
All's Fair in Love & War

Epilogue/Chapter 20

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Seungho and I were currently sitting with the 4 village idiots in a really nice suite inside the fortress. It was like something out of a fairy book tale palace or castle. Everything was so expensive looking and the decor was absolutely divine.

The walls were a mellow cream color and the pillars holding up some of the ceiling looked like something similar to Greek architecture. The furniture looked like something from the Victorian age or European imported. To top it all off, there was a crystal chandelier hanging in the very center of the suite.

This is the life. I was broken out of my reverie when Joon asked me a question. "So how did you find Lord Azure anyway?"

We were sitting together at a round rosewood table. What is it with all of these round tables? I feel like King Arthur!

I reached into my inner jacket pocket and pulled out the scroll that I had discovered at the chapel. "Well first I decoded the riddle written on the wall of the chapel. Before I could take a look at the name, I noticed a loose brick and found this piece of information hidden inside it."

I unrolled the scroll and handed it over to Joon. When he looked at it, his eyes widened a bit. He then in turn, handed it over to Seungho and so on. 

"At the top there are 2 photos of the same man. One is a picture of T.O.P in his younger days, when he was with Xavier back in the black ops days. That's how they knew each other. The other is a more recent photo, showing him as our ruler." I stated as they each took a look at the scroll.

I continued on, "Below the picture it says 'Xavier and I back in the black ops. Miss those days. And of course, a recent photo of my newly inducted self as the ruler.' Signed T.O.P. Then he ended up showing up at the chapel and that's when I took a good look at the name hidden in the riddle. Choi Seunghyun."

G.O let out a low whistle. "You sure are clever. I salute you."

I smiled at his comment. Thunder clapped his hands as he said, "WOW!!"

Seungho laughed at their behavior. Mir stood up so fast that the chair he had been sitting in was knocked over. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! You are the BEST!!!!"

Before he could run over to my side to give me a hug, Seungho and G.O double teamed him by grabbing one arm each. They both raised him up off his feet and carried him away while he kicked and struggled like a little boy who was throwing a temper tantrum.

"LEADER!!!!! HYUNG!!!!!! I JUST WANNA GIVE HER A HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


As I was getting ready for bed, I realized that I really needed to call Annabeth, even though she probably already knows everything from being so alert to the news.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number. I waited patiently while listening to the dial tone. Then I think my eardrums were busted.

"ALEXANDRA!!!!! Oh my GOD!!!!!!!! I can't believe what just happened today!!! You guys DID IT!!!!!"

I had the phone at arms length away from my ear. Once she had calmed down, I put it back to my ear. "YAH!!!! Are you trying to make me go deaf?! AISH!!! Be more considerate of my well being will you?"

I heard her laughter on the other end. The nerve of her, really? Some best friend I got. "Okay, I'm sorry. But I mean come on, this is HUGE! You and the guys succeeded and now everyone's happy because we got our good old ruler back. What more reason do I need to be so pumped up?"

I laughed at her enthusiasm. "Well I just wanted to call to check in with you. I know how cranky you get when I don't call."

She scoffed. "Can I help but be worried about my best friend?"

"Alright alright. I get the point. Anyway, I'll make sure to call you EVERY day for the next few days. Or at least until I see you again, okay?" I said with a slight yawn at the end.

"Alrighty then. Good night Alexa! Sweet dreams of your Seungho!"

Before I could react she hung up. Why the little.....


The next day ended up being the ceremony. It was held in the evening so we had plenty of time to get ready for it of course.

Whoever was the designer for this thing is talented. Everything was decorated so prettily. It was held right outside the fortress, in the back courtyard where there was plenty of space.

There were round tables with delicate white cloths spread out everywhere. At the head of the courtyard there was a long rectangular table with a red and black design cloth covering it. That's where T.O.P would be sitting, along with his guests of honour.

Hell to the yeah!


Once the ceremony got started, T.O.P introduced me and the guys to everyone who had attended and let me tell you, it was A LOT of people. The place was crowded.

After the introductions were out of the way he made some other surprising announcements. "Mir over here is now going to be appointed as the Head of Weapons Management and Training."

At this T.O.P lifted his glass of red wine and toasted to Mir. The maknae was speechless. He got up quickly and bowed to the ruler before lifting up his own glass which was filled with grape juice since he was still underage.

"G.O is now the Head of Stealth Tactics and Maneuvers." G.O's eyes widened as he happily got out of his seat and bowed to the ruler as well. 

"Thunder is now the Head of Healing and Alchemy. Alexa will be his Lieutenant." Thunder smiled brightly as he toasted his glass to the ruler. I smiled like an idiot when I got up and bowed to T.O.P. I raised my glass as well.

"Joon is now the Head of Hand-to-Hand Combat Training." Joon smiled shyly as he accepted his toast.

"And finally Seungho. You are now the Head of National Security as well as the Head of the Royal Guard Force." 

Everyone irrupted into loud cheers as Seungho accepted his toast and bowed to T.O.P with gratitude. I couldn't hide my happiness as well as the other 4 village idiots. We were clapping and screaming the loudest.


After the ceremony was over, T.O.P announced to us that we officially had a home at his fortress. Seeing as how we all had official jobs under him now, it only made sense that we would be staying there permanently. I was extremely happy to say the least.

I would of course leave every now and then to visit my hometown but to be able to call this place home.....wow. I mean, how many people do you know that can tell you they have an entire FORTRESS to call their home? This place was nice and extremely elegant.

I called Annabeth that very same night before I went to bed and told her everything.


The next day, I tried to spend as much time as I could alone with Seungho but 4 guys, also known as the village idiots, always found some way to interrupt our moments.

Exhibit A: Seungho and I were in the middle of some, erm....."intense" kissing when Joon happened to bust through the door, claiming that it was too quiet in the room so he got worried.

Exhibit B: When Seungho and I decided to take a nice romantic walk outside in the courtyard by the small pond, G.O had been chasing Mir and they just so happened to run by us and knock us straight into the pond. I didn't mind seeing Seungho soaking wet but because he had run after the 2, I didn't get that much time to stare.

Exhibit C: I was talking to Seungho out on the balcony when Thunder busted through the doors of the room and came up to us and asked us to smell some mysterious brown liquid for him.

All in all, it was one very LONG day. 


G.O was walking down the long hallways of the fortress when he heard Alexa and Seungho's voice behind a door. It sounded like Alexa was giggling. Then he heard some very interesting noises afterwards.

His eyes widened. Are they......of course not! It's the middle of the day! He shook his head amusedly at his own thoughts.

Just then, he heard them talk.

"I'm sorry!"
"Be gentle!"
"Aigoo! I'll slowly put it in this time."

G.O's eyes practically bulged out of his head. He then quickly pushed the whole side of his body up against the door and listened intently.

"Seungho don't be so rough!"
"I can't help it!"

G.O grinned from ear to ear. These two are !

"Come on crouching tiger, don't hide that dragon!" He whispered to himself. Leader you sly dog, you're officially becoming a man.

Just then, Joon walked up and noticed him by the door. "What are you doing?"

G.O hushed him and beckoned him over. Joon got closer and listened in as well. He heard some giggling from Alexa and Seungho's voice every now and then.

Joon was confused. "So what are we listening to?"

G.O gave him a look before answering, "They are playing parcheesy."

"What the hell is parcheesy?"
"They are doing the grown up."
"What are you talking about?"
"They are going boom boom."
"Seriously? What's going on?"

G.O let out a sigh of frustration. "They are having !" He whispered harshly before putting his finger up to his lips again to shush Joon.

"Oooooooooooooooooooh." Joon replied. "You could have just said that in the-" He cut himself off as he came to the slow realization of what they were talking about. "HWHAT!?!?!"

G.O quickly slapped his hand over Joon's mouth. "Yah! Are you insane?! They don't know we're out here! Aigoo!"

Right after that, Mir and Thunder showed up as well. "What's going on?" They both had asked at the same time.

Before G.O or Joon could answer, they heard some more giggling.

"Seungho! Stop that!"
"I have to get you on your back somehow!"

G.O and Joon both looked at each other with wide eyes. Their leader was ROUGH?!?!

Thunder and Mir noticed the looks on their hyungs faces before coming to a slow realization of what they were listening to. Mir spoke up first, "You guys aren't listening to what I think you're listening to, right?" His voice got a little squeaky at the end.

Thunder covered his ears. "NO! This is bad hyungs! We shouldn't be doing this!"

G.O looked over at the two of them and rolled his eyes. "Aish! It's just like ! But without the bodies."

"What the hell!?"
"Hyung would you please listen to yourself?!"
"What's ?"

Everyone turned to give Thunder an incredulous look. Mir scoffed. "Even I know what it is hyung!"

G.O and Joon both rolled their eyes at him. "LIAR!"

The maknae gave his hyungs an accusing look. Joon added, "You probably don't even know where babies come from."

Thunder spoke up then. "Oh! I know that one! When a woman is pregnant, the baby comes out-"

"THUNDER!" Everyone cut him off.

He looked at them in surprise. "I was gonna say 'between the legs' what?"

Just then they heard some more noises and a sudden loud crash. It sounded like some glass was broken.

The 4 village idiots all looked at each other with wide eyes. What in the world was going on in there?!?!

"Seungho! I told you to be gentle! Look at what your excitement did!"
"It takes two to tango, you're just as responsible as I am!"
"You're the one who likes to play it rough!"
"Can I help it if I'm a man?"

Their eyes widened some more as they continued their eavesdropping. G.O spoke up first, "Who knew Leader was such a barbarian. He better be using protection!"

At this, Joon almost choked on his own spit. Mir and Thunder gave their hyung a weird look. 

Right then, the door opened and the 4 village idiots fell forward and into the room. They all looked up in surprise. They were also really embarrassed as they realized they had made the wrong assumptions.

In the room were Alexa and Seungho fully clothed and holding Wii controllers. In front of them there was a tv with the game they had been playing on the console.

Seungho looked down at them on the ground as he had been the one to open the door. The scene was comical as they were all piled up on each other on the floor and were looking up at him with nervous smiles. He asked in a low voice, "What in the HELL are you guys doing?"

The village idiots all looked at each other with scared expressions before springing back up on their feet and taking off at the speed of light.

Seungho looked over at Alexa and she shrugged her shoulders. "Beats me."

At this, he closed the door and they both went back to playing their very competitive game.



Author's Final Note: YAY!! I finally completed posting my story here, wasn't as hard as I thought OTL. I'm sorry for taking so long to post this story elsewhere, for my loyal readers, you should know I did this story well over A YEAR AGO lol. I did another one too (as you may have already read in my foreword) and I'll post that up here soon. Not sure when so don't expect it like today or anything.

Remember, I did this to get my story out to more readers. I love fanfics as much as any other on here. So please be respectful and DON'T PLAGARIZE, PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

Hope you had fun reading my story ^^

Again, thanks to Yee Xiong or xiongstar for my lovely fanfic banner!

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!