
My soul mate, my destiny.


The next day, Jini entered the office. She was forced to go to work because she still has pending reports to pass to her supervisor. “I guess, I’ll just have to ignore him. Or should I apologize? He didn’t even call me last night. He’s mad at me,” she thought, feeling bad about what happened. “Stupid, stupid, stupid..” Jini repeatedly say to herself while walking.

“Jini!” Jae hyun interrupted her.

“Ah, hello.” She answered almost whispering,

“I won’t ask why you suddenly disappeared the other night.” Her friend said then chuckled. She smiled crookedly at her, obviously not wanting to talk about it. “Anyway, Eli sent you flowers. It’s so sweet of him!” Jae hyun said excitedly.

Jini’s mood brightened. “Really?” she asked then quickly walked to her desk, Jae hyun followed her. They saw a bouquet of white tulips sitting on her table. “But that’s odd. Eli usually brings you roses.” Jae hyun said suspiciously. She ignored her and reached the note and it read,

“I’ll see you at the park later.”

She smiled and smelled one of the flowers, “He finally got the flowers right.” She said.

Jini waited for Eli at the office the whole day but there was no sign of him. She wondered he’s preparing something big for her later. “I should apologize when I meet him.” She thought and started to focuse on her paper works. After work, she hurried and drove to the park, expecting to meet Eli.

Meanwhile, back at the office.

“Hey, Jae hyun. Where is Jini?” Eli asked, holding a bouquet of roses on one hand. Jae hyun was startled, “Eli! Why are you still here?” jinni left earlier.” She said.”I thought she’s going to meet you.”

Eli frowned in confusion. “Meet me? Where?” he asked. Jae hyun looked at him, she’s obviously confused too.  “At the park. Wait, didn’t you send the tulips this morning?” she said.

“I didn’t, I wasn’t—“ he stopped, realizing who could have brought the flowers and that person is goin to meet Jini. Eli dropped the bouquet and dashed out the door.

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And eli really a daddy now ~~
Chapter 15: What ta da?? =..=
You so bad, you make me cry

But seriously, you write a nice story
I dont really read OC type of fic, but since its soohyun I give it a try coz it ridiculously hard to find soohyun fic
And hey, I really reAlly reaLly love thic fic
Coz its angst + soohyun
Its seriously beautiful :)))
Idc even I late about 5 years, this fic will be my fave forever
I just burst into tears. Good story.
omg. i cried. like, bawling my eyes out.
_saranghaekyuti #5
versutiloquent #6
THIS.... Yeah, I cried. Waah~ Such a great story. <3
OMG. *sobbing*<br />
~amazing story~
Whoaaa that was sooo good ><
Wow, this story is awesome! :O