Chapter 9

A Present from Heaven: My Guardian Angel




I woke up as soon as sunshine hit my face. I shifted to a more comfortable position to feel someone leaning on me. I looked at it to see Hyukkie sleeping soundly beside me. I blushed upon realizing our current situation. We are sleeping side by side on the couch with his head leaning on my chest and we are sharing the same blanket.

‘Am I in heaven again?’ I sat up making his head fall on my lap.

I stare at him admiring the beautiful person before me. He surely looks like an angel. I his cheek with my thumb when he suddenly moved and woke up. 

“Good morning Hyukkie.” I said while smiling at him. He rubbed his eyes sleepily but replied nonetheless.

“Good morning too Hae.” His eyes suddenly widen and immediately sat up.

“W-what happened?!” He asked while looking at me with widened eyes.

“Nothing we just slept together last night.” I .

His eyes even went wider, if that's even possible and abruptly stood up but because of the blanket, he tripped making him stumble with face first.

“Omo Hyukkie!” I panicked. What if he's hurt?!

“Ouch.” He sat up while massaging his nose.

“I-i think I broke my nose. Waaahhh Hae it hurts wwaaahhh!” He cried like a baby. I know it's a bit mean of me but I smiled because of his cuteness. I went near him and hugged him.

“Tsk why did you react that way on the first place? Look what happened to you. You broke you nose. You don't have classes today right? Let's go to the hospital later.” I examined his nose to see how damaged it was.

“B-but I don't want to. I'm scared of injections.” He pouted.

Ggaaahhh so cuutteee! I can't help it so I pinched his cheeks making him yelp. Oops maybe I pinched him too hard. I stood up and carried him bridal style.

“W-what are you doing Hae? Put me down!”

“Nope I won't let's go to the kitchen I'll make our breakfast.” I carried him all the way down to the kitchen and placed him on a stool and started cooking. After eating we got ready well like more of I forced him to get ready for hospital. Gosh he really is a kid, he's so scared of hospitals.


‘My nose really hurts. But why do I feel like we're newly weds? Omo!’ I blushed with that thought. He carried me bridal style to the kitchen and he even did all the work.

Am I such a lucky wife? Wait stop! Why am I the wife?! Where did I get that idea?! Okay I'll admit that he's more muscular and manly but still!

The breakfast is already done and I snapped at my thoughts when he handed me my food. We ate then after that, he forced me to go to the hospital for my nose.

I pouted all throughout our journey with my arms across my chest.

“Hey Hyukkie don't worry the doctor won't eat you.” He giggled

Gaahh he should be thankful he's cute or else I've already strangled him! As the bus reached the hospital, we stood up and made our way to the door.

“Come.” He smiled at me while offering his hand. I took it and he held tightly making my heart beat so fast.


“Don't worry about it, it's not really broken, just a small fracture. It'll heal after a few days but take care of it okay?” The doctor said as he put a band-aid on it.

“Ne thank you very much doctor.” Donghae thanked him as we walked out from his office. While we are making our way out of the hospital, somebody got my attention. 


They were walking when something or somebody got Hyukjae's attention. He stopped making Donghae stop also because he's still holding his hand.

“Why Hyukkie?” He pointed to the direction of the OB department to see the Kyumin couple coming out from the OB Gynecologist's office.

“What are they doing in there?” Hyukjae asked.

“Molla come let's approach them.” They went near them as they saw the couple thanking the doctor. When they turned around they were shocked to see them.

“Oh the HaeHyuk couple!” Both Donghae and Hyukjae blushed at their couple name.

“What are you doing here?” Sungmin asked them.

“Hyukkie fell at the couch a while ago and hurt his nose. We just have it checked up to see if it's serious since he cried so hard because of it.” Donghae explained making Kyuhyun look at them evilly.

“So only Donghae hyung has the ability to make you go to doctor huh?”

“Well he literally dragged me here. I can't do anything about it anymore. Hyung why are you here? What's with the OB?”

“Oh Minnie's just getting his monthly check-up. His doctor said it's good for our baby.” Kyuhyun simply explained. Hyukjae's eyes went wide when he realized what Kyuhyun just said.

“What did you just say?! Wait Sungmin hyung's pregnant with your baby?”

Now the three are literally laughing their asses out.

“Hahahaha Hyukkie you're so cute! Of course it's just a joke.” Donghae said while wiping his tears from so much laughter.

“What? We're serious.” Donghae fell silent after that making the Kyumin couple laughed again.

“Hahaha they’re really suited for each other. Birds of the same feather flock together.”

“Yeah who would have thought they'll fall for it?!” Kyuhyun said while holding his stomach.

“Then what are you doing there?”

“Oh that... Ahra noona told us to get her test results from her doctor that's why we went there. Seriously you two are epic!” Donghae and Hyukjae just pouted.

“By the way how's your nose Hyukkie?” Sungmin said once their laughter died down.

“Well the doctor said that it's not broken, just a fracture. He said it'll heal after a few days.”

“Really? That's good then. We need to go maybe Ahra noona need this already. Take care on your way home.” Sungmin said as he waved at them with Kyuhyun doing the same.

“Ne you too take care!” Hyukjae said while waving.

“Let's go somewhere Hyukkie.”

“Where?” Donghae stopped to think.

“I know let's go on a date!” Donghae suggested making Hyukjae blush.


“Yup Let's go!” Donghae held Hyukjae's hand and made their way to the bus stop.

A/N: another short update!! Don't worry I'll update again at the end of the week... HAPPY 6TH ANNIVERSARY SUPER JUNIOR!!! yeah I know I'm late for a day but whatever hahaha! Let's not stop supporting our boys ne? HWAITING :D Oh HAI theire new subscribers, readers especially the silent readers!! Spare me some comments? If not... *evil laugh*
DredhezRei hahahaha if ever I would find someone with glasses inside I would surely find them weird! I hope you got what you're finding on this chap? thanks for reading and commenting dear!
sunmoon lol they're so obvious already but them being so dense is the problem right? hahaha thanks for reading and for the comment! :D
jewELFish15 aww thankyu! I love Changmin too! well although my bias in DBSK is Yoochun.. :P of course the KyuMin couple won't waste a chance to have their date right? lol thanks for the comment ! :D
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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 1: Okay, "How in the world of raccoons!" is great and I will be using that as often as possible.
Chapter 26: This was adorable ~ I really enjoyed it, it was lovely to read something so sweet ♡
Chapter 26: This is so beautiful!!
Chapter 26: bahdnekek and they live happily ever after! and gosh henry fits percectly with his role! ;_;<3
Ice_siri #5
Chapter 26: Such a lovely story....tq for sharing...& great job authornim...♡♥♡♥
Indyie7 #6
Chapter 26: Awnnnn it was so cute!!! You should writte more ; D
Chapter 26: wawwww...
sweet family...~~ haehyuk^^
zhoury couple come in...!!!