Chapter 2

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 2


Thunder was quickly moving around the communications area, going from monitor screen to monitor screen, making sure everything was working properly. He quickly his headset and made sure it was working. He was absolutely nervous about this solo mission. He cares alot for Seungho so he made sure every piece of equipment he was using was working at top notch quality. He HAD to have communication with their leader at all times.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He slightly jumped at the contact but when he turned to see who it was his heartbeat went back to normal. 

"Don't put so much stress on yourself Thunder, everything is working properly. Plus this is our leader we're talking about, I'm sure he will do this mission just fine. He will talk when he's at the proper communication point." G.O slowly slid his hand off Thunder's shoulder and sat next to him in front of the monitoring screens.

Thunder could only nod as his voice had completely left him. Joon also joined the two at the communications center and sat on the other side of Thunder. Mir was currently pacing the room also worried about Seungho. He knew G.O was right about what he said. Their leader can't talk unless he's at a communication point. So he shouldn't be sweating bullets just because they haven't heard anything yet. But this was all easier said than done.

Mir managed to stop pacing once that familar crackling noise came up on the speakers. The other 3 also caught the noise and sat straighter in their chairs, waiting for their leader to say ANYTHING at this point. Joon spoke first into his headset, "Come in Yang Leader."

Thunder and G.O's full attention were on the monitoring screens near the Blackheart Forest. They couldn't quite see Seungho yet but they knew he was getting closer. Finally the crackling noise on the speakers was starting to clear out a little bit and they could just barely make out Seungho's light breathing. Even when running, his breathing was regular.

At this Thunder blew air out that he had been holding in for quite some time, "Yang Leader what's your position?"

"I'm only a few yards away from the communications point, you should be able to see me come into view in the next couple of minutes." Seungho's voice was clearly heard which left everyone in the room at ease.

A couple of minutes later they did see him show up on the monitoring screens. He was definitely somebody to be admired. He got to this point on pure stealth and stamina alone. Seungho looked straight into one of the cameras and gave a signal showing that he was ready to go into the danger zone. Thunder saw this and spoke into his headset, "You're all clear on this side Leader."

Seungho nodded and proceeded forward and out of his fellow members view. G.O, Joon, Thunder, and Mir looked at each other for what seemed to be the millionth time that day and held up their fists, "Fighting!" Even though they couldn't keep a close eye on their beloved leader they still had the headsets to communicate with so that was all they could hope for at this moment.

*Seungho's POV*

It was getting darker and darker by the minute. It didn't help that a storm was brewing overhead. But he was in a forest and forests aren't exactly meant for being able to see at far-off distances. He quickly kept his pace and treaded forward, deeper and deeper towards the royal guard force camp. He leaped over moss and trees that had fallen over, making sure to not run into anything that would give away his position.

Finally he started to see some light up ahead. The camp at last. This time he slowed down, taking his sprinting speed to a fast paced walk. Even though it would be hard for anyone to spot him like this he was still extremely wary of his surroundings and made sure to use as much stealth as possible.

He spotted the 1st guard up ahead. Another one was facing the opposite direction several yards behind the 1st. Seungho took this chance to maneuver himself around the 1st guard to get him from behind. With reflexes worthy of a panther in the jungle he quickly got up behind the guard and snapped his neck. Fast but quiet.

Seungho proceeded to sneak up on the 2nd guard. He decided to get this one from his legs first. He crouched down and sprang forward using a heel kick to the guard's calf muscle, automatically making the guard go down on his knees. Then he reached for the guard's head and snapped his neck as well.

Why is this too easy?

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, blinding lights filled his vision and he couldn't see a thing.

"Sh*t." He breathed.


Joon stood straight up after hearing Seungho on the headset, "What the hell is going on?! Yang Leader what is it?!"

Thunder's eyes went wide as they heard a huge amount of chaos and commotion on the other end of their headsets. G.O stood up so fast he knocked over the chair he was sitting in. Mir looked as if he had seen a ghost, "What's going on?! All I hear is a bunch of-"

Then something happened that stopped Mir in the middle of his sentence. Silence. Nothing was heard at all now. The four members looked at each other with many different emotions running across their faces. Any communication they had with their leader before was now lost.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Why didn't I go traveling earlier? It was getting dark super fast and I was only halfway through the forest. I'm not going to complain too much seeing as how I found loads of goodies to help me with my healer's treatments. Surprisingly I hadn't run into any of Lord Delacroix's royal guard force.

And just as that thought had crossed my mind I suddenly got a chill up my spine. What in the world? A sudden breeze blew by from a direction off to my right and that's when I sensed it. Danger.

I knew from previous encounters that I should ALWAYS trust my gut instinct. Call it women's inuition or whatever you like but I knew that deep down a sixth sense or something was warning me to stay away from feelings such as this. No good can come of it.

But this time it was a little bit different. Even though I obviously could sense the danger in that direction, a feeling in my stomach was tugging and pulling at my mind, telling me to go that way anyway. It was as if I NEEDED to go in that direction for this feeling to go away. Well this is very confusing.

My heart was now beating really fast in anticipation of what I was about to decide on next. For some reason I knew what the right choice was already. So without thinking twice about it my feet started to carry me in the direction of the danger. I just had to see what was happening, maybe this would explain that other feeling I had earlier about something HUGE happening.

I treaded carefully. I inched myself closer and closer and each time I would feel my heart ease a little bit. Well that's strange, did not expect my heart to feel so at ease. I could barely see past all the trees and branches and moss and....well whatever else was looming around in the forest. It didn't help that it was practically the evening already.

Finally I started to notice, no...."sense" a presence up ahead. Hopefully this is a friendly presence and NOT one of the royal guard force. Stupid heart of mine better be at ease for the right reasons. If I get myself killed I'm blaming it on my so called gut instinct/women's inuition.

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could suddenly make out a figure hunched over by a tree. As I got closer I noticed that the figure was a man. He was dressed as if he were going out on a night excursion, nothing but black clothing. He was hunched over holding himself around his waist area. He must be injured.

My healer's instincts kicked in and I moved faster towards the wounded man not really thinking about whether this was a good idea or not. My passion for helping people in need was too strong to be ignored so I kept on moving towards the man. And that's when his head shot up and I got a good look at his face.

He was really....well...handsome. He had a headfull of somewhat messy dark hair with the bangs hanging just above his eyelids. His eyes reminded me of a panda's and if it hadn't been for the seriousness of the situation I would have laughed out loud at this thought. His lips were full and he had a split on the bottom one. After finally taking in his looks I noticed that he was staring at me warily. His position even was wary, he didn't trust me it seemed like. I might as well try my best to earn his trust. 

I'm helping this man whether he likes it or not.

End of Chapter 2

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!