Last Day in Japan (Seventh Episode)

The Edge Of Us

"How was your date with Minho?" Hae Ri Unnie asked me when we were packaging our luggage again. Today we have to go back to Korea.

"Oppa took-"

"OPPA?!" Her eyes widened in disbelief and shocked. "DID YOU JUST SAY OPPA?!"

"Ah, Unnie you're so noisy!" I closed my ears and gave her my irritated look.

"Oh come on! Did he tell you to call him Oppa? Woah. You must be very happy like OMG FINALLY!"

"Unnie, don't be over-act like that. You called Minho Oppa with "Oppa" too, right?"

"I didn't call him Oppa anymore since the day Key Oppa told me to not call him like that. Duh, Key Oppa jealous too much."

I just laughed at her. "What did he say?"

"He told me to not call any boys Oppa except if they're about a year older than me. Because Minho just weeks older than me, so Key Oppa told me to not call Minho with Oppa."

"But why do Unnie call Key Oppa with "Oppa"?"

"Because he said he's the only exception."

I burst into laughter.

"He's so childish!" Hae Ri Unnie said to me.

"But you love him. You love his childishness."

"Yah! Stop it!"

"Arraseo, arraseo." I laughed. "How was your date with Key Oppa?"

"We watched a movie together and ate together. And yeah.. We spent our day just like that. Oh, we didn't forget to go shopping too." She said. "Yah! You haven't told me about your date!"

"But we just talked randomly like that! And well, he bought me ice cream too..."

"Ah it looks like you're a young couple."

"Of course we are!" I shouted at her.

"But you married first!"

"It doesn't mean we're old, right! We just married too early!"

"It seems so." She almost laughed. "But it's good for you because after married, you got something to talk about. It's good yet weird at the same time because you didn't get much time to know each other before marriage."

"Yah, what are you talking about?" I sighed and closed my luggage. "Come on, Unnie. I'm done. Let's go down to the lobby!"

"Arraseo. I'm done too. Let's go!"


We were waiting in the airport when I heard Hae Ri Unnie's phone ringing. It must be Key Oppa, from the way I heard Hae Ri Unnie answering the call.


"Hae Ri-ya, Mianhae. I can't go to the airport now. SHINee's having another practice for our performance tonight. Please tell Hae Jin that Minho can't go too. We're so busy, Hae Ri-ah. Please understand us, okay?"

"Ah.. Arraseo, arraseo." Hae Ri Unnie said as she looked at me.

"Have a safe flight, darling! Call me when you've arrived, okay? Annyeong!" Then Key Oppa ended the call.

"Darling? Tsk." I shook my head as I looked at her with my envied face.

I could heard everything because she used her speakerphone for that call.

"Unnie, the announcer has called our flight!" I took my bag with me and walked to our plane.

"Annyeong, Japan!" I whispered slowly as I looked back to the airport.

"Japan is so nice! I want to have a honeymoon in here. I want to comeback again." Hae Ri Unnie looked sad.

"Ask and tell Key Oppa about that. Don't tell me because I won't make your dream come true."

Both of us laughed together until we've sat down comfortably in the plane.

I looked at my phone because I felt my phone beeped once.

I got a text message.

From Minho.

Sorry I can't go to the airport
Have a safe flight, Hae Jin-ah..
I'll comeback as soon as possible
I'll try to contact you if it's possible
Don't worry because I'm going to do fine in here
You don't have to reply this message, because I don't know when will I have a time to read it.
But I would like it if you send me a text message when you've arrived in Korea. Or at least if you're busy, then text me when you were about to sleep or whenever you feel you're free tonight.
When you've reached our apartment too..., it would be nice.
P.S. Please don't give me any hard punishment when we meet later TT^TT


- Choi Minho.

That was the first text message that he sent to me. Of course, I was so happy to know he still remember me.

I decided to not reply his message. I'll reply it later when I've arrived at our apartment because I know he's busy right now and I don't want to disturb him.


But wait. why did he has to put -1-4-3- on his message.....


"It looks like a code though." I murmured to myself.


"What?" Hae Ri Unnie asked me.


"Oh? Nothing. Minho Oppa just texted me and I felt..... weird? It looks like he just sent me a code."


"What does the code tell you?"


"It says "-1-4-3-". What does it mean? Ah. He's so weird."


"Duh. 1-4-3 means I love you. He's so romantic and you're so stupid."


"What?!? How did you know this and-"


"Key Oppa ever told me this thing that's why I knew it before you." She said. "But sadly he never did it for me. So you got it before me."


I laughed at her.


"Key Oppa isn't a romantic guy, I mean he rarely showed it in front of people. But I still love him though."

I smiled and nodded my head. At that time, all of our memories come back to me and saying a goodbye. Japan is a nice place, especially because SHINee visits Japan really often. In here, I could saw SHINee's live performance and had a precious time with my husband. I just realized that he has quite many personalities. From what I see on stage, in front of the other members, in front of his PSP, in front of his mom and in front of me.

I'm happy too because he could showed more affection these days. I don't know what happened to him but I think it's really good to know that thing.

I have to thank Young Mi, and wish her a good luck for her next exams. Oh. Maybe I should thank her with a chance meeting SHINee's Jonghyun? I think she would love it.

I should call her later after I arrived in Korea, after I text Minho Oppa.

"Yah, Hae Jin-ah," Hae Ri Unnie called me called me slowly.

"What, Unnie?"

"Why don't we have a double date later? It will be awesome!"

Somehow I could saw her sparkling eyes, looking at me happily.

Well, it isn't a bad idea, is it?

Yeay, update~


But first, I want to tell you that I won't be able to update until 14th October. I'm super duper busy these daysTT_TT

Hope you understand, and please do leave a comment, subscribe, or upvote after you read my story<3 at least leave a trace after you read this story. Tell me what do you think about it so I could fix it on the next chapter, if I think I'm able to do so.

See you on the next chapter^^

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Chapter 45: It was an amazing story! ThankYou for finishing it for us! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY LOVE YOU LOADS❤️
amieyra10 #2
Chapter 45: Wahh.. Congratulation you have amazingly finish your story.. I enjoy all your update.. Thank you for always make my day with this story... Hope you will be going to make an even more amazing story in the future... ^^ <3
Chapter 45: it's completed. job well done authornim! :)

hope you can do a sequel of this... ^^

anyways thank you for this great story....
Chapter 43: Ahhh what the hell? Where did Haejin go? NO >:(
Sbrna_ #5
Chapter 42: Uh-oh..Things gonna get bad
Chapter 42: there are gonna be misunderstandings NO!
Chapter 39: Cutieeee<3~ it was amazing! Keep it up authornim!
Chapter 36: Right, oh damn, Minho