Chapter 15

Pictures of You

Soyeon accepted the news really well, on the outside at least. Inside however, she was dwelling. Granted her personal romantic life hasn’t been much of anything to talk about to put her in a position to judge, but it seemed only natural to question the circumstances. She was busy enough just trying to start her career to ever think about a family, she counted Jiyeon and Hyomin as family. She was happy for Hyomin she truly was, but not all pills are easy to swallow.

Sleep lingered through her body, but her mind danced through questions and she tried to fill with answers. Minutes passed and her answers and logic were all jumbled, she used the TV to fill the void. She needed to stop paying for the premium channels, there were reruns of ‘The L Word’ and another channel had a movie about a Chinese female doctor in New York who was a lesbian and struggling to tell her mother. It felt as if the world wanted her to clearly refocus her attention on the situation at hand. It was funny because she didn’t even think of Hyomin at that moment. She thought of Jessica, and remembered how she had saw Yuri kissed Jessica the first time, and then later she celebrated their 1-month. It was different though.

She had nothing against the ‘alternative lifestyle’, but it was like... she thought she knew Jessica and Hyomin. For Taeyeon, Tiffany, Yuri and even Sunny it didn’t matter too much, she could accept them such as that. It’s like she has to accept that because it was given, she didn’t really knew them so facts given had to be accepted as true statements. But Jessica, she slept with the girl when she was like 4-feet-something tall, they been childhood friends and it never showed. Jessica used to like boys, she was sure, there were stories. I mean they talked about those charming boys of DBSK and random hotties at those camps. The same with Hyomin; the girl had been always with a male. Was there any other secrets or things she didn’t know about? It might be temporary, that seemed logically, but then she felt bad for Sunny; thinking maybe Sunny will be dumped after Hyomin realizes she likes boys.

It was all becoming too much for her, she walked to the kitchen and found some NyQuil and decided she would need assistance to go into her slumber. There was already too much going on in her head.


It was just a bit past 10am; Jessica walked in the house and came to her room to find another girl sleeping in her bed. Curious she turned to make way to Sunny’s room to see that Sunny was alone in bed, so then why was Hyunah in her bed she wondered. Jessica gave Sunny a slight nudge to wake her up. Sunny looked up to find Jessica standing over her, she stretched out and yawned and greeted the girl who woke her.

“Sunny, why is Hyunah sleeping in my bed? What’s going on huh? It’s not that I don’t mind, it’s just... I wanted to nap some more later...” Jessica asked. Sunny smiled, and explained how their youngest caught her and Hyomin a little frisky and now refused to sleep in the same bed and now people know about her and Sunny.

Jessica had to take a minute to absorb the information but just nodded and turned and walked out the room. She proceeded to grab clothes out of her drawers without waking up Hyunah, and moved for the shower. No one commented on her spending the night at Yuri’s or coming home in the same clothes, her tennis outfit from the tournament. This was fine with her, because she wasn’t ready to talk about it quite yet. By the time she finished her shower, Hyunah had slowly awaken and Sunny was in the kitchen with Taeyeon and Tiffany. She had a slight jealousy towards Taeyeon and Tiffany, the two were an item, but never bothered to announce anything official yet. They were completely relaxed about their relationship. They were public and unfazed by others, and they seem to just assume people knew about them and simply didn’t care.

“Unnie, we’re going to go today right?” Hyunah asked in Korean. “My new bed, we’re going to get it right?”

“Um yes. Of course. I told you I would right? I do not lie.” Sunny said. “We should go check the space to see how we can go about getting another bed in there.”

Each bedroom in the house was similar in size, decently large and accommodating. Sunny’s current full size bed had served her since she first arrived to America years ago, it was sized just right. The problem now would be to figure out how to space and arrange the room to allow another bed to fit inside. If it wouldn’t work, she would have to discard her bed and get two twin size beds, one for Hyunah and one for herself. Hyunah and Sunny moved items out of their bedroom and had a tape measure to play around with ideas. The challenge at hand was to fit a twin size bed and a full size bed all into one bedroom and still provide adequate living space. They came up with a conclusion, and seemed pleased. Sunny didn’t mind too much either way, but was very happy to see Hyunah pleased and cheerful with the decision. Taeyeon had left and Tiffany was preparing to go to work, Sunny and Hyunah would go buy a new bed so Jessica would be left home alone, to do whatever she needed to do. Hyunah and Sunny went out to Ikea to look for a new bed; Sunny insisted that Hyunah’s mattress be one of those special foam style ones to get a good quality sleep. After trying out a series of mattresses, she agreed to the comfort. They made a note of the mattress and went through the store looking for a bed.

“Unnie, why Hyomin? Why a girl?” Hyunah asked in Korea, to her surprise Sunny didn’t yell at her to speak English.

“Hyunah... I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just kind of did. It’s not like I always liked girls and she was the one that I wanted. It was, girl or boy, it didn’t matter. I just kind of liked her.” Sunny answered in Korean.

“Is it different? Liking a girl? How did you know you like her? It isn’t it weird? I mean there are all these other people out there.” Hyunah continued in Korean. She figured in such a public place, that this sort of conversation would be best if others didn’t understand.

“Um... I mean it’s just like liking a boy I guess. We started as friends. Something just clicked, it’s rather hard to explain... but yes it can seem weird,” Sunny answered in her native tongue.

“Who confessed first? How did it start? Was it you who liked her first? Did you always liked her?”

“Why all the questions all the sudden?”

“I want to be understanding towards my favorite unnie... now answer!”

“You know we met at the Wonder Girls concert. I don’t know how it happened, we talked a bit and you know the whole I lost my phone and met her... oh you asked who confessed first, it was her actually, I told Jessica about it. Hyomin and I were pretty good friends, and one day she just told me she liked me. It was kind of shocking actually.” Sunny answered.

“So you were friends, and she liked you... and you liked her back? So what would have happened if you started liking me? I mean we’re friends... unnie, I like boys so please don’t get any ideas...” Hyunah said. “But started as friends, how does it take a girl who likes boys to liking girls?”

“No Hyunah, I don’t like all girls... Just Hyomin... It’s really complicated, but just know that you’re safe okay? I don’t even know if I always liked boys, I’d admit there were cute guys in Korean and when I started college I focused more on school... I’m new to the whole girl thing, and I’m not really sure if I’m all into girls. Does liking or dating one girl mean I like girls? I’m curious, do you not like Hyomin?” Sunny responded.

“I mean, you like a girl. You kissed a girl, and if my eyes didn’t lie... you touched a girl. So you’re into girls right? Even if it’s just one, that still makes her a girl... but unnie, I love you still. Even if you like girls... and I like Hyomin. She’s a pretty girl and looks fun. She’s nice to me. She’s hard not to like... it’s just you’re my favorite unnie, I’m not as close to Jessica & Tiffany. I thought I would always have you, but now you got another girl you hang out with... so who’s going to be my friend and play with me now?” Hyunah reasoned with a hint of uncertainty.

“Hyunah, I don’t know what to tell you… but I am sure of this though, I will always love you and I’ll still be there to play with you. I’m only dating a girl, not marrying her. Trust me, I have not forgotten you.” Sunny reassured Hyunah.

“Good, I think I found the bed I want! This one!” Hyunah proclaimed.


Ever since Soyeon started her career, their monthly shopping trips had died a bit, but finally with some free time all three would go grocery shopping again. Hyomin and Jiyeon were responsible enough to go get items they needed on their own, but these little trips with just the three of them had always been a rather joyous event. H Mart was always fun and worth the drive, and well Sam’s Club, the super wholesale store is just crazy fun with all the bulk buying, and of course the churros that Hyomin enjoys so much. Guilt tingled through her body each time Soyeon looked at Hyomin; she loved Hyomin and it shouldn’t matter whether or not Hyomin dates a boy or girl, but she still never found answers that she wanted and was reminded of them each time she looked at Hyomin. Soyeon wondered how Jiyeon would take the news; Soyeon thought of herself as a mature (well when it counts) person who was handling the news/situation in a very adult manner, but with a young Jiyeon still not yet twenty years old, anything could go with her.

After they returned from shopping, everyone was doing their usual thing, she’d imagine Hyomin would call Sunny, it seem like the thing she would do. Jiyeon had midterms to study, to be honest she had no idea that Jiyeon would have been more studious than Hyomin. Soyeon asked casually if Hyomin if she was handing out with Sunny today but Hyomin answered no. Surprisingly Hyomin too wanted to study, mid-terms were no joke. The next two weeks would be the splattered with quizes and exams all for the mid-term grades. It was shame really, Halloween was coming up and the spirits of the holiday will be tamed down.


Jessica had opened the door to find delivery men outside asking her to sign for the bed that Sunny and Hyomin had purchased. Just to think, what would have happened if she wasn’t home; sometimes she goes out of her way for the household, or at least she seemed to think so. Even in the short months Hyunah has been here, she has complained and whined about Jessica’s cooking skills (or lack thereof). Jessica returned to her studying, in the kitchen while trying to prepare dinner. Hamburger Helper was meant to be simple and easy and delicious; she figured she could handle it. So far it’s been good, beef does turn brown when it is being cooked right? Did that looked cooked? To the hell with it Jessica thought, she added in the seasoning mix, the water, milk and uncooked pasta and began stirring. This was easier than she thought. She won’t miss it up, she couldn’t. Sometime after the bed had arrived and after she finished cooking, Sunny and Hyunah returned home.

“Jessi! We’re home. What’s this, you made dinner?” Sunny announced and then questioned.

“Unnie, can we order pizza? I’m not sure I can trust Jessica unnie’s cooking,” Hyunah said in Korean, which resulted in glares from both Sunny and Jessica. Sunny’s glare was a scornful one for speaking Korean, Jessica’s was for the open insult, Jessica’s glare was more of a frowny one though.

“English Hyunah! And be nice, Jessi probably worked really hard on it. Is Tiffany going to be coming Jessi?” Sunny asked.

“I think she’s working late tonight, that or being out with Taeyeon, but dinner is ready, would you guys like to try?” Jessica added.

The two sat down at the table as Jessica brought the serving bowl over and served the girls. Sunny dug in but Hyunah waited to see Sunny’s reaction before eating. Sunny said it was good, and then Hyunah ate some. She joked that Jessica finally made something edible. Jessica ate some of it and found that it was rather good, she felt pleased with herself with her work in the kitchen. After their dinner, Sunny grabbed a tool kit that her dad had sent her and the three would work themselves to put together Hyunah’s bed. Sunny had thought Hyunah should have gotten a loft bed, something like a bunk bed but with no bed on the first level, but had somewhat of a built-in computer desk under the bed to give her space to do work. However Hyunah picked out something of her own that she liked, but it still needed assembly.

“Okay, Hyunah hold up the bar! A little higher, okay now Jessica put the bolt in, wait, the washer on first!” Sunny said.

“It doesn’t fit, what the hell... hold it steady Hyunah... why couldn’t you have paid to have them assemble it?”

“We put together the TV stand didn’t we? I figured this wouldn’t be too hard.”

“This is getting heavy!”

“I’ll hold it. Just put the bolt in.”

After an hour, the girls successfully put the bed together, move the boxspring and mattress onto it, and finally placed on new bedsheets that Hyunah picked out herself.


Midterms came around and went around; just to the point where they could use Halloween weekend as their relaxation period. Everyone skipped out on Halloween parties and events. Sunny spent Halloween at Hyomin’s house, watching scary movies. Jiyeon and Soyeon were there too, but Jiyeon was still in the dark about Sunny and Hyomin, or was at least until Hyomin cuddled into Sunny. Jiyeon proclaimed something about how that’s not how to act when she has a boyfriend. That was when Soyeon looked to Hyomin, and wondered if she was going to tell Jiyeon. Sunny laughed and Hyomin did too, Hyomin got up and leaned to Jiyeon and whispered to her that Sunny was her boyfriend. Jiyeon was in denial at first, but being the brilliant college student she was, she thought about it more and realized Hyomin was being rather serious.

“What?! Soyeon! I was right! I was right about Hyomin! She gave up on men! Sunny’s her boyfriend. i mean girlfriend!” Jiyeon screamed. “Wait, why don’t you look too surprised? Did you already know?... What? I’m the last to know? How could you do that to me?!?!?!? Argh! Hyomin!... Sunny, I think you’re an awesome person... Hyomin you ! Stop doing that! I’m going to sit in the middle, no touching each other. We’re just gonna sit here and watch these horror movies like normal people.”

With that said, Jiyeon slide in between Sunny and Hyomin in moved to occupy the center of the sofa leaving Sunny and Hyomin on opposite ends. Sunny was laughing but Hyomin was a little rigid, stating she was going to make Jiyeon pay after Sunny leaves. Soyeon joined everyone on the couch and joined in on the marathon of horror movies. Jiyeon politely wished Sunny a safe trip when she left and then fire after she closed the door.

“WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! I’m the last to know?!?!? Aren’t I your best friend? How is it, that In a city with millions of people, you happen to find the Korean girls who are gay?!” Jiyeon screamed out.

“Jiyeon! That’s not nice!” Soyeon quickly scorned, but Jiyeon didn’t seem to care.

“It was funny at first, to tease about your failures with men, it was but I didn’t think you actually just flat out give up. Did she do something to you? Is that it? A girl Hyomin? I’m a girl! Are you going to look at me funny now?! You’ve seen me ! ARGH!!!! Soyeon! I want a lock in my bedroom!” Jiyeon shouted.

“Jiyeon! Hey it’s nothing like that okay, I liked her first. What’s the big deal? I like Sunny and she likes me,” Hyomin added while remaining calm.

“Big deal?!?! Um, we only known each other for YEARS! Lived together, slept, eat and studied together. That doesn’t cross your mind as a big deal? So what I can go date a 50 year old and it won’t be a big deal? You said you were happy with this guy, and that guy and now you’re with a girl. You don’t think it warrants some level of concern?” Jiyeon continued, as Soyeon came next to Jiyeon and tried to calm her down.

“I don’t get it. What is it that is the problem?” Hyomin asked while keeping cool, she wanted it known that her choice was serious, if she broke down Jiyeon would only attack more. The young girl was feisty, and always had been.  

“You’re so dumb! You never get anything! You rocked the boat! We may still be floating, but that doesn’t mean we’re not in trouble. If you had told me you liked girls, I would have laugh and thought you were joking. Now I just don’t know anymore. Did you always liked girls Hyomin? I mean come to think of it, you only kissed boys and dated them. I never heard any rumors of . Were you just pretending to like boys. Is that why you like to scare Soyeon in the shower all the time, so you can see her ? Is that it? You always were y, but now I can see it’s all directed towards girls.” Jiyeon said.

“Jiyeon, that wasn’t nice.  Apologize to Hyomin,” Soyeon demanded. It was true, the last comments did strike at Hyomin a bit, Jiyeon was always a close friend so the words had a bit of a sting. Jiyeon let out an angry sighed and muttered ‘sorry’ and just walked to her room.

“I’m going to bed. I don’t have school tomorrow so don’t bother waking me up.” Jiyeon said as if some sort of ultimatum. Her professors had cancelled classes for the Monday for a conference, but Hyomin still had classes. She slammed the door as her final statement.

Soyeon went up to Hyomin and gave her a reassuring hug. Hyomin was a bit teary but she would manage, she had no clue to why Jiyeon could be so angry.

“She’ll get over it, give her some time. You know how she is. It’ll be okay? Are you okay?” Soyeon asked.

“Yeah, I’m okay, I’ll be fine. Thank you. Should go to be huh? Early day,” Hyomin said. Soyeon stopped her and said after they had some tea first. Hyomin knew Soyeon was right, Jiyeon would come around, she was young and heated up quickly and just cooled off a little slower. It would be okay she told herself. Hyunah had definitely taking news better than Jiyeon though.


Hyomin had finally made terms with the fact that her girlfriend was an athlete, and she appreciated how being with Sunny had increased her own fitness, but Sunny was super active.Between school, work and tennis it was difficult to generate some quality time alone with Sunny. The Invitationals was a tournament hosted by the tennis team, and invited a lot of area club teams from other schools, but it usually ended up as their own school playing against another team member. Tiffany had beaten Linda the semi-finals in Women’s A Singles, but lost to the number one girl in the finals. The Women’s B Singles final was Jessica against Sunny, Hyomin cheered but eventually Sunny lost to Jessica, but Sunny did put up a fight. The invitationals always presented a strange situation sometimes, such as doubles partners playing against each other, just as Sunny and Jessica had, but the two now would play in B Doubles. Hyomin again did her job as a photographer, capturing the action and the emotions. It was cute how the Sunny and Jessica basically always had matching outfits for tennis matches, like always. Tiffany and Taeyeon would no doubt make it to the finals of Women’s A Doubles, the B division was larger so the battle for Sunny and Jessica would take longer.

After a few rounds Jessica and Sunny were the only ones left for their school in their division, and they won it. It was quite tremendous, considering both girls just started to get back into the sport this semester. They finished ahead of the other divisions, A and C still needed to finish, but they were told there was a team hang out after the tournament. Jessica and Sunny talked with one another about going, each had their plaques for winning. Tiffany and Taeyeon were pretty social with the team, it would seem nice to make an appearance to an event. There would be festivities grilling of burgers and hot dogs and video games. It was just a way to relax and have good clean fun. It would be at least an hour or so before the tournament would be over, so Jessica, Sunny and Hyomin returned to the house to get cleaned up and shower.

Hyomin said she would go with Sunny, and called Soyeon to inform her so that she wouldn’t be home for a while. Jessica had finished her shower busy on her phone talking to Yuri. Hyunah was asleep in her bed, with piles of papers and books around her. Sunny had finished her shower and wanted to take a nap. She felt a little spent; she played a lot of tennis today. She laid in her bed while Hyomin was being playful and tucking her in.

“Wait, you don’t want to take a nap with me? There’s room for another cute girl.” Sunny peeped, while smiling at Hyomin.

“Are you trying to flirt with me? Because you know... I’m already in a relationship...” Hyomin coyly replied.

“Is that so? Is that person better than me?”

“Oh, I like to think so. That person calls and talks to me at night. Has lunch with me, and thinks I’m y... what do you do for me? Huh?” Hyomin reasoned.

“I think you’re cute... and sometimes you’re really y... so y that I want you to come into bed with me...” Sunny tried to say in seductive voice while tapping at the empty space on the bed. “It’s cold out.... won’t you keep me warm?”

“No. I won’t cheat on my lover. I’m sorry Sunny,” Hyomin said and turned her back to Sunny.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure she won’t mind... I’m positive...” Sunny reached up and pulled Hyomin down into the bed. Hyomin being playful tried to resist but knew she wouldn’t ever dream to.

“My girlfriend, Sunny, is gonna kick your ! Just you watch. I’m gonna go tell her what you did. Just you wait and see,” Hyomin protested as she let Sunny’s arms wrap around her in a back hug.

“What will Sunny do? What makes her so special? I’m not afraid.”

“You should be, she’s the strongest girl at school, she’s even tougher than boys. She’s so much better than you, you should be afraid! You’re nothing compared to her you know. I don’t even know why I let you do this to me...” Hyomin said.

“I think it’s because you just want me to kiss you...” Sunny said while leaning closer to Hyomin. Hyomin shook her head no. “No, and why not?”

“Sunny has way prettier lips than you too,” Hyomin answered. Sunny laughed and moved her body to give Hyomin a gentle kiss. “How dare you! You’re such a bad girl!”

“You like it! Okay, for real now, I’m going to nap. We’ll go when Tiffany gets back from the tournament, she’ll call.” Sunny said giving Hyomin a tiny peck on the forehead and then the nose and retreated deeper into the sheets to get a few minutes of snooze to recharge her body.


Tiffany and Taeyeon had won their match for A Doubles, against their teammates. It was a hard fought battle but well worth it. They were too tired to go home, so they decided to go to the party straight from the tournament. It was hosted by one of the girls on the team. She had a large house that could house the team and the crazy antics of people. There was pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs and the traditional array of foods one would expect to see of typical young adult parties in America. There was a pool table, ping pong, TVs, lots of Video games too. Truth be told, it was her parents’ house, her older brother had just graduated from college and her younger sister was still in high school. It was a house laid out for fun.

By this time into the evening, it was increasingly cold, November weather danced somewhere along the lines of turning into winter. Sunny had arrived with Hyomin, in an outfit that she’d let Hyomin pick out for her. Sunny was wearing jeans, but she had on several layers of tops. Hyomin apparently enjoys the style of layering clothes and accessories, but Sunny liked the look she had plus she gets Hyomin to hang out with the team. Sunny greeted everyone as she walked through the house while Hyomin clinched her hand. Hyomin wasn’t really a shy girl or an introvert, but around too many new people and strangers she tends to be a bit more reserve. These were people that Sunny knew, and she meet a few and knew some from the YulSic one-month party and the practices and matches, but nothing definitive.

They made their way to food, Hyomin loved how Sunny was being so ‘gentleman-like’ and set a plate for her first before getting one for herself. Hyomin liked American foods as much as the next person, but she could sometimes be picky. It was definitely heartwarming for Sunny to pick certain things that Hyomin would definitely like, she wasn’t perfect in all choices but close enough, Hyomin was still a little effy about corn dogs. It wasn’t, or rather it wouldn’t be hard for Hyomin to get food for Sunny, if there was meat she’d be happy. Some of the other people on the team had brought game systems and had two Xboxs hooked together to play some new game killing zombies, the guys seems to love it. There was Wii too, PS3, but right now it was time for food and with Sunny’s size she could battle through the mass of 30 people to find a place to eat and enjoy the food. Hyomin and Sunny, enjoying food... somehow they always seem to have meals together.

Jessica and Yuri were there chatting with people, Yuri was definitely sociable and could communicate well to others, Hyomin was always a little jealous of that. The team was nice, she had nothing to be afraid of, until well the guys sort of stole her away with gaming. She was busy playing while Hyomin just sat off and watched. It was times like these where Sunny seemed so popular with the guys and the team. She’d be the perfect girl for a lot of guys; sports, games and just fun loving. Finally Sunny passed the controller off and went off with Hyomin to mingle around the rest of the party. Outside, by the pool (the pool was heated, but it was still chilly outside) on there was a tiny little camp fire or bonfire with people just sitting outside and chatting. Sunny and Hyomin joined Jessica and Yuri outside where people just laughing and chatting.

Yuri internally became slightly defensive when Sunny sat next to Jessica. Sunny even asked for a sip out of Jessica’s wine-cooler, and to top it off Jessica took a sip right after Sunny had. They kissed via the opening of the glass bottle! Yuri was screaming inside, but man she had one hell of a pokerface, even her eyes couldn’t lie. ‘Why isn’t Hyomin bothered by this?’ Yuri wondered. Jessica let Sunny finish off the bottle and had playfully pinched at her telling her to get her another one. Sunny got up and came back with four bottles of various flavors and passed them out. Hyomin and Yuri were halfway lost in all the stories, but everyone got them. They talked about a lot of things too, like the upcoming movies and school things. Taeyeon had popped her head between Sunny and Jessica whispering something to only them, it must have been juicy because both girls smiled and got up and left with Taeyeon. Yuri and Hyomin just looked at each other with some awkward smiles. Neither had really been alone together, even though they weren’t technically alone.

“Great party huh?”

“Yes it is, are you having fun?”

“I really am, I enjoy it.” Their conversation always seemed to start awkward would eventually progress into something with more weight.

Tiffany was walking along the pool with Jessica, Sunny and Taeyeon, she had taken her shoes off because she’d played hours in them already. There was a sudden scream and a loud splash. They had pushed Tiffany into the pool. Tiffany splashed around looking angry! She yelled at her 2 friends and girlfriend, but Tiffany’s entrance into the pool got other people to join into the water. So she couldn’t hold onto her anger. She started to pull off the hoodie and other clothes she had on and threw the wet articles at the ones who threw her into the pool. Swimming in the tennis outfit was really cute, Taeyeon loved how the skirt floated a bit in the water when Tiffany wadded in the water.

“Taeyeon, I’ll remember this. And you two, when we get home... just you see!” Tiffany cried out while swimming around. The owner of the house came from the pool house and threw some beach balls into the pool for the swimmers.

Sunny and Jessica returned to the fire to their girlfriends, it was relieving because they were getting lost in the conversations and the two could only say so much to each other. Hyomin leaned into Sunny asking Sunny to hold her with just her body movements alone, Sunny wrapped one arm around Hyomin and rejoined the fun. Jessica said they should get more food, so the four left to go inside. They ate some more and people demanded Sunny’s attention to kill more zombies. Some guys invited Hyomin to play Wii with them, one of the cuter guys was trying to flirt with Hyomin but she still a bit slow to pick up on it. Her naivety and niceness made it seem like she was flirting back. Not everyone was entirely convinced about Sunny and Hyomin’s relationship, the guy was one of them and hoped to get his moves onto Hyomin. Yuri was known as Jessica’s girlfriend on the tennis team, but Hyomin was just Sunny’s ‘hot friend’, because not everyone knew Hyomin was already taken; she got hit on and a lot of guys did like to talk to her.

After a while of playing with the guys she left to find Sunny, who was no longer killing zombies but rather doing something with Jessica. The hostess was holding some money in her hand while Jessica and Sunny were doing in some sort of pull-ups contest with some boys. There was a bit of cheering and shouts going on. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see it was Yuri.

“They were challenged by the boys, since they won their division at tennis or something they seem to be popular tonight.” Yuri explained, while Hyomin nodded in understanding. “Does it ever bother you?”

“Does what bother me?” Hyomin asked.

“Them... no not the boys, I mean Sunny and Jessica. How they’re always together and doing stuff, like don’t you think it takes away from your time?” Yuri asked.

“What? No... They were friends way before they met me... it’s only natural I guess. They were close in Korea too, so I mean they’re good friends and teammates... wait, does it bother you?” Hyomin decided to inquire.

“No, of course not, the same reasons you said. I was just curious you know, I didn’t know if you were the jealous type or not... hehe,” Yuri responded in defense, knowing quite well she was lying a bit to Hyomin. Then Jessica and Sunny had won, they were jumping up and down in each other’s arms smiling and laughing.

They received the money and were taking high-fives from people while flashing their prize. They came skipping along to Yuri and Hyomin to show them the money. Sunny hugged Hyomin and then reach to take a sip out her drink. Sunny asked if Hyomin wanted s’mores or dessert and grabbed her hand to lead her away. Jessica stopped to ask Sunny what to do with the money. Sunny let go of Hyomin and took the money she won and stuffed it into Jessica’s pocket and said that they could find something to do with it at home. Jessica gave Sunny a slight kiss on the cheek and thanked her for helping them earn the money, Sunny smiled and ran off with Hyomin.

Sunny and Hyomin shared a dessert and went to play a little more games but eventually Hyomin got tired and wanted to leave. Sunny didn’t usually whine in protest but she wanted to keep playing, she was doing well. Just a few more Sunny said, and continued to play a bit before reluctantly getting up to leave with Hyomin.

“Ashhhhhhhhhhhh, I was doing awesome! sure you don’t want to stay a little longer?” Sunny asked.

“No, I’m tired. We should get going, and besides Hyunah is home all alone,” Hyomin replied unlocking the doors to her Kia.

“Wait, are you sure you’re okay to drive? How much did you have to drink?” Sunny quickly questioned.

“What, like no more than you did. I’m fine.” Hyomin scoffed.

“Okay, I trust you, if you’re fine you’re fine.” Sunny shrugged.

“How can you ask me something like that but not care when there are guys flirting and hitting on me?”

“Why would I be worried about that? You’re a pretty girl, and guys like pretty girls. It happens you know. It doesn’t bother me, it’s not like you’d go for any of them.”

“What?! So you just don’t care?! You think you’re that great that I wouldn’t considered some charming guy? Is that what you think?”

“What? No? Are you okay? Are you sure you didn’t drink too much?” Sunny hinted with concern.

“No! It’s not from alcohol. You just don’t get it...”

“Get what? What am I not getting?”

“You take me for granted! You think that I’ll always choose you or something so you don’t care if I’m getting hit on or flirting with other guys. You don’t care, you think I’ll be back. I was like backseat to you tonight, it’s like you just enjoy yourself however you like and don’t consider me,” Hyomin tried to explain with a slightly raised voice.

“I’m sorry what? I asked if you wanted to come, you said yes. I do not take you for granted, you said you don’t like cheaters so I’m not worried about you talking to other people. You’re not someone who cheats. Seriously, what has gotten in to you?” Sunny defended herself.

Maybe it was a bit of the drinking, and maybe a bit of what Yuri said, or something that Sunny did, maybe her time of the month, but she’s not sure why but she felt a strain of anger towards Sunny. She couldn’t help it but just blurted it out.

“I put more into this relationship than you have. You haven’t done much...”

“What are you talking about? I have skipped on practices, changed my work schedule, I meet with you every day and I even had to buy a new bed for Hyunah. How can you even think that I don’t put in to this relationship?”

“We’re always doing things with your friends, why don’t we hang out with mine? Huh?”

“I go see you at your house too, if there’s something bothering you just say it. Maybe we should go back inside and you can calm down a bit and I’ll drive you home okay?”

“Sure that’s what you want isn’t it? To go back inside and play with all your cool people. And do things with Jessica while leaving Yuri and I all alone. Why don’t you go back inside and kill those stupid zombies with your friends. You obviously don’t need me around. So just go!”

“What is your problem?! Fine you want me to go, I will. I can have Jessica take me home.”

“Yah! What is with you and Jessica? Huh? Is she your ex or something? Huh? You just let her kiss you on the cheek like it’s no big deal. It’s a big deal you know! I know Jessica is one of your best friends, but I'm your girlfriend, that should mean something. If you love Jessica so much why don’t you go out with her? Huh?”

“You’re not even making any sense anymore.” Sunny said with frustration. “You know what, I’m gonna go back inside and hope you calm down.”

“I’m not going inside. I’m leaving! If you go inside I hope you have someone else taking you home!” Hyomin objected.




Hyomin got into her car and slammed the door and drove off, while Sunny just stood and disbelief before returning to the house. What was wrong with Hyomin? Next time she wouldn’t let the girl drink at all.


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noob101 #1
Chapter 30: Re-reading it for 2020. Can’t believe I first read this fic on soshified. Been so Long. Half of me hoping you would update, the other half is contented that I’ve managed to read this fic. Whatever it is, I’ve subscribe. If one day that notification pops up for this fic, I’ll definitely be Glad.
milkinthebox_ #2
Chapter 30: i am just staring at my monitor screen for quite some time now as it's been so long and the fic's quite good and it's 2020
Dashtara #3
Good story
Chapter 30: Don't let it go into hiatus please! </3
Chapter 30: Oh my goodness, Soonkyu finally knows after 84yrs and now it's awkward lmao. She was not rdy. Wonder how she deal with the situation as well.

Thanks for the update. #515HappySunnyDay :D
2NS197 #6
Chapter 30: Sunsica ?!
Nyleve202 #7
Chapter 29: My goshhh I completely forgot this! U alive bro?? This is gold dont be mean, give us a final at least <///3
mostly_sunny_ #8
Chapter 29: I am screaming! The is getting closer and closer, right?! How can Sunny not figure it out? I was just waiting for Jessica to slip up, too! Can Sica just hurry and profess her undying live for her already?! I feel so bad that she has been dragging it out for so long. I would get tired. Ugh, the things we do for love.
Great chapter! Glad to see you're still writing for this :)
Nyleve202 #9
Chapter 29: You returnnnnn hoho what a nice chapter, I hope Jessica doesnt get crazy to soon, and let Sunny and Hyomin enjoy themselves a little bit more! Update soon amig@
mostly_sunny_ #10
Chapter 28: Gasp! Omg I took a break and come back to this!? The drama continues~ Thanks for such a great story :)