Chapter 8

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 8

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

As soon as Thunder had gone out of hearing range Seungho began speaking to me. "So how do you feel now?"

I stretched out my arms and moved my head around a little bit. Since I was still laying down on the cot I decided stretching my legs was unnecessary. "Well everything feels less painful now. My back is still a bit sore though."

Seungho's eyes softened at the mention of my back still being in pain. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed this. How lucky am I to have such a handsome man looking out for me? Thank you God.

He pulled up a small stool and sat down on it so he was a little more eye-level with me now. "How about we play a game of 20 questions? It will take your mind off the pain hopefully." He added the last part with a small smile.

I grinned at the suggestion. "Well I'm not saying no to that."

We both laughed lightly and I automatically felt better. Seungho, you yourself can heal my pain just by being here for me.


"Okay so what about your favorite food?" Seungho asked.

"Hmmmmmmm, that's really hard for me to answer. I like to cook and stuff so I like all kinds of food. I'm not one of those salad eating chicks you know." I giggled at my own joke.

Seungho's face seemed to brighten at my answer. "Really? Well that makes two of us, I like to eat too."

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed at all, what with you pigging out all the time and stuffing your face until you look like a chipmunk. But I gotta admit the puffy cheeks suit you." I was laughing really hard by the time I had finished my sentence.

His facial expression just added more to my laughter. The look he was giving me was an accusing one but it was also really playful. "Oh yeah?" 

That's when he held his hands out and began tickling me on my waist. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! NO!!! STOP IT!!!!! PWAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

He was bursting with laughter at my torture. I was extremely ticklish and his hands were relentless on their attack. "I'm going to piss myself!!! Hahahahahaha!!! Stop!!! No really!!! I've gotta piss like a race horse!!! Hahahaha!!!"

My eyes were tearing from laughing so much. He was still tickling me and laughing the entire time. "If you apologize about my eating habits then maybe I'll stop."

"YOU EVIL LITTLE!!! PWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! OKAY OKAY!!!! I'm sorry!!! You are the best leader ever!!! Now please stop!!! Hahahaha!!! I'M GOING TO PEE ON YOU IF YOU DON'T STOP!!!" 

He finally stopped and was now hunched over from laughing so hard. I was busily wiping away my tears of laughter and trying to gain control of my bladder. My diaphragm just had one hell of a workout. My stomach was sore and my head was ringing from laughing so much at once.

Once we had both gained control of ourselves we both looked at each other in the eye and burst into laughter again. I could definitely get used to this kind of an atmosphere. I've never seen Seungho so happy before. His laughter and his smile were both a really nice combination.

*Seungho's POV*

He had never felt so giddy before in his life. All the laughing and smiling he just did was definitely a nice change. He looked over at Alexa who was still giggling a little bit. He couldn't help but stare.

She is really beautiful....

He shook his head to keep his mind from wandering off. The last thing he wanted was to be caught staring at her. Whenever he looked her in the eye he felt as if her golden orbs were going to pull him in. Yes, Yang Seungho was finally admitting that he was falling for Alexa.

The teasing of the other members had been annoying at first but when he thought about it now, they were right. He was being a bit foolish by putting it off. 

Without really thinking about it he began playing with a strand of her hair. She took notice of course because she had finally stopped giggling. She looked up at him and he stared right back. His heart was beating faster than usual and his body temperature rose a little bit.

This was one of the only times he decided to act on impulse and he began to lower his head down towards hers. Her breathing hitched for a second but then went back to normal. A good sign for him to keep going.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Was he really doing what I think he's doing? Oh PLEASE tell me he is. Looking at those VERY kissable and full lips of his, my body temperature rose and I felt a little flustered but in a good way.

Those very lips were now just centimeters away from mine and I could feel his hot breath on my lips. I swear God, if ANYTHING happens to interrupt this moment I will become an atheist.

At last his lips brushed against mine and my heart practically bursted with happiness at the feeling. He applied more pressure and as he did so I brought my hand up to put in his hair. I parted my lips to allow more access for him because I was most definitely craving more.

Just then a loud knock was heard on the door and we broke apart with a jolt. DANG IT ALL TO HELL! Sorry lord, I didn't mean to curse but thank you for at least allowing me to kiss the man.

We were both breathing quite heavily. Seungho had his hand against his heart and I had my hands on my face. We were both extremely flustered at the sudden interruption and we tried to calm ourselves down before answering the knock.

He looked at me and whispered, "Are you gonna be fine?"

I could only nod as I had lost my voice from the sudden "heat of the moment" that just happened. 

Seungho looked towards the door and called out, "Come in!"

The door opened slowly and G.O walked in. He had a serious look on his face. Seungho took notice and asked, "What's going on?"

G.O sighed before answering back, "We have a bit of problem and it involves the blueprints to Lord Delacroix's fortress."


"So what you're saying is that there is a second part to these blueprints?" Seungho inquired.

Everyone was in the meeting room sitting down at the round table with papers scattered everywhere. The blueprints in question were in front of Seungho who was eyeing them with concentration.

Joon and Mir both nodded. The maknae then picked up a set of files that was in front of him and passed them over to Seungho. "Thunder found these encrypted files from Lord Delacroix's security division near the Summoner's Bay. Joon and I decrypted them and found out that Lord Delacroix's fortress has a hidden underground section."

G.O added, "And not only that but we also found out where those other blueprints are located. There is a small city near the Summoner's Bay that's called Oceania. No one there really knows who we are since they banned the media. It should be no problem for us to get in and steal those blueprints."

Seungho looked up at this and nodded. Alexa who was sitting next to him, looked over at the files he was holding in his hands. "But won't there still be some of his guards around? I mean they are blueprints to his fortress after all."

Thunder looked up at her question and nodded. "Yes but only in the area where the blueprints are being kept. So we have nothing to worry about until we actually get inside the building. That's where G.O comes in. He's the best when it comes to stealth work."

G.O smiled and nodded. "But I will still need a distraction. In order for me to get in, the guards at the front need to be away from their security screens so they won't see me on the camera."

At this Alexa perked up. "I'll help in that area. I can be a good distraction."

Seungho almost dropped the papers he was holding. "Hell no."

Everyone's heads turned towards him in utter shock. "The last thing I want to picture is you 'distracting' a bunch of male guards." He added, his face looking grim.

Thunder, G.O, Joon, and Mir all tried really hard to suppress their grins. Their leader was getting a little JEALOUS wasn't he?

Alexa seemed to be holding in a smile as well. "Seungho! I'm not that kind of a woman! I meant that I am a good actress and I could cause a ruckus like I did last time."

Seungho, who was surprised, turned to look at her and muttered a simple, "Oh."

She then turned and looked over at Joon, "How good are your acting skills?"

Joon looked back at her with his head cocked to the side. "I'm okay I guess."

"Good. You and Seungho will both be perfect." She added in a cheerful manner.

Joon and Seungho both looked at each other confused before turning to look at Alexa. "Perfect for what?" They both asked at the same time.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Joon, Seungho, and I were currently in position in front of the building in Oceania that held the blueprints that we needed. It was in the middle of the evening which gave G.O the perfect night cover. I gave both of them a brief scenario of what we needed to act out. 

Basically it went like this, the 3 of us were in a love triangle. Seungho was my main man of course and Joon was the man who was in love with me but couldn't have me. I've been watching way too many dramas lately.

Anyway, the whole point was to cause such a riot that the guards from the front of the building would walk out to check and see what was going on outside. 

Joon looked a bit nervous since he admitted, even though it was all just acting, he was a little afraid of what Seungho was going to be like during the scene. Seungho seemed to be doing just fine but then again he was a pro at keeping his face expressionless.

Joon put his hand to his ear and then looked over at Seungho and I. "G.O says he's ready to go whenever we are. Shall we start?"

I looked over at Seungho and he looked back at me. He looked incredibly handsome as ALWAYS. He nodded reassuringly and smiled. We both looked back at Joon and let him know that we were ready as well.


"Joon you're such a babo! How could you do this to me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

We were right outside the front of the building. Joon looked at me and yelled back, "Because I love you that's why!"

Several civilians who had gathered at the sound of our loud voices gasped at his sudden declaration of love. I almost burst into a fit of giggles. 

"I already love someone else dirtbag!" I screamed at him while stomping my foot on the ground. I tried to look really emotional and pissed off and apparently it was working as we got more reactions from civilians.

Joon scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. His acting was GOOD. "But does he love YOU back?"

I tried my best to look hurt and shocked. "HOW DARE YOU?!?! We both love each other and that's that!"

I my heel to pretend to walk away from him. That's when Joon ran forward and grabbed hold of my arm. I turned and looked at him with an angry expression. "Let go of me NOW!"

He shook his head. "No! I will not let you leave like this! Not now or EVER!"

Cue Seungho's entrance. "I suggest you let go of her right now."

Joon and I both snapped our heads in the direction of his voice. "Seungho hyung. Long time no see." Joon replied back in a smooth voice. 

For someone who was scared of his leader he sure did have a CALM expression on his face. He's a GREAT actor!

Seungho scoffed at his greeting and walked forward slowly looking pretty badass in my eyes. "I don't think you heard me right. I said, let go of her NOW."

That's when the guards finally came out. Success so far. They seemed to be as interested as the civilians were. I guess these guys never get any good action around here.

Joon let go of my arm and as he did so I ran over to Seungho and threw my arms around him in an over dramatic manner. "SEUNGHO!" I cried out as I dug my head into his chest.

He quickly patted my head and then let go of me as he began to go towards Joon. Everyone's main focus was on our little scene now. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

Joon walked up to him as well and they both met halfway. Seeing those two look at each other in such a manner, it almost did seem like they really were going to fight. 

Seungho then threw his fake punch at Joon. With some fast reflexes Joon pretended to get hit and fell to the ground. Everyone in our audience gasped.

"Stay away from my girl, you got that? I love her and no one, absolutely NO ONE is going to take her away from me." 

Hearing Seungho say that sent shivers up my spine. I know it's just acting but wow. Joon slowly got up and wiped at the imaginary blood on his lip. He then held his hands up in the air and started to back up slowly. 

"Fine. You win. This time around anyway." And with that Joon walked off in a huff.

Seungho turned around and looked at me. I looked back at him and made my expression as dramatic as possible. I even added some tears for effect. "Oh Seungho!" 

I ran towards him and as I did so he held his arms out for me. When I reached him he automatically pulled me in for a kiss and I'm gonna say that I didn't mind this little ad-lib at ALL.

As his lips were moving slowly and sensually against mine I could hear cheers from the crowd that had gathered to watch our little mini-drama performance. 


As soon as the guards had left their station G.O quickly used a grappling hook to latch onto the outer wall of the building. He then scaled up the wall using the best of his agility and stamina. When he reached the top he looked back to make sure no one had seen him. 

He was satisfied when he saw that everyone's attention was focused on the 3 main characters of the night. He smiled at the thought.

"Mir, how do things look for me? Can I go in undetected?" G.O asked into this headset.

Mir was currently in position in an abandoned building nearby. He was once again on duty as the sniper. The maknae looked through the scope of the rifle and made sure no guards were on the terrace where G.O was standing by.

"Everything is clear and you're good to go hyung." He answered back.

G.O quickly and quietly made his way to a nearby window. He reached into the pack that was on his back and pulled out a glass cutter. He used it on the window and made a circle just big enough for him to fit through. He went in the building and spoke into his headset once again, "Thunder can you hear me?"

"Yes hyung?" His voice answered clearly. He was the only one back at the operations base seeing as how someone needed to hack and monitor everything that was going on.

"Where do I go to now?" He heard rapid typing on the other end. No doubt Thunder was pinpointing his exact location and looking for the best route. He had hacked into the security system and was in control of the cameras vision.

"Move forward about 10 paces and then turn left down a corridor." Thunder instructed.

G.O followed his directions. "Now keep going until you see a huge glass ceiling. Once there you need to go down through that ceiling. The room below is the one with the blueprints in it."

He quietly moved forward and saw the glass ceiling that Thunder had been talking about. There were 2 guards on standby. No problem. He smirked as he quickly calculated how he was going to go about this.

G.O reached into a pouch that was attached to his hip and pulled out a small smoke bomb. He ignited it and threw it forward. The guards began to cough in a frenzy. G.O took this chance to spring forward. He came up behind one of the guards and grabbed his arm and pushed it behind his back. Then he used his other hand to grab hold of the guard's chin and snap his neck.

He went and kneeled next to the 2nd guard and used the heel of his palm to break his leg near the shin area. The guard went down in a flash and G.O got up to kick him in the face, knocking him out. 

He pulled out his glass cutter again and used it on the ceiling. Once done and satisfied with his handiwork he used his grappling hook again. He attached the end to a sturdy rail and then attached the other end to himself. Think "Mission: Impossible."

He backed up a little and then ran forward and leaped through the hole he made in the glass ceiling. Just as his body was a few feet away from crashing into the ground the grappling line that was attached to him pulled him back with a huge jolt. That's gonna leave a mark. 

He unhooked the rope and dropped down the last several feet. He rubbed at his waistline where the line had pulled him back.

He looked around the room scanning through all the glass containers until he finally spotted what he was looking for, the blueprints.

End of Chapter 8

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!