Chapter 17

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 17


Everyone was running around the operations base in a slight state of frenzy. Today was the day they were supposed to head over to Alexa by the Summoner's Bay and they were busily trying to get everything packed into the transportation vehicles.

Joon was carrying several stacks of boxes and so he had trouble seeing what was in front of him. He tried looking around the boxes but it was still hard to see everything in sight. Due to this, Thunder who had been running, had to bend over backwards to avoid getting hit by the massive boxes.

"Aigoo! Thunder I'm sorry! I can't really see. Did I hit you?" Joon asked in a state of panic.

Thunder waved his hands frantically. "No no no! I'm fine. Keep going about your business hyung."

G.O and Seungho were carrying some briefcases that had electronic devices in them and placed them into one of the black SUVs. Mir came up behind them carrying some full bags but because he had been running so fast, he had a little trouble stopping and ended up skidding across the floor and smacked into the SUV. 

Seungho, who had been inside the vehicle at the time placing stuff in the back, looked over at G.O in slight surprise. "What was that?"

G.O had a worried look on his face. "Is the SUV alright Mir? You didn't put a dent in it with your hard head did you?"

Seungho couldn't hide his grin. What a loving hyung.

Mir sat up from the ground and looked at G.O with a pout. "Hyung! What about me?!"

G.O cocked his head to the side and with a completely serious expression asked, "What about you?"

Seungho let out a slight laugh as he continued to place their equipment into the back of the SUV. Mir stood straight up off the ground and pointed at G.O in betrayal. "YAH!!!! Hyung! That's NOT funny!!!"

Joon finally unloaded the boxes he had in his arms into the other black SUV and began to get out but as he did so, his foot snagged on the back seat and he ended up falling out of the vehicle.

Thunder began to run over to him. "Hyung! Are you-" He was cut off as his foot got caught in a bag's handle and as if in slow motion, he fell forward slowly with a startled expression before landing flat on his face onto the ground.

Seungho, Mir, and G.O all heard the commotion and poked their heads around the SUV to look at the two village idiots currently on the ground. Joon with his sticking up in the air and Thunder with his body spread eagle and face down.

G.O spoke up first. "If this is any idea on how our luck is gonna be today then we are SO SCREWED."

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Take a deep can do this. After arguing with myself for who knows how long, I decided that I better confront Khun about his feelings for me NOW. Otherwise when Seungho and the others get here, there was bound to be some drama.

I also needed this taken care of because it was messing up my thoughts on everything, including my code cracking and that's something that needs to be fixed right away. So it up! Be a MAN! I shook my head. My thoughts really are a little out there sometimes.

Khun and Yoseob were in the middle of the arena sparring at the moment so I'll talk to him as soon as they are done. Doojoon came back from his water break finally and sat down next to me on the bench. He handed me an extra bottle of water that he had.

I took it from him. "Aw thanks Doojoon. You really are thoughtful aren't you?"

He looked at me and smiled. "A gentleman always looks out for the lady."

We both laughed and then turned our attention to the match in front of us. Yoseob wasn't particularly strong but what he lacked in strength, he made up for in speed and agility.

Every time Khun tried to land a blow, Yoseob would always duck and weave, expertly avoiding any hits. After Khun tried to do a spinning mid-air kick on him, Yoseob rolled off to the side to evade it. He sprang back up on his feet and while doing a backflip, he avoided Khun's low sweeping kick and at the same time he brought down his foot onto his head. 

Khun stumbled back a few steps from the sudden kick to his head. Yoseob used it to his advantage and ran at him, lifting both of his legs in the air, and kicking Khun in the chest with both of his feet.

I cringed as Khun flew back several feet. Doojoon just laughed. "YAH! KHUN! Why are you letting Yoseob kick your so easily?! Aigoo, you call yourself a good fighter?!"

I looked at Doojoon with an open mouth. What is it with these guys and their so called "brotherly love?" I mean seriously.


After the sparring match, Doojoon and Yoseob both left together to go get washed up which left me and Khun alone together. Okay, now's your chance.

As Khun grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat off his forehead, I handed him a bottle of water. "Hey, uh, Khun?"

He looked at me while taking the water. "Yeah, what's up?"

My heart beat got a little faster. "I was wondering if we could talk. You know, just for a minute. Alone."

He gave me a smile and pointed over to the bench. As we both sat down I felt my anxiety increase. How do these conversations usually start? I'm really no expert at this sort of thing.

"So, uh, I'm not quite sure how to get this started so I'm just gonna come out and say it. No beating around the bush or anything, just straight to the point. Khun......"

He looked at me as he took a sip of water. He either didn't notice my discomfort or was being this calm for my own well-being. I let out a deep sigh. 

"Okay so I've figured out recently...that....uh.....well.....I know that you like me!" I blurted the last part out. 

Yes, I'm a chicken so sue me. I just really wanted to get this over with and my nerves were on edge as it is. 

I had avoided his gaze but something told me I should probably look over at him now. So I slowly turned my head towards him. The look he had on his face was kinda unreadable. It was like a mix of different emotions. Oh dear God, help me out here!

He scratched the back of his head. "Uh, well......this is a little awkward to say the least."

I took a deep breath. "I know, I know and I'm sorry but I just needed to tell you this because there are other things I need to mention to you."

He looked back at me. "Alexa I-"

"No, just please listen. Before you say any declaration of love and embarrass yourself, I need to let you know my feelings." I cut him off and tried my best to keep my voice calm.

Khun looked a little exasperated. "But Alexa I-"

"No, I need to talk first. I don't feel that way about you Khun, I'm sorry. I love someone else." I tried to explain as calmly as possible.


"It's okay Khun. It took me awhile to figure out your feelings but I'm afraid it can't work out." Forgive me lord for breaking a man's heart like this.

"But Alexa-"

I cut him off again. "Khun, you gave off a lot of hints and signs, but it wasn't until I talked to Doojoon and Yoseob that I realized what was really going on."

"Alexa I-"

"They told me how you always talked about me. I'm flattered to know that you think so highly of me as to tell your closest friends."

"My boyfriend thinks you're great too."

"That's nice Khun but-" I cut myself off. Wait a minute....did he just say what I think he just said?

I snapped my head to look at him. He had a sheepish grin on his face and was scratching the back of his head nervously. I couldn't hide the sudden confusion on my face. "Wait.....your WHAT?" 


"So his name is Wooyoung and you guys have been together for about a year now?" I asked. 

My heart was relieved to say the least but wow.....this was a shocker. I definitely did NOT see that coming.

Khun nodded as he put his arm around me. "Sorry for all the confusion I've cause you though. I can kinda see how you would think that I liked you."

I hung my head. "I'm so embarrassed."

He laughed and patted me on the back. "It's okay. I guess I just gave off the wrong signals somehow. I mean, I'm just so close with you and Annabeth, I never really thought about the way I acted around you guys."

I looked back up and smiled at him. He smiled back before getting up. "Well I need a shower now. I'm gonna head over to my apartment and get cleaned up. Your boyfriend and his friends are coming today right?"

My eyes widened to twice their size. How did he.....

Khun winked at me before turning on his heel and running off. 

God, this was all you wasn't it? You got me GOOD.


"The name that is written on the wall of the Xen-"

That was what I had decoded so far on the hidden message. Aish! I'm too excited about the guys coming today, I can't think straight!

I threw my pencil out onto the grass field that I was currently sitting on. "GAH! Why are men!"

As I laid my back down onto the grass, I looked behind me and saw two black SUVs currently driving in our direction. I sat back up quickly. Could it be....

I turned around. Once the vehicles had stopped, the doors opened. Out of the first SUV came Joon, Mir, and G.O. IT IS THEM!!!

I quickly stood up and began to run over to them. The second SUVs doors opened and there was both Thunder and Seungho. My heart was racing from both running and excitement.

The guys noticed me right away and they all smiled. Mir, Joon, and Thunder waved at me. Seungho held his arms out as I ran straight for him. As soon as I reached him he grabbed onto me and twirled me around in his arms.

To say I was EXTREMELY happy was an understatement. As soon as he set me down with both smiled at each other and then burst into laughter soon afterwards.

"That was so cheesy!" I said playfully.

Seungho gave me a smirk. "And yet you enjoyed it."

I rolled my eyes. "You got me there."

We were interrupted however as the other 4 village idiots came over to us. Mir and Thunder both ran at me and tackled me with massive bear hugs at the same time. 

"WE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I laughed as I was lifted slightly off the ground from the impact. Seungho looked a little annoyed. "YAH!! Be careful with her! Aish!"

G.O and Joon came up next and hugged me around the other two. So now I have all 4 village idiots giving me a hug. It was a bit claustrophobic but for these guys, I really didn't mind.

Seungho yelled again. "YAH!! Didn't you guys just hear what I said?"

"Sorry Yang Leader." They all replied back at the same time but they still kept hugging me so I burst into a fit of laughter.


"Is everything set up now?" Seungho asked.

G.O nodded. "Everything has been unloaded and placed in the main building of this training ground."

They both looked over at Xavier, the man who helped them settle in. "Thank you."

Xavier looked at the two men with a smile. "It was no problem really. I heard about you guys from Alexa here."

He then pointed over at Alexa who was smiling a bit nervously. "Nothing but good things were said, I swear." She replied with her hands held up in defense.

Everyone laughed. Mir, Joon, and Thunder were present as well. They were all standing outside the main building where all their equipment had been unloaded.

Khun walked up to them and laid his arm around Alexa's shoulders, which of course Seungho took immediate notice of. He laughed as he said, "Yeah it's true. Nothing but good things have been said about you guys. Especially that handsome devil over there."

He nodded his head in Seungho's direction and the leader was a bit taken aback by this. Alexa laughed and punched Khun in the side, making him cringe away from her. 

That's my girl.


Mir was currently clinging onto Alexa as everyone was talking. It was them, Seungho, Joon, Thunder, and G.O all hanging out in the main building. Seungho took notice of Mir having his arms around Alexa and quickly looked around for the nearest object he could throw at the unsuspecting maknae.

G.O noticed the look on his leader's face and handed him a pen that he had in his pocket. Seungho took it from him, gave him a nod of thanks, and threw the pen straight at Mir's forehead. 

Mir lifted his head off Alexa's shoulder and rubbed at his forehead in pain. "Aigooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

Alexa noticed what happened and gave Seungho a look. The leader just stood there and looked straight back at her. Alexa couldn't help but smile at him. 


After what seemed like hours of talking and catching up, they finally decided to all start getting ready for a way. Tomorrow evening, they would all be getting ready to go raid Lord Delacroix's fortress. Alexa was almost done with the hidden message so no one was too worried about that.

Thunder was mixing together potions and elixirs for quick healing on the battlefield. Mir was checking all of his weapons, Joon was doing all sorts of exercises, and G.O was stretching while taking a look at his arsenal of items.

Seungho couldn't help but admire the guys as they got ready for a big day tomorrow. It was a huge deal and a little nerve wracking but they had to go through with this final mission.

He slowly and silently left the main building to walk outside. Alexa had gone out to concentrate on cracking the code. Once he spotted her sitting on a nearby bench, he began to walk up to her.

She noticed him and looked up from her work with a smile. "Hey, how is everything going?"

He gave her a light kiss on the forehead as he sat next to her on the bench. "Everyone is taking their job seriously so I know our mission will go off without a hitch. I just know it's not gonna be easy. I mean, we do have a fortress to raid and a ruler to kill."

She laughed lightly at his small sarcasm. "Well I'm sure Khun and everyone else are more than ready to help you guys out. You should have seen Doojoon and Yoseob train today."

At the mention of Khun, Seungho's expression hardened. "About Khun, have you noticed anything off about him?"

Alexa looked like she was trying to hold in a laugh. "Like what?" She asked with a slight smile.

Seungho gave her a look. "Are you really THAT dense? Can't you see that he likes you?"

At this she burst into a fit of laughter. Seungho was confused. He tilted his head to the side.

She looked at him and explained. "Khun doesn't have any interest in me.....or women for that matter."

Seungho's eyes widened at that last part. She noticed and burst into another fit of laughter. He decided it was best to change the subject then. "So how much have you gotten on the hidden message?"

She looked down at the paper and read aloud, "The name that is written on the wall of the Xenian Chapel is-"

Seungho waited for the next part but it never came. "That's it?"

Alexa shook her head in dismay. "This is the part I don't get. I ran out of numbers but I still have letters left to fill in the blanks for the name." She let out a deep sigh and his eyes softened as he looked at her.

"It can only mean one thing then." Seungho stated.

Alexa looked at him and nodded. "I have to go to the Xenian Chapel myself."

"Do you know where it's located?"

She nodded again. "Yeah, I've been there once actually. It's located in a neighboring small town so I don't have to travel far but this means I won't be available as a healer tomorrow during the battle." At that last part she hung her head.

Seungho laid his arm around her. "We have other healers Alexa, and Thunder is the best healer I know, besides you of course. You're honestly doing me and the guys a favor."

She looked up at him in confusion. He continued, "If you had gone out on the battlefield with the rest of us tomorrow, we would have been worrying for your safety the entire time. With you somewhere else, we will feel better."

She gave him a look. "I still wanted to help you know."

He gave her a slight smile before pulling her into a hug.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

He smells really nice. Seungho had pulled me into an embrace and I was definitely not complaining at all about it. It felt really nice to have him hug me like that. The way he and the guys would worry about me on the battlefield, it was the same for me. 

I really didn't want to be absent during the raid but I really had no choice. I was gonna worry like crazy about Seungho and the guys tomorrow but I had a mission to complete. I had to find the old ruler and FAST. Time was starting to run out.

I was broken from my thoughts when suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard a song playing quite loudly.

"I'll make love to you, like you want me to, and I'll hold you tight, baby all through the night......"

Seungho and I pulled away from each other and I could tell we both had similar looks on our faces. Is that a Boyz II Men song?

We both slowly turned our heads in the direction of the music and noticed G.O and Thunder standing by a stereo. Mir and Joon were trying, unsuccessfully, to hide behind some bushes.

Thunder noticed our gazes and waved happily over at us. He looks innocent in any situation, I swear. G.O noticed and looked over at us as well.

He cupped his hands to his mouth and yelled over at us, "We're just setting some mood music! Just act like we're not even here!"

Seungho abruptly stood up and had that infamous glare on his face. If looks could kill....

Thunder and G.O both had "uh oh" looks on their faces. Mir and Joon both screamed as Seungho leaped over the bench and took off after all of them. 

I couldn't help but laugh at the whole comical situation.

End of Chapter 17

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!