Chapter 4

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 4

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

As I was listening to this man's story a million different emotions went through my head. One of the main emotions being I was incredibly awe struck at his ability to get out of such a situation. He seemed to have confidence in his skills even when injured from such a painful blow. I could never be that strong. 

Another thing I realized is that that "guards" he was talking about were the very same ones Annabeth warned me about. The man never mentioned who the guards were or who they worked for, but I had a feeling that it could only be Lord Delacroix's men. If this man had the guts to go up against his men.....then just who was this guy?

Ugh, if only Annabeth were around. She would probably recognize who this man is. Why did I have to be so out of it when it came to world news?

During his story I managed to heal most of the internal damage near his ribcage so I decided to work on making his bruise go away next. I looked in my bag and pulled out a jar of my homemade ointment specifically made for bruises and cuts. The man was so busy relaying the events that caused his injury that he didn't even flinch when I had stopped to get my bag. 

I got a small handful of the blue ointment just as he had finished the last part of his story. He looked from the ointment in my hand to my face, "What's that for?"

"Your ginormous bruise." I replied back calmly. He seemed to be convinced so he didn't do anything to try to stop me. I gently placed some on his abdomen and that's when he did flinch.

I got super worried, "I'm so sorry! Did that hurt? Mister are you alright?" Okay so maybe I overreacted just a little bit.

When he looked at me he seemed to be holding in a grin, "No I'm fine. I just didn't expect it to be that cold."

I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment. "Ah....yeah....uh, sorry? About that?"

This time I applied the ointment slowly and carefully. Once I was done spreading it over the entire bruise I pulled out some bandages from my bag and placed them over the ointment to help it settle in to the skin. I guess I was so concentrated on my work that I didn't notice when the man fell asleep. Geez that was pretty fast.

As I packed up my healing supplies into my bag I couldn't help but look over at the sleeping man. Even though his dark circles were still there, he looked really peaceful while sleeping. I yawned just thinking about how nice it must have felt to be sleeping right now. It is the evening already after all. 

But this place isn't safe for sleeping.

I looked back at the man. He looked way too deep into sleep to be awakened now but I couldn't just leave him here by himself. Why do I always have some kind of internal conflict going on? This is ridiculous, I'm arguing with myself. Well I really have no other choice but to watch over him while he slept. Maybe he would wake up in a few hours anyway, I can handle that. 

I slowly sat next to the man against the tree. As I got comfortable I laid my head back and looked up at what visible stars I could see through the trees. Something so romantic as stargazing and my first time sharing it is with someone who's name I don't even know and is asleep. Typical. I blame Aphrodite. (Author's Note: Aphrodite-greek goddess of love for those who don't know)

As some time went by my eyes began to droop down on their own.......


As I slowly opened my eyes I noticed the sunrise. It was really pretty this morning....SUNRISE?!?

I shot up as if I were sitting on a fire. I fell asleep for how long? Oh curse whoever brought this unlucky luck upon me. I looked over and sure enough the man was still there and still sleeping. Last night I was fine with letting him sleep but right now I'm panicked.Screw politeness.

I rushed to get down to his level and I began to shake him, "Mister! Mister wake up! We fell asleep here in the forest!" I shook him some more until he finally cracked open his eyes a little bit.

I guess he was still coming to his senses because as soon as he saw me he shot straight up into a sitting position and backed up a little bit. Oh for the love of....

And then I sensed something I had really not wanted to sense at that moment in time. I looked over in the direction where it was coming from and sure enough I could see some tiny dark figures heading our way. This is so NOT good.

I looked back at the man who seemed to have finally remembered the events of last night. "We fell asleep didn't we? Oh this is just great." He shook his head and then looked up at me.

I guess my emotions were showing on my face because as soon as he looked he quickly stood up and was on high alert. "That look on your face is telling me we have company, don't we?"

I could only nod and look in the direction of which they were coming from. He followed my gaze and muttered a few curses under his breath. He started to look around, his eyes darting around the forest. I had no idea what he was looking for and just as I was about to ask he said something that totally took me off guard.

"How well can you hide?"

I stared blankly at him and then blinked several times. "Why are you asking such a question?" I was honestly confused.

He let out a sigh of frustration, "Look we don't have much time. The only option left is to fight and I'm not letting you get involved. You could get hurt and since your job is to heal then it only makes sense that you stay out of this."

A part of me thought it was really sweet of him to think that way, another part was thinking what if he gets hurt again?

I shook my head as soon as the second thought crossed my mind. "Don't you think our odds would be better if it was BOTH of us fighting instead of just you Mister? I mean come on you just recovered! I know how to fight."

I tried to look as brave as possible because deep down I wasn't too confident in my fighting abilities. I was no expert but I definitely wasn't a weakling either. I really didn't want this man fighting on his own again. I don't know why but I felt very irked at the idea of him being hurt again. If I could help then it would make me feel better if he allowed my help. 

He seemed very taken aback at my words. His expression at 1st was one of frustration which turned to worry soon afterwards. He shuffled around and ran his hand through his hair until finally he spoke, "Alright alright. But please stay close to me. That way I'll feel better about my decision."

*Seungho's POV*

This would be the 1st time Seungho has fought alongside a woman. He felt very uneasy. He didn't know her or how well she could fight. But because of the fact that they were out of time he had no choice but to let her join him in the battle. He looked over at Alexa standing next to him. She seemed willing enough and he had to admire her for that. 

He quickly got into a fighters stance as the figures of men were now visable and charging towards them. Dispatch as many as you can as quickly as you can. He could only hope to keep Alexa out of harm's way until all the guards are taken care of.

The 1st set of guards were unarmed and coming at them with hand-to-hand combat. Seungho leaped forward landing a mid-air spin kick on one of the guards successfully causing a domino effect and knocking out the other guards behind the 1st. He looked over at Alexa and surprisingly she was holding her own very well.

It almost brought a smile to his face as he thought of the same healer girl last night was now fighting alongside him. She didn't have many guards to fight but still noteworthy. 

Seungho ran behind a guard that was trying to go over to Alexa's side. He quickly used both of his fists to hit the guard in the middle of his back to knock him straight to the ground. As he knocked that one down another one came up behind him and tried to strangle him. Seungho used his elbow to smash into the guard's ribs causing him to let go automatically.

He turned to face the guard and used a fist uppercut to break his jaw. The guard fell back and when Seungho turned around he was too late to react. Alexa hadn't seen the guard behind her and was knocked out from one of his blows. She was down on the ground with 4 guards surrounding her. 

This got his adrenaline pumping and everthing seemed to slow down. Would he be able to reach her in time or not? Things looked pretty hopeless for him. No! I can't think that way, she needs me NOW.

Just as he was thinking this one of the guards was suddenly impaled through the back with a sword. The other 3 guards looked on in shock. Just where in the world had that blade come from? 

Seungho knew and it brought a smirk to his face. The guard who had been impaled finally fell forward revealing that there was a man behind him and that man was none other than Mir.


Mir swung his katana from left to right to allow the blood to come off. He had the biggest smirk on his face, he was obviously proud of his work. He then looked at the other 3 guards with a big grin that said he was up to no good.

G.O got behind one guard and used a heel kick to break his leg. The guard fell to his knees in pain and as he did so G.O grabbed his arm and twisted it, snapping the bone. The guard let out a scream of agony until G.O finally finished him off by snapping his neck.

Joon was behind the 2nd guard. He used his pure muscle strength to pick the guard up and throw him down on his knee, breaking the back in one loud SNAP!

The last guard had no one behind him but he was scared out of his mind after seeing what these 3 men could do. His eyes shifted everywhere looking for an escape route. He finally eyed an opening and began to run off in that direction.

Just as he thought he was safe and out of harm's way Thunder showed up out of nowhere, right in front of the guard. Thunder had held his arm out so when the guard ran by he hit it straight on and flipped over backwards from the force of the impact.

Mir laughed at the comical way Thunder had incapacitated his enemy. G.O and Joon smiled knowingly at Thunder who looked innocent as if nothing had happened. 

"I think we looked pretty badass, don't you guys think so?" Mir asked while ripping off part of a guard's uniform, using it as a cleaning rag on his sword.

G.O scoffed at his question. "Aigoo are you serious, WE? More like me, Joon, and even Thunder. WE actually used effort. YOU used a katana! What are you a ninja now?"

Joon and Thunder burst into a fit of giggles. Mir pouted and then started yelling at G.O, "YAH!!! I'm the 'weapons specialist' in this group! It only makes sense that I use a WEAPON!!"

"I actually agree with G.O on this one, I think using a weapon is considered cheating when all of your group members are using hand-to-hand combat." Joon added with a big goofy smile on his face.

"What about when Yang Leader uses weapons?" Mir asked frustrated at the betrayal of his hyung.

"Oh no he didn't!" G.O exclaimed putting on his best "attitude" face. Joon and Thunder practically died laughing at this.

Mir sheathed his katana and looked at his hyungs with accusation, "AISH STOP LAUGHING!!!!"

After Thunder got a hold of himself he put his arm around Joon and smiled at the pouting maknae. "Well if you must know the answer, Leader can do no wrong. That's why he gets away with it and you don't."

Joon leaned on Thunder for support while laughing and G.O crazy laughed at his explanation. 

Did these four village idiots really forget what they were here for in the 1st place? Seungho thought while gathering up Alexa in his arms. That's when he decided to clear his throat quite loudly. At last the 4 village idiots in question shut up at once. 

All 4 slowly turned their heads towards Seungho. Every single one of their expressions was serious except for Mir who was looking at he woman in Seungho's arms.


End of Chapter 4

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!