With Him and Her (18th Episode)

The Edge Of Us

Hae Jin's POV

So I decided to come to the show.

I went there with Manager Oppa, while Minho Oppa and SNSD's Yuri went there by themselves. It's because their tight schedule, they had to practice before they come to the show. So yeah, maybe they went together.

"Don't be too nervous. You've passed this, remember?" Manager Oppa tried to calm me down.

"But this is different. I'm not with Taemin Oppa..., and well, it'll be awkward when I meet SNSD's Yuri because..., yeah you know that, Oppa."

"Hmm... Just relax. I'm not sure what they're going to ask you today, but just relax." Manager Oppa patted my shoulder and so we came out from his car and entering the SBS Building.

"Annyeonghaseyo." I greeted the staffs when I come to the make up room. "I'm Son Hae Jin, nice to meet you." I smiled.

"Hae Jin-ssi, please sit down here and we're going to put make up on your face." A staff approached me with her make up bag and smiled at me.

She chose a plain white shirt, jeans, and sneakers for me and put light make up on me. This is my style.

Then I saw someone came in too. It's SNSD's Yuri with Minho Oppa.

"Yuri-ssi, Minho-ssi, please change into these clothes. Both of you are late," the make up coordi told them and they nodded before they smiled at me.

It looks like I just saw someone else in Minho's body. Somehow he looks like a stranger to me.

"Hae Jin-ssi, have you done your make up?" The producer team asked me and asked the staff that doing my hair.

"Wait a minute," The staff said and she gave a little touch on my hair. "It's done. You may go."

"Gomawoyo," I smiled to her and approached the producer team.

"Hae Jin-ssi, this is your second time, right?"

I nodded my head at the producer team.

It's strange. The producer team didn't tell me anything when I came to the show for the first time.

"We looked at your clips on the previous episode. And we think you should talk more.."

"Ahh.., I see.." I nodded my to the producer team.

"That's why today, the MC will ask you some questions, more than before, to make you talk more. You have a bright personality, actually. And we want to see that today."

"I understand. Thank you," I bowed to him and he smiled.

"Oh, you should get ready behind that curtain. We're starting in 3 minutes." The producer team went to the make up room again to call Minho Oppa and SNSD's Yuri.

"Annyeong, Hae Jin-ssi." I saw SNSD's Yuri looking at me.

"Annyeong, Yuri-ssi."

"Ah, you may call me Unnie, though." She laughed awkwardly.

"Yuri.. Unnie?"

"Ah, what to do? It feels awkward, right?" Both of us laughed awkwardly.

"If I call you Unnie, then you should call me Hae Jinnie, right?"

"Hae Jinnie~"

Then we laughed again.

She's not bad, she's not bad at all. She's even trying to get closer to me. That's why I shouldn't make her uncomfortable with my negative thoughts about her. I shouldn't think like that anymore.

Suddenly the camera and all of the audience started to look at the stage. There were quite many person on the stage. 2 mcs, and the rest are Strong Heart's permanent guests.

It's just like what has happened in the past.

Even though I'm still not used by this situation, but I realize I've ever experienced this once.

With Taemin Oppa.

"Annyeonghaseyo, yeorobun! Welcome to Strong Heart! Today, we have 3 guests waiting behind the curtain." The first MC said.

"Are you curious about the guests?!" The second MC teased.

"YESS!!" The audience shouted.

"Then let's welcome our first guest, SNSD's Yuri!"

Then Yuri Unnie entered the studio and the guests clapped for her.

"Second guest, SHINee's Minho!"

The guests clapped to when Minho Oppa entered the studio.

"The last but not least, our young Professor Hae Jin!"

I walked in to the studio as I held back my laughter.

That "young professor" seems did not suit me well.

I kept bow and murmured "Annyeonghaseyo," to the audience, mcs, and also to another guests.

"Woah.. This is a must-watch episode, right?"

"Yeah. We got the jackpot to have the 3 of them here." Another mc said to the first mc.

"SHINee's Minho with SNSD's Yuri just released a quite shocking video, right?"

"That's true. I just saw the video and I was like..., "Woah! Is this really came from the two of them?!" And well.., there were many skinship I see." The second MC gave a respond to the first one.

"But I saw it too.. The dance is really hard!" A guest said.

"Yeah. I'm really curious..., how many years it take to be able to dance like that, Minho-ssi?" The first MC asked him.

Minho Oppa chuckled. "It took us about... 6 months?" He looked at Yuri unnie.

"Yeah. I think around 6 months both of us have been so busy preparing for our duet.." She said.

"But the dance moves are difficult! How could it be?!" The MC seemed shocked.

"We practice since early morning and come home when it's midnight.. So, yeah.. Basically SM Building is our second home." Minho Oppa said.

"And what about Hae Jin-ssi? What do you feel when you watch that video?" The MC asked me.

I gulped really hard because I didn't know what to do.

I didn't even dare to look at Minho Oppa nor Yuri Unnie's eyes.

"I... I watched the video when my friend told me they released a new video. And I tweeted too..," I paused when I looked at the big screen beside me, it showed the screen cap of my tweet.

And I wanted to laugh. Did they really stalk me? Oh my...

@SHINeeWJin: I just watched Oppa's video and well, he dances well as usual. I'm still alive. Kkk~

"I just watched Oppa's video and well, he dances well as usual. I'm still alive. Kkk~" The first MC imitated my voice as he read my tweet. "That "I'm still alive" line, why I think it's so funny when I read it?"

"Really?! Is it funny?! I didn't even try to be funny." I laughed awkwardly.

"Really, I wanted to laugh." The first MC said and laughed awkwardly too. "But I wonder, what did you feel at that time, to be honest?"

"What do you mean? Of course as his wife, I'm happy to know that the fans give him a great support. Well, I can't lie and tell you that I'm not his fans too. I can't."

"But..., you're a woman. And as a woman, when you saw that video, didn't you feel jealous or what?" The second MC asked.

I feel like I'm trapped.

"Well, of course I did. But it's his job, I should support him no matter what. And actually they don't across the line too, since I'm sure they were not the one who make the choreograph. And well, I don't have any rights to be jealous, actually."

"Why? Didn't you feel shock when you watch it for the first time?" The other MC asked.

"Of course I was shocked. But if I act jealous and disagree with it, it means I don't love him as a wife that I should be. I think it's okay for fans to feel jealous. But I'm not. Since I'm not only his fans, but I'm his wife too. We made a promise to love and understand each other at the wedding ceremony. We'll cherish all the moments together and pass everything together. It's not just a random promise, I'll keep that deep down in my heart until the last second of my life."

The audience seem touched by my words so they clapped and I just blushed. The reality hits me hard, I was not this popular back then. No one knows me when I was still in college.

And everything changed really fast just because of one person.

"And Yuri-ssi, what do you think about the video?"

"Well.., I think it's not too bad. I saw the fans mostly gave good responds, so I'm really and thankful. I know, even though I saw mostly good ones, not all of our fans agree with this duet. Actually I'm happy too when I know their reason is because they're still thinking about Hae Jin-ssi's feeling." She smiled to me. "But you don't have to worry. I'm just Minho Oppa's friend. And I'm Hae Jin-ssi's friend too. This is just for our job's sake. We're coming as a friend, not more than that. I know haters gonna hate, because it's up to you. But don't you think it's important to know the reason too? It'll waste your energy if you hate me without knowing nothing. I don't want to hear my fans hate Hae Jin-ssi too. She's innocent, and I don't want you to give any bad comments to her if you don't know how to be an idol's wife."

The audience clapped because of her words.

"Such a nice saying, Yuri-ssi." The first MC said. "But what did you think about the y concept? And about the choreography too, what do you think about them?"

"I don't think I suit that concept really well. Actually I had a lots of trouble too in delivering my feelings through the dance. But well, since the company asked for it and I have to do it for my job, I think I'm gonna trying hard without crossing the line."

"And Minho-ssi..., what do you think about the y concept and the choreography?" The second MC asked him.

"Instead of saying whether I like or dislike it, I'll say that I just do what the company told me to."

"Do you enjoy it or not?"

"Enjoy my work? Well, no pain no gain."

The MC just gave us a bitter smile because Minho Oppa didn't answer his question.

"No, he meant, do you enjoy the y choreography with Yuri-ssi?" The other MC asked to the point.

Why do I seem a little bit nervous? Why do I feel insecure?

"Like what I said before, I just do what the company told me to. I won't take it for my own sake or my own benefit. And yeah, no pain no gain. If I don't work hard today, I won't be able to build my family with Hae Jin later." Minho smiled in the end and I saw him looking at me.

"Arraseo, arraseo. Forget it. I won't ask you such questions anymore." Both of the MC seemed knocked down. It's quite funny to see their desperate faces because of Minho Oppa.

"I heard both of you, Hae Jin-ssi and Minho-ssi, isn't that close to each other. Even though you're a married couple, I'm curious whether both of you, especially Minho-ssi to Hae Jin-ssi, have done such a skinship like what we saw in the video. Have you done it?" The first MC asked Minho Oppa.

"Aish. Impossible! He must have done more than that! Although they seemed not close to each other, they must have done some "Rated R" and bed scenes." The other MC said.

"Yah, I want to hear answer from Choi Minho, not you." The first MC said to the second MC. "So, Minho-ssi, have you done it?"

"Well..., I have to admit that we were not that close before. But after we shot our new show, it seems like we got closer day by day." Minho Oppa said. "But I don't think we do skinship that often. We, or maybe I, haven't done much romantic scenes in this relationship."

"Jinjja?! Why don't you do skinship that often?! I mean..., it's so strange to hear a married couple that rarely do a skinship. At least..., back hug maybe?"

"No, I just hold her hand." Minho Oppa said. "For now, I don't think skinship is important because people say love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation."

The audience clapped because of Minho Oppa's words. 

"Woah. It's hard to believe that the three of our guests, all of them, said something wisely. It's a good quote for us too. Yeah, they said quite many good quotes based on their life. I wonder if we should name this episode as "Strong Heart's Quotes From Idols"? I think it suits today's episode well." The first MC said.

"So, is there any questions from you to Hae Jin-ssi, Minho-ssi, or Yuri-ssi?" The MC asked to the audience and the permanent guests too. "If you're lucky, you'll get the chance to say your question out loud and let them answer it."

Then the MC picked a lucky fan who will give us her questions.

"For Yuri Unnie..., I want to go on a diet. I'm begging you for your tips so I could be slimmer and pretty like you. Could you please tell me?"

Yuri Unnie just smiled. "I just eat what's good for my body. I have to control my weight too, so the manager allowed me to eat meat only on weekends. But I have to maintain my weight so I'll eat meat as I remember that what I've done so far to have a good body shape so I won't eat meat too much. But somehow I think I should say that you should proud of your body too. Every woman in this world is pretty."

The fans teared up but the MCs told her to keep going with her question.

"Hae Jin Unnie, I know you're a really smart student. Even up until now, I believe you're still as smart as back then. What should I do if I want to be smart like you? And could you please say a few words to cheer me-"

"Sorry, but a question for each guest. Thank you." The MC cut her words and he immediately let me to answer her question.

"I studied from my textbooks. I know it's not easy to graduate with good scores, but I think I studied really hard at that time. I made a time table too when I was in high school to organize my "Things-to-do" list. And I just used the internet to study and search more and more information about my tasks. I think the secret to have good grades is to enjoy what you're learning and studying right now." I said to her. "Oh, and if you're going to face exams tomorrow, then I suggest you to pray before you answer the questions. Fighting!!" I cheered her up and she seemed very thankful.

"And the last one, for Minho-ssi..," that fan sighed. "I like you a lot, but I know I shouldn't because I have to concentrate to study if I want to enter to my favorite college. I wonder..., do you have some words to say to me? I think it would be better if your words could make me like you less than before."

"Well..., I think liking someone isn't a sin. So I won't tell you any words to make you like me less." Minho Oppa said. "But instead of spazzing over me, don't you think you should study hard to achieve your dream? You have to make your dream come true. And I'm sure your real dream isn't about me. I have nothing to do with your life, and you have your real life too. You should marry a good guy and have kids. I didn't do well when I was in middle school, so it means I'm asking you to be the best one to fill my dream. Not only you, but the other shawols who still in elementary school, middle school, high school, or even in college. I want you to enter your favorite college, study hard in there, meet a good guy, and still feel proud because you meet a good guy because of me and my advice. Besides, you have to realize that I have my own real life too."

"Well.., our guests have said some nice words to us. Let's clap for them and thank them!" The MC said as he and the audience are clapping for us. "So you've been watching to SBS' Strong Heart with Hae Jin-ssi, Minho-ssi, and Yuri-ssi as our guests. Thank you!"

The fans applauded us, but the staffs told us to come down. They took us to the back stage and removed our make up.

Since Minho is the only male guest, he changed his outfit in the different room from me and Yuri Unnie. So when both of us are ready to go home, I shook her hands and bowed. "You've done a great job, Unnie. Gomawo!"

"You too. Gomawo, annyeong!" She bid a goodbye before her manager called her to move to another schedule.

Before she went out, Minho Oppa approached her, said something to her, patted her back and then messed her hair.

When I just looking at something else, I saw someone's staring at Minho and me. But then, he avoided my eyes and turned his back. He's wearing a black cap, black shirt, jeans, and white sneakers. I didn't know who's that mysterious guy until something just knocked my head then I called him...,

"Abeoji, where are you going?"

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Chapter 45: It was an amazing story! ThankYou for finishing it for us! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY LOVE YOU LOADS❤️
amieyra10 #2
Chapter 45: Wahh.. Congratulation you have amazingly finish your story.. I enjoy all your update.. Thank you for always make my day with this story... Hope you will be going to make an even more amazing story in the future... ^^ <3
Chapter 45: it's completed. job well done authornim! :)

hope you can do a sequel of this... ^^

anyways thank you for this great story....
Chapter 43: Ahhh what the hell? Where did Haejin go? NO >:(
Sbrna_ #5
Chapter 42: Uh-oh..Things gonna get bad
Chapter 42: there are gonna be misunderstandings NO!
Chapter 39: Cutieeee<3~ it was amazing! Keep it up authornim!
Chapter 36: Right, oh damn, Minho