in a hurry—” he seemed to pause.


“Just at least have coffee”


“Well, sure.” She walked ahead while he was behind her.


Dara saw Jiyong gulped and held is tummy when he saw the food on the table. It’s as if there’s a big struggle going on inside of him.


“Just don’t stop your workout.” She said. “Eat first, it’s still early.” She gave him coffee. “You need energy as you have lots of work to do.”


“Do you really want me to get fat?” he looks at her accusingly but he was already holding the utensils as he placed the salpicao to his plate.


“I just want you to eat properly and on time. If you will eat at midnight, you will really get fat.” She smirked after she looks at him, as if indicating that she already knew his “secret”.


Jiyong’s cheeks turned red as his head suddenly turned to Minah. He opened his mouth to say something but stop and closed it again. Maybe he already noticed that she was now the maid’s boss.


“I got hungry last night.” He said defensively and he shrugged his shoulders while chewing the beef.


“It’s because you didn’t eat on time. So it was doubled. If that’s the case, you will really gain weight.”


“Stay that fried rice away!” he closed his eyes as he points to the food.


“It’s not good to deprive yourself, Jiyong.” She reminded him and again, placed the bowl near him.


Jiyong then sighed and took the bowl of rice. He added more fried rice to his plate. “Don’t cook anymore. Just let Minah do it.”


“Are you mad or happy?” she asked as she creased her forehead.


“You’re doing it on purpose! You know that I’m in a hurry and I don’t want to get fat!” he sips his coffee. “Can I have ketchup for the egg?” he gulped down the food on his mouth.


“I’m just taking care of you. Playing the role of your wife. That’s the agreement right?” she handed him the condiment.


“I just want a child.” Again, he ate a spoonful of food.


Dara crossed her arms to her chest. “I can’t make a child on my own.”


Jiyong was dumbfounded.


“Anyway,” she tried to change the topic. “I will be out later. Maybe I’l

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Chapter 2: curious jiyongie kkkk
Chapter 24: I surely miss this!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: first time reading other author asides H. this is a fun story. cute
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 24: Cute story~
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 23: Ahhhhhh it’s so short!!!
Fr0zenMus1c #6
Chapter 20: Lol this is really hilarious. The idea of Jiyong wanting to cry because even his finger got fat is just hilarious.
Fr0zenMus1c #7
Chapter 16: Ahahaha! Thunder warned you but you didn’t listen. Now it’s all sinking in.
Fr0zenMus1c #8
Chapter 15: Wow. Madame Kwon gearing up for battle. I like.
Fr0zenMus1c #9
Chapter 11: Hahahahaha!! Male version of Medusa indeed. Even this Chapter’s title is hilarious :D
Fr0zenMus1c #10
Chapter 7: Lol at Jiyong trying to fix the chakra at his groin.