Chapter 24

Pictures of You

“Sunny! It’s so nice to see you here. They had rehab places near your home you didn’t have to pick one all the way here,” Dr. Reid said noticing Sunny. “Are you stalking me?”

“Hehe no,” Sunny said with a laugh.

“Oh, because if you were, I’d be totally flattered. I don’t usually have pretty girls stalking me...”

“Oh, well if that’s the case yes. I’ll be waiting outside your window tonight when you get home,” Sunny joked.

“Really, that’s so sweet of you. You are the best Sunny, you have a good day and enjoy your therapy. I’ll see you later. I need to go, work.. being a doctor,” Dr. Reid said.

“Okay. Good to see you,” Sunny said and waved bye. Hyunah and Sunhwa both looked at Sunny in astonishment.

“Unnie, you were just flirting with that doctor!” Hyunah said in Korean.

“No I wasn’t,” Sunny said with a laugh walking down and out to the outpatient building where they did therapy.

“Even I know what flirting is, and that looked like flirting to me!” Sunhwa added.

“Dr. Reid is a nice person, she’s just quirky like that. It’s not flirting. I have a girlfriend, I’m not that kind of girl,” Sunny said.

“If you say so, but I just think it looks a little too playful,” Sunhwa said.

“You shouldn’t eat dessert and dinner at the same time you know,” Hyunah said. Sunny checked in with the desk and moved to start her hour and a half session. Sunhwa and Hyunah were left in the lobby reading magazines and ultimately falling asleep. Sunny had to wake them after her session. The sight was rather embarrassing, Sunhwa was drooling onto Hyunah’s shoulder. Hyunah goggly woke up and noticed that Sunhwa’s drool on her shoulder. “Unnie!!!! You’d drooled all over me!”

“Huh? That’s not mine!” Sunhwa said, only because she had no other answer to give. She tried to pass it off by changing the subject. “You’re done? Let’s go then huh!”

“Unnie, can we get something to eat?” Hyunah asked when we they got into the car. Sunny sat in the backseat of Sunhwa’s little compact Civic. “No one is at the house, why should we bother cooking?”

“Sure why not! What is good? What should we get?” Sunny asked.

“Something good! Can I pick the place?” Sunhwa asked.

“Sure, you’re driving. Pick as you please,” Sunny said and reclined into the seat.


“You almost turned down our date to take Sunny to the hospital...” Yuri began.

“Well I didn’t know if Sunhwa was able to do it, and Sunny can’t drive herself you know,” Jessica started on her excuse.

“Oh, you’re always making excuses... always...” Yuri said, sliding her arm around Jessica. “Still, it’s nice that you care about her, you did tell her parents you would take care of her... I can’t be too mad about it.”

“I didn’t know you listened in on that conversation! Do you eavesdrop on all my phone calls when I’m around?” Jessica questioned in a teasing manner. The two casually walked through the mall holding hands oblivious to people around them. “How is it that you have me for the whole day and yet you still want to shop?”

“I’m still a girl aren’t I? Besides, can you think of a better way of me forcing you to buy me something y?” Yuri answered. Jessica rolled her eyes and followed with Yuri’s steps into elaborate stores. “We should go somewhere really nice for New Year’s. I know you usually have a party or something with the others, but it’d be nice if it was just the two of us... you know?”

“That would be nice, is that your excuse to get a new dress?” Jessica asked, but Yuri simply answered by pulling Jessica into the Neiman Marcus department store. “Oh, even fancier huh?”


“I swear Tiffany, sometimes I think you want to be a professional baker or something,” Taeyeon mutter while the batter.

“Hey, we’re supposed to bake with those, Taeng! Argh!” Tiffany said snatching the spoon.

“You made her mad,” Yoona pointed out while mixing eggs into a bowl. Yoona was learning all new sorts of baking styles and techniques. “So are we having the New Year’s party here instead of your place Tiffany?”

“Yeah, Taeyeon really wanted to do it here... I just don’t know about the curtain covering the bathroom... seriously Taeng, you can’t afford to replace the door?” Tiffany said.

“Hey, it was all Jessica’s fault, she was the one who kicked it down... don’t blame me, doors are expensive...”

“Cheap ...” Tiffany muttered. Taeyeon retaliated with her little fist to Tiffany’s arm. “You hit like a girl!”

Taeyeon attacked Tiffany even harder. Yoona was busy operating the pastry bag trying to put the right amount of frosting over the cupcakes. She knew of the bet and she understood she was there to keep the two from winning/losing (both party paid her to keep them in line). Yoona cleared loudly breaking the two girls apart and back to their baking duties.

“I will replace the door for you, it’s my treat to you, and I think Yoona deserves a door at the bathroom. She’s the guest and you have her on an air mattress and a curtain for the bathroom... you and Yuri are horrible at entertaining guests. Don’t worry Yoona, I’ll take care of you, unlike the occupants here I actually care about your well-being,”

“Thank you Tiffany, you’re far too kind. I’m sorry if I’m being a burden to you guys,” Yoona said.

“No biggie! Yuri can be a little, well she’s Yuri. She just really likes being with Jessica but she hasn’t forgotten about you,” Tiffany said.

“She could have at least made more time for her own cousin, her favorite cousin too. Yoona you’re lucky you have us to hang out with you,” Taeyeon added. She popped another set of cupcakes into the oven and set the timer.

“There will be more than just cookies, cake, cupcake and desserts at this party right? I mean this is a lot of sweets you know,” Yoona stated.

“Don’t look at me, it’s her party this year. Sunny’s going to want meat though,” Tiffany answered.

“That girl always wants meat. Of course, I have to sit down with Yuri and plan it, but for now the sweets continue!” Taeyeon responded.


“So you guys picked the place to eat but then ask me to pay?”

“Well we did drive you...” Sunhwa answered nervously.

“Unnie, you do have more money than both of us combined...” Hyunah pleaded in Korean.

“English Hyunah!” Sunny said. Hyunah was using light aegyo to win Sunny over. “Fine fine fine, I’ll treat you guys...”

Sunhwa and Hyunah both thanked Sunny. Hyunah gave Sunny a peck on the cheek and they proceeded to order off the menu. Sunny was too tired to put up a fight, and money wasn’t an issue for her so she had no problem treating the two who helped her to therapy. Hyunah clearly had a magical effect on Sunny, and it was true that Sunny did spoil the girl just a bit but Sunny claims to only do so within reason. Lunch was filled with entertainment with Sunhwa attempting to tell jokes that no one could quite comprehend.  

“Unnie, you’re just embarrassing me now, Sunny must think you’re not smart...” Hyunah said.

“I’m plenty smart! I’ve been teaching you math!” Sunhwa said in defense but her swift arm movements knocked her phone off the table. Sunhwa realized her action and got out of her chair to pick up her phone. Maybe it was because she was wearing jeans, but Sunhwa bent over at the hips in a very un-lady-like manner pointing her towards Hyunah. For some reason, Hyunah couldn’t explain it but she reached her hand back and ran it across and slapped Sunhwa’s with a loud smack. Sunhwa jumped up from the contact and Sunny covered in shock. “Hyunah! Why did you do that?!”

“Hyunah!” Sunny said sternly.

“Unnie! I’m so sorry! I don’t know why I did that! You were being un-lady-like, I had to correct that! Sorry unnie! I didn’t mean to! I didn’t think I’d hit so hard... are you okay?!”

“That hurt Hyunah!” Sunhwa said, rubbing her a bit before sitting back down. “I’m older than you and treat me so horribly, that’s not right.”

“What’s so funny?” Hyunah asked Sunny who was chuckling. Sunny did find the incident rather amusing after it happened; she personally enjoyed how Sunhwa was always providing comic relief. Sunny paid for the meal and they left the restaurant with Sunhwa trying to stay out of arms’ reach of Hyunah. “I won’t hit you again! Don’t be so scared!”

When they arrived home Sunhwa became very weary of Hyunah and kept her distance. She feared for the safety of her bottom. ‘Stay away’ she warned and quickly took a seat on the sofa and waited for Hyunah to move away. Ultimately the awkwardness didn’t go away even after the next morning. Sunhwa had run a personal errand leaving Sunny and Hyunah alone in the house together.

“Do you remember what happened yesterday?” Hyunah asked, in English much to Sunny’s surprise.

“Yes I do, it was really funny,” Sunny answered.

“Last night I had a strange dream...”

“What’s strange?” Sunny asked.

“Well I got hot on the inside and um... I had to shower when I woke up... I think I had a water dream...”

“What? A water dream?.... Wet dream, you had a wet dream?”

“I think so...” Hyunah replied.

“What makes you think that?”

“I looked up the answers on your computer...”

“You have your own laptop... why did you... never mind, so what does a wet dream, are you even sure... because you’re a girl....” Sunny started.

“I know, I read up on it. It’s common in boys and stuff, but females can have overnight arousal, it was proven!” Hyunah responded.

“Fine fine, continue, tell me the part where this has to do with you slapping Sunhwa’s yesterday,” Sunny said.

“Well... It’s a little embarrassing...”

“Hyunah, you’ve seen me and helped me shower and get out of bed... I mean if there’s anyone you can tell, it’s me,” Sunny reassured.

“I had a dream about Sunhwa last night.”

“Ohhh.... OHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Sunny blurted after the realization what Hyunah meant. “So you had a naughty dream with Sunhwa?”

“Well, I mean what’s really naughty?” Hyunah asked, feeling a little shy. As if she was seeking clarification on what was or wasn't indeed naughty.

“You tell me! It was your dream! I’m interested now, tell me!” Sunny playfully demanded in Korean.

“Well, I don’t remember it too clearly but I remember Sunhwa and I were kissing. Like not just kissing, but like the way... Tiffany and Taeyeon kiss you know. Like that time Yuri did to Jessica at norebang... I mean I don’t even know how it started. We were just touching each other and we started kissing and then we were in the bedroom but I don’t know what happened... Well I know what happened, but I couldn’t see it. It was dark and we were under sheets and like... I just know this isn’t normal! Why did I ever slap her !?!?!”

“It’s okay, it’s just a dream. It doesn’t mean anything Hyunah,” Sunny said.

“No it’s not, does this mean I’m going to start liking girls?! I need to find a boy to date. Maybe I should sleep with a boy!” Hyunah said frantically. Sunny slapped Hyunah gently but sternly across her face.

“Calm down, don’t talk like that! You don’t just go around sleeping around with people! That’s not a joke!” Sunny said sternly.

“I know! I’m sorry! But how can I like a girl? It all your fault, all three of you! If you had normal relationships...”

Sunny started to laugh despite the younger girl’s troubling dilemma. “It’s not my fault either, things like that just happen. So don’t blame me... now Tiffany, that everyone knew so maybe you can blame her.”

“You think you’re so funny. This is pretty seriously...” Hyunah continued on, her accent became more noticeable with her increase in emotional distress. “You can’t tell anyone! Especially Sunhwa!”

“Your secret is safe with me! Promise!” Sunny replied. Hyunah held up her pinkie demanding a pinkie swear. “I won’t tell anyone.”


“She’s what?!” Jiyeon screamed.

“Okay, if you say it like I’ll think that you don’t like her,” Hyomin replied.

“Sunny is coming over and spending the night?” Jiyeon asked.

“Yes, I’m going to pick her up and she’ll have dinner with us and spend the night,” Hyomin nodded.

“You could have run that by me!” Jiyeon said and started to pick up all her clothes from around the home. Her tendency to leave clothes and even undergarments scattered across was surprising made for a messy home but Soyeon and Hyomin have learned to put up with it. “And it’s not that I have anything against her, you know that... just could have told me. Does Soyeon know?”

“Of course, she’s getting stuff at the store to make dinner. I’m going to go and pick her up. Watch the house, don’t let anyone come in and steal our stuff!” Hyomin said.


“This isn’t first time I’ve slept over there Jess, you act all motherly each time I’m going over there,” Sunny said while Jessica watched her pack her things.

“I know, I’m just being cautious and you know I’m always worried now. You’re not 100 percent yet, if you were then I wouldn’t be worrying,” Jessica justified.

“I know, thanks for being so... endearing?” Sunny offered.

“You’re very welcome,”

“Oh Jessi, I have a curious question,” Sunny said suddenly.

“Oh, what is it?” Jessica responded.

“What is it like? You know...”

“What is what like?”

“You know, that thing you do... you know...” Sunny said again adding an expression to her face as if Jessica was suppose to know what she was saying.

“Thing I do... oh... OH!!!! Why are you asking?! Are you and Hyomin going to do it? You can’t! No no no!” Jessica said.

“No, we’re not. We still haven’t okay, and it’s not like we’re in a hurry. I’m just curious about it,” Sunny answered.

“What are you curious about?” Jessica asked.

“Just you know...  I mean... is it nice?” Sunny asked.

“Well you know, people wouldn’t do it all the time all the time if it isn’t... so yes Sunny. It’s nice, very nice,” Jessica answered.

“How do you know when to do it?”

“Well starters, you’re not in any condition to do it tonight, or any nights to come,” Jessica stated.

“You’re acting all motherly again?” Sunny said. “But seriously, when do you know?”

“I don’t know... With Yuri and I it just started when we were kissing... and things sort of got um... hot and a feeling will overcome you and you’ll want more than just a kiss. I mean I’m sure when you guys are making out, you notice your hands start moving places... and if you keep going at it eventually it will move on,” Jessica answered.

“I see... so kissing but sometimes you go just right into it right? How is that different?” Sunny asked. It was as if she had questions after questions

“Okay well... hmph... that’s because... well... she and I have done it before and know when we want it and knows how good it feels... why aren’t you asking Tiffany this?”

“Well Tiffany has that bet with Taeyeon right? I don’t want her to lose, I thought if I asked her, she’d think about it too much and... I don’t know,” Sunny answered.

“You’re so thoughtful... anyways did I answer all your questions”

“Well one more... what exactly do you do when you’re...”

“I think we’re done with Q and A today. Oh that’s the door, Hyomin’s here. Go go go,” Jessica said. Hyunah had opened the door to let Hyomin in. Sunny gave everyone a hug before leaving. Hyunah secretly gave Jessica a little glare before returning to her bedroom.

“What did you two talk about in there?” Tiffany asked.

“Oh you know, the usual... nothing exciting,” Jessica answered. She checked her phone and noticed a text from Yuri demanding that she come over. “Oh looks like I’m needed elsewhere. Will you be okay watching the two children by yourself tonight?”

“... Oh I’ll try... I just don’t know how, Hyunah and Sunhwa are such trouble makers,” Tiffany responded sarcastically with a laugh.

“Okay, thank you... where is Taeyeon tonight?”

“She decided to volunteer with the Korean Student Association and be a chaperon for some charity lock-in for kids,” Tiffany answered.

“That’s nice of her,” Jessica said politely.

“I know right? Get out of here, you don’t want to keep Yuri waiting.”


“Soyeon thank you for dinner, it was really delicious as always,” Sunny said after finishing her plate.

“I’m glad you enjoy it!” Soyeon responded feeling very pleased with herself.

After dinner they all settled down in front of the TV for movie night, or actually drama night watching still Secret Garden.

“So would you still be with me if I had a track suit like that?” Hyomin asked in a soft voice.

“It depends... did you get me one?”


“Then I would leave you for sure, how could you not think of getting me one?”

“Well they’re expensive, one of a kind and handmade in Italy...”

“You’re such a dork!” Sunny laughed.

“I try very hard to be,” Hyomin countered.

“You’re so silly! No no no I don’t want your dork germs!” Sunny laughed as Hyomin planted tiny kisses on Sunny’s cheek and face. Sunny returned a soft kiss to Hyomin’s cheek and sank back down into Hyomins’ lap to continued watching the drama. Hyomin gently run her hands up and down Sunny’s side. Sunny smiled into a chuckle. “Heh, Tiffany and Jessi would do that to me whenever I’m upset.”

“Are you upset right now?” Hyomin asked.

“No, but I’m just letting you know that it feels nice and that’s why I like it so much,” Sunny answered. After two episodes the girls made their way to the bedroom and tuck in for the night. Sunny changed into her pajamas and tenderly climbed into bed. She was still recovering from her injuries and took her medication before climbing under the sheets. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I thought you were something more revealing...”

“Do you not see the snow outside? There is frost on the window! Why would I...are you wearing just a t-shirt?” Sunny said. Hyomin had on a large t-shirt sporting their college’s name.

“I have underwear on underneath,” Hyomin said and lifted up the bottom of the shirt to show Sunny. She climbed into the bed. “Seriously, we have each other to keep warm, and look at this new comforter Jiyeon got me. Warm right?”

“You think you’re so clever don’t you?”

“I’ve been told that from time to time, are you feeling sleepy?” Hyomin asked. Sunny yawned out-loud, her medication was kicking in. She gently nodded and laid her head on the pillow. “Are you going to dream about me tonight?”

“You wish,” Sunny whispered with a soft smile and gave Hyomin a soft kiss on the lips and then settled back into the comfort of the bed.


“It sounded so urgent when you texted me,” Jessica said in the midst of making out with Yuri.

“This is urgent. Taeyeon is gone and Yoona is out. I have needs and desires...that makes it pretty damn urgent,” Yuri replied.

“Wait... isn’t Yoona going to come home?”

“I gave her my car keys.”

“She can drive?”

“She has a Korean driver license, makes perfect sense she can handle it here... are you going to keep talking or are you going to take off your pants?” Yuri responded impatiently. Jessica pulled with a chuckle and ed her jeans and shimmied out of them while still on the bed. “That’s more like it...”

“Urgent huh?” Jessica smirked and moved to pull Yuri’s pants off. The two thrashed around in the bed moving through various stages of clothing removal. Jessica was pinned down by Yuri and down to her t-shirt. Yuri was trailed her kisses from Jessica’s lips down to Jessica’s neck. Yuri’s hand moved slightly along Jessica’s side. For a moment Jessica thought of the conversation she had with Sunny before arriving to Yuri’s place. She thought of the comical sense of Sunny’s question and unconsciously muttered out, “heh, oh Sunny.”

“Excuse me?” Yuri asked and pulled up and sat up with her full weight placed back on Jessica’s hips. “Did you just say ‘Sunny?’”

“Um no... I said... oh honey?” Jessica said, realizing how stupid she sounded. Honey and Sunny didn’t sound remotely alike. Yuri unstraddled Jessica giving her a very deathly glare.

“You said, ‘oh Sunny.’ I mean seriously? Are you fu@king out of your mind? I’m right here about to the f*&k out of you and you say ‘oh Sunny?” Yuri roared.

“No it wasn’t like that... before I came here she was asking me....”

“Get out!” Yuri screamed. “You were thinking of Sunny? What the hell is wrong with you?! Get OUT!”

“Yuri, baby please... Sunny she was asking me about ... and I just remembered it and thought it was funny... that’s all...” Jessica explained very quickly all in one breath. Yuri gave her an ‘are you serious’ look and just scoffed. “That’s all it was, you have to believe me.”

Yuri still half walked over to pick up Jessica’s bundle of clothing on the floor and shoved it at the shorter girl. Yuri proceeded to forcefully grab at Jessica and drag out of the bedroom towards the front door.

“I knew you were a little close with Sunny but seriously... you’re an idiot...”

“Yes I know... I’m sorry... please Yul...” Jessica pleaded. “Yul, I’m really sorry. Can’t we just go back to the bedroom?”

“Are you insane?! I want you gone! You can go home to your own bedroom and ‘talk’ with Sunny all you want!” Yuri said with some pushing. Jessica desperately fought to keep her ground. She even dropping her clothes.

“Yuri... baby please... calm down... it’s just...”

“Don’t f*@king call me baby! Don’t call me, don’t text me. I don’t want to see you again! GET OUT!” Yuri yelled.

“Yuri, I love you. Please.”

“Oh that’s fresh. You love me? I’m tired of your games. Take your things with you too!” Yuri said and pushing Jessica out the front and tossing her all her clothes. Yuri slammed the door shut. She could hear Jessica pounding at the door. Jessica was left in the hallway of the apartment building pounding on the door in just her wool socks, a t-shirt and underwear. The rest of her clothes lay in a pile at the door as she tried to plead her way back inside.

“Yuri, I’m sorry. I love you, I really do. Please let me in. Please!” Jessica cried. Tears flowed freely down her face. Some neighbors had opened their doors to see the ruckus; all from a girl with tears dripping from her face, half and waking up damn near the whole floor. “What the hell are you looking at?! Go back inside and mind your business!”

The curious tenants retreated to their rooms and Jessica continued her banging and pleading. She used her phone to try and call and text Yuri. There was no answer. Yuri had taken a shower, brushed her teeth, dried her hair and just sat in her bed, thinking about the girl she could still hear out at the front door. Yuri picked up her cellphone and turned it off.

“You’re such a f**king idiot,” Yuri said softly through her tears.



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noob101 #1
Chapter 30: Re-reading it for 2020. Can’t believe I first read this fic on soshified. Been so Long. Half of me hoping you would update, the other half is contented that I’ve managed to read this fic. Whatever it is, I’ve subscribe. If one day that notification pops up for this fic, I’ll definitely be Glad.
milkinthebox_ #2
Chapter 30: i am just staring at my monitor screen for quite some time now as it's been so long and the fic's quite good and it's 2020
Dashtara #3
Good story
Chapter 30: Don't let it go into hiatus please! </3
Chapter 30: Oh my goodness, Soonkyu finally knows after 84yrs and now it's awkward lmao. She was not rdy. Wonder how she deal with the situation as well.

Thanks for the update. #515HappySunnyDay :D
2NS197 #6
Chapter 30: Sunsica ?!
Nyleve202 #7
Chapter 29: My goshhh I completely forgot this! U alive bro?? This is gold dont be mean, give us a final at least <///3
mostly_sunny_ #8
Chapter 29: I am screaming! The is getting closer and closer, right?! How can Sunny not figure it out? I was just waiting for Jessica to slip up, too! Can Sica just hurry and profess her undying live for her already?! I feel so bad that she has been dragging it out for so long. I would get tired. Ugh, the things we do for love.
Great chapter! Glad to see you're still writing for this :)
Nyleve202 #9
Chapter 29: You returnnnnn hoho what a nice chapter, I hope Jessica doesnt get crazy to soon, and let Sunny and Hyomin enjoy themselves a little bit more! Update soon amig@
mostly_sunny_ #10
Chapter 28: Gasp! Omg I took a break and come back to this!? The drama continues~ Thanks for such a great story :)