Imperfectly Perfect (15th Episode)

The Edge Of Us

Hae Jin's POV

He grabbed my hand, dragged me away from that ahjussi.

I assumed that ahjussi as his dad, though. It's not like I'm so smart that I could guess it right, but it's quite obvious. That ahjussi said something about that earlier.

So me and Minho Oppa just sat on the merry-go-round. We haven't talked since we were in the coffee shop. And I have to admit it, it's awkward now.

I made a fake cough to cleared my throat. And I started the conversation, "So...., who's that guy?"

He sighed and shook his head. "You told me you haven't even arrived. You lied to me."

"Oppa, I'm sorry. But I didn't lie for nothing. I wanted to make a little surprise for you, I wanted to buy you a hot chocolate but well, I didn't expect everything went too far. It was out of my plan and expectation. And guess I was so wrong. I'm sorry, Oppa."

Then he became silent again.

"Oppa, I'm sorry." I said again.

"I didn't blame you too.. But... I was so worried.. You made me really worried. I didn't know what to say but.....," he paused, and sighed. "Luckily I was quite thirsty and visited that coffee shop so I saw you and stopped you. It's a coincidence."

"Well.., but I'm sure it's not because you're afraid I was flirting with another guys, right? I know you trust me enough to have a little conversation with guys. You're not a kind of guy who likes to jealous easily. And beside, I'm really sure there's something... Behind him."

He shook his head again. "He's my dad."

"W-What?" I know I've predicted it, I've guessed it. And it's right.

It's not like I pretended to be shocked, but hearing that words lively from him made me felt more shocked.

"He left me and my mom years ago. It was a nightmare, really. I didn't hope, I didn't expect to meet him with you in such situation like that. We should be happy today, but it seemed like he ruined it all."

"No," I shook my head. "If he's your dad, it means I should know him too. Your mom is my mom, your dad is my dad too."

"But he's different. He's too dangerous! He's a criminal, don't you realize that?!"

"It's really rude to say your father is a criminal!" I looked at him. "I'm sure he has changed. Don't you remember what he said to you? I think he really taught you well."

"But I'm his child. How could you trust him more that his child do? And besides, I didn't hurt you earlier."

"Nah, so that's why you should believe him too." I said. "But it really hurts!" I pouted and touched my wrist at the place where he grabbed it -too-tight before.

"Okay, sorry."

"I'm gonna forgive you with one condition," 


"We, especially you, should have a time to talk with your father. I'm curious about him too!"

"" Minho sighed. "This is just another nightmare."

"No! We're just going to talk with him, Oppa."

"I said, he's too dangerous."

"For you, not for me."

He sighed again.

"I'm sorry, I can't help and hide my past. In the end, you should admit that Choi Minho isn't as great as you think. Right?" I just laughed when he continued, "He has a bad past. A bad habit too."

"What's your bad past? Tell me honestly."

"Well," He murmured and mumbled. "I think my bad past is... I have a criminal as my dad. I'm a stiff person, I can't approach a girl first. I don't know how to be romantic. I have no idea to be your cutie pie. And the worst is I don't understand girls."

I laughed on his every words. "Well, who cares about your past? It doesn't matter, really. The most important thing is what you're planning for the future, not looking back for the past. Right?"


"And besides, I believe he's not criminal for nothing. Maybe people call him a criminal, but a criminal doesn't always do bad things, right? And you can approach a girl first, even if it was in front of the camera or for acting. You don't know how to be romantic? Well, you don't have to. Because you're standing beside me has already completed my romantic imaginations about you. You're not cute? Such a liar. You're the cutest person I've ever known, even if I just saw it on the screen. You don't understand girls? Well, you understood your mom quite well."

"Jinjja." He chuckled and messed my hair.

"Well, I'm right, right?" I smiled. "You're a young, handsome, and talented guy. You're a cutie guy, an inspiring guy. You're a capable husband, you're a good child. And I'm really proud to stand beside you. Maybe it's just you who don't know that there are thousands of people, thousands of girls, desperately want to see you so bad. And I'm lucky, really."

"Since when..., you could talk like this? Hmm? Who taught you to talk like that?" He smirked and messed my hair again.

"Aish. Oppa, don't mess my hair again." I pouted and suddenly my phone rang.


"Yah, where are you, Choi Hae Jin?!" Young Mi shouted right away.

"Yah, calm down! Have you arrived?"

"I've waited you for years already. I'm waiting outside the coffee shop."

"Oh... Wait there, I'm coming in around 20 minutes, after this merry go round stop."


"Annyeong!" I ended the call immediately.

Minho wanted to laugh at me, but well, his phone rang too.

"Yeoboseyo, Choi Minho! Where are you?" I burst into laughter when I heard Jonghyun Oppa's voice because of the speaker phone.

"Ah, hyung? Have you arrived?"

"I just arrived and don't know where to go."

"I'm in a merry go round, you can go to the coffee shop."

"I emptied my schedule just to meet you, you know."

"Me? I'm sure you didn't mean it. You meant that girl, right?" Minho Oppa laughed.

"Aish. Stop it. I'm going to the coffee shop, okay? Has she arrived?"

"Well, I don't know about that. Annyeong, hyung!" Minho Oppa ended the call and giggled.

"What is this? A coincidence? Why both of them called us at the same time?"

"Well, it'll be funnier to see them greet each other awkwardly, though." He laughed and I nodded my head as I laughed too.


Young Mi's POV

I played with my fingers as I looked at my phone, waiting for Hae Jin to call me or text me again.

I wonder, are we really going on a date together? Just the two of us? Oh, please. I don't like girls.

I ordered the Americano Latte 15 minutes ago but I haven't even took a sip.

The coffee shop is quite crowded, but luckily I could chose a good position so when Hae Jin arrive, she could notice me right away.

But when I looked at the window, suddenly my eyes met another pair of eyes that catch my heart easily.

"W-Wh-What is he doing in here?!" I murmured to myself as I tried to cover myself with a magazine. "Did he see me or not? He didn't, right?"

"Agassi, this is your meal. Enjoy it, please." The waitress gave me a plate of fried rice and smiled to me.

I removed the magazine from my face and smiled back to her as I said thank you.

"Oh, you're here too?"

Damn. He caught me.

He approached me.

He sat in front of me.

Well, he smiled to me too.

He almost killed me.

"A-A-Annyeong." I stuttered.

Then he smiled again. "What are you doing in here? Alone?"

"I-I'm waiting for Hae Jin.."

"Ah, jinjja?" He nodded his head. "Wait. I'm waiting for Minho too..."

Then something knocked my head.

This girl, really.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking right now?" He asked me and I just nodded my head. "Minho said I'll meet a pretty girl if I go to Lotte World with him today and I guess he's right..."

I blushed because of him.

"So, you're really free today, right? I'm going to make sure that you will have no regrets for spending your time with me today." He smirked and took my hand slowly.

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Chapter 45: It was an amazing story! ThankYou for finishing it for us! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY LOVE YOU LOADS❤️
amieyra10 #2
Chapter 45: Wahh.. Congratulation you have amazingly finish your story.. I enjoy all your update.. Thank you for always make my day with this story... Hope you will be going to make an even more amazing story in the future... ^^ <3
Chapter 45: it's completed. job well done authornim! :)

hope you can do a sequel of this... ^^

anyways thank you for this great story....
Chapter 43: Ahhh what the hell? Where did Haejin go? NO >:(
Sbrna_ #5
Chapter 42: Uh-oh..Things gonna get bad
Chapter 42: there are gonna be misunderstandings NO!
Chapter 39: Cutieeee<3~ it was amazing! Keep it up authornim!
Chapter 36: Right, oh damn, Minho