Chapter 14

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 14


Thunder's frantic voice filled Seungho's ears. "Yang Leader! The explosion caused a huge commotion already, there are royal guard force men heading your way!"

Seungho's eyes widened. He looked over at the other 3. "Guys! We need to leave the scene of the crime NOW!"

Mir and Joon both looked a little startled while G.O remained impassive and quickly responded with a nod. "Understood. I think there is a vehicle lot nearby here. We could high-jack one of the cars and get out of here faster."

Seungho was eternally grateful for G.O. He nodded in agreement. "Okay then lead the way."

With that, G.O began to run off in the direction of the vehicle lot with the other 3 following closely after him.


When they reached the lot, Mir let out a low whistle. "These are some NICE cars."

He wasn't lying. Every car in the lot was a luxury car of some sort. Seungho looked around for one that would suit them. They needed space for all 4 of their bodies and most importantly speed.

Once he spotted a fast looking car made for 4 people, he tapped G.O on the shoulder and pointed the car out to him. G.O looked over at the car and began to run towards it.

The other 3 followed suit. "We don't have time for fancy car lock picking so Joon I need you to bust open the driver side window." G.O explained as they reached the car. 

Joon nodded and using his elbow he broke the window open. Seungho went around and up to the passenger side door and opened it, showing that the car had been unlocked the whole time and that the window busting was really unnecessary. Babos.

Joon looked a little embarrassed but it was short lived as G.O quickly got into the driver's seat with Seungho entering the passenger side. Mir got in the back and Joon joined him soon after.

G.O quickly pried open the compartment underneath the wheel. A bunch of wires fell out and he grabbed at two of them and began to hot wire the car. Seungho had looked over his head and his eyes grew twice their size.

Mir and Joon both noticed their leader's gaze and followed it. Their eyes grew wide as well. Mir began to speak in squeaky voice. "Hey hyung."

"What is it Mir? Aigoo, can't you see I'm busy here?" G.O asked frustrated.

Mir swallowed the lump in his throat. "I don't mean to rush you or anything hyung but, uh, well....we have company."

At this G.O looked up and saw what the other 3 had been staring at. Off in the distance there were several lines of royal guard force heading straight for them. 

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH SH*T!!!!!" G.O exclaimed as he worked on hot wiring the car faster.

Joon spoke soon afterwards. "Oh my God! G.O we need to go NOW!" He was getting as panicked as Mir was.

Mir added to the panicking. "Oh please! Turn it on! TURN IT ON!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

"Come on! Come on!"
"We need to go NOW!"
"Oh sh*t!"
"COME ON!!!!"
"Get it started!"
"Let's go! Let's go!"

G.O was getting frustrated and screamed in irritation at the two village idiots who weren't helping him concentrate what so ever. Seungho was the only one keeping a cool head.

After G.O had let out his yell of frustration the car FINALLY started. "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With that, he quickly put the car into reverse and pushed down on the accelerator. The tires squealed loudly as he peeled out of the parking space. Once they had pulled out, they were facing the royal guard force who were not very far in front of them now. G.O shifted the car to drive and stepped on the accelerator, the tires squealing madly from the friction of the rubber on concrete.

Mir and Joon screamed in the back seat. G.O was gonna drive straight through the lines of guards. Seungho quickly held onto something. He knew G.O was a good driver and all but what he was about to do was....well to put it mildly, dangerous.

Some of the guards had guns so as G.O was getting closer to bulldozing through them he yelled to everyone in the car, "DUCK!!!!!!!!"

Many shots were heard as G.O drove through the royal guard force. Bullets went everywhere, whizzing above their heads. At some point the shots were no longer heard and they all lifted their heads up. The car looked like swiss cheese.

Seungho used his legs to kick out the front window since it was so badly damaged they couldn't see through it. G.O was thankful as he could see again. He kept going at his break neck speed. They all wanted to get the hell out of there.

Thunder's worried voice filled all their ears at once. "GUYS!!! Are you all okay?!"

Before they could reassure him, they were suddenly met with an obstacle. Not very far ahead there was a bridge that went over a huge body of water. The obstacle? It was one of those bridges that was split in the middle and because of their rotten luck, the bridge was beginning to lift up.

Seungho noticed that G.O had begun to slow down. "What are you doing?!" He asked frantically.

G.O looked at his leader with a confused expression. "What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm trying to get us out of here."

Seungho shook his head. "So why are you SLOWING down then?"

G.O pointed at the bridge. "We can't make that."

"Like hell we can't!" Seungho exclaimed while stomping his foot on G.O's driving foot, pushing the accelerator to its maximum.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"HOLY SH*T WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The car sped forward and up the bridge, getting closer and closer to the middle where it was lifting up.


Everyone was screaming besides Seungho who kept his foot pressing down on G.O's. Finally the car reached the middle of the bridge and lifted off into the air.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The car came down hard on the other side. The shock of the impact jolted everyone up in their seats. Mir and Joon had hit their heads on the roof due to them not wearing their seat belts. They both yelled out in pain.

The car kept driving forward but because Seungho had taken his foot off, it began to slow down to a more reasonable speed. G.O's foot was relieved to say the least.

Mir and Joon both hugged each other hysterically and screamed at the top of their lungs, "WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I knew we were gonna make it the whole time." G.O had said with a completely straight face.

Everyone turned to look at him incredulously. He tried to act cool about it. "What?"

Seungho shook his head. "Unbelievable. You know, somewhere you are depriving a village of it's idiot!" 

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

"It's nice to meet you guys." I gave off my best smile and shook the hands of the two men standing in front of me.

The one with the reddish-black hair and charismatic eyes took my hand and kissed the back of it. "The pleasure is all mine. I'm Doojoon by the way."

The blonde one, I'm guessing it's Yoseob since this man was Doojoon, pushed him and caused him to stumble over. "I apologize for him in advance. I'm Yoseob." 

His innocent face and friendly smile reminded me so much of Thunder. Don't get all nostalgic now. You will see the guys soon. He bowed in greeting but was pushed over by Doojoon.

"YAH!!! What was that for?! I was only being friendly!"

Khun scoffed. "TOO friendly if you ask me."

Doojoon smirked. "Is someone JEALOUS?"

Khun then charged at Doojoon. As the two ran off chasing each other around the arena, Yoseob walked up to me and stood by my side. 

I laughed at the childness of the whole situation. Yoseob laughed with me. "Those two have always been like that. It's their way of showing brotherly love."

I smiled over at him. "I see."

He smiled back at me and asked me to have a seat with him on a nearby bench. As we both sat down, the two babos in question had begun to spar on the arena.

"Well it looks like my training for the day is over." He let out a small sigh as he rested his chin on his hand.

I patted him on the back. "Well from what I saw earlier, you don't need that much training. I bet you give Doojoon a run for his money."

He sat up and looked over at me with a bright smile. "Thanks! I appreciate it. You're right though, I do give him a hard time. I'm just that good."

He put on a haughty expression and pretended to flip his hair. I burst into laughter.

As we both settled down, we focused our attention on the match between Doojoon and Khun. Khun already had Doojoon in a headlock. It was comical the way he was trying to pry his head out from Khun's muscular arms.

Yoseob and I both laughed. Once Doojoon had managed to free his head he grabbed Khun by his shoulders and then used one of his legs to trip him. With that, Khun fell back and Doojoon had him on the ground.

Or so I thought. As soon as they had both hit the ground, Khun flipped Doojoon over so Khun was on top. 

"It almost looks like a declaration of love doesn't it?" Yoseob asked.

I almost died laughing. 

The two had gotten back up now and were several paces away from each other. Khun lunged forward with a roundhouse kick which Doojoon expertly dodged. Doojoon then counter attacked with a low sweeping kick but Khun had seen it coming and jumped over it. 

These two are FAST. 

Doojoon came at Khun with several punches which he evaded and blocked easily. He then sprang forward and managed to tackle Khun. But as soon as his back hit the ground he flipped Doojoon's body over his by using his legs. 

Doojoon fell hard on his back and coughed from the sudden wind being knocked out of him.

"Give up yet?" Khun asked with a satisfied smile spreading across his face. 

He was currently standing over Doojoon. The man in question gave him a smirk. "Oh you wish!"

With that Doojoon sprang back up on his feet and threw a heel kick at Khun. The kick landed right on his abdomen and he flew back a few feet.

I couldn't help but cringe as they each landed their own hits on each other. Yoseob noticed and laid his hand on my shoulder. "These guys are tough. They won't get hurt that easily."

I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. "Thanks for that. I guess I just worry too much."


After a few more minutes of that, the two finally ended their little sparring match. I was relieved. They had started to work up a sweat.

"Me and Yoseob are gonna go get cleaned up. Let us know when you're done with your little mission so we can all hang out later." Doojoon stated as he and Yoseob began to walk away.

Khun and I waved at them. "No problem! Thanks for the workout!"

I laughed as I called out to them. "And it was nice meeting you two!"

Khun turned to look at me. "So what do you think of those two?"

I smiled. "Well you were right about them being-" I cut myself off because at the moment he did something that totally made me lose my train of thought.

He just took off his shirt. I would by lying if I said it wasn't nice because he had a SIX PACK.

I quickly turned my head in another direction to avoid staring. God, if this is some kind of test, this is so NOT funny! I mentally kicked myself. This man is gonna be the death of me, I swear.

He noticed what I was doing and laughed. He laughed. The NERVE of this man! "Would you please put your shirt BACK on! Have some decency!"

"Oh come on! What kind of a lame excuse is that? I'm hot, no pun intended, so I took my shirt off." He replied back.

I couldn't tell you what his expression was since I wouldn't even turn to look at him directly. Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket. Oh thank you, there IS a God!

I pulled my phone out and said a quick "excuse me" before running off in the opposite direction. Once I was sure I was out of earshot I took the call. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me." It was his voice. The man who I was deprived of at the moment. 

"Seungho! Oh you have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice!" I exclaimed, automatically feeling better at the sound of his voice.

His adorable laughter filled my ears. "I miss you too."

I smiled like an idiot when he said that. "I miss you ALOT! Oh and by the way, I'm starting to get somewhere with my mission."

"Oh really?" He asked.

"Yeah, Annabeth had lots of informants that I could go to, to ask questions. I'm at one of the places now with Khun since it just so happens to be where he went to train. I haven't spoken to the informant yet but I'm planning to this evening." I tried my hardest to sound nonchalant about Khun. 

"Where are you?" He asked.

"At a training ground area by the Summoner's Bay. It's like right nearby the Oceania city that we went to." I replied back.

"How long are you going to be there for?"

That's a good question. "I'm not quite sure. If I get enough information here then I won't need to go traveling to all these other places. Hopefully that's the case. Why? Are you guys done with the preparations for the final mission?"

He let out a sigh. "Yeah. We had a bit of an incident with our last mission but basically we're done with all the small stuff. Now we just need to build up a small army to raid Lord Delacroix's fortress. And of course we need to find the old ruler."

Incident? Wonder what happened? "I actually think I can help you with building up that small army!" I exclaimed excitedly. 

I had just thought of it when he mentioned "a small army." The training ground I was at was FULL of talented and skilled fighters. Maybe they could help out. I'm sure Khun would not mind, seeing as how he's still neutral.

I mentioned the training ground to Seungho and told him about all the fighters, particularly the two I had just met today. 

"Wow, you know, you may have something there." He replied back.

"So does that mean you and the guys will come here soon?" I asked while my heart began to race with excitement.

I really did miss Seungho and the guys, even if it had only been a few days. "I think so. It would be better for us to go there since it is stationed closer to Lord Delacroix's fortress. Could you put me on video call so I can take a look at the place?"

"Of course!" With that I switched it to video call and saw his beautiful face show up on my phone screen.

I almost blushed. Get a hold of yourself! The butterflies in my stomach always came back when I saw him. I couldn't help but break out into a huge grin.

He smiled back at me. "You look good."

"Thanks." I replied sheepishly.

I quickly got a hold of myself and held my phone out. I then turned a slow 360 degrees to let him get a good view of everything. Once I was done I faced him on the phone again.

"So what did you think?"

He smiled at me. "You're a very good tour guide. The place is a pretty good size and you were right about there being many fighters. I think we should be able to transport most of our needed equipment there."

I felt my spirits lift as he said this. "Really? So you and the guys will come here right?"

He laughed at my excitement. "Yes of course. They will be happy to hear that. They miss you almost as much as I do."

I grinned from ear to ear. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Mir pouts whenever something reminds him of you. Thunder misses having his 'deep' conversations with you and he said he missed his 'healer buddy.' Joon and G.O just miss you. They try to be cool about it."

I almost started tearing up as he told me about the guys. I guess he noticed because his expression turned to one of worry. "Are you alright?"

I nodded my head slowly. "Of course! Why wouldn't I be? It's just really touching to hear all those wonderful things."

He laughed at my explanation. "Well don't worry, you should be seeing us there in a few days."

My expression fell. "A FEW DAYS?!?!"


Khun and I were currently at a small apartment like place. "This is where I stayed when I trained over here."

He had just gotten done taking a shower and was now dressed. Thank you lord. I looked up at him from where I was sitting on the bed. "So who is this guy? The informant that we are about to go see?"

"His name is Xavier. He's a bit of an older guy. He's actually one of the guys I trained under. He's smart so his information should be trustworthy. I think he might be one of the only people here who has personally met T.O.P."

I stared at him and blinked several times. "He actually MET this mysterious boss of yours?"

Khun nodded. I couldn't hide my surprise. 


Khun knocked on the door. I was standing next to him and I was a bit nervous. From the way Khun described him, he sounded like the world's most interesting man or something. He's met T.O.P for crying out loud!

The door finally opened after what seemed like ages. The man standing in the opening had a friendly look on his face. Was this him?

Khun bowed a little bit. "Xavier, it's been awhile."

That answered my question.

Xavier was a man who looked to be about in his 40's I'm guessing. He had short jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, they reminded me of ice. His face looked young but his body was super muscular. 

"Ah Nichkhun! It's always a pleasure. And who is this lovely young lady?" He turned over and looked at me.

I smiled and bowed a little as well. "Hello there. My name is Alexa. I'm an old friend of Nichkhun's."

He smiled and moved over. "Please do come in."


We were all now seated at a small dining room table. He had been nice enough to share some of his green tea with us. 

"So what brings you two kids here?" He asked as he placed his cup on a coaster.

I spoke up first. "Well you see Sir, I have a friend named Annabeth and she told me that I needed to come here for information about Lord Azure."

His eyes widened a bit at the mention of the old ruler's name. "This friend of yours, does she have reddish-brown hair and blue eyes?"

I nodded. He scratched at his chin in thought. "Ah yes, I remember now. She's right. You've come to the right place."

I automatically felt my hopes lift up. Khun looked over at me and smiled in a "I told you so" way. I gave him a look and turned my attention back to Xavier.

"So what information do you have for me Sir?" I asked politely.

He held up his finger and got up. He went into the next room and came back a few seconds later, holding a stack of files and an ancient looking book.

"I've got what you need to find the man himself."

At this my eyes grew the size of saucers. "Really?!" 

He nodded. "But first you must know the story of how this all began, in order to understand the information I'm about to give you."

I nodded in understanding. My adrenaline had started pumping and my heart was getting all excited. I was getting THIS much closer to helping Seungho and the guys to complete their final mission. Not to mention I would be doing the world a favor by bringing back the old ruler.

God, all those shenanigans earlier, that was just you playing with me wasn't it? You sly dog.

End of Chapter 14

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!