Chapter 9

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 9


"No. Freaking. Way." Joon breathed into his headset. 

Thunder, Mir, and G.O all heard this and their curiosity was piqued. What had Joon seen to make him have such a reaction?

"Guys, you aren't going to believe what I'm seeing right now." Joon added grinning like a buffoon at the sight in front of him.

He had just witnessed the "kissing scene" between Seungho and Alexa. He had hidden behind some civilians when he stomped off earlier and when he had heard all the cheers he decided to peak over some heads. He was quite happy with himself to say the least.

Thunder, who had been monitoring the whole time back at the operations base, had looked into one of the hacked security cameras and noticed the kiss as well. "Oh ho! I can see what you're talking about hyung. This is quite a sight."

He had a huge smile spread across his face as he clapped to no one in particular since he was all by himself. Mir and G.O on the other hand had no idea what was going on.

"AISH HELLO?! Hyung! What's going on? What happened?" Mir yelled which caused G.O to stumble back a little bit and almost knock over a glass container that had been behind him.

"YAH!! MIR!! Watch it with the yelling will you? Aigoo. And Joon, what is going on out there?" G.O exclaimed while rubbing at his ear in frustration.

Joon couldn't contain his laughter. "The two love birds finally KISSED, that's what happened." 

That's when Joon wished he hadn't said anything because the reactions from G.O and Mir were at about the same decibel level. 


Joon jumped at the sudden screaming in his ear. He could hear Thunder dying laughing on the other end. "Not funny." He mumbled to himself as he rubbed his ears.


As soon as G.O had grabbed hold of the blueprints he quickly ran back towards the hanging grappling line. "Thunder. I've got the package. Make sure to keep an eye out for me on the cameras."

"Yes hyung." Thunder answered back while typing rapidly on his keyboard.

"Mir. Make sure you put that rifle to good use. You've got the silencer on it right?" G.O asked while hooking himself back onto the rope.

"Yes hyung. If I shoot off a round, no one will hear a thing." The maknae answered while loading a bullet into the chamber of the sniper. He then adjusted the lens on the scope and put his eye up to it to get ready.

G.O climbed up the line and boosted himself up on the glass ceiling. He was now back on the upper floor. "Thunder are there any new guards that have shown up?"

He heard some typing once again. "No hyung, all the corridors are clear. Most of the guards are posted on the lowest and the highest floors. Not much are in between."

G.O scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Aigoo. These guys have no tactic what so ever do they?"

He smirked to himself as he made his way back down the darkened corridor. Once he got to the window where he had come from, Mir's voice filled his ears. "Hyung! Be careful going back outside on the terrace. Some guards have gone out there and seem to be on a smoke break."

"Alright thanks for the heads up. Do you think you can kill them off fast enough before they can call for reinforcements?" G.O asked as he kneeled down and pulled out some mini-binoculars. He put them up to his eyes and the night vision. Sure enough there were about 3 guards standing around on the terrace smoking.

Smoking can kill and we're about to prove that right now.


Mir answered his hyung with a smirk. "Of course I can."

He quickly lifted his rifle into position and aimed the long barrel downward towards the 3 guards standing in a circle. He put his eye up to the lens and calculated how he was going to take them all out.

Once he had a pretty good idea of what he was going to do he held his breath and steadied himself. He pulled the trigger and fired off the first silent round. The bullet traveled straight through one of the guard's right shoulder and kept going until it hit the leg of the guard on the other side of him. 

As they both went down Mir quickly aimed at the last guard and shot a bullet through his head, successfully silencing him before he could radio contact anyone for back up.

The one guard that had been shot through the leg tried to reach for the radio control. Mir noticed this and aimed at his hand. He held his breath and pulled the trigger, shooting a hole through the guard's hand and causing him to curl back in pain. Mir then fired off another two rounds, shooting the wounded guards in the head and killing them instantly.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little maknae Mir has got skills yo!" He grinned happily to himself.

"YAH!!! MIR!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!"

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

What an eventful night. Everyone was back at the base now and sitting in the meeting room. G.O had successfully snagged the blueprints and everyone was in high spirits. We made it out without a hitch which was saying something for our ragtag group.

As I looked around at everyone I noticed that Joon, G.O, Thunder, and Mir all had certain smiles on their faces as they were looking over copies of the blueprints. Well that's a bit....odd. Seungho must have noticed too because he looked over at me and cocked his head to the side in confusion.

I shrugged my shoulders to let him know that I had no idea what these 4 village idiots were smiling about. Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Mir had a bandage on his cheek. "Mir! What happened to your cheek?" I asked as I got up out of my seat and walked over to him.

He pouted as he recounted his tale. "I was trying to jump over a small fence but because I was holding such a heavy weapon I kinda slipped and my cheek scraped against some metal."

I cringed at that last part. "Ouch! Are you alright?"

Thunder spoke up and cut the maknae off, "For now he is. This big baby won't let me give him a shot to make sure the cut doesn't get infected." He then gave Mir a look.

Mir sunk lower in his chair as he said this, looking pretty guilty. I looked from Thunder to Mir and gave the latter a stern look. "Now Mir, Thunder is right. You need that shot. What if the cut gets infected?"

Joon, Seungho, and G.O all spoke at the same time. "He's afraid of needles."

My eyes widened at them mentioning this. Mir the WEAPONS EXPERT was afraid of NEEDLES? I looked back over at the man in question and he looked back up at me with the cutest little puppy pout. Okay, nevermind. I can believe that.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him up out of his chair. He looked at me with wide eyes. "What are you doing?"

Everyone else in the room seemed intrigued as well at my sudden actions. I ignored the looks I was getting and looked over at Thunder. "Follow me to the nursing area. We are going to give Mir his shot."


"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Please Alexa I don't wanna do it! It's such a huge needle! Aigoooooooooooooooooo!" Mir exclaimed while squirming around on the cot that he was laying down on.

It was me, Thunder, and Mir in the nursing area and Joon, G.O, and Seungho were standing by the door with amused expressions.Such loving hyungs really. Being the maknae must be tough.

Thunder was currently holding the shot in his hand and was standing next to me. I had to give the guy credit, his patience was incredible. He didn't seem irritated at all with Mir. It was almost too cute for words to see how these two got along so well.

I took Mir's hand in mine. "Mir. Mir look at me." I spoke in a calm and soothing voice.

He automatically stopped squirming and looked up at me. "I know how scary needles can be, trust me, I am a healer after all so I see them almost all the time. But our ability to numb the limbs will make sure you feel nothing at all. And if that doesn't ease your nervousness then....I'll hum you a lullaby. How does that sound?"

His eyes softened and he slowly nodded his head in understanding. I looked over at Thunder and gave him a nod. I pulled up a stool and sat down and made sure that Mir kept his eyes on me the whole time. As I began to hum, Thunder slowly and quietly moved around to where he could reach Mir's arm.

Mir took no notice of this however as I hummed my lullaby a little louder and squeezed his hand in reassurance. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Thunder was now inserting the needle into his skin.

I mentally let out a sigh of relief. Mir's focus was still on me so he didn't notice at all. As I was finishing up the lullaby, Thunder gave a quick nod of his head and smiled at me. 

Once I finished humming I smiled at Mir. "Now that wasn't so bad now was it?"

He looked utterly confused at my question. "Wha-?" He cut himself off as he looked at his arm and noticed there was a bandaid on it where he had gotten the shot. 

He snapped his head back to look at me with eyes as wide as saucers. He then broke out into a huge goofy grin and lunged at me unexpectedly. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I was almost knocked off the stool but thankfully Seungho had run up behind me and caught me. Mir's bear hug attack was DEFINITELY a surprise. He had his arms wrapped tightly around me so I couldn't really hug him back and I was having a bit of trouble BREATHING.

"Uh....Mir? I love you too and all.....but....kinda can't breathe." I said in a breathless voice. 

Mir didn't seem to have heard me but Seungho did and he smacked the maknae on the back of his head. "YAH!! She said she can't breathe! Aish! Get off!"


As the guys were busy analyzing the blueprints in the meeting room, I was currently flipping through the news channels on the tv. I was startled as I heard a voice whisper next to my ear, "I didn't know you had such a nice voice."

It was Seungho of course. I held onto my chest and gave him a look. "Thanks for the heart attack."

He looked at me and laughed. I couldn't help but smile. His laughter was just too contagious. When he composed himself he spoke to me again. "Really though, you do have a nice voice."

I almost blushed at the compliment. "Oh stop it! I was only humming. You can't judge from that." I replied back and turned my attention to the tv. 

I could hear his light laughter next to me. Just knowing that he was standing next to me was messing with my hormones. Why does my heart have to be so weak? And my uterus for that matter.

I shook my head. I am a mature woman so why the hell are my thoughts always like this? 

I looked over at him and he looked at me at the same time. Our eyes met for maybe a fraction of a second before we both snapped our heads forward and looked at the tv. I mentally kicked myself for acting like such a grade schooler.

I was broken from my thoughts when a familiar voice came on the news station that the tv was turned to. It was him. Lord Delacroix's face was shown clearly on the screen.

At this Seungho muttered a few, uh, UNPLEASANT things under his breath. The rest of the guys noticed the ruler on the tv as well so they got up from their seats and stood on either side of us. 

"He looks even uglier in high definiton." G.O had spoken first.

We all burst into laughter at his comment. The ruler was on the news for something about the "well-being" of the citizens. His face was a sickly pale color and his jet black hair was slicked back. Does this man use 3 POUNDS of hair-gel or what?

His velvet voice came on at last, "It seems that the people need me now more than ever. Children are starving and people are dying from unnecessary battles. I try to be civil and reasonable but some people just don't understand what it means to be a ruler. I have a responsibility and a duty to uphold. I only do what I think is best for the citizens."

"Oh what a bunch of bullsh*t!" Seungho exclaimed in a frustrated manner.

The other guys nodded their heads in agreement. "You know, he kinda reminds me of Professor Snape." Mir added.

Everyone, including myself, turned to look at him incredulously. Did he really just compare the ruler to a HARRY POTTER character?

End of Chapter 9

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!