Chapter 5

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 5

*OC (Alexa's) POV* head. Why is it hurting so much? Oh right, the fight with the royal guard force. How stupid can I get? Am I dead right now? I mean honestly why did I even volunteer myself to fight? That man. I felt my insides flutter at the thought of him. Oh dear lord, I'm starting to fall for someone who's name I don't even know. Why is my heart so incredibly weak and stupid? Seriously am I dead? Why is everything black?

Oh wait a minute....last thing that happened was I was knocked out from if I didn't get myself killed then I must have just been unconscious this whole really I'm starting to come back to my senses but my eyes are just closed. I should get the award for Biggest of The Year. Suddenly my thoughts were broken by a high pitched squeal.

"KYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyung! I just told you my head was tender! What's wrong with you?!?"

Wait a minute....that was a GUY screaming like that?

"Aish quit your complaining! If you hadn't gone and said what you said you wouldn't be having a tender head in the first place!"

What in the world is going on? Who do these voices belong to?

"He's right Mir, you never should have jumped to conclusions the way you did. Besides you know Leader isn't that kind of a man."

Was I kidnapped? What kind of a name is Mir?

"But I didn't mean for it to come out that way! It just slipped! Yang Leader you know I didn't mean it right?"

Aish screw it! I'm just gonna lay here and pretend I'm still out of it.

"Oh right. Well then I didn't mean to punch you in your skull, my fist just slipped."

PWAHAHAHAHA!!! That was a good one! Too bad I have to pretend to be knocked out still. I heard lots of laughter after that last comment. It looks like the man named Mir was outnumbered on....well whatever it was they were going on about. I really wanted to open my eyes, I was dying of curiousity. But my will to live on and possibly have future grandchildren kept me from doing so.

All of a sudden I felt as if I had many pairs eyes on me. Oh for the love of..... Wait just a minute....why do I feel somebody's breath on my face? 

"Is she gonna wake up anytime soon?"
"Yah! Why are you so close? From here it looks like you're trying to kiss her!"
"What the hell is Mir trying to do?"
"Oooooooooh you're so dead now!"

Okay I can't take it anymore. I finally opened my eyes and that's when I saw it. An unfamiliar man's face right up in my grill. Not gonna lie that definitely woke me up fast. I screamed. 

The man hovering over me screamed as well. So HE'S the one with the girly squeal! He jumped back in total surprise and would have fallen over if it weren't for a muscular man using his.....very muscular arms, to catch him. I sat straight up on the cot that I had been laying on and looked at my surroundings.

The muscular man and the girly squeal man were both looking at me with mouths slighty agape. Partly my fault for screaming the way I did. I looked over and noticed two more men. One was slim and tall with a really pretty face, he had a slightly worried look on that pretty face of his. The other man had an amused expression, he had a really young face and a barely noticable 5 o' clock shadow.

Then I noticed someone coming up behind the muscular man and the girly squeal man. His hair was gelled up in a really cool style and for some reason I felt like I knew him. He was giving the girly squeal man a look of irritation but because everyone's attention was on me he decided to look up instead. 


I felt both shock and a huge surge of relief when I saw who the man was. "Mister it's you!"

That's when the 4 other men in the room turned their heads slowly to look at him. He looked different when his hair wasn't just down and all natural looking. But it's a GOOD different. Oh shut up! Wow, did I really just tell myself to shut up? 

He looked at me, not even choosing to acknowledge the other 4 men in the room who were currently staring at him. "Yeah, it's me. Are you feeling alright?"

The 4 men then turned their attention on me. I felt at my head and replied, "Yeah. It's just a little sore in the back of my head, that's all really."

He nodded his head in understanding and then began to walk up to me. The 4 men, who still haven't said a word might I add, stared after him as if anticipating something. When he reached me he his heel and faced the other men.

"Everyone, this is Alexa. She's a healer. She's responsible for me being in such a good condition. If it weren't for her I would probably be in the hands of Lord Delacroix by now. So I trust you will all show her the same kindness and respect that you show me."

He looked at each of the men in the eye with his head held up high. He's definitely the leader of this group. He was just oozing with authority. The 4 men straightened up by the end of his little speech and they all nodded, "Yes. We understand."

He looked back at me and.....did he really just smile at me? He's really starting to open up to me. Could it be because he's around these guys? "I apologize in advance for Mir's behaviour. He's the maknae you see and he has no shyness in front of people sometimes." 


I smiled at that comment. I think it was the muscular man who said it because the girly squeal, er....I mean Mir turned around and gave him a look.

The leader, I think they call him "Yang Leader" from what I heard earlier, laughed a little before continuing on. "And I also apologize for MY behaviour. My name is Seungho and I'm sorry for any trouble that I've caused you. I am actually really grateful for all of your help." He bowed a little bit at the end.

Seungho..... Oh dear, snap out of it! And don't you dare blush cheeks, DON'T YOU DARE! I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard several things at once. One man I think tried to do a wolf whistle, another scoffed, and I think the last two said "ooooooooooooooooh."

As soon as Seungho turned around to look at them, they all shut up and put on serious expressions. Wow. He's good. He then spoke up again with a smirk playing across his lips. "Seeing as how you four are just dying for attention, how about I introduce you guys to Alexa the 'proper' way?"

At this their expressions fell. Okay I don't get it but it obviously meant no good for these guys.


So now I kinda understand why these guys weren't looking forward to introducing themselves to me "the proper way." What Seungho had meant was that instead of them just telling me their name and such, they would each be practice sparring with him, showcasing their specialty in what they do. 

For example Mir would fight against Seungho using the best of his abilities, which in turn allows me to see what he excelled in. I could already tell that Mir was a weapons expert due to the fact that he was armed....with several different types of blades. It would be like this for the Joon, G.O, and Thunder as well. 

They each introduced themselves to me beforehand so I would start learning their names faster. The muscular man had been Joon, the slim guy was Thunder, and the young face was G.O. They all have really great personalities. I have never met such a funny bunch before in my life. It was really hard to see them as the "Resistance" as everyone had dubbed them. 

Yes, they were on the opposing side but they weren't brutal savages who just went around causing havoc and turmoil in the world. People really need to learn to think for themselves, Lord Delacroix is so full of sh*t. If anyone else besides myself saw how great these guys were they would think twice about accepting him as their ruler.

I was broken from thoughts as I felt someone sit next to me. I looked over and smiled as I saw it was Thunder. He smiled back and spoke first, "So from what Leader has told us about you, you don't seem to be on Lord Delacroix's side. But you also don't look like you're from the opposing side either."

I nodded, "Yeah you're right. I'm neutral. I don't believe in war or Lord Delacroix." I looked away from him and focused my attention on the arena before me where Seungho and Mir were having their sparring match. Mir was definitely good with blades but it looked like Seungho was just too well balanced in both weapons and hand-to-hand combat. 

Thunder nodded in understanding and watched the fight alongside me. He's really nice, he even respects my choices and leaves it at that. 

I almost don't see how someone as happy-go-lucky as Mir can be so utterly dangerous and lethal with blades. It was different seeing him in such a cool way. He definitely earned my respect.

I decided to pry into the other members individual skills, "So what's your role in the group?"

Thunder laughed a little and looked over at me, "Same as you. I'm a healer."

"Really?!" I couldn't hide my pleasant surprise. When I thought about it he really did fit that role.

He laughed again and nodded. "If you're wondering about G.O and Joon I'll tell you. G.O is our stealth expert. Whenever we need a job done 'quietly' he's the man to go to. He's sneaky. Joon is our 'muscle babo.' His strength is one of our greatest assets. And Yang Leader of course is a jack-of-all-trades. He's well rounded in just about every skill."

I giggled a little bit at his explanation of the other members. "Is there nothing Seungho can't do?" When I got no answer I looked over to see if Thunder had heard me.

He was looking at me with a knowing expression. "What?" I asked while nervously trying to laugh it off.

He just smiled at me and looked back at the match while shaking his head as if amused by something. Strange. Wonder what that was about?


When it was Thunder's turn to go up against Seungho I was honestly pretty worried. After talking to Thunder and getting to know his personality a little better he just didn't seem like the fighting type. But according to everyone else he was an expert fighter as much as he was a master healer. 

"Don't worry. You'll see what we mean once Leader tries to land a blow on him." Mir explained while giving me a huge grin and patting me on the back in a reassuring manner.

Joon sat on my other side. "Yeah, Thunder's got skill when it comes to evading."

"Unlike someone we know." G.O added while walking towards us and giving Joon an accusing look.

Joon practically stuttered to defend himself. "Yah! I can't help that speed isn't one of my stronger points! Thunder is smaller than me! Doesn't that"

I laughed out loud at that last part. I then focused my attention on the match. As soon as it started Seungho was charging Thunder like a bull. But I could see why, he was evading Seungho really well. He was lightning fast.....OH I GET IT!!!!


When it was G.O against Seungho I automatically understood by what Thunder meant when he said G.O was "sneaky." From the beginning of the match G.O and Seungho had been neck and neck. G.O had items that helped him out of sticky situations, like smoke bombs. He was also very acrobatic so whenever Seungho managed to get a grip on him he would somehow manage to weasel his way out of it.

Thunder and Mir who were laying sprawled out on the ground in front of me were watching with awe. I almost laughed at how silly they looked drenched in sweat, laying spread eagle on the ground like that with those expressions.


Joon vs. Seungho was a bit interesting. Joon definitely had strength as his main forte but because Seungho was well balanced it really made it more of an even match. Seungho relied on evading whenever Joon tried to land a blow on him.

This has got to be the most tiring brotherly bond I've ever witnessed before in my life. G.O came up and sat next to me while downing a bottle of water. He threw two bottles over to Mir and Thunder on the ground. They gladly took the water and thanked their hyung for bringing it.

I smiled at their little interactions. Their brotherly love was just too cute to ignore.


Well that was one interesting way of getting to know the group. I now knew each of the members by name and role that they played in their teamwork. I almost can't believe that I was accepted so easily here. Everyone is so nice and welcoming. Even if I'm still neutral, I really did not mind being on the opposing side.

What I found really odd was that after talking to other people I found out that Seungho and the guys were considered the best of the best. Not only that but Seungho wasn't just the leader of a small group, he was the leader of the entire "opposing side" as well. These guys were no joke.

They were awesome guys no doubt about that but they were also powerful and skilled fighters. They knew what they were doing and they were serious about going against Lord Delacroix. I couldn't help but admire them.

If only the world could see their precious "ruler" for what he truly was. Then all would be right again. No more wars tearing the world apart. 

I looked out the window of the room I was staying in. The guys were nice enough to set it up for me, seeing as how I'll probably be sticking around for awhile. 

It's funny how it was just decided that I'd be staying here. Mir and Thunder seemed particularly happy about it but then again those two are always really happy. G.O and Joon thought it was cool because I'm a "woman" and it would "spice things up." Seungho was the one who came up with the idea. He said he didn't want me traveling by myself so I had to spend the night at least.

As if God himself was listening to my thoughts, Seungho walked into my room. Note to self: always close the door COMPLETELY.

End of Chapter 5

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!