
My soul mate, my destiny.


Jini and her mom were left in the kitchen. Mrs. Cho bowed down her head and didn’t speak a word. Jini pursed her lips in frustration. “Ma,” she started. Then her mother cut her off.

“I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to..” her voice trailed off. Jini shook her head. “It’s okay, mom. Just- just don’t mention that name ever again.” She said and she nodded. “I’ll talk to him.”  She said then removed her apron and walked to the door.

“Pigeon,” Jini said in a low voice and stood by the main door of the house. Eli took out the cake from the passenger’s seat and faced her with a smirk.

“I feel y when you call me that.” He said and closed the car door. Jini smiled but turned serious after a short laugh. “Uhm, I’m sorry. About what happened with mom.” She said, bowing her head. Eli walked closer to her and brushed her hair. She looked up and stared at him. “It’s okay. Don’t worry, no big deal.” He said then smiled. She nodded and smiled back at him. Eli grabbed her hand and went back inside the house.

They celebrated that night. But as much as Jini hated to admit it, she wished Soohyun was there too.

Eli went home after the party. He was walking to his condo when he noticed that someone was standing by the door. He immediately recognized the figure, “Hyung!” He said, surprised and happy but on the back of his mind, he was confused and frightened.

“When did you arrive, Soohyun hyung?” eli asked casually and tossed a can of beer at Soohyun, he caught it and smiled. “This morning, I tried to call you but it seemed like you changed your mobile number so I’ve decided to come.” He replied. Eli popped the opening of the can and took a sip. “Uh, yeah. I forgot to tell you. I’ve been busy.”

Soohyun took a sip on his beer as well. “Oh, okay. Well, I kinda thought you’ve decided to remove your connection with me.” He said then laughed as if that was something his best friend wouldn’t do. “That was supposed to be the plan.”Eli thought and forced to laugh back. “Why did you return?” He asked in a serious tone

Soo sighed and looked at him. “I never thought this would happen but the doctors said that I’m okay now. He said. Eli didn’t answer, so Soohyun cleared his throat and asked, “How is she?you don’t know how much I miss her. How does she look like right now? I’m sure she’s—“

“And what? Now that you’ve returned, you think that everything will just go back to normal like two years ago?” he said in a hasty way. “Do you know how painful it is to see her broken? To see her wanting to die because you left her? I have to take it all in and be strong for her,” He added, raising his voice at Soohyun. He’s angry at this man for leaving Jini and he cannot forgive him.

Soohyun stood up, “You know why I left her, I was dying and I didn’t know what to do back then.” Eli shook his head in disagreement, “No, I didn’t plan this but I realized that I love her. Even before you dated her, I’ve always loved her. And now I won’t let you hurt her again.”

Soohyun realized what Eli meant, “So she’s with you now, huh?” he said. “She finally learned to foget you, hyung. Jini is happier now.” He replied, “It’s better if you won’t bother us, hyung. This is how things should be. It’s time to move on.” He added and patted his back.

Soohyun glared at him and removed Eli’s hand. “I’ll take her back, I won’t give up. But if she chooses you, I’ll let her go.” Eli nodded and Soohyun left. “I’m not going to let you.” Eli thought and finished the beer he’s holding.

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And eli really a daddy now ~~
Chapter 15: What ta da?? =..=
You so bad, you make me cry

But seriously, you write a nice story
I dont really read OC type of fic, but since its soohyun I give it a try coz it ridiculously hard to find soohyun fic
And hey, I really reAlly reaLly love thic fic
Coz its angst + soohyun
Its seriously beautiful :)))
Idc even I late about 5 years, this fic will be my fave forever
I just burst into tears. Good story.
omg. i cried. like, bawling my eyes out.
_saranghaekyuti #5
versutiloquent #6
THIS.... Yeah, I cried. Waah~ Such a great story. <3
OMG. *sobbing*<br />
~amazing story~
Whoaaa that was sooo good ><
Wow, this story is awesome! :O