Chapter 6

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 6

*Seungho's POV*

He had no idea why he had walked into Alexa's room. He just happened to be walking by and he saw her door was ajar. Still doesn't mean you can just walk in. He shook his head and tried to clear his thoughts before he looked up.

Alexa was sitting by the window and had a mix of different emotions across her face, "Is there something the matter?"

Seungho decided to stay by the door and he leaned against the frame. Him and a woman ALONE together in a room was one thought that made him uneasy but he had to keep a calm exterior to hide his nervousness.

"I was just stopping by. I wanted to make sure you are doing alright since you are the only woman staying here with us and you might be feeling slightly uncomfortable." He kept his face expressionless the whole time.

She looked back out the window and let out a sigh before replying, "It is a little weird being the only female in this place but honestly I would rather stay with you guys then with women whom I don't know very well." 

Then she looked back at him with a frantic look and put her hands up. "Not that I'm saying people from the opposing side are horrible or anything! I just feel better here because I'm starting to get to know you guys."

For some reason her saying that made his heart feel at ease. He wasn't exactly sure why, he had nothing to be so happy about. She was just stating her mind and saying that she felt fine when she was with them.

He smiled at her. "It's fine. I knew what you meant."

And for some odd reason he felt like being a little playful when he saw how relieved she was when he said it was fine. "Yeah, it's not like I'm gonna use my leader authority to get everyone to hate you or anything like that. No my methods are way more intricate than that."

He had to try really hard not to burst out laughing at her somewhat horrified expression. He got a bit bold and decided to walk up to her slowly. With each step he took, the more nervous she got. 

"The opposing side can be quite scary you know. Go against us and it's like adding fuel to the fire." He looked around the room with a bored look before landing his eyes on her. 

Once again he used his utmost tolerance to keep himself from laughing. Her look was priceless. Her eyes were full of worry and her body was hunched up against the window as if she was planning to jump out of it.

When he finally reached her he looked down at her scrunched up figure with a condescending look. Oh how badly he wanted to just burst into laughter but this was just too good to pass up.

He waited a few before speaking to make sure his voice was kept even, "Anything else you would like to say?"

She cleared and spoke in a tiny voice. " Leader....Mister Leader....Hyung-nim....Sir.....Leader?"

"Good. See you tomorrow." He replied in a cheerful manner.

He his heel and quickly walked out and once he was sure he was out of hearing distance he burst into loud laughter that rang through the halls.


"Did you guys just hear that?!" Joon exclaimed while jumping off the floor and onto the couch along with Mir and Thunder. They were currently huddled under one huge blanket.

G.O rolled his eyes at his reaction. "Yah! Would you relax? It was just laughter." 

Thunder and Mir peeked out from under the blanket and all you could see was their fearful looking eyes. G.O had to admit it looked pretty hilarious and he shook his head in amusement.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Okay....WTF WAS THAT ALL ABOUT??!! My heart was pounding so hard in my chest that it felt like it was going to go up my throat anytime now.

First Seungho was....well Seungho-ish. He had no expression what-so-ever in the beginning, then he managed to smile a little and then BAM! Total 360 turnaround worthy of Hannibal Lecter himself geez.

Oh my heart, oh my word, oh my....whatever else I can think of at the moment. And then he was all cheerful at the end. AISH I'M SO CONFUSED!

Either this man has a split personality or he just had a serious case of PMS.

Once my heart had managed to stop beating so dang fast I got up from where I was sitting by the window and layed down in bed. Even though I still wasn't sure what that was all about I still had to admit that my developing feelings for him were still there.

Maybe he was being playful? Hmmm it didn't sound like Seungho really, but I could be wrong. Maybe I just needed to get to know him better. I smiled at that thought. He's been the reason for all my smiling lately. Well him and his 4 "village idiot brothers" as he likes to call them.

Well I might as well sleep on it. No use overanalyzing such trivial things.

Men think women are confusing? Hell they should take a look in the mirror.


When I woke up that next morning, the whole place was in chaos. Even though my door was closed it wasn't sound proof. All I could hear outside was a bunch of running around and some conversations here and there. I even heard some random screaming.Probably Mir.

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to get myself ready before I went out.


Aigoo, I never should have walked out of my room. Locking myself back in the room sounded like a splendid idea at the moment. Everyone was literally running around everywhere. Things looked really busy and frantic.

Thunder was in front of some computer screens reading what looked like top secret files to me. G.O was waiting by a faxing machine that was printing some papers out and as it did so he took a look at each one and then handed them off to Joon.

Joon would then take the papers and bring them over to Seungho who was sitting at a table filled with all kinds of radio devices. 

Mir was sitting over at another table that had a laptop and some other gadgets that I didn't recognize. He currently had some headphones on and seemed to be listening intently to whatever was on the other line.

Everyone was so busy that they didn't seem to notice me walk in. Okay either something huge happened or something big is about to go down.

My curiousity got the better of me and so I cleared my throat to make my presence known.

All of the guys, besides Mir because he had headphones on, looked up at me. Seungho smiled when he noticed me and for some reason I had a feeling that what he was about to say next meant no good for me. Call it women's inuition or whatever but I had a very uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"Everyone, our 'bait' has finally arrived."



I was currently standing in front of the gates to a small village-like place on the outskirts of the Blackheart Forest. Yes, I was about to head into enemy territory. Why you may ask? Because apparently I'm the "perfect bait."

I heard a crackling noise in my ear. I've never worn such a fancy headset thingy before so I forgot all about it and it scared the living daylights out of me. I jumped a little. My nerves were already on edge so what was it now?

"Hey Alexa, can you hear me just fine?" It was Mir's voice on the other end.

If Mir wasn't such a cutie pie I would have yelled at him for scaring me. He was really nice to me and made me laugh alot so I decided to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down before answering him. 

"Yes, loud and clear."

The mission I was on right now was one of infiltration. I had to go in and cause some kind of ruckus to get myself imprisoned. The reason for this was because the area where they held prisoners was also the place where some highly valuable blueprints were located. Those blueprints were important because they were the blueprints to Lord Delacroix's fortress. 

It sounded easy when you explain it that way but it was still nerve wracking. It was enemy territory for one thing and for another I've never been imprisoned before so that thought alone was really scary to me. 

"Hey Alexa, can you hear me as well?" It was Seungho's voice this time. 

"Yes traitor." I replied back with a bit of a sour tone. It was his idea after all. 

"Listen, I'm sorry about putting you in danger but honestly you're perfect for this job. If one of us went we'd either be killed on the spot or taken to Lord Delacroix straight away." 

I let out a huge sigh and realized he was right. "Yes, I understand. Sorry, I'm just really nervous." Seungho, Joon, G.O, and Thunder were all back at the "base of operations" as I had dubbed it. They were watching over everything that was going on now through some monitoring screens. Mir was the only one with me.

"Don't worry too much. If anything goes wrong, our weapons expert here has you covered."

I got confused then. How did Mir have me covered? I voiced my question to Seungho, "And just how does Mir plan to do that? Is he in the village? I thought he was hiding nearby in the forest?"

I heard some laughter on the other end. This time G.O spoke into the headset, "Aigoo! Mir isn't just skilled with swords and knives you know."

Joon's voice came on next, "When we said he was a weapons expert, we meant it."

"What these guys are trying to say Alexa, is that Mir knows how to use guns too. He is in position right now watching over you with a highly advanced sniper rifle." Thunder kindly explained to me.

Wait....did he just say SNIPER RIFLE?


Mir was watching Alexa through the highly magnified lens of his sniper rifle. "She's in guys." He watched as she entered the village slowly but surely.

He could hear many sighs of relief on his headset. He smiled at the thought of Yang Leader worrying like crazy over this girl. Mir was playful but he wasn't dumb.

Thunder spoke first, "Okay good. Keep a close eye on her okay? We can't have her disappear at all from our sight."

"Yeah, otherwise Leader here might pass out from sudden heartbreak- OW!!!" Joon practically busted Mir's eardrum with that loud yell of his.

"AISH!!! Joon hyung! Watch it will you? I need to be able to hear!" Mir exclaimed as he rubbed at his ear a little bit.

He heard multiple sorry's on the headset and he couldn't help but grin at his hyung's misfortune. 

"Stay focused now Mir. This mission is dangerous and we all have to take it seriously."

He automatically straightened himself out at the sound of Seungho's voice. "Yes Leader. I understand."


As time went by Alexa had managed to cause trouble and get herself captured by some of the royal guard force. Joon, Seungho, G.O, and Thunder had all their attention focused on the screens in front of them.

G.O managed to find his voice. "So far so good."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Thunder had managed to hack into the security cameras and so they now had a good visual of Alexa inside the prison area. 

"Will she be able to break out of the cell?" Joon asked while looking over at Thunder.

He nodded. "As long as I've got control of the main security system inside the area I should be able to unlock the cell door from here."

G.O and Seungho both gave each other knowing looks. "Good. Make sure you break her out only when we have an opening." G.O ordered.

"And make sure our communication with her is available at all times. She needs our guidance to the room with the blueprints." Seungho added.

Thunder nodded and began typing on his keyboard. "Understood Yang Leader."


Mir slightly jolted at the sound of the alarm. Time to rock and roll. He quickly loaded the chamber of his sniper rifle and put his eye up to the lens. He used both his arms to aim the rifle downward towards the village prison area.

Any minute now Alexa would be coming out from the prison and it was his job to make sure she got out of there safe and sound.

He saw her run out the front doors and she had a huge bag slung over her shoulder. She did it! Alright time to focus now Mir.

"Mir! I've got the blueprints!" He heard her yell through her heavy breathing.

He smiled. "I know, I can see you. Make sure you listen to my every word alright? I'm gonna help you to avoid danger."

He pointed the long barrel of his rifle at a guard that had just come out of the prison area. Mir held his breath and steadied himself before pulling the trigger and shooting a bullet straight through the man's head.

"Understood!" She yelled.

"You're doing good so far, keep running in that direction." He once again aimed his sniper at another guard, this time it was one on a rooftop. He held his breath and pulled the trigger. Another clean shot through the head. 

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Mir! What the hell was that? Why did it just rain blood on me?"

Mir tried to suppress his laugh. "I'm sorry! I didn't realize how close you were to that guard."

"Yah! Mir! Be careful where you aim that thing!" Seungho's pissed off voice filled his ear. 

"I'm really really really really really really really really sorry Leader! Please forgive me!" Mir replied frantically. The last thing he wanted after this mission was an irritated Seungho. 

He took careful aim of his next target. Two guards were standing side by side but from Mir's perspective it looked like one was in front of the other. He held his breath and steadied himself. Two in one, you can do it. He pulled the trigger and the high caliber bullet went straight through both of their heads. 


At last Alexa had reached the safe point. He took out another 3 guards before they even had the chance to try to get near her. He shot one in the leg which caused him to shoot off his gun and kill the guard next to him. He shot another through the heart.

Her out of breath voice came through the headset finally, "Alright Mir I'm out! Let's go! Now!" 

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did it yo!" Mir screamed happily with the biggest smile on his face.

G.O, Joon, Seungho, and Thunder all yelled at him at the same time. "YAH!!! MIR SHUT UP!!!!"

He pouted to himself. "Ah yeah....sorry hyungs."

End of Chapter 6

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!