Chapter 19

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 19


Seungho called over Mir. As soon as the maknae reached his leader, Seungho told him what needed to be done. "Lord Delacroix has too many well trained guards surrounding him. Do you think you and G.O could at least spread them out?"

Mir looked pulled out several throwing knives and counted how many he had left. He then looked at Seungho and nodded before running over to G.O. He was satisfied with that and so he went back over to Xavier.

"I've got Mir and G.O planning to spread out the guards. Do you think you and your top 3 men can help?" Seungho pointed over to Khun, Doojoon, and Yoseob.

Xavier looked over at the 3 men before turning to Seungho and nodding. "I'll give them orders now."

With that, he ran over to the other side leaving Seungho to formulate a strategy to get near Lord Delacroix. With all of these guys working to spread out the guards, maybe I can get in and strike a blow on the ruler at least.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

I took a good look at the mysterious figure before me. He was tall and sturdy looking but all I could see were his hands and half of his face. Everything else was covered by black clothing.

Use the items the guys gave you, you babo! Oh right, I almost forgot about those. I quickly pulled out the small blade, that Mir had given me, out of my jacket and pointed it at the man.

"Okay Mister, I don't know who you are and what you are planning on doing so I suggest you stay back! I've also got tear gas you know." I tried to look as confident as possible when I said that.

I kept my arm steady as I still held the blade pointed at him. The man had a smirk play across his lips, at least, that's from what I could see. Smirks are never good unless they are coming from Seungho and the guys.

I tried to keep my fake confidence going but it got a little harder since the man didn't move an inch. The mystery guy reached his hands up to his hood and pulled it back slowly, revealing the face of handsome man with jet black hair that hung over his eyes.

I gasped when he looked up and I got a good look at his eyes. "YOU?!? I mean....wait. What DO I call you now? I mean after finding out this information....I don't know what to call you anymore to be honest my lord."

Lord Azure laughed lightly at my stuttering self. He smiled before replying, "Well I guess that's what I get for having 2 other names to go by. Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of being called Lord Azure and I honestly don't like my real name."

As he said that last part, he pointed at the wall behind me. I turned and took a good look at it, this time I saw the name that was hidden in the written riddle.

"Chances are you made it. Seeing yohere after so long. How do yofeel now?"

Choi Seunghyun?


Mir and G.O ran at the guards currently surrounding Lord Delacroix. Mir threw 4 knives at once and was able to take down 2 guards by impaling them in the chest area. G.O threw some smoke bombs at the other guards and disoriented them.

G.O took this to his advantage and sneaked up behind one of the guards, grabbing his neck and snapping it. He then lunged at another guard and using the heel of his palm, he broke the man's nose in. Afterwards he did a backwards flip and successfully kicked the guard with both his feet and sent him flying on his back.

Doojoon and Yoseob came in right after. Yoseob slid across the ground on his side and using his legs he grabbed onto an unsuspecting guard's shins and tripped him. Doojoon leaped over Yoseob and came down on the guard with a downward punch to the skull, knocking the man out.

Khun joined in and leaped through the air before bringing down a spinning kick onto another one of the guards. Seungho saw his chance, as the ruler had been left completely unguarded now.

He sprinted forward and lifted both of his legs up in the air, kicking the ruler in the chest with both of his feet. Lord Delacroix went flying back several feet. Seungho quickly sprang back up on his feet with a smirk on his face.

The ruler did not look happy as he got up slowly and dusted himself off. "That was NOT nice." He said in a low voice before running at Seungho.

The ruler threw several punches at him but Seungho was able to duck and weave around all of them. Lord Delacroix was faster than he expected. He launched a roundhouse kick at Seungho. It didn't land as he had caught the ruler's leg before it made contact.

Before Seungho could do anything however, the ruler brought his other leg around and landed a back kick on him. Seungho flew off to the side. Lord Delacroix quickly got up and sneered over at him. "I used to be a LIEUTENANT in the royal guard force! Did you really think I was just another evil dictator without any skill?"

Seungho got up slowly and spit in front of the ruler, showing his distaste in the man. "No, I just thought you cheated your way through. It's how you got your position as ruler. Why should it be any different?" He ended off his little rant with a smirk on his face.

Lord Delacroix looked angrier than before. His greasy black hair and pale face only made his reddened cheeks stand out more.What a clown. Seungho smiled at his own thought.

Before the ruler could lunge at him, Xavier stepped in and brought a frontal shin kick to the man's face, successfully knocking him backwards.

"You disgust me Delacroix, always have and always will." Xavier stated while looking at the man in obvious distaste.

The ruler leaped back on his feet and with a yell of frustration, he lunged himself at Xavier. The 2 fought neck and neck, exchanging and blocking blows. One would throw all the punches while the other would duck and weave to evade the barrage of blows.

During this, Thunder and Joon both ran up to their leader. Thunder examined Seungho's side where he had been hit. "Yang Leader are you alright? Do you feel anything out of the ordinary?"

Seungho looked at Thunder and shook his head. "No, I'm fine. His kick wasn't that extraordinary anyway."

Thunder let out a sigh of relief while Joon broke out into a huge smile. "Leader you are the best." He then laid his hand on Seungho's shoulder.

He looked over at Joon and smiled before asking, "So you and Thunder are done right?"

They both nodded their heads while looking at the fight in front of them with awe. Seungho felt relieved with their answer before another thought hit him. What about Alexa?

His expression turned to one of worry and Thunder noticed. "What's the matter Leader?"

Joon turned his attention to him as well. Seungho shook his head before asking, "Do you think we can contact Alexa in some way?"

The two looked at each other before looking back at their leader. Before they could answer him though, they were interrupted as Xavier had landed on his back in front of them.

Thunder quickly helped him up while Seungho and Joon sprang to the front and got into fighter's stances to guard them. 

The ruler had a snide look on his face. "Most of my guards might not be near me to do their job but I'm still alive and kicking so that must be saying something right?"

Before anyone could react, there was a loud yell from somewhere off to the side. "OH DO SHUT UP WILL YOU?!?"

Everyone turned their heads around to look in the direction of the scream. Standing over on the other side of them was Alexa.

Seungho's eyes widened as well everyone else who knew her. She had her arms crossed over her chest and the look on her face was akin to arrogance. "You really know how to flap those ugly lips of yours, you know that?"

At this, several people laughed while the ruler himself looked murderous. Seungho noticed and looked over at Alexa in a state of panic. He waved his hand frantically in the air to get her attention.

She took a quick glance at him and gave him a very confident smirk before turning her attention back to Lord Delacroix.

Seungho was a bit taken aback to say the least. He had never seen her so cocky before. Out of the corner of his eye he saw G.O and Mir walk up to him. Mir looked like he wanted to jump to Alexa's aid. Seungho noticed and held his arm out to stop him.

The maknae looked at his leader with a confused expression. Seungho shook his head and mouthed "she's up to something" before turning back to look at Alexa.

At this, the other 4 guys turned their full attention towards her.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

On the outside I had a cool, kick- demeanor going on for a reason. I was feeling really cool and kick-. I wasn't just acting for once. I had a secret weapon and he was waiting somewhere in the greenery, hiding.

It has finally come to this, the showdown to see who would be the ruler once and for all and I was a big part of it. I was the one who found Lord Azure after all. Technically he found you. I really wish my mind would just shut it's big mouth up sometimes. 

Before Lord Delacroix could say or do anything I continued on, "Hey T.O.P! Mind coming out and introducing yourself?"

As soon as those words left my mouth, several gasps and whispers were heard everywhere. T.O.P walked out from behind the greenery and stood next to me with his arms crossed over his chest. Once everyone got a good look at him, more gasps were heard.

That's right. T.O.P and Lord Azure were one in the same. His real name was Choi Seunghyun but he claimed he liked his nicknames better so he never went by that name.

Lord Delacroix looked the most shocked of all. "YOU!?! You're supposed to be dead!" He pointed at T.O.P with a shaking finger.

The old ruler gave him a devious smirk. "And you are ABOUT to be dead."

With that, he ran forward with lightning fast speed and threw a powerful 2 fisted punch right at Lord Delacroix's chest, sending him flying back several feet. He crashed onto his back with a loud BAM! 

Before he even had a chance to recover, T.O.P was already by his side. He picked up Lord Delacroix by the collar of his shirt with one hand and brought his face up to his own. "Maybe in the after life you will realize how STUPID you were to betray me."

And with that, he threw the man back onto the ground before reaching into his cloak and pulling out a huge silver gun. He pointed it straight at Lord Delacroix's forehead and without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger. A loud shot was heard as it went straight between his eyes. 

He then turned to look at everyone standing on the battlefield. It was a mix of emotions coming from everyone's faces. He smiled before turning over back to me and waving me over. I nodded and ran up to him without thinking twice about it. If T.O.P calls you over, you listen. Especially after a spectacle like that.

When I had reached him, he laid his arm across my shoulders before turning to look at everyone. "Listen closely to me everyone! This girl right here, her name is Alexa. You should be thankful for her, she succeeded in finding me and bringing me here. I know this is a bit of a shocker to most of you but I understand fully. On the bright side, Delacroix is no more and your old ruler is BACK!"

At the end he pumped his gun holding hand in the air and everyone irrupted into cheers. I looked up at the man standing next to me in awe. Oh yeah, that's definitely our old ruler alright!

He looked down at me with a charismatic smile and I felt a huge grin spread across my face.


I was startled as I heard quite a few male voices call my name. I looked over and saw Seungho and 4 village idiots along with Khun, Doojoon, and Yoseob, all RUNNING towards me.

Oh lord.


This day was definitely one to remember. Me, Seungho, and the 4 village idiots were currently inside the fortress with T.O.P. 

It was a total mess but people from all over had come just to help to clean it up and get it back to it's best condition. Everyone was rejoicing the return of Lord Azure.

The ruler looked at all of us before breaking out into a smile. "You 6 have to be the bravest people I know."

Seungho and the guys nodded in gratefulness while I just smiled like an idiot. He continued on, "I want to hold a ceremony for my return and I also want you 6 to be there as guests of honour."

At this we all turned to look at each other with wide eyes before turning back to look at T.O.P with pleasant surprise evident on our faces. "REALLY!?"

"Of course." He said with a chuckle. "And because I plan on holding this ceremony some time in the next couple of days, I want you all to stay here as special guests at my fortress. I'm hoping most of the cleaning is done by tonight so you guys can sleep well."



Seungho and I were currently standing outside on one of the balcony views of the fortress. It was the evening so the sky was littered with bright, twinkling stars.

Seungho took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled at him and then laid my head on his shoulder as we both looked up at the beautiful night sky.

"We're finally OFFICIALLY star gazing together." I stated with a satisfied sigh.

He looked at me and smiled. "And for once, no village idiots are nearby to ruin our precious moment together."

I chuckled. "Hey! Don't jinx us now."

He laughed before covering his mouth in a playful way. "Aigoo! You're right! I shouldn't do that!"

I cracked up and he laughed along with me as well, our laughter mixing together into a joyous sound. Everything was set right again. No more wars or divided people. We finally had our good old ruler back. Our luck had finally turned out well as we were currently special guests at T.O.P's fortress AND we were going to be guests of honour at his ceremony.

Seungho broke me from my thoughts when he tilted his head to plant a kiss on my forehead. I grinned from ear to ear. I took my head off his shoulder and turned to face him fully. He looked at me with his eyes softening around the corners. We both leaned in slowly. 


We both let out sighs of frustration as we heard the all too familiar voices of the village idiots themselves. I let out a small chuckle as I looked up at Seungho. "I told you not to jinx us. You see what you do?"

He laughed before planting a quick kiss on my lips and taking my hand and leading me back into the fortress. "We're over here!" He yelled out.

I laughed as we headed through the room to look for the others.

End of Chapter 19

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!