What's Wrong With You?! (23rd Episode)

The Edge Of Us

Hae Jin's POV

I didn't realize when I shouted Taemin Oppa's name earlier. I can't think any further and my brain can't choose whose name that I'll shout for. It happened so fast, too fast for me to think about it again. I just jumped from the top and luckily I stepped on the ground again.

"Look how messy you are!" Taemin Oppa giggled as he combed my hair with his hand. "I took a picture of you. When you flew earlier."

When I was about to look at his phone, I felt someone grabbed my wrist tightly and turned my body to face that person.


"What are you two doing here?!" I suddenly saw Minho Oppa in front of me. He was half-shouting.


"What?! Why did you do this? I thought we were fine," he looked down and let go of my wrist.

"What are you talking about?!" I shouted at him in disbelief. "Are you saying that you're jealous?!"

He didn't answer.

"Seriously?! Jealous? Jealous because of this? The person that should be jealous is me! You're a public figure, you're an entertainer. You have to get close with other people including girls. You have to do duets, movie filming, and many other interactions with girls. You're handsome and famous! But I've never caught you like that and be jealous for no reason. This is ridiculous." I stopped to catch my breath. "Okay, I admitted that I got jealous when you had a duet with Yuri. I got jealous when you acted in movies with girls. I got jealous when you did something nice for another girl groups, not for me. But I think it happened a long time ago and it's our time to grow up!"

"And what? Now you told me to understand? How could I understand all of these brainwashed things when I knew that he likes you too? Should I be a husband that let you flirt with other guys like this?!"

"What- How could you-" I cut off my own words. I didn't expect him to know the reality that Taemin Oppa liked me too but....

It happened on the past. Now, it's not like that anymore.

"You didn't even let me finish my words when I tried to explain something! And I'm not flirting with him! He's your close friend! I mean, he's like your brother!" I shouted in desperate. "Okay, it's okay if you said you don't believe him. But don't you think you should believe in me? As your wife? Why would I cheat on you when I know that we love each other? Or was I the one who thought about that?"

Minho Oppa slowly shook his head and kept looking down.

"I'm sorry, Choi Minho... But I think the one who should say your first sentence is me. I thought we were fine."

I left Taemin Oppa, Minho Oppa, and even Hae Ri Unnie who I haven't greeted earlier. I tried to walk fast, then ran as far as I could. How could a person that you really loved for once, suddenly turned into a beast in a second? How could he said something so brusque? 

I'm so disappointed, really.

And it hurts. To hear those words out from his mouth, it was really unexpected.

I thought we were fine.

Yeah, we were fine.

We should be fine.

We were going fine.

But that little thing called jealous destroyed everything.

That's why I've said that the most thing in a relationship is trust. Trust each other, don't let the jealous take the lead. 

But did I do something too far?

Yeah, I think I did.

But it's really hard for me to think about my mistakes. I have to calm myself down first.

I took my phone, then dialed the first person that came to my mind.

Young Mi.

"Young Mi-ah.. Jebal..., answer your phone..." I murmured slowly. "Young Mi-ah..."

"The person is out of reach-"

"Young Mi..." I cried as I ended the call.

I dialed her again, failed again, dialed again, failed again, dialed again, then failed again.

I've done that for more than 15 times already.

So, is this really happening to me?

I had a fight with my husband, my best friend mad at me, and I have nowhere to go.

Going back to my mom's house? No. My mom won't like that. She'll scold Minho Oppa or maybe the other possibility, she'll never believe in my story.

Go to Eomonim's house? No. It's even worse.

I really don't know what to do.

Can't my life be any worse than this?


Taemin's POV

So I stood still with Minho hyung in front of me and Hae Ri Noona beside him.

There was a quite long silence after Hae Jin ranaway from us. I don't know, three of us just freeze like this. She did really angry, really.

"Please turn off the camera," I finally broke the silence with my words to the cameraman. He nodded his head and obeyed me. He put his camera down.

And at that time, I approached Minho hyung, then punched him right on his face.

Until his some liquid coming out from his nose.

It's blood.

His nose was bleeding.

Not too many, but quite many to make him realize that he has done something wrong.

"I'm begging you to cut off the things that displease our fans and public. Thank you." I said to the cameraman and left the others with their mouths opened really wide.

I'm sorry, Minho hyung. I'm sorry, but I have to make you realize that you should not hurt any girls. Or maybe, I should make you remember about your dad's words.

Especially for the special one who has filled my heart and even now is filling his heart.

Maybe I can't be with her, but still, I don't want any guys to hurt her.

Besides, I think Minho hyung's words were too hurtful for her.

I tried to dial Hae Jin's phone, but there's no answer.

I don't know where she is, and I don't think anyone knows too...

Then I drove the car really fast to Hae Jin's mom's house.

Who knows if I could find her there...

I parked my car in front of her mom's house. I knocked the door and someone opened the door for me after a long time.


"Ahjumma, did Hae Jin go home today? Did she contact you?"

"Eh? No. Why? She's not with Minho?"

"Ah... It's not like that." I lied. "Something happened and I'm sure we're gonna clear these things up. Don't worry, I'll go home for now. Annyeong, ahjumma!" I bowed to her and left.

I entered my car and took out my phone. I text Hae Jin before I started the engine and went back to SHINee's dorm.

To: Hae Jinnie

I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything.

I'm sorry because I shouldn't take you there.

I'm sorry for these problems happened because of me.

I'm sorry and I promise that I'll never do that again.

I hope you'll forget everything that happened today. About us, about our memories, about everything.

I hope you'll act like there's nothing happened today, nothing between us. And I don't want to hear you fight with Minho hyung, no matter what the reason is.

Actually I wanted to ask where are you right now, how are you, and many other things. I'm really worried but I'm not brave enough to ask you those things. Maybe you now think I'm a shameless guy for texting you first, but I don't care. But only for those questions, I didn't expect you to answere it. It's enough for me to know that you read my message well and not cry anymore.

Thank you, Thank you Son Hae Jin, for everything.

Thank you, my friend.

From: Lee Taemin.


Onew's POV

I just checked my Twitter account and I saw many shawols asked me the same question.

@shawolz: @skehehdanfdldi Oppa, did Minho Oppa and Taemin Oppa fought? I saw them at the Lotte World. I saw Hae Jin Unnie too. Was it a fight or movie?

Wow. I didn't know that thing. Today I was practicing all day long for a new soundtrack for a drama. I didn't even know that Taemin and Minho went to Lotte World. And where was the rest of the members?

Actually, it's quite burdensome to be a leader.

It's kind of fun, but sometimes it's so hard to take care of them.

I ignored those mentions but when straight to the waiting room to take my bag from Manager hyung.

Anyway, thank you for those shawols who have mentioned me on Twitter. Even though I don't reply to your tweets, it doesn't mean I'm not reading it, right? Actually I want to thank you for those informations.

"Do you want to go home?" Manager hyung asked me when I saw his face.

He handed me my bag and I nodded my head to answer me. "The recording has finished, right? Ah, I'm so tired today. I spent like 15 hours to record this and did the unnecessary things."

"Okay, I'll take you home." Manager hyung walked beside me as we went to the van.

"By the way, hyung, do you know where's Taemin and Minho going?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"I saw my Twitter account and our fans are telling me that Taemin and Minho had a fight on Lotte World."


"But hyung, actually they're questioning it. They're asking me and I won't answer any of them."

"But still-"

"I'll take care of it, hyung. Could you please take me to the dorm? I want to talk to them tonight."

"Okay..," He sighed and agreed. "Onew, I know you're a really wise guy and capable of anything.. But please, please don't let your anger take the lead and the most important thing is, don't let the news spread even bigger until the reporters come to see us. If you could, please post something to public on your social media and telling them that we're okay. I beg you to clear the problems in a very calm situation and I don't want to hear that this problem caused other fight. Stop this and end this immediately, okay?"

"Okay, hyung." I nodded my head and smiled. "I'll contact you later, I promise."

He dropped me in front of the building and stopped the car.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you? I mean, I'm sure that you're busy and it'll be another work for you to take care of them. If you want, I'm willing to help you, Onew."

"No, hyung. I'll take care of them by myself. I'm the leader, remember?" I gave him a comforting smile. "Thank you. Annyeong!" I bid a goodbye and ran off to the dorm.

I took the elevator, pressed the password and entered.

Then I saw Jonghyun in the living room, wearing his headphone. He probably was composing a new song. I'm sure I've caught him writing lyrics quite many times.

"Oh, hyung? Have you finished your recording?" Jonghyun a little bit startled but he managed to greet me without looking away from his laptop.

"Yeah. It ended after about 8 hours of recording," I said. "Hey, have Taemin or Minho went home?"

"No.., why?"

"Did you open your Twitter account?"

"No, I didn't. Why? Why do you ask me such questions?"

"I think our fans caught Minho and Taemin on a fight."


"Hey, calm down." I said as I sat next to him. He closed his laptop to put some concentration to my story. "I don't know what the reason is, but I have to take care and handle this problem well. So that's why I asked you such questions. I, Taemin, and Minho need to talk."

"But hyung, what's our fans' reaction? What would we do if-"

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, we'll face it together. For now, let's make it clear about this problem and end it. I think I'll give a statement tomorrow regarding to their questions."

Then suddenly I heard the door opened.

And I saw Taemin with his frustrated face.

"Lee Taemin." I called his full name. All of us rarely call each other with our full names. I just wanted to show my seriousness in my sentence. "We need to talk."

"About what?"

"About what had happened today." I said and he just stayed still. "But I'll talk about that later. Now I think you should take a bath. You look really messy."

He obeyed me even though he didn't give any response. He entered his room with Jonghyun hyung and I could heard a shower sound from the toilet.

Then I immediately took my phone and dialed a number.

"Yeoboseyo, hyung?" I could heard a sorrow voice.

"Choi Minho, where are you?" I asked him seriously. "We need to talk."

"I'm coming, hyung." Then he ended the call.

I don't think Minho was in somewhere far from here because in minutes later, I saw someone opened the door and I saw Minho's face right away.

"Hyung...," Minho greeted me.

"You know what I'm gonna talking about, right? I'm giving you a chance to take a shower first since it's almost midnight and I'm not sure whether you took a bath earlier or not." I said. "But the most important thing, I'm sure that your mind will be stable and cold after taking a bath."

"Okay, hyung. I'll take a quick bath." He said and went to his and Key's room. Once again, I could heard the water falling down from the shower. He must be really taking a bath.

"Wow, hyung. This is really serious." Jonghyun opened his mouth wide. "Did you see the blood running from Minho's nose? Woah. Did they really fight like you know what I mean, when boys fight they'll fight like there's no tomorrow. Did Taemin punch Minho or what?!"

"Keep your questions, Jonghyun. We'll ask them later," I said. "Eh, where's Key?"

"Nah, he told me that he was going to have a double date with Hae Ri, Minho, and Hae Jin. But I don't understand too, why Minho ended up with Taemin? Did Taemin follow them or what?"

"Okay, you have to keep that too for later." I nodded my head. "I thought you and Taemin were in the dorm all day long."

"No," He sighed. "I went to a convenience store for a while. Then when I came back home, I didn't see Taemin anymore. I thought he went to some food shops with his school friends. But now, I think I was so wrong. I didn't expect everything would turn into a mess like this."

"It's not your fault," I tried to comfort him. "But I need Key to be in here too. I think he was the key behind this all."

"Yeah, I think it's true." Jonghyun nodded his head. Then he took his phone and I saw him sending a message to someone until he said, "I just sent a text message to Key. I told him to go back to the dorm right now."

"Yah, you don't have to send me a text message-" I heard a familiar voice from the front door. "-When I'm on my way to the dorm. I was at the elevator when you text me."

So it's Key, who nagged out loud when he just came back from somewhere. 

"Sshh," Jonghyun put a finger in front of his mouth. "Be quiet. We have a problem here, thanks to you."

And I punched Jonghyun's arm lightly. He shouldn't have said that, really. 

"Wait- What?! Omo! JINJJA?!"

"Sshhh! I told you to be quiet."

"But... What happened? What problem?" He asked, worried.

"We saw Minho's nose was bleeding when he came here. And both of Taemin and Minho's faces were not that good." Jonghyun answered him.

Then Taemin came out from his room with his wet hair. He walked to the fridge and took a glass of cold water.

"What do you want to talk about, hyung?" He asked.

Then I stood up, approached him, and sat on the chair at the dining room. 

At that time, Minho came out from his room too. Realizing the situation, he immediately approached me and sat next to me as if I told him to. 

Jonghyun still fixed his eyes to his laptop while Key pretended to play with his phone. Both of them were siting on the couch.

"Shawols mentioned me on Twitter, they asked me whether both of you had a fight at the Lotte World or it was just a part of drama." I started my words. "Actually I wanted to believe that both of you were doing a drama, a cool ones. But realizing that both of you don't have any schedule today, it makes me really worried. So..., did you two fight?"

"Hyung...." Minho started. "I'm sorry." He finally said.

"But. I don't need your sorry," I glared at him. "I need you to answer my question."

"Yeah, we did." Taemin answered.


"Because I started it first. I punched him on his face." Taemin answered again.

"Why did you punch him on his face?"

"Because he was being too rude to Hae Jin."

"Is that right, Minho?"

"But I think he doesn't have any right to punch me since Hae Jin is my wife and not his. And the thing is-"

"I asked you, is that right? Were you being too rude to Hae Jin?"

"Well, I think so."

"Why? I don't mean to meddle your problems with her since you're married now. But there must be a reason, right? And I have to ask you your reason to make sure that these problems are clear. "

"So Key asked me and Hae Jin to go on a double date and we agreed. Then suddenly Key told us to change our partners and he left me with Hae Ri Nuna. But Hae Ri Nuna said she wanted to meet her friends at the Lotte World. So I took her to the Lotte World and accompanied her to look for her friends. But suddenly I caught Taemin, without a mask, and Hae Jin were doing some romantic scenes out of the blue. As her husband, I grabbed her hand and told her that she shouldn't do that. I think I got jealous and was too harsh with my words to my action. And I think that's why she got angry and left us alone. Then Taemin punched me and gone. That's the chronology."

"Hmmm.." I nodded my head as I absorbed his story. "What about you, Taemin? Do you have the same story or do you have another story that you would like to tell me?"

"No," He said. "I have the same story with him. I don't have anything to defense myself."

"Then why did you do "some romantic scenes" with her?"

"I'm sorry if anyone misunderstood my action but actually we were just having fun at the Lotte World and at that time, Minho hyung came when she wanted to look at my phone. And for the other things like when I combed her messy hair, when I lent her my coat, when I held her hand, or when I even gave a smile for her, I truly, really, don't have any intention to make Minho hyung jealous." Taemin said seriously. I could see he regretted it all.

"Stop this all I'm sorry things because the one who should sorry is me." Key suddenly approached us and sat next to Minho. "I was the one who asked for a double date, and I was the one who changed my plan and made Taemin had a date with Hae Jin. I want Taemin and Hae Jin to have a nice conversation to solve their silence and awkward moments but it looks like I failed to make it happen and even made a new problem to us. I'm sorry."

Then it's a long silence before I sighed. "Okay, it's clear then."

The other looked at me, confused.

"Key, I know and believe that you didn't have any bad intention to make Minho got jealous. But you should know that sometimes, good ideas don't always turn into a good result. Sometimes, it turns even worse than what you've expected. So next time, let both of them solve their problems and don't get involved with them if there's nothing to do with you. I didn't mean to hurt you or blame you, but don't make things grow even bigger." I said. "And Taemin, I believe that you're old enough to solve the problems in peace, without harm. I know you wanted to teach him a lesson but that's not how you should do it. Still, he's your hyung. You must respect him and say it nicely with words."

Taemin nodded his head and so I continued my words to Minho.

"Choi Minho...., I'm sure I don't have any rights to meddle your relationship and your problems with Hae Jin. However, acting so rude to girls is impolite. I believe you could talk with her as wise as a husband must be. Don't be jealous too much, because it's no use and not good." I said. "Is that clear enough for three of you? Is there anything that you want to ask to each other?"

Then three of them shook their heads. "Good. Now, hug each other and promise me we won't fight anymore, especially for little things like this. Plus, I don't want you guys to have any anger in your heart just because of this problem. Rather than take the anger into your heart, it's better to say it now."

Then Minho, Key, and Taemin stood up and hugged each other. I stood up too, and hug them like bears. "Nah, now it's time for you guys to go to bed." I said to them.

Then Minho and Key went to their room together while Taemin stood up to get another glass of water from the fridge.

"It's including you, Jonghyun. You have to sleep too." I raised my eyebrow then he sighed, turned off his laptop and brought it with him to his and Taemin's room.

When I looked at Taemin, he was siting again on the same seat.

"Hey, don't think about it again." I patted his back. "I know, forgetting your fist love will be one of those hardest thing that you should do. But you have no choice, Taemin. They've married. You can't break them. So the only way to forget is to think that you'll find someone else who's much better than her. Yeah, you'll find that person."

He only left out a sigh. "It's okay, really. You just have to do it step by step, Taemin." I said again.

"I believe so," He said. "But I think I should be okay, or at least trying to be okay. Because if you could forget about your first love, then why can't I?" He drank his last sip and went to his room, leaving me with my mouth opened wide and my head suddenly spinning around.


Minho's POV

That night made me realize how immature am I. Regrets came one by one whenever I tried to close my eyes. It's useless to comfort myself because I do realize that it was my fault too. I shouldn't have a short temper like that anymore.

I saw Key on the other side of bed has slept already. Then I took my phone and dialed someone.

But she didn't answer her phone. I looked at the watch, it's 01.35 PM already.

With all my brave, I decided to text her,

I'm sorry.


Young Mi's POV

"We'll close the library soon," The librarian said as he raised his eyebrows. "Do you really have a hard project or something? I notice your appearance in the library since 1 month ago. You're really a very diligent student, huh?"

"Well, I have to study to face my exams, right? By the way, why do you close the library so soon? I mean it's not even the time to close-"

"It is. It's 2 AM right now. I think you were too focused to your study until you forget to even look at your watch to check what time is it right now. And...., wait. You don't forget to go home too, right? Because I'm sure that your family will be very worried." He said, cutting off my words.

"No, don't worry about that. I just didn't realize that it's almost morning. I should go home too to take a bath." I chuckled.

"Is it hard? Being a teenager, is it hard?" He suddenly asked out of the topic.

"Eh? But you're a teenager too?" I asked him, confused.

"I didn't finish my school. It's so sad, right? But well, I think I'm lucky to be able to work here. Actually I love reading books."

"Why? Is it because of the money..?"

"-as always." He smiled as he continued -or maybe the right one is answered- my question.

"You should go home now. I'm going home too. See? There's no one else in here beside two of us."

I smiled, thanked him, then packed my things to go home.

When I was walking through the stair, I heard 2 girls were talking quite loud.

It's quite creepy, though. Usually there's no students that will stay here until morning like this, except me.

But then I smiled when I heard...,

"Oh My Gosh! Donghae Oppa is soooooo cute! I can't believe it, Hye Na! Oh my feels!!!!"

And she almost screaming. From those words, I could noticed that she was fangirling over Donghae.

"Yeah, yeah. You've said so many times to me that he's cute. I know that." Hye Na calmly said. "But sorry, it's not SHINee. Not my bias. Not Minho Oppa."

"Hey, forget about him. He has a wife, remember?"

"But it's okay, though. Hae Jin unnie is really kind, and I support both of them to be together forever. The one thing that I'm proud of is SHINee could make me realized that I should grow up and face my real life."

"Real life? You don't have a boyfriend, though."

"That's not it!" Both of them laughed as I walked further.

They made me think about Hae Jin again.

I remember that I didn't answer her phone calls.

Am I being too rude?

Actually I didn't mean to hurt her, but I do realize that she has her own life too. And I just wanted to focus more onto my study. Have to finish this year without any regrets, really.

But I decided to at least contact her.

Hey, are you sleeping?

I'm sorry, I studied for my exam and couldn't answered your call.

Do you have any events tomorrow? Hopefully we can meet at the coffee shop where Minho-ssi used to have a drink. I'm sure you know where it is.


Yeah. I hope we can meet and solve these things. Hopefully everything will be fine. 


So I'm gonna do a marathon updates today xD

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Chapter 45: It was an amazing story! ThankYou for finishing it for us! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY LOVE YOU LOADS❤️
amieyra10 #2
Chapter 45: Wahh.. Congratulation you have amazingly finish your story.. I enjoy all your update.. Thank you for always make my day with this story... Hope you will be going to make an even more amazing story in the future... ^^ <3
Chapter 45: it's completed. job well done authornim! :)

hope you can do a sequel of this... ^^

anyways thank you for this great story....
Chapter 43: Ahhh what the hell? Where did Haejin go? NO >:(
Sbrna_ #5
Chapter 42: Uh-oh..Things gonna get bad
Chapter 42: there are gonna be misunderstandings NO!
Chapter 39: Cutieeee<3~ it was amazing! Keep it up authornim!
Chapter 36: Right, oh damn, Minho