Chapter 13

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 13

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

So Khun and I were looking over my list of informants as we made our way through the busy market place of Grenaria and towards the exit. I really had no choice but to have him as my traveling companion. Can't say I didn't try to object though, he was just really insistant on going with me. I've never had a man worry about me so much other than Seungho so this was a bit weird to say the least.

He pointed to a man's name on the list. "I know this guy! And I also know this place, it's where I went to train. I learned my fighting skills there."

I looked up at him with surprise evident on my face. "Really? That's good! At least we have somewhere to start now."

I closed up my mini notebook and shoved it back in my bag. As I was adjusting the strap, Khun stopped in front of a small market that was selling healer's supplies. "Do you need anything from here?"

He pointed to the ingredients laying out on the stand. I looked over and shook my head. "No, I'm good. I've got high grade stuff already packed."

The "high grade stuff" was of course the supplies Thunder had given me before I left. I smiled as I thought about it. I almost let out a sigh but I held it in so Khun wouldn't notice and start asking questions. I'm really starting to miss the guys.

"So where is this training ground place?" I asked to take my mind off things.

He looked at me with a smile as we kept on walking forward. "It's by the Summoner's Bay. It's near the city of Oceania to be exact."

I cracked a smile at the mention of that particular city. Oh the memories. He continued, "The training ground itself doesn't really have a name. Me and the other guys just call it 'The Agency' since we couldn't come up with anything fancy."

I laughed at the name. He laughed too of course. "Yeah I know, I swear it wasn't my idea."

As he held up his hands in his defense, I scoffed. "Oh right. You who changed your hair to blonde, I wouldn't be surprised if it was all your idea."

He faked being hurt and put his hands up to his heart. "You have something against blondes don't you?"

"No, I just think you were better off NOT being a blonde. I think the dye has seeped into your brain and has killed some cells. Besides you looked WAY better with your black hair." I tried my best to look as innocent as possible.

He looked at me and for maybe a milisecond he had a serious expression but I couldn't quite tell since it was too fast for me to register. His expression quickly became arrogant though. "So you DO think I'm good looking after all. Even back in the day, when we were always at each other's throats. Interesting."

My expression turned to one of horror. "NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! That is NOT what I meant and you know it!"

He laughed at my reaction. "It's ok Alexa. Just admit it. You think I look GOOD. You want some of this don't you?" As he said this he tried to do a y dance which mainly turned out to be more funny than y.

I quickly looked around and made sure no one had noticed this yet and then I turned back to him and kicked him in his shin. "Stop it! You're an embarrassment to nature!"

He was hopping up and down on one foot, holding his shin in pain. "It's okay Alexa, I'm fine thanks. I don't need any help, I'm good. My leg isn't in pain AT ALL."

I busted out laughing. "Serves you right! Now follow me." I my heel and quickly made my way forward.

"Hey! Shouldn't YOU be following ME?"


Mir had just taken care of the 5 guards in the room so him and G.O were now back on track, heading towards the center of the building. 

G.O spoke into his headset. "Where to now Thunder?"

"Go to the end of the room and open the door on the left. Go down the hallway until you reach the end, it should lead to a small corridor."

G.O looked over at Mir and motioned for him to move forward. The maknae took the lead once again, this time he had his hand hovering over the throwning knives he had attached to his belt.

Mir went to the end of the room and opened the door slowly. G.O followed him through the door and they both made their way out and into the large hallway. Once they made it to the end and reached the corridor, they spotted 2 guards. They seemed to be guarding the entrance to the elevator behind them. 

G.O whispered to Mir, "That must be the elevator that Thunder mentioned before hand. It leads down to the main boiler room where we need to plant the bomb."

Mir nodded in understanding. The two of them quickly moved forward and hid behind some pillars. G.O was on the left hand side while Mir was on the right. 

G.O looked over at Mir and nodded, letting him know that he was ready. Mir pulled out 2 throwing knives from his belt with both hands and took a deep breath. He then did a roll to the side and sprang forward while throwing the knives directly at the 2 guards. The knives impaled them both through the neck, causing them to choke on their blood.

G.O smirked at the maknae's body part choice. Show off. He then ran forward to catch up to him in the elevator.

Mir spoke into his headset while waiting for his hyung. "Thunder I'm in the elevator now. What button do I need to press?"

"It should say BR on it for boiler room." 

Mir looked at the buttons and noticed the BR one right away. He waited for his hyung to get into the elevator before pressing it.


As the two men exited the elevator, G.O reached into his pack and pulled out the C4 packs and some duct tape. Mir looked over at him. "Looks like you got everything here hyung. I'm going to move forward and keep an eye out."

G.O nodded and started heading towards the center of the room as Mir went off in another direction to look for any guards. He looked for a good place to start taping the explosives.

Mir was quietly moving forward, his hands hovering over his throwing knives. He looked from side to side whenever there were dark corners in the room. The lighting was pretty bad in the boiler room but Mir was used to even the worst conditions. His eyes adjusted to the dim light as he kept moving.

He suddenly stopped when he heard some laughing a little distance off to his right. He began moving in that direction slowly until he spotted 4 guards sitting around at a poker table. He smirked to himself. And this is why slackers never make it in the real world.

He pulled out 4 knives, 2 in each hand. He was currently kneeled down in a dark corner, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Once the guards all looked down to take a look at their cards, he lunged forward. With lightning fast speed he threw all 4 knives and hit each target. The guards all now had small knives sticking out from their foreheads.

G.O had found a spot near a huge container to plant the bombs. He set a stack of C4 packs in a line before taping them up to the container in the middle of the room. As he was working to plant the explosives, he saw Mir out of the corner of his eye. 

"Back so soon?" He teased.

The maknae gave him a big goofy grin. "Just finished with one side of the room. I'm gonna take a look at the other side now."

With that they both went back to their separate jobs.


As soon as Seungho had counted to 3 on his fingers, Joon quickly swung the door open. The two men ran in and completely took the 10 guards in the room by surprise. 

Joon was first as he sprang forward towards 2 of the guards. He used an elbow hit on one and broke his nose. The other guard tried coming at him but Joon was already on him. He grabbed a hold of his arm and twisted it. The guard let out a yelp of pain. Joon then threw the guard completely on the ground and used a kick to knock him out cold.

Seungho was currently surrounded by about 4 guards. He evaded the first guard's blows by moving around and ducking whenever was neccessary. When the guard tried to kick him, Seungho took hold of his leg and held it up high in the air. The guard struggled to get his leg free and as he did so Seungho kicked him in his inner thigh, knocking the guard to the ground. 

Before he could finish off that guard another one came at him from behind. Seungho turned around before the guard could punch him and blocked his fist. He kept blocking until he decided to take action. He did a sweeping kick to knock the guard off his feet. Once the guard was down he used the heel of his foot to kick him in the chin HARD, successfully breaking the neck.

The guard that had been knocked down earlier was now lunging at him again. Seungho used his knee to hit him in the stomach and then flipped him over onto his back. The other 2 guards then lunged at him for a double team maneuver. Seungho evaded and blocked both attacks with ease. 

When he ducked to avoid a punch, he came up and landed a fist uppercut on the guard, knocking him off his feet and onto his back. The last guard had tried to go after Joon but Seungho was too fast for him. He leaped into the air and brought down a spinning kick on the guard's head.

Joon was quickly getting rid of the leftover guards. He used a roundhouse kick on one guard which knocked him into another guard. He then grabbed a guard by his shirt collar and threw him back several feet. The last 2 guards came at him at the same time. Joon held out his arms and grabbed them both by their necks before they could do anything. He then knocked them down to the ground and by doing so he broke the spinal cord on both of them.

As Joon got up, he looked over at his leader and noticed he was done as well. They both nodded to each other as Seungho spoke into this headset, "Thunder. We're done here. How far are G.O and Mir coming along?"

"They've successfully planted the explosives. They are heading back the way they came and plan to meet you guys up by the front. G.O has the detonator set and ready."


As the 4 men met up back at the entrance of the security building, G.O pulled out the detonator. "It's all set Yang Leader. Once I press this button, it's KABOOM!!!" As he said this he waved his hands dramatically in the air.

Mir and Joon rolled their eyes at him. Seungho just stared at him. "I think I've got how this works, now could we please get away from this area?"

Everyone nodded and followed their leader away from the building. The last thing they wanted was to be caught up in the explosion.

Once they were a safe distance away, Seungho nodded to G.O. He took that as his signal and pressed the button on the detonator. 

Mir and Joon watched in amazement as the building they were looking at was being demolished by flames. G.O and Seungho both had satisfied smirks on their faces.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Once Khun and I had reached "The Agency" as he had dubbed it, I was a little amazed at how huge the training ground was. There were fighters EVERYWHERE. Most of them were men but she saw some women here and there.

"Amazed at the glory of the place, aren't you?" Khun asked with a slight smirk on his face.

I gave him a look. "Don't get so ahead of yourself."

He laughed as we walked forward. Alot of people seemed to know who he was. He was greeted by many people and so of course I felt a little...well out.

"Oh! There are some guys you just have to meet! They are really good friends of mine." Khun said excitedly as he grabbed my hand and lead me forward. 

He's touching your hand. No sh*t sherlock. GAH! Why are my thoughts always like this? 

I tried not to let my attention focus on that and just let him lead me forward. Off in the distance, I saw two people sparring. One had blonde hair similiar to Khun's and the other had reddish-black hair.

Khun looked at me with a huge smile. "You HAVE to meet these two. They are the funniest duo I know and they are good friends of mine. Plus they know how to hold their own in a fight."

As we walked towards the two guys, I began to notice that everyone was kinda just doing their own thing. Was there no one running this place?

I voiced my question to Khun and he scratched the back of his head. "Well you're probably gonna think I'm crazy when I say this but we do have someone running this place. It's just that....well...."

I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "What?"

He let out a sigh before continuing on. "We have never actually MET the guy."

I stared at him incredulously. What is this "Charlie's Angels" or something? "So your boss or the guy running this place, whatever. You don't even know what he LOOKS like?"

He nodded sheepishly. I shook my head and threw my hands up in the air. "This is ridiculous! I feel like I'm in the middle of some cheesy action movie."

He laughed and added, "Well it is kinda like that. We do know his name though....well his name that he GOES BY anyway. And he really is a trustworthy and honorable man. He built this place and supplied all the equipment and trainers just for us. He looks out for us in more ways than you think. He just keeps his true identity a secret because he's done some covert black ops stuff back in the day."

I took all of what he said in. I guess that does make a way.

"So what name does he go by?" I asked full of curiousity now.

"T.O.P." He replied before waving over the two guys on the arena.

As the 2 men walked over, Khun introduced them to me. "Guys! This is Alexa. Alexa, this is Doojoon and Yoseob."

(Author's Note): T.O.P as in THE T.O.P from Big Bang and yes Doojoon and Yoseob from BEAST. Please tell me you know these guys, otherwise idk what to tell you.

End of Chapter 13

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!